Targets Of Infection!

Of course, as always, most people looked at the door when Vitiate walked in. However, with Lucas' big mouth, this made everyone look towards them. No one said anything and went back to what they were doing. There were more people in the morning this time around, this was a bit different from a regular morning.

The group took a seat at a nearby table that Rigor had been sitting at already. Vitiate figured the Dungeon should be easy, he needed a core fast to upgrade his Dungeon. He was busy trying to train the workers at the Bussiness so they wouldn't need him when he left for a long period of time, which he planned to do.

There were just too many places on this island to explore, he had no time to really waste. This was definitely so with the so-called heroes coming to this Island, his Dungeon needed to be decked out.

"Ahem, Zelman will give you a brief explanation about the Dungeon, since I don't know too much about it when we discovered it." Lucas and his gang had discovered this Dungeon when they were out that day when they met Vitiate. Lucas was loud, but when it came to talking about the Dungeon, he talked quietly about it.

If others were to hear that there was such a weak Dungeon around, they would surely flock to its location to conquer it and take the core.

"The Dungeon is called Frosty Cavern, it's a Dungeon based around Ice-Element monsters, obviously. The readings I picked up about the Dungeon showed it to be a White Grade 2 Dungeon."

Vitiate frowned, it wasn't because of the level of the Dungeon, but because of the Element and possible terrain of the Dungeon. Vitiate didn't want to reveal elements like Darkness, Death, Light, and the Life, but his Wood and Water elements were countered by the Ice Element.

"Hmm, is there something wrong Slayer?" Rigor could see that there was something bothering him. Vitiate wanted to use those elements more, but his favorite element was lightning, so this was his chance to give it a shot.

"It's nothing, I was just worried about the cold but I just remembered I had something to shield me from cold environments. By the way, why would you trust someone like me you just met by telling me this?"

"Hehe, I call it instincts, there is something about you that seems right!" Lucas said confidently. Vitiate didn't remember doing anything to get their trust, maybe he should be worried, but that may be overthinking it.

"Okay, if I'm going, we need to make a few arrangements about something. I want the core of the Dungeon, it isn't for me to sell, it's needed for other things of importance, what do you think? Are you guys perhaps in need of money or something?"

"Money? I don't need money, what I want is to get stronger, because if I don't..." Lucas's expression suddenly turned dark and depressing. Everyone here became adventurers to get strong, but you needed money to buy items that could strengthen you, so Vitiate didn't understand.

"I do need money, but we need to get the experiences more than anything else, so we have to take down this Dungeon." Taking down Dungeon would surely strengthen a person if they were able to do it. A Dungeon, upon being conquered would give off some energy force that would strengthen a person in every stat!

And so another new thing that Vitiate hadn't known. The Group surprisingly had no problem giving Vitiate the core, there was no deceit coming from these 3 like most people he encountered. Vitiate had grown sensitive to these types of people, he had encountered them so much, even the Guild's Vice Master had some deceitful ways about him.

"So do we head out today, or...." Zelman looked around and asked.

"I can't today, this trip into the Dungeon with the four of us could take some time. I have an appointment in 2 days here at the guild." Vitiate was obviously talking about his promotion, he wanted to train the workers, and he wanted to complete this dog mission for some reason.

"Wait, in 2 days? Don't tell me you're apart of the promotion battles taking place in 2 days from now." Lucas wanted to watch these battles, but with the Dungeon they discovered, he was sure he wouldn't be able to spectate them.

Vitiate nodded slightly.

"Shit! You just signed up to become an Adventurer, how is this possible?" Lucas was stomped, didn't he just become an adventurer like yesterday or something!?

"Nice, so we get to see you put the beat down on your promotional sparring partner, I wonder who it is?" Rigor was interested to see the fights now, he usually didn't care for them since it would only tease his mind about his lack of strength.

"I can go check really quick, there is a board upstairs that shows all the people participating and who their opponents are." Zelman got up and left without anyone having the chance to say anything.

"So, slayer, what is your story? You seem like a Far Lander of some sort.' Rigor asked.

"I'm was born in Tarnish Desert but my parents were born in the southern continent. Tarnish Desert is an unforgiving place, so survival is key, this is especially so with how hot it is. But I grew used to it, this is why I was a little worried about the cold Dungeon because I'm not really used to the environment."

[Ding! Acting Skill has risen to Level 5!]

'Well, damn!' Vitiate laughed to himself, his ability to fool people had gone up again.

"The Southern Continent, that place is crazy dangerous, how did your parents even survive such a place?" Rigor was shocked, who would want to go there? This was, of course, unless his parent weren't simple. Judging from his abilities, his parent shouldn't be simple, so they could easily believe this.

"What about you guys, you've asked about me the minute you guys met me. However, I've never heard a thing about you guys." They questioned him the minute they met him, it was about time they revealed a couple of things about themselves, of course, Vitiate's stories were all lies.

"I grew up in a village, but it was ruled by an evil man. He loved my mom, but she had already married my dad. He held a grudge for a long time until he eventually conspired against my dad and had him killed. My mom and I left the village soon after, but he wouldn't let us go so easily, he tried to blackmail my mom, as to have her for himself, but she refused him."

Rigor continued to relay the story, eventually, his mom sacrificed it all for him to escape, which he obviously did. The man was quite strong, he was a strong man at the time, it was no telling how strong the guy is now.

"The Bastard commands a lot of men, he's paranoid because he has offended a lot of people in the past. He kidnapped many neighboring village daughters, so many people are out to kill him, but so am I!" Rigor concluded his story, it was no wonder he was always silent and gloomy.


Vitiate just listened, he didn't know what to say, really. Vitiate then looked at Lucas, he already knew a bit about him from his titles.

"C-can I not talk about it?" Sweat started to form on Lucas' forehead, he seemed nervous and ashamed of something.

"If you don't want to talk about then you don't have to, it doesn't matter either way." It didn't bother Vitiate, he wouldn't pry into someone's business despite him having nosy urges arise in him sometimes.

But from looking at Lucas' titles, he could somewhat understand what he was ashamed about. They continued to talk about the subject dealing with the dungeon, it was best to buy suitable things to detect unsuspecting traps within the dungeon.

Eventually, Zelman came back panting from running back and forth. He had a list in his hand filled with competitors taking the promotion test. The group looked over the list and found who Vitiate had to fight for his promotion.

"Oh, man, you're up against Freya, that chick is a hardened warrior of the D-Rank!" She had gray hair, but this was not due to her age. In fact, she was a young woman, this was her natural hair color.

Vitiate looked at his opponent and her list of abilities and her chosen weapon, of course, the review wouldn't tell you everything about someone. Her picture showed that she was serious and full of battle spirit.

"Fraya's primary weapon is a sword, she's pretty good within the D-rank bracket, but she's been a D-Rank for some time now." Zelman had seen her around before, she often took up mission within the Glacial Zone, this seemed to be her favorite mission spot.

"Good to know, I came to the Guild to grab a few missions but I should leave and prepare for this fight. Remember, be prepared, we'll head out the next day after this event has come to past."

Vitiate didn't know, but this match was on purpose, the Vice Guild Master had set it up this way. It was time to head back, he wouldn't go back to his Inn, he wanted to spend this time training his slaves about the job.

Of course, he had other plans for this trip as well, he was also looking for potential victims. Vitiate had already found suitable targets to infect, by the time he was done with this town, he would have already infected at least 4 to 6 people.

His current targets were Zelman, Lucas, and Rigor. When they went out, he would have to set it all up for them, yes, they would be the first of many! Walking out of the guild, Vitiate was eager to see how it would all play out, he couldn't wait for it to happen.

But he had to make them want it, somehow.

The day was still young, he wanted to head back to the mall, but this Dog mission was still in his pocket. The mission only said the dog was missing and for further questioning about the mission, he would need to ask the owner.

The address of the owner's house was written on the paper that looked like a bounty poster, showing the dog's face. There was a lot to do here, he had an appointment at the guild for a promotion battle.

Most importantly, he had to Destroy the Spider Dungeon, thinking of this, if everything worked out, maybe he could gather his Monster army within 4 days to siege that Dungeon. Once Vitiate's was back at the Mall, he needed to set up a warping device of some sort to jump between his Dungeon and the Mall.

He kept walking the streets, looking at addresses as he passed every house within the village. The village was someways away from the Guild, but his speed was fast with fewer people out on the street so early in the morning.

It was around 9, so people were starting to pop up more now.

Eventually, he found the address he was looking for, it was a farm to be exact. Vitiate had to ask for help or he probably wasn't going to find this place. The farm was quite big, it had all the animals you'd see on a farm, including horses.

"Goodness, it stinks here!" The smell of manure and animal dropping permeated the air of the farm, it was hard to block the smell out since his senses were so high. Walking up to the farmhouse, he knocked on the door.

After knocking a few more times, it was answered by a man with a full beard and head full of brown hair.

He wore the typical farmer outfit.

"What can I do for you, you young lad?" The man was a bit confused, who came to visit people so early in the morning?

"I got this guild notice, I just want to question you about your missing dog. When was the last time you saw him or was with him?" Vitiate held up the mission log for the farmer to see, it was wrinkled from being folded into Vitiate's pocket.

"Hmm, it isn't my dog or my wife's dog, this is my Daughter's dog, she put this notice up a week ago." The man rubbed his beard in a thoughtful manner and called out to his daughter.

Suddenly, a female appeared at the door, she looked around 17 or 18. Her clothes were plain, but so were her looks, she had short brown hair that was the length of her head. Despite her unbelievable plain features, there was something that stuck out about her the most.

It was her chest, it was unreal if Vitiate had to say so himself, how were they so big!? They were the biggest he had ever seen in his life, it didn't make sense, were those natural? Vitiate questioned if there was possibly plastic surgery in this world, but that was doubtful for common farmers.

"What is it, dad?" She looked confused as to why she was called over, she noticed Vitiate and blushed before bowing slightly. Vitiate could tell she was the pure and shy type, the quiet girl who rarely talked or just didn't.

"Look at the paper he has, it's the one you put up at the Guild. The one dealing with your missing dog, he wants to ask you a few questions. I have some work to do, so I can't sit here and talk for you, there are a few shipments that I need to place."

The farmer walked off his porch and pass Vitiate to the farm area, he wasn't bothered by the smell because has used to it.

"About my dog, I'm so worried, I even asked the guard if they see or hear anything dealing with a dog, to call me." She stood up straight with her head slightly down, she was avoiding looking Vitiate in the face and eyes.

"Your name, what is it?" Vitiate had seen many women, but he rather liked this type of girl.

"Ah, yes! My name is Siena!" She looked up slightly at Vitiate but quickly put her down to avoid eye contact.

"Wow, that's a very pretty name, my name is jo...oh, I mean, Slay'd!" Vitiate quickly corrected. Siena's face went red again, she was had never properly engaged in a conversation or been complimented by a guy before. After all, her features were quite plain to most men, so they wouldn't give her second look unless they were looking "elsewhere."

Different thoughts were rambling in Vitiate's mind, could this be a possible target? Vitiate smiled in his mind, it was open season on anyone he felt was good enough.

"Slay'd? Is that like an Adventurer name you go by?" There was no way that was his real name, she thought.

"It is, anyway, about your dog. When was last time you were with it?"

"Ah, right!" Siena began to relay what happened, she was out near waterfall lake. This was where most people gathered to fish, swim, and relax.

Vitiate had seen it when he first entered Goa with the 3 stooges. Apparently, the dog heard something in the woodlands and started barking at it, the dog ran off soon after into the woodworks.

She ran off after him, but she couldn't find him anywhere. Siena even had the help of the Knights for a little bit, but they were honestly more interested in her; ahem, body....!

"Okay, I'll go search there for a bit, but don't expect much, this dog has been missing for so long. Honestly and sadly, I doubt that he is even...." Vitiate paused, he could see the sadness forming on Siena's face.

"I'll go search near there, I may be back tomorrow to tell you some bad news, but I'll try." Vitiate sighed, just when he was about to walk away, he was stopped by Siena.

"Wait, I'll come with you to help with the search. As the saying goes, two is better than one." Vitiate wanted to refute her, but she had already thrown on her shoes and was ready to go.

Without denying her, they both went off to the woodlands to search.