The Unexpected!

Vitiate told her to lead the way since she knew the exact spot of the dog's disappearance. As per usual, the knights were patrolling around the area. The leader of a squad would always be on a horse, Vitiate could tell that they were full of pride because of this.

There were a few people by the water fishing and camping out, but they would gather their stuff and leave once it was close to dark.

"Here, this is the place!" Pointing to the area, it was the place Vitiate had passed on his way here. It was a small forest within Goa Village. Both walked into the forest and began to search together, he was only going to search for a little while and call it in once they found nothing or the dog's body.

Most people didn't come to this little forest at all; there wasn't anything to do, so no one came here. It was a nice sight to behold but that was it; the trees here were pretty thick and blocked out the sun in most places.

"This place isn't what I was expecting, the sun doesn't shine too bright here, this isn't a good sign at all." Vitiate began to speculate, this place was too dark with barely any sun piercing through, it couldn't be what he was thinking, right?

"Yeah, it's a bit scary, that's why I asked the knights at that time to help me with my search." Siena smiled and kept searching, she called the dog's name but, of course, there was no response. The duo kept searching for about an hour, but still nothing.

"Sigh, if only I had a better grip on him that day, this wouldn't have ever happened." She really loved her dog, but she had him for 9 years; he was like a family member to her! She put her head down and started wiped her tears silently.

"I'm sure he's around here, maybe he is stuck somewhere we can't reach." Vitiate tried to cheer her up, he did this with Aria back in the day when her cat got lost. Sadly, her cat was actually dead, it ended up getting hit by a car!

"Really, you think he might be alive?" Siena looked up hopefully and asked.

"Yeah, let's search a bit more, he should be around, I hope." This was all Vitiate could say, so they kept searching. Still nothing after searching for 30 or so minutes, so Siena took a seat on a log while Vitiate stood close by.

Honestly, he was ready to go, this dog was clearly dead! Vitiate leaned against a rocky wall, but suddenly, he fell through it!

"What the...!" Vitiate quickly caught himself from falling.

"W-what happened?" Siena stood up and looked over, then she ran over. Vitiate was stunned, he put his hand on the wall and it went right through!

"Unreal, this rocky wall, it's an illusion, there is a cave system behind here!" It didn't take a genius to figure out that someone deliberately hid this.

Both of them inspected the wall and walked through. Vitiate was going to have her stay at first, but if the person who made this came back, she would get caught. The cave was dark, so Siena had trouble seeing.

Happily, Vitiate could see in the dark, so he took her hand and guided her. Siena shook from surprise but didn't reject Vitaite's help. He could see everything perfectly here, it looked like the standard cave.

Suddenly, at that moment, a dreadful smell bombarded their noses, it was so bad that Vitiate almost vomited! Siena wasn't so lucky, she quickly turned and started throwing up. Vitiate couldn't even speak, it was by far the worst smell he had smelled in his life!

He was stuck in a dilemma, should he keep going or report this and not explore any further. But how could he let someone take what treasure he might find, so he continued onward. The smell was getting stronger, Siena was finding it hard to go any further, so he picked her up in a princess carry and continued.

Siena couldn't be bothered to think about the princess carry, the smell was just too overbearing and was all she could think about. As the saying goes, there is always a light at the end of a cave, and sure enough, it was. The smell was especially strong here, but Vitaite heard voices at this time.

He put Siena down and crept forward with her sneaking behind him, as he peeked from behind the corner. What he saw was something you'd see in a movie, it would be more of an, apocalyptical typesetting if you may.

An uncountable amount of Dead Bodies were sitting in different piles together, they looked dried out. It was similar to the work of the Succubus but it was clearly different from what he saw. The people didn't even have eyes, they were so dried out that you could see nothing but bones with barely any skin!

Siena peeked out as well and almost pissed herself from fright, she was completely shaken from what she was seeing that tears naturally came to her eyes. Vitiate pulled her back, but the she had already seen it all, it was too late for all of that.

There were was a group of men and women hanging around the bodies, some were even piling new bodies up! At least they looked like men, their faces were extremely pale, to Vitaite, they looked like a group of Voldemorts, including the women of this unknown race.

Seeing this, he decided to appraise them, it was clear to him what they were, but checking their status's became almost instinct.

|Name: Edman Dunes 🔴

|Title: Murderer, Kidnapper, Devour, Sadist,

|Race: Vampire

|Race Type: Nosferatu


|Name: Kurt Falls🔴

|Title: Murderer, Serial Killer, Sadist,

|Race: Vampire

|Race Type: Nosferatu


|Name: Larry Cage 🔴

|Title: Murderer, Child Predator, Torturer, Extreme Sadist, Menace

|Race: Vampire

|Race Type: Nosferatu


|Name: Kara Stello 🔴

|Title: Murderer, Human Hunter, Sadist, The Ruthless

|Race: Vampire

|Race Type: Nosferatu


|Name: Karen Stello 🔴

|Title: Murderer, Human Hunter, Extreme Sadist, Psychopath

|Race: Vampire

|Race Type: Nosferatu

Once they were done piling bodies, they began to speak amongst each other.

"Damn bastard, who does he think he is? We are the Nosferatu, he thinks because he's working with us that he can just command us anytime!?" The woman by the name of Kara was outraged that she had to follow someone's orders.

"Let him act arrogant now, he's just a Necromancer, so without his undead, he can't do shit!" Larry couldn't agree more, but he was more patient about it than Kara.

"His name was Necrit I believe, he wants these bodies to reanimate later, so they have to be shipped to the Dead Zone Of Dread Forest in order for the effects to be enhanced." Edman suddenly intervene and said.

"This lazy fucker! He even wants us to take them to the Dead Zone for him!? Not a chance!" Karen's face turned uglier, from what Vitiate could see, she and Larry were the craziest here.

Vitiate had a choice right now, he could attack these Vampires and possibly off them. The other option was to leave and report this to the Guild quickly, this could earn him a better standing and even access to more information.

He heard that the Guild even had pictures and information about the new heroes, but only A-rank and higher adventurers had access to it. Of course, he was interested to know how the heroes looked to identify them when he saw them later.

Vitiate had no time to think when suddenly, a cold light flickered towards his neck. Feeling the incoming danger, he immediately dodge, as he pushed Siena away. On short notice, he sent a kick toward the sneak attacker's face!

"Oof!" The attacker let out a painful groan after being kicked away. With a thud to the ground, the attacker stopped moving. However, this didn't last long, he got back up and looked at Vitiate and Siena with a vicious expression.

His eyes shown bright yellow in the dark, he wasn't human!

"We have intruders, come, I need help!" The man called out for help, he felt that he was outmatched knowing that his sneak attack had failed.

Vitiate could see the man perfectly. What surprised him was, the man was wearing knight armor! Vitiate wanted to activate nightshade to escape from here, but it looked like he was going to have to fight instead or possibly play a trick on them.

Siena was truly scared now, she could easily guess that the man wasn't a human, but like those other 5. It didn't take long for the other 5 to shoot over, they were accompanied by 3 other shady men as well.

It was a 1v9 situation!

"Well, well, a couple of rats manage to sneak in unexpectedly, you know what this means, right?" Larry smiled sadistically, he looked at Siena and was overjoyed, another woman to torture!

"I told you the barrier was flawed, even a stupid dog could find it! I knew Dog's Blood wasn't anything good!" Edman spat on the ground after speaking, but his words shocked Siena, she knew right then that her dog was no more.

"After we kill these dumb humans, set up a barrier over the illusion so no one can enter or find this place! I suggested this so many times, but you idiots never listen!" Karen scolded the group, they looked down on humans too much. They weren't as dumb as they thought and shouldn't be underestimated.

The group of vampires shrugged, but the armored knight was staring at Vitiate coldly from the dark. The only source of light was where they were stacking the bodies currently.

"Kill him!" The knight from before lunged at Vitiate again, this time he had the help of two other vampires; Kurt and Kara.

"Cover your eyes, Siena!" Siena was still shocked about her dog's death, but she listened to Vitiate and covered her eyes.

"It's too dark in here, we need more light!" As Vitiate was saying this, he charged up a light-based attack, then he swiftly flung it towards the two approaching vampires.

This was the recently learned skill called Light Bomb! It was bright and threatening to them, it was, after all a Light Element attack.

"Arg!" Several Vampires weren't expecting this. The light element had a secondary effect that could cause people to lose their vision due to how bright it was. In some cases, it may even permanently blind people depending on the attack power of the skill and how weak the foe was.

Vitiate didn't mind fighting these Vampires, but Siena couldn't defend herself in this situation. He quickly grabbed her hand and made a run for it. "What the hell!? Catch them, they're trying to escape, we can let them get away!" Edman screamed hysterically, everything would be ruined if they got away!

Most of the vampires were still suffering from getting their vision back, mainly the knight from before.

"You wanna run, don't think it'll be so easy, you trash human! Blood Shot!" Larry wasn't having it, he managed to recover quickly like Edman. He aimed his finger and shot off a Dark blood red beam, it was a pretty thin laser but it was still deadly.

Vitiate quickly turned to block the attack, which he did, using the light element as his backer. Sadly, this attack was strange, it exploded as several blood beams scattered about. Unfortunately, Siena wasn't lucky, the scattered beams penetrated her bodies like a hail of arrows in 4 different places!

She couldn't even make a sound as she hit the ground panting and bleeding from her torso. Seeing this, Vitiate had no choice but to retaliate now, he could retaliate now. At this time, all the vampires had recovered from being blinded by the light.

"You damned humans are good at playing tricks, but there is no hope for you now! Just accept your death, we won't hurt you, much!" The group was truly angered now, being blinded by a sneak attack, they hated the light element so much!

"Human? Haha, I'm beyond that!" Suddenly, a change started to occur in Vitiate, his eyes turned red as both the Elements of Dark and Light clashed with one another within him!

The group of Vampire's faces changed dramatically, what was this!?