Violent Executions!

Once Vitiate's eyes turned red, they changed again, he was turning into his first form this time around. In his base form or his regular humanoid form, he could easily take these Vampires down.

The thing was, he was inside of this little cave with barely any room to work with. This was their domain, this was their home field, their playground. He could use powerful element attacks, but that could destroy the cave and everything in it.

He had to fight them head-on using his weapon and skills, taking them out one at a time!

The Vampires were shocked at the unbelievable change he was undergoing. Their first thought was that he was a demon, but they had a good standing with them, and demons couldn't use the light elements.

Out of all that could be, out of all the individuals they could have met. They had met this strange being that could use two elements that couldn't be used together. He had somehow found Equilibrium in using a Negative and Positive at the same time! As the saying goes, you can't serve one king or master while trying to serve another, these elements worked in this way.

It was simply unthinkable to do this, not even heroes could do, there no being like this in the world. With this in mind, they could only speculate that he was a foreign race, maybe something new but this was quickly flushed out as impossible.

In fact, Vitiate's race could be considered as an interdimensional Extraterrestrial Race. For one, he wasn't from this world, and his race didn't exist here, he could be deemed as something from beyond. Both the Dragon and Phoenix, even though they didn't say it, considered him to be an Extraterrestrial, but Vitaite explained a bit more to the Dragon, so she deemed him to be both.

Of course, enslaving these vampires was an idea, but he would rather kill these guys instead. The group of Vampires gritted their teeth, but they still couldn't let him getaway. It became obvious to them that this guy was also hiding amongst humans.

"Stay sharp, surround him, he can't take us all on at once." The vampires were extremely wary after seeing Vitiate's transformation. Vitiate didn't wear his signature mask this time around and chose to fight without it.

After he was fully transformed, he immediately shot a healing Pulse over Siena. He drew his weapon and changed it into a shield, then he materialized a weapon made out of light. This was a perfect choice against creatures like these.

"This guy, he's too dangerous to be left alive, if we don't kill him now, just imagine the damage he could do in the future!" With that, they all also started to form weapons as well using the Blood Element.

Dark Red sabers, swords, and spears appeared in their hands. Their weapons gave off a terrible stench of old rotten blood that it was nose churning.

"Kill!" Edman pointed at Vitiate and said menacingly.

Without hesitation, Kurt, Kara, and the False Knight attacked. They spread out to attack him from all sides, however, Vitiate quickly made his move. He also rushed towards them, once he was upon them, he blew pass them, ignoring them.

They were stunned for a moment, they didn't expect him to ignore them and move so quickly at that.

"What!?" Edman panicked and summoned a weapon of his own made out of Blood. That's right, Vitiate's first target was Edman, the one who appeared to be the leader of these Vamps.

Vitiate's Battle Axe slammed towards Edman! Edman could barely see it, but he got a glimpse of it and blocked the attack.

"Ugh!" The crushing force of Vitiate made it feel like his bones were cracking and were on the verge of breaking. Vitiate liked offense a lot, so he invested in strength the most, and with his first transformation, it was even higher.

"So this is the blood art you Vampires are known for, it isn't so bad. Sadly, it inferior to the dark and light element, it also smells bad. But it's understandable, as it suits things with a terrible attitude, oh, and lowly creatures like you guys!"

Vitiate taunted and applied more force to his Axe, the Vampire's sword was on the verge of collapse!

"You!" Edman's forehead was full of sweat, he was hurting bad right now. He was also annoyed with Vitiate's words.

"What the hell are you guys doing!? Help me!"

Author Note: That Meme, help me in Kevin Hart's voice! xD

Suddenly, Larry shot another beam at Vitiate from the side while Karen also shot a laser at him from his other flank. The smell of Blood Element skills were horrible, they were also potentially poisonous.

Vitiate held up his shield and blocked the laser from one of his flanks, reflecting it back towards larry. As for the other flank, he blocked it with his wing and dispersed it.

Larry hurriedly and dodge the attack, but it exploded like last time, sending several lasers bursting out wildly. Larry dodged most of them, but he was hit by one of the beams in the leg!

"Damnit!" Karen and Larry preferred long-ranged attacks more than anything else, so getting up close in person wasn't their thing. The 3 rogue vampires that appeared out of nowhere just watched, they were looking for an opening.

"Looks like you die, Edman! No one can save you!" Vitiate gave a hysterical smile and applied a crushing force, cracking his weapon!

"Ahh!" Edman's face was filled with panic and sweat!

However, how could the other vampires let Vitiate get his way? Kara and company dove at Vitiate's back with their weapons, meaning to stab him!

Noticing this, Vitiate moved his wings to blocked them off. With clanking metal sound, their weapons were blocked, however, for the fun of it, Vitiate sent another kick at the false knight's face.

"Ugh!" The Vampire knight was sent hurling away through the cave, he flew off somewhere and hit a wall before falling to the ground.

"What the heck, what are these wings made of!? How can they be so hard!?" They found it ridiculous, if they were used for flying, shouldn't they be vulnerable to hard hits or a crushing force.

They kept swing toward Vitiate, but his wings countered their every strike, they couldn't breakthrough. Seeing that Vitiate was occupied, the 3 rogue vampires believed they had found an opening, so they attacked.

They moved silently as they approached Vitiate from a blind spot, they got him! "I was wondering when you guys would attack, so I held out a bit and waited." At that moment, strange ominous black chains came out of Vitiate's back.

Kara and Kurt were shocked, they were, after all, swinging at Vitiate's back, fighting against his wings. The chains catapulted out his back and max speed, the rogue vampires couldn't believe it, they dumbfound and shocked.

They had to think quickly, they relied on speed and sneak attacks, in fact, they were the ones who kidnapped the humans the most. They managed to dodge the chains, but these chains seemed to be under his control as they just followed them wherever they went.

"What are these hateful chains, why can I feel emotion from them, I don't understand!" The Rouges kept dodging and running away from the chains with the best they could manage.

"No matter, these chains will never catch us, you're too slow buddy, you better think of a better trick, you fool!" One of the rogue Vampires taunted Vitiate out of anger. Vitiate played the fool and acted like he was open for an attack to draw them out.

Vitiate stomped his foot, everyone thought he was angry and laughed mockingly.

"You will die here, we'll use you as a test subject and dissect you! Prepare for the worse after this, hahaha!" However, they weren't laughing for long, as the ground shook slightly and opened up.

Vines shot out the ground and grabbed the vampire's legs in an instant.

"What!? Nooo!" How many tricks did this guy have, who the heck was this guy!? This was all they could think about, he had too many things and tricks at his disposal.

Several more vines covered the ground and walls of the cave; ready to trap and grab anyone. The vines were good in closed in situations like this, and he used it to his advantage like he did when he first got this skill.

The vines coiled around the Vampire, it was nothing he could do as the Chains took it from there. Meanwhile, Vitiate was in full focus, he was focused on a lot of things right now, so he had quickly end this Vampire.

"You can die now!" Edman's eyes dilated from terror, he never would have thought that this would be his last day, but who would ever wake up to a day believing this was their last?

Without any further resistance, Edman and his Blood sword were cleaved through! Right down the middle in two pieces, he couldn't be any more dead!

"Shit!" Larry was busy healing his leg, which had a clean hole in it. Vitiate did a Spin and kicked up some wind, knocking Kara and Kurt away. As Kurt was knocked away, he was grabbed by a chain and drawn back in.

"Arg! Let me go, you better let me go or I'll have you dead!" Vitiate couldn't believe this guy had the nerve to talk trash at this time.

"..." Without a word, Vitiate began to pump horrible energy into his body, via the chains!

"W-wh..ahhhH!" An ear-piercing scream of pain escaped Kurt's mouth, his skin started to bubble and expand. Suddenly, he exploded into fleshly meat pieces! Vitiate held up his shield and increased its size, blocking the nasty flesh flying everywhere.

"Gasp!" Larry's body shook from shock, as blood rain landed all over him. Unknowingly, he was plotting an escape, he had to get away from here and report this to his higher-ups.

"H-he, this son of a bitch! He killed Kurt and Edman, this is bad!" Kara and Karen's faces displayed fear! Edman was the strongest amongst them and he died so badly without any true means of resisting.

He had killed both of them so violently that it gave them the creeps. Vitiate suddenly started to flash, as a bright light shot out from his body. The light blinded everyone in the cave, this was one of the first skills he had learned, flash!

As usual, they could only cover their eyes from this attack, it even started to burn their skin despite it not being an offensive skill. This attack was meant to blind enemies, so it was much more effective than a Light Bomb.

It seemed like a flashbang had gone off, even their hearing was impaired, but this wouldn't last long.

So, Vitiate made his move!

Two minutes had passed since the Vampires were blinded, but once they gained their vision, Vitiate wasn't where he once was. They all looked around to find his location, and sure enough, there he was.

However, what they were met with was a gruesome sight, the two rogue Vampires that hadn't been caught yet were dead. Their heads had been removed from their bodies and tossed aside by him, their expression looked normal, their eyes were shut from the blinding light before.

It was obvious that they didn't see this attack coming.

"You think you've won, our lord will avenge us, you won't be able to escape! The events today will soon be known and that will mark the end for you, haha, it's over for you!" With those words, the rogue vampire that was coiled up by vines and chains, body started to twist, then he exploded.

He had committed suicide, he would rather kill himself than have Vitiate do it! Unreal, in less than 5 minutes 5 Vampires were dead.

There were now only 4 of them left, Vitiate next target was chosen! He quickly advanced to Kara, who was standing alone with a sickly expression.

He quickly appeared in front of her and she instinctively took a step back. "An ugly female version of Voldemort, how disgusting, you should die for that alone."

"W-wait, I'll do anything, I can be your serv...." She couldn't finish when Vitiate's wing came crashing down on her, severing both her arms.

"AHHHhh!" Kara howled like a beast from pain, as she fell to the ground squirming with black blood gushing out of her wounds.

"Are you kidding me? An ugly thing like you want to be my servant, do me a favor and die you abomination!" Vitiate used his wings again and removed her head from her body, it shot off towards Larry who was completely shaken at this point.

Just who was the monster here!?

These Vampires were on the bottom of the barrel, each of their stats barely passed 500!

"Sister!!" Karen could do nothing to save her sister, so she turned tail to run away. There was no way she could stay here, if she did, she could only die at this point. She wasn't the only one who made a run for it, Larry did the same.

His leg was just about healed, so his speed wasn't so bad. Sadly, it wasn't fast enough, he was immediately tripped up by vines that coiled around him. Vitiate knew this wasn't going to hold him long since he could form weapons, so he went to target Karen next.

She was moving at breakneck speed towards the exit of the cave, she was trying to escape and blend in with humans! She may have been fast, but Vitiate was faster! At a moment notice, he appeared behind her and slammed her by the neck to the ground.

"Oof!" Her face hit a rock, causing her nose to bleed. Vitiate's chains wrapped around her, he really enjoyed these chains the most and knew he was going to be using them a lot in the future.

"Don't kill me, have mercy, please!" Karen panicked and spoke in a pleading voice.

Vitiate laughed "Wow, you know, I bet all those humans said the same thing, but they still ended up dying horribly, mercy, not happening!" The chains started to go to work and do what they always did until her body exploded.

All Karen could do was scream, she knew she was done for. This had alarmed the false knight, who had been fainted until this point. But once he woke up, he found that he was tied down by vines coming out of the ground.

Larry had just gotten free, as Vitiate rushed over towards him. Vitiate smacked him with his shield, knocking him to a nearby wall. "A sadist vampire that loves killing for fun, you can't be allowed to live just for that." There were even infants amongst the bodies in the piles, which sent chills down his spine, it made him really upset.

Vitiate was once human and still retained the mind and ways of a human, he still had some Humanity in him. He really didn't want to see what he once was to suffer, this was only for the innocent ones, obviously.

"What's it to you, you're not even human, Why should you care!?" Larry hollered, as saliva flew everywhere from his mouth, he was clearly angry at how things had turned out.

"It means everything!" Vitiate's weapon turned into a spear of light, then he pierced larry's torso, directly into his heart!

"Ugh~~!" Larry coughed up a mouth full of blood and looked at Vitaite with hatred until his eyes lost their light, he had died.

"It would have been okay if you were killing corrupted nobles, but you chose normal everyday people and even infants, and toddlers, you can't stay!" Vitiate tossed his already cold body to the side and looked toward the false knight, who had just freed himself.

The false knight looked around and saw that his companions were gone or mutilated on the ground. His face looked desperate, he looked over and saw Siena, who was surprisingly still breathing!

Vitiate frowned and rushed towards the false knight, he wanted to take her as a hostage! He had no choice and released several Water Beams at the knight's back.

"Ahh! Fuck!" The knight's armor was clearly really cheap, with it being dented and even penetrate by such a low-level attack. Vitiate didn't give the man time to say anything and just killed him off with his spear.

Siena got a looked at Vitiate, but she was still panting really fast and hard. Vitiate was amazed by her determination to live, but who wanted to die?

"A-are y-you 'pant' an... angel?" Siena slowly asked in a tired voice.

"Sigh, no, I'm not!" Vitiate checked her status and her body out, it wasn't looking so good.

"I have good and bad news for you, which one do you want to hear first?" Vitiate said softly, as he walked closer.

"T-the bad news, then the good news to cheer me up."

"I think you know the bad news, but I'll tell you again, and that is, you're dying!"

"I-I don't want to die." She already had blood trickling out of her mouth and nose. Her lungs had been punctured and her heart had been grazed, it was surprising that she was still alive. But she had lasted this long because of the healing pulse from earlier. Siena had been hit in other places as well, sadly, his healing pulse was mainly good for curses.

"Well, the good news is, you can be saved, but you won't be human anymore. However, you will still retain your humanity, thoughts, and control without having negative urges."

"N-no longer....human?" Siena could barely talk now, but she didn't want to die and Vitaite's offer seemed generous, so she agreed. There was really no time for her to think, the clock was against her, so she chose to live.

"Hahaha! You don't know how good your choice is, this will probably be the best decision in your life!"

Suddenly, Vitiate teeth grew fangs!