Fight For Your Freedom!

The day was still young with the sun hanging high in the sky. At this time, Vitiate was heading towards the Guild, he was currently rushing there. He had to report this fast, what if the leader or someone else came back and tried to clean up the scene before then?

Vitiate walked through the guild doors as always, and as usual, everyone turned their heads to see who it was. After noticing that is was the foreigner from before, they turned back and continued what they were initially doing.

Fortunately, no one was talking to Linda right now, but this time she wasn't playing with her nails. Linda noticed Vitiate the minutes he walked through the door, which even surprised him.

Walking up to the counter, Vitaite spoke. "I have something urgent to report to the Guild, take me to the Vice Guild Master!" Vitiate said somewhat urgently.

Linda was stunned, she didn't get to ask her question first, like what can I do for you before he started talking! Seeing Vitiate's sharp glare, she knew it was serious, so she guiding him to the back without question.

"Wait here, I'll get the Vice Master over here for you, Slay'd!" Linda quickly left the waiting room afterward. Not even a minute had passed and she Returned with Dukar and the Old Middle-aged woman from before.

"What happened, Slay'd? I heard it was urgent from Linda." He only came out because he heard that Slay'd wanted to see him about an Urgent report.

"Oh, yeah, you might want to hear this." Vitiate began to relay what happened in the cave and what he discovered. Of course, he left out a few things that he obviously shouldn't say, but the information he spoke about hit home.

Linda and the Middle-aged woman were shocked and frozen in place. Dukar sighed and shook his head, but this was to be expected. A lot of people had gone missing over the months, so many speculated that the bodies were hidden somewhere.

"Vera, you need to immediately contact the commander of the Knights, they need to investigate this place now! No time to waste, we can't have the crime scene destroyed by any of the other vampires that might visit the place, so make sure he brings a powerful squad!"

Vera's heart had already sunk, she couldn't believe what Vitiate had said, she knew it was real but it was too terrifying to her!

"Vera, did you hear me!?" Dukar could see that Vera was in a Daze, she seemed out of it.

"Ah, yes, right away!" Vera quickly ran off with a sweaty forehead and hands.

"Linda, you're dismissed, you can go back to the front desk and finish your job." Linda bowed slightly and glimpsing at Vitiate before exiting the room, she was shaking for some reason.

Once she was gone, Dukar spoke again. "You know, once they investigate this scene, they're going to come to you and question you about all of this, you know this, right?"

"Sigh, they can talk to me after my promotion battle, but until then, I won't be around." He planned to stay at his mall until the battle date.

"That seems suitable, but getting them off my back will be annoying, this is especially so with Morris." Dukar shook his head, there was annoyance in his voice just talking about that detective.

"You spoke of the Necromancer Necrit, well, he is an infamous Necromancer from the Dead Zone. The Guy's base is located there somewhere, but we have never been able to find it, it's becoming a serious problem."

Necrit hid himself well, many high ranking adventures set off to find him, but to no avail. The Temple Of Light and other organizations wanted to find him as well, they wanted him alive if possible. If someone managed to bring him back alive, the reward would be doubled!

"The bodies that were piled up were the bodies he wanted to reanimate into Zombies, that wouldn't be good for you or the people of this village." Vitiate shrugged and continued. "Well, good luck on finding a solution, I'm just a regular adventurer, so I can't do much."

Vitiate turned around and left the room hastily.

"Liar!" Dukar mumbled silently under his breath.

Vitiate continued to the entrance of the Guild, giving Linda a nod before leaving. Once news of this spread throughout Goa Village, things may heat up. This Necrit character and the vampires are out of control, it was no telling what'll happen next.

As usual, Vitiate went off to a secluded area to change his wardrobe, then he went back to his Mall openly. Many people had seen this guy around town before, but they still couldn't help but turned their heads.

"It's that guy who opened up those two-building, he has all that new land to himself!"

"The Fel'nir Family won't be happy about this, once they get word, they're going to be pissed. After all, they've been trying to buy that land for who knows how long."

"Let's just wait and see, all in due time." Many people began to gossip enthusiastically about Vitiate, this noble family will surely be outraged about this and may cause trouble.

Hearing the people around him, Vitiate knew he was going to need cameras just in case someone tried anything funny. If they did cause him trouble, he was sure he could sneak into the mansion at night and lay a hurting on the family.

Once he was in his mall, he could see the new slaves setting up chairs and tables inside the restaurant. They all looked to Vitiate who had just walked through the door of the mall. The Entrance to the mall was close to the restaurant, so this was the first thing you would see once you walked in.

He called one of the slaves over and told them to put a sign-up at the entrance of his land, saying no trespassing. Some weren't working in the restaurant, some had other jobs they attended to. Proceed through his mall, he could see someone sitting in the water fountain in the middle of the mall!

"Come on, are you kidding me?" Vitiate ran over and saw that it was man, but a fish at the same time, he apart of the Merfolk clan. He had legs before, but the minutes they were given water to swim in, their lower bodies turned into a half-fish body.

"You can't swim in this fountain, if you need someplace to take a dive, then I can have one made for you." Vitiate was understanding, he was a Merman, so he really wanted to swim if he could, but this fountain wasn't for that.

"Ah, sorry, I really couldn't hold it in much longer. I didn't know I couldn't swim in this fountain, once I saw it, I was so happy!" The Merman quickly moved his way out of the fountain, then he sat on the fountain edge until his flippers turned in legs.

"I understand, so I'll have one made for you later, but you can't use this fountain."

"Hehe, sorry, sorry, I won't do it again!" The Merman apologized again while scratching the back of his head.

"Dry off before leaving there." Afterward, Vitiate went to check on every shop. He could see that everyone was working to get their job's done for the grand opening, even the new slaves. They were assigned jobs by the Dark Elf who was still enjoying the free lottery games with the Drow.

However, as he was checking all of these stores out, he didn't know how, but he felt someone staring at him. Once he looked into the direction he felt the stare coming from, he saw the Barbarian woman looking at him coldly.

This woman had a problem with him the minute he said he wanted to buy her. After noticed that Vitiate had discovered her staring at him, she harrumphed before walking off.

"Hold it right there!" In flash, Vitiate appeared by her side. She was stunned for a second, then her expression changed back.

"What!?" The Barbarian woman said with complaint.

"You seemed to have a problem with me, right?" Vitiate smirked and asked.

"And what if I do, what are you going to do about it, beat me?" She looked at Vitiate with disdain, she looked down on slavers, this was especially weaklings who relied on money. This is what she thought of Vitiate, some rich kid with money and no skills at all, complete trash!

"Big talk for a wild woman with no manners, but I wonder if you can back all of that up?" Vitiate seemed to be challenging her, he could tell she thought little of him but he couldn't stand the way she looked at him.

Usually, he wouldn't care, but that look reminded him of a few people back in middle school who used to bother him.

"Haha, now that's funny, a little man like you wants to challenge me to a duel?" She couldn't help but laugh, did he not know his place on the strength ladder!?

"That's exactly what I'm saying, do you want to do battle or not? I hear barbarians are a bunch of brain dead idiots who hadn't discovered fire yet, is this true?

"What!? Who dares to call us idiot, I'll kill him dead!" Her attitude suddenly flared further hearing Vitiate's remark.

"I challenge you to a duel then, don't even think about wussing out! I'm gonna make you regret buying me, now, where is the arena?" She sneered, she couldn't wait to put Vitiate in his place, how dare this rich boy act arrogant, all he did was rely on money to get what he wanted!

"This way, we can fight on the training grounds I made myself." Vitiate walked off as she followed him, many slaves had heard what happened, they knew a fight was coming.

"If you guys want to watch, then come and watch!" Many slaves gulped and started to leave their shops, who didn't like to spectate a good fight? The Barbarian woman smiled, this guy didn't only want to get beat, but he wanted to in front of all his slaves, this was perfect for her!

The group was led to a door, but this door didn't have anything behind it, it only said staff only on it. Vitiate entered the Dungeon System and began to customize the mall, creating a stairway downward.

This stairway led to a training ground he was planning to make anyway, it was good for training and dueling. Once they were downstairs, everyone was amazed, they could have swore that there was nothing like this here before.

Without further ado, all of the slaves took a seat in the seating area to watch. Every slave was present here except the Merman, they had come running to watch this fight. The battle stage was made out of soothe refined stone just for combat.

There was a weapon's rack off to the side filled with weapons, however, these weapons were low grades only. "Pick your weapon of choice, make sure it's good, I don't want to hear you crying once you get a beat down." Vitiate smiled and chose the gauntlets as his weapon of choice.

"Ha! Took the words right out of my mouth!" Without a single thought, she chose a double-edged Axe. Of course, to make things fair, Vitiate chose a weapon from the rack just like her.

"I want to make a bet with you, is this alright or are you insecure about winning?" She had sneer planted on her face and taunted him, as if she was saying that he was too scared about something he wasn't sure about.

"Sure, what will it be?"

"If I win, you free me and everyone here, what do you say to that?"




Everyone was shocked hearing this, she was fighting for her freedom and theirs!

"Wow, go hard or go home, I like it! Okay, if you win, I'll free everyone and you, but if you lose..." Vitiate smiled.

"What is it, telling me!"

Vitiate pulled something out of his storage ring. "If you lose, you won't be wearing your barbarian clothes anymore, you'll have to wear this maid outfit everyday while working here! The back of the outfit says Sore Loser on it." Vitiate would rather for no one to ask why he had something like this on him, but it was a long story.

"Darn! Can she even fit in that thing!?"

"Look at her butt, there no way it'll fit!" The Dwarf sister with the blue hair pointed to the Barbarian woman's butt, then everyone reverted their eyes there!

"Hey you idiots, I'm fighting for you here!" She hollered at the other slaves, it was almost like they accepted that she had lost already!

"Hmph! Fine, I'll wear your stupid outfit, but you better not go back on your word!" Grinning deeply, she lifted her Double-edged Axe!

"Haha! Fight for your freedom!"