Hidden Talent!

The slave audience watched closely, they were, for some reason happy to see some action.

"She chose an Axe as her weapon? I should expect nothing less from some brutish Barbarian woman, just look at her clothes." The Dark Elf watched with his arms folded, and the Drow couldn't agree more to his comment by simply nodding.

"If I had money, I would bet on the boss, the fat butt lady can't win this one."

"Yeah, but we don't have any money to bet, so all we can do is watch knowingly."

The Dwarf sisters tried to whisper, but their whispers were too loud. The barbarian woman's mouth twitched uncontrollably, did they not know appreciation!?

Vitiate started to somewhat understand why these sisters were probably crippled, they trashed people a lot with their mouths, this may have something to do with it. But in all honesty, he found these two sister's ignorant flames funny.

The Barbarian woman took a deep breath and calmed down, she would have them wishing they hadn't talked about her like that after she had won!

The battle had already started, so she held her weapon tightly before glaring a Vitiate. Giving a battle cry, she rushed him, once she reached him, she swung her Axe with greater strength. This type of straight forward attack was easily dodged.

With this type of speed, Vitiate was almost certain that she wouldn't even beat the current Siena!

After missing, she quickly swung her Axe again and again with miss after miss. "Stop dodging, is that all you can do!?" She kept swinging, but Vitiate just kept dodged her every attack.

"You can't even hit me, just imagine when I start going on the offensive, can you dodge my attacks?" Suddenly, she swung again, but with more force this time, tearing through the air, her swings could literally be heard. Vitiate easily concluded that her strength was surely higher than any other stat she had.

However, he used her strength against her. Once she swung with much more force after hearing Vitiate comment, he quickly moved in and pushed her hands with more force. Her own Kinetic energy was used against her, and she was sent flying like a wooden puppet.

The Drow's face changed and so did the Dark Elf's, they were amazed at his skills to do something like this.

"I wanna learn how to fight like that, and I will soon!" One of the Bear Demi-Human brothers was eager to fight like that one day, he knew what his future occupation was here, so getting strong was a must.

The barbarian woman was shocked, how did she get blown away by such a simple attack? However, she caught herself and landed on the ground safely. She stared at Vitiate with conflict and thought things weren't going to be so easy, but she recalled how fast he approached her earlier.

"A little weasel who uses speed to his advantage!" She mumbled this under her breath, but Vitiate could still hear it perfectly.

"A weasel, I'm not, but yes, I use speed to my advantage. What can a tortoise-like you do about it, though?" Her eyes went wide for a second, he had some pretty good hearing, but a human's senses were heightened the stronger they got.

"That won't happen again!" Without a word more, she rushed Vitiate again by jumping into the air! Seeing this, he dodged again, she didn't destroy the ground but she did leave a mark on it.

She gave chase and kept attack Vitiate with a flurry of swings and thrust, suddenly, she felt a sharp pain in her stomach! She groaned and found that she had been punched in the stomach, but before she could do anything about it, she was hit with an uppercut to the chin!

"Arg!" The Barbarian woman was shot up like a cannonball! Vitiate had punched her in the stomach, then he uppercutted her with the same fist! She landed on the ground with a loud thud that resounded throughout the whole training room.

"Ouch! Is she alive?"

"I hope she isn't dead!"

"Well, I can't say I didn't see that coming, she fought with no real plan, she's clearly inexperienced." The Dark Elf shook his head and said, with the Drow only nodding, were they that close?

"There is still a chance, you don't have to embarrass yourself anymore, everyone is happy you fought for them, right guys?" Vitiate looked at the crowd and winked.

"Yeah, we thought you were amazing!"

"Thank you for fighting for us, but we don't want to see you get hurt anymore."

"You were amazing, I'm really happy to know that there are still good humans in the world."

"All of you, shut up!" The Barbarian woman stood up, her face was beaming with rage. She wasn't the smartest, but she could feel and hear the sarcasm in their voices. The audience grew silent by tightly shutting their mouths.

Afterward, she looked towards Vitiate, then she threw her weapon to the ground. "This is holding me back, you said you used speed to your advantage, right? Well, let's see how you like the use of speed, power, and defense!"

Suddenly, some strange energy began to circulate around her body, then her skin slowly turned red with steam fuming from it. Vitiate knew what Technique this was, it was Berserk but there was something different about it.

Afterward, a tent of red Aura covered her body, then her muscles began to expand on her arms and legs. It wasn't hard to guess that her speed and power was increasing, her eyes also lost their pupils, and were replaced by red bright lights!

Vitiate had never seen her status before, he hadn't had a chance to with all that was going on. While she was powering up, he appraised her, he could see her whole status because she was his slave.

After running through her status, he knew this was her Innate Talent at work right now. "Looks like I found a gem in all of this, I can't let her free, ever!" Vitiate whispered to himself, he wasn't letting such a talented fighter go free with ease.

Her innate Talent was called the Warrior's Madness!

The Innate Talent boosted the user's Defense and Speed by 50 percent, while the Strength of the individual was boost by 70 percent! How did someone with such a powerful Innate skill get caught, was she sold out by her people or something?

Vitiate grew serious this time, this was something he wasn't expecting at all. With that, he removed his clothes except for his mask, they would only hold him back.

The audience couldn't understand what was going on, but they knew things were getting serious now. They were shocked to officially see Vitiate's body and could only guess how his face looked, they were expecting some young man with an arrogant demeanor.

Everyone wanted to comment on Vitiate's body, but there was no room for that now. Vitiate also noticed that the Barbarian woman's name was Adara. Adara looked up and grinned deeply at Vitiate, and without a word, she catapulted towards Vitiate in a flash.

Vitiate was shocked! He hurriedly and dodge, but the place he was once standing was pulverized, the stadium ground couldn't hold up, as a crater was left behind. She combined Berserk and her innate talent together, making her strength stats skyrocket!

These techniques could be a serious game-changer in most situations. One thing was for sure, her strength was now higher than Vitiate's! Adara didn't give Vitiate time to breathe and burst toward him after missing her first strike.

She moved swiftly and rammed Vitiate with her body that had increased in size. Vitiate crossed his arms over his chest to take the impact, but he was still blown back by the attack. He slammed into the other part of the spectator's section of the arena.


"Strength and Speed, her strength must have leaped by folds!" The drow, who usually stayed silent couldn't help but speak up this time. He was sure a regular barrier couldn't guard against that type of power, it would probably be destroyed in one hit!


The Dark Elf silently watched, he knew she was brute, but that strength wasn't a laughing matter.

Everyone's mouths at this point had already dropped, who could expect this!?

"So, was that fast enough for you? What, you can't say anything now!" Adara looked a the dust cloud coming from the rubble that had covered the area with a deep grin.

Vitiate came out of the rubble and wiped the blood off his lips. "Wow, I didn't expect you to have such a skill, do all barbarians have this ability?"

"Hehe, no way, this is exclusive to me, only!" Adara sneered and continued "Do you give up or do you still want a beat down?" Everyone watched with wide eyes, what was he going to say?

"I want a beat down!"

"You! You damn Masochist freak, you'll regret this!" With those words, she rushed Vitiate again at max speed, sending a barrage of punches towards him. This time, Vitiate was able to dodge the onslaught of attacks!

At that moment, he found an opening and sent a haymaker towards her left cheek. Vitiate successfully connected, but sadly, it was like hitting a wall, it didn't even affect her!

"Puny attacks like that won't work on me!" She was better physically, Vitiate couldn't help but think of how overpowered her Innate talent was! However, there was weakness, he knew the weakness as anyone would dealing with berserkers.

She grabbed Vitiate's arm and tossed him away, but he caught himself and landed on the ground. He acknowledged that she had the advantage physically. Adara had the Berserker Class which naturally boosted her Strength stat once she activated these types of skills, including her Innate talent!

This would knock the wind or in this case, the life out of a lot of individuals! Vitiate didn't want to use any noticeable Element skills on her, but he had unknowingly used some element skills on her and it was showing. Every time she made contact with him, he would cast them on her, and over time, they would affect her.

Adara started breathing and gasping roughly, her Warrior's Madness and Berserk were wearing off fast because he had used it. The weakness of these skills was the fact that you were on a time table, you had to beat your enemy before your berserker like skills were out of time, or you would faint from exhaustion.

"What's the matter, you're looking a little grim." Vitiate smiled under his mask seeing that everything was working out. He could easily match her by transforming, but he would rather not reveal that.

"I should have like 5 minutes left, why is it ending so soon? What have you done to me!?" Hearing Vitiate's speech, she deduced that he had a hand in this.

"Huh? I didn't do anything, you should know the effects of using Berserker skills. I have to say, your Innate talent, the Warrior's Madness is really good and overpowered, but it still has a weakness."

"How did you know ab..." Adara couldn't finish, she was feeling extremely dizzy from the after-effects.

Suddenly, she felt a crushing force in her stomach again, she looked down to see Vitiate's fist planted in it!

She spat up saliva and fell to the ground, she fainted on the spot. The Red Aura and steam coming from her body had dissipated afterward.

"You fought well, better than most humans I've fought against." Vitiate whispered to himself, he was satisfied with the battle despite being hit more than he expected.