Battling A Noble Captain!

The carriage sped towards Vitiate and the two Knight's position. The people in the distance sighed seeing the symbol on the carriage. At this point, everyone knew from long ago that the Fel'nir family had been trying to buy this piece of land, but couldn't get their hands on it.

"Oh, no, it looks like the Fel'nir family is here to start trouble." One man shook his head and said.

"Of course, everyone in town knows that they've been trying to buy this land for years, but it was suddenly sold to some random guy that just popped up out of nowhere, and he purchased it with no problem." Another man in the crowd said.

"So what! These nobles are too arrogant, they wish to buy all the land in Goa for themselves, and they'll do whatever it takes to get it, even if it's killing. Did you see what happened just know, they just called the owner of the shop out to force him to hand over his deed, how unreasonable!" A burly man boldly said.

"Shh! Are you crazy talking like that? If any of those noble knights hear you, you're done for!" Another man warned urgently.

There was a group of knights following alongside the carriage, and for him to dare speak like that was quite gutsy, so the man quickly suppressed his voice and hid deeper into the crowd.

Meanwhile, once the carriage was 15 yards away from Vitiate's position, did it stop. Vitiate truly had to say that this carriage looked amazing with all of the beautiful gold-green decorations on it. Once the carriage stopped, the knights alongside the carriage did as well.

The knight that had taken a minor beaten before, stood up, but the other knight was still knocked out. Vitiate wasn't worried, this was his land, and the laws were in his favor when a trespasser came within the boundaries of it.

Honestly, it wouldn't be a problem for him to kick these nobles out, and off his property. With those thoughts flashing through his mind, one of the horsemen knights wearing silver armor got off his horse.

This knight didn't even look at Vitiate, but the other knights were staring at Vitiate coldly. This was especially so when they saw one of their fellow knights on the ground with his face beaten black and blue.

Suddenly, Vitiate could feel a bit of killing intent coming from them. He could clearly see the disdain in their eyes, without a doubt, they looked down on him as if he was nothing. Vitiate ignored those knight, he could tell that their strength wasn't that much, but the silver knight that got off his horse just now was another story.

The Silver knight walked up to the carriage, as someone in the carriage seemed to be speaking with him. The knight that was beaten recently looked at Vitiate like he was a dead man, he had a ridiculing smile on his face seeing so many noble knights appear.

The Silver Knight turned toward the other knights on their horses and waved at them. Two knights quickly got off their horses and retrieved the knight that Vitiate had beaten up to the point where he fainted from anger.

"You really have some nerve to knock out one of the knights from the Fel'nir manor, you must be new in town to have the audacity to do this." The silver knight spoke coldly, then he smiled and continued "Young noble Fel'nir wishes to have a word with you, so get over here and speak!"

Vitiate frowned and said. "This is my property, so if you can't speak with respect, then get the hell out of here, or I'll have to use force!" Vitiate wasn't a herbivore, he knew this silver knight was quite strong, but he wasn't at all intimidated.

"What did you say!? I'm a noble knight of the Fel'nir family, get over here and respond to young nobles summons!" The Silver knight was enraged, he couldn't believe someone would speak to him like that. Not even the young noble master would talk to him like that and would show him respect.

"Get lost you toy soldier, I don't have time for you!" Vitiate waved his hand at the silver knight, he couldn't be bothered with idiots like this.

With those words, silence filled the area. The knight that had endured a beating was stunned. This was the captain of the Fel'nir family knights, he was lavishing in Vitiate's misfortune, he couldn't wait to see a show.

Suddenly, sword light flashed toward Vitiate at almost what the human eye normally couldn't process. Ripples in the surrounding space projected out, knocked the joyous knight near Vitiate flying. He was hit with the full force of the shockwaves being so close to the collision.

One could see that Vitiate had quickly drawn his weapon, but normal people wouldn't have been able to see it. "Not bad, you were actually able to block my quickdraw, but so what, let's see what you can really do!" Knives laughed and started slashing aggressively at Vitiate.

Their exchanges were fast, the knights and even the nobleman inside the carriage were feeling the pressure, everyone including the two Beastmen backed off hurriedly.

"For you to actually trespass on my land and attack me in broad daylight, you really don't know what manners are, you really have lived a dog's life, haven't you?" Vitiate ridiculed after being attacked by what was actually a sneak attack, he was thoroughly angered with this setting.

"What did you call me!?" Knives' face twisted from anger, he hated being called a dog, or a lapdog.

"Sword Dazzle!"

Knives called out, and his sword speed increased while giving off a small white light. Vitiate, seeing the increase in his foes speed, also sped up his attacks as well. Vitiate had good eyes sight, so he could track things much quicker; this included seeing from afar.

Sword light and slashes tore at the ground around them, damaging the ground around his business!

"Son of uh...!" Seeing the ground being destroyed around his property, Vitiate knew he had to use drastic measures! Vitiate channel electricity through his sword while exchanging blows with the knight.

There was no killing intent coming from the silver knight, so it was clear that he wasn't trying to kill him. But it was obvious what he was trying to do, he wanted to destroy some of Vitiate's building with these exchanges.

The lightning fused with his sword, as it passed through his sword and into the Silver knight's sword.

"Arg!" The knight was shocked, in more ways than one. Feeling his hands going numb, he wanted to back away but he felt the energy surging through his body that nearly paralyzed him. Using the power within from his body tempering and extreme training he had endured over the years, he shook the attack off and quickly backed away like a rabbit by hopping.

Lightning Enhancer!

The Noble in the carriage almost jumped out of his seat. Lightning was an element that not many could use. It was in the Super Class of the Element Force and had a high attack power rating that could almost place it into the Special Class of the Elemental Force.

Knives stared at Vitiate with surprise, he felt the fluctuations just now which hinted that Vitiate was an enhancer!

'Why is he using a sword, is he a Thunder Swordsman?' Knives had already been surprised that this unknown cloaked man could block his attacks with the speed he was using, but now he knew he was a Lightning sword.

'Electro Balls!'

Vitiate said to himself as he opened his palm towards the Silver knight and shot multiple Electric balls towards him. The Silver Knight quickly came out of his stupor and hurriedly and dodged the barrage of electric balls by running to the side.

Everyone was watching the fight in shock, was this the power of someone who could use the natural Elements? Many people were enjoying the fight, but what they loved seeing the most was the Sliver knight captain running away from the barrage of lightning desperately.

"Haha, look at him run away, do you see his expression, it's priceless!" One man laughed a said.

"Run little knight run, the lightning is going get you and burn your ass if it hit you, haha!" Another man cheered and said.

The whole crowd had grown courageous and started jeering at the Silver knight running away as if his life depended on it. The group of knights turned towards the crowd, giving them a cold and threatening gaze, shutting them up instantly.

"Damn it!" Some of the electro balls were dispersed by him with a wave of his sword. Fortunately, warriors used battle Ki, so he was able to block these attacks, but it still didn't stop the numbness from forming in his hands and some part of his arms.

He had blocked several of them, this was why he started feeling numb. Lightning wasn't a joking matter since it could attack a person internally when it made contact with someone. Knives wanted to deplete Vitiate's mana, but he found that this guy was still going strong with his attacks, just how big was his mana pool!?

"Enough!" Seeing his Knight captain running around like a monkey chasing a banana, the young noble finally spoke up. Vitiate didn't stop, in fact, he amped it up, causing more electro balls to attack at once!

Knives' eyes were wide from astonishment, and he quickly took out a relic from his storage bag. Once he pulled it out, he activated it and it formed an earth shield over him that shot up from the ground, covering his whole body in a sphere-like shape.

Vitiate's attacks were useless at this point, as they bombard the rock shield to no avail. The young noble gritted his teeth in anger, he clearly told this cloaked man to stop, but he didn't listen, he even dared to increase the speed in which unleashed his attacks!

A glint of coldness flashed through the young noble eyes seeing that Vitiate hadn't listened to him. Vitiate stopped his assault, he didn't want to waste mana on attacks that were doing nothing.

"Did he get him, he stopped his attack." A village woman broke the silence and said.

"You must have missed it, the knight pulled out some octagon-shaped tool. After that, the ground beneath him shot up and covered him in order to protect him from the barrage of lightning." Earth elemental skills/relics dispelled lightning attacks, causing them to be useless, it was the best counter against lightning.

"Will the fight continue?" An adventure was hoping to see the fight continue, this was better than most of the promotional fights he had witnessed from the guild.

Vitiate put his sword over his shoulder and said. "Hurry up and come out of your turtle shell, and get lost, I'm done here." Vitiate turned around and signal the two beast-men to go back inside the mall.

Vitiate look at around at his land, and his facial expression turned dark. "You inside the carriage, look at what you did to my land, you better send me some gold coins for the repair cost! How dare you destroy my land!" Vitiate pointed at the carriage with his sword, causing everyone watching to become speechless.

Wasn't it you who sent a barrage of lightning attacks at the knight?

You were the one who caused most of the damage!

This guy is trying to frame and extort the young nobleman!

Everyone secretly cursed Vitiate, but at the same time, they praised him. This guy was actually trying to extort a noble!

The young noble's mouth twitched hearing this, he couldn't believe his ear. His intent was to destroy some of Vitiate's land while teaching him a lesson with a beating, but he had never expected this outcome.

Just when the noble was about to speak out, a loud voice came from the sky. "Who dares to fight inside Goa village, are you looking to die!?"