Daylight Robbery!

Everyone looked up and saw a man descending from the sky. The man was old with a grey beard and grey robes. Strangely, despite having grey hair and being old, he didn't have a single wrinkle on his face. The man was riding on a beast that looked similar to the griffin but it was different in coloration with a few other different features that were notable.

|Name: Sam 🟡

|Title: Warbounded, Veteran, Demon Killer

|Race: Bird/Hybrid

|Race Type: HippoGriff

|Age: 21


|Name: Cade Roseman 🟡

|Title: Goa Town's Mayor, Goa Town Protector, Demon Killer, Demon Slayer, Evil Excutionist

|Race: Human

|Age: 62

Upon further inspection, the Hippogriff had a pair of horse hind legs, which was totally different from its griffin counterpart. The man that was on the Hippogriff was exuding powerful Fluctuations, he was one of the strongest people he had ever seen besides the woman at the gate that day.

Griffins were much more aggressive and couldn't be tamed by anyone, they would usually turn on the individual raising them at some point. Vitiate didn't have to worry about that due to them being under the influence of the dungeon.

Griffins were actually stronger than their counterpart as well, but because of the aggressive ways and the matter with them turning on their owner, people stop having dealings with the creature. However, this wasn't the same for the hippogriff, even though it was weaker than its counterpart, they would still remain loyal to the one who raised it until it died.

The Titles that Cade had also provided a buff and boost to his stats. As long as he fought in Gao Village, his overall strength would increase. His strength would also increase against demons with the demon slayer title.

Cade looked at the mini earth sphere that could accompany at least two humans, and waved his hand. With a wave of his hand, powerful Ki waves rushed out of his palms and destroyed the circular rock shield.

"Whaa..?" Knives was dumbfounded, he looked up and saw a man slowly descending towards the ground on a beast. With a simple glance, he could easily recognize this man, and he started to shiver.

Cade glared at the knight, then he looked all around, spotting Vitiate and the nobleman's carriage surrounded by knights. It didn't take much to figure out what was going on, he knew that this land was bought by some unknown figure and that the Fel'nir family had failed to seize it. Thus, they would surely come looking for trouble for the one who took it from underneath their noses.

This was a clear provocation to them!

Before Cade could ask any questions about what was going on, the carriage door opened up. A man and a woman stepped out of the carriage.

The man was wearing an exquisite customed tailored suit, there was a gold and white clover tagged on his shoulders, and on the left part of his chest. He had long blonde hair with green eyes with sharp sword-like eyebrows, and a stunning feminine face.

The village women blushed when they saw his face, they were mesmerized the minute they saw him. The men, however, wished to rush up to this guy and beat him until he was uglier than an orc, they were clearly jealous. Even Vitiate was stunned, how can a guy looked like a woman, unless he was an elf, then it was understandable.

The woman next to him was a maid, she had short orange hair while sporting the typical maid outfit. The woman looked like she was in her early twenties, but Vitiate had a skill that could probe someone's age. The woman strangely had orange fiery eyes, she looked at Vitiate with curiosity for second before turning to the young noble.

Vitiate quickly probed the man with his [Eye Of Appraisal].

|Name: Mirus Fel'nir (?????) 🟠

|Title: Noble

|Race: Human

|Age: 22

At this point, Vitiate already knew what every color signified. Red meant hostility, and that they would attack the minute they spotted you. Yellow meant they were neutral, and that they wouldn't attack unless you attacked them.

Now, Mirus was showing orange which meant he was hostile but wouldn't attack due to certain circumstances. The Silver knight that just finished fighting Vitiate was the same, this included the other knights on horses.

Then there was blue, this color meant that they were passive, and even if you attack them, they wouldn't fight back. They would either run or die by your hands. This color showed up on the long-necked deer's status back in Dread Forest.

"Can anyone explain to me why you guys are fighting in this town? We have Doran's guild to settle disputes in the arena if both parties have reached a disagreement." As the mayor of this town, he had to make sure things were fair and justified, he wouldn't favor another party over the other.

"This is just a misunderstanding mayor, one thing led to another and a fight broke out suddenly. I sent my two knights to talk business with this mister, but they must have had some sort of disagreement." Mirus calmly said.

"That's right, we tried to talk about a partnership with him, but he suddenly got mad and attacked both of us for no reason." This was the knight from before, but he wasn't looking so good. He was bleeding from his nose and ear with several wounds on his body. His armor had a few dents in it, he had taken severe damage from the ripples from Knives' and Vitiate's fight! If he wasn't wearing any sort of protection during their clash, his bone would have likely been all broken.

Cade the Mayor looked at this knight with pity, no one knew it, but he had watched the fight from the beginning to end and he saw what happened during Knives' and Vitiate's brief exchange.

"Mayor, these guys didn't talk about any business, they wanted to rob my deed. Everyone knows that this Fel'nir family has always been trying to get their hands on this property, but I was the victor in the end. This Mirus guy sent his two goon to scare and intimidated me, but it didn't work, resulting in them catching a beating. They even attacked my guards at the door, they deserved to get what was coming to them." Vitiate spoke smoothly and loud enough for everyone to hear, while everyone in the crowd nodded in agreement.

Mirus's face changed a bit and he said. "My knights aren't that good at talking and handling some things, I'll be sure to disciple them for their wronging, but show a little more respect, sir." Mirus was very displeased with Vitiate's way of speaking.

"Respect? Come on, I know you guys were hiding in the distance, waiting for good results. Sadly, you discovered that the owner of this place wasn't a pushover, so hurried over to use more force but that failed as well." Vitiate looked at Silver knight Knives, and laughed seeing his dumbfound expression.

"Haha, I see! That makes perfect sense!" Cade laughed and nodded, then looked coldly at Mirus and his knights. "Mirus, Goa isn't a place where you can run rampant just because you're a noble! If you keep starting trouble within the town, I'll be forced to talk about a few things with your father, removing you or your family from this town!"

Honestly, he had grown fed up with this family, they did things as if they ran this town. He had seen them use force to take several pieces of land and businesses, but he ignored it because the person they took it from never filed a complaint about it.

"C-City lord! Are you taking his side, a mere outsider?" Mirus thought he was hearing things, he even threatened to have his family removed from the Goa town/village!

"I saw the battle from the start with your knight and this gentleman here, I saw the sneak attack he enacted. This town already has its troubles dealing with monsters killing and abducting people, we don't need any more problems!" Cade spoke coldly, as his aura rushed over the knight corp, causing them to shake uncontrollably.

Mirus Gnashed his teeth, he glared hatefully at Vitiate. He couldn't do anything with Cade, so all he could do was hate Vitiate.

'Good, good, very good, just you wait!' Mirus thought to himself.

"We're leaving, let's go!" Just when Mirus was about to step into his carriage, a voice came over, it was full of ridicule.

"Hold it right there, girly boy. Hand over 100,000 Gold coins, this land isn't going to fix itself. You're flower knight destroy my land, this business I set up is to help all the villager in their time of need, but just came here a messed it up. What about the poor people, what about the kids, we can't overlook these things, but you want to destroy it?"

Everyone was silent, no one believed a single word that came out Vitiate's mouth. Even the mayor didn't believe it, his eyebrows rose slightly, as he sighed lightly.

More like seeking profit over all else!

This was everyone's true thoughts, but they were still happy to see a noble being robbed in broad daylight.

Knives really wished to choke Vitiate to death, he actually called him a flower knight! Mirus's body shook, he wanted 100,000 Gold coin, did he think gold coins were rocks he could just collect by walking around? He wasn't even the one that caused all of this damage, at that, the damage done to this land wasn't worth nearly this much!

"Don't tell me the Fel'nir family is this poor, that they can't even pay 100,000 gold coins!" Vitiate said disdainfully. "Do you guys see this, a noble is so broke and stingy with his money, even after he caused the destruction!" Vitiate did this on purpose, he was trying to deface the Fel'nir family as nothing more than poor ghosts that haunted this town. This caused everyone to nearly burst into laugher but they, of course, held it in.

Mirus turned to Vitiate, his eyes nearly going bloodshot from anger, but he held it in to keep up his image. Mirus's took out a storage pouch and tossed it to Vitiate with much reluctance. The maid by his side could only sigh seeing this, things were about to turn sour later with this transaction.

Vitiate quickly inspected the bag and nodded. This caused everyone's mouth to twitch, they were also feeling jealous and admiration for him. He had earned big, it was 100,000 Gold Coins, who didn't feel like being Vitiate right now?

But that was only right now.

The mayor wanted to say something since 100,000 gold coins were simply going too far. But once he saw the young noble turn and toss the storage pouch, he was speechless from shock. The noble quickly turned to Cade and gave a slight bow before entering his carriage hurriedly. He was afraid that this human devil might demand something else from him.

The knights rushed off on their horses, but not before giving Vitaite a threatening gaze. This was mainly from knives, he now hated Vitiate to the bone.

Cade knew that the Fel'nir family wouldn't let this matter go, it was only going to be more troublesome later. Cade had only threatened Mirus to stop him from having ideas about this land, he couldn't forceful kick the Fel'nir family out. Afterall, Mirus's father was a baron, though it was the lowest ranking noble, it still held meaning.

Once they left, the people cheered seeing the defeated noble and noble knights rush off.

"Haha, he made a killing!"

"This man scammed 100,000 gold coins! I can't earn that in one hundred years!" Some adventure stated with jealously.

"He may have earned big, but the Fel'nir will not let this matter rest, he just finessed 100,000 gold coins from them!" One man shook his head in pity, would Vitiate even get to enjoy the money?

"We'll wait and see, who knows what'll happen next." A man wearing a hood said, smiling. While everyone was talking about what just happened, the mayor approached Vitiate.

"Lad, I hope you know what you're doing by taking that amount of money. Taking money from a noble like that isn't going to end well for anyone."

"No worries, this is my property, if they try anything, then I'll be forced to use deadly methods." Vitiate was only slightly worried, if things got bad, he wouldn't mind paying them a visit at night.

"Well, you have been warned, just don't get caught in the act. Don't underestimate the Fel'nir family, they have several trump cards up their sleeve." Cade didn't know if Vitiate was ignorant or seeking destruction. With those last words, he flew off on his hippogriff, just like that.

Vitiate only watched as the mayor disappeared from his vision slowly. Afterward, he went back into his mall. Many slaves heard the commotion outside and were a bit worried, but once they saw their boss, they sighed in relief and continued with their jobs.

Vitiate immediately called for Levi the Dark elf and Draydin, the Drow. He instructed them to exchange 50,000 gold coins into copper and silver coins. There was no way he could just use on currency, so he needed different types to use, in this case, smaller currency.

The town had a bank, so it wouldn't be a challenge to do this.

Vitiate saw that Siena was being trained by one of the workers in the restaurant by peeking into the place. He was amazed at how fast the other slaves had adapted, they weren't in this place for that long, but learned quickly. This was especially so for the foreign races who didn't follow this way of life.

After seeing things going well for Siena, he went back to his office. Vitiate wanted to visit his dungeon for a bit, he also wanted to grab a few things while he was there.