Goblin Challenger!

Vitiate's Dungeon was indeed hard to spot, he himself was aware of this which made him feel relieved. Despite this, several creatures had still found their way to his Dungeon. Sadly for them, they were either killed by traps or were ambushed on the second floor. Vitiate received higher alerts when humans invaded his Dungeon.

The Group of adventures took out a measuring device to check the Dungeon's danger level. Their real goal was to hunt in the forest, but they unexpectedly discovered this Dungeon. Vitiate's Appraisal skill had leveled up recently, this was before he inspected Seraphina yesterday.

Due to how low this skill was, he could only measure their strength through their Aura signatures. VItiate somewhat understood why this woman in blue was so arrogant, she had the skills to back it up, at least that's what it felt like. The man in the black garments carried two daggers, which gave off an assassin like vibe.

After the team looked at the Danger level, they all had a great change in expression.

"T-this...." The spearman struggled to speak from surprise, as a cold sweat appeared on his forehead and back.

"Goodness! This is a Code Grey Grade 3 Dungeon!" One of the women in the group cried out in alarm. They had not expected the threat level to be so high.

"This Dungeon is well hidden, so it makes sense that it would have time to grow to such an extent." The black garment man wasn't so surprised anymore after thinking about it.

"What do we do? Do we turn back and forget about this Dungeon? Maybe we should report it to the guild so they can write it down on record." A man with heavy armor and a huge shield didn't think going deeper into this dungeon was a good idea.

"No! We can't tell the guild about this, this is our discovery. Imagine the treasures in this Dungeon, do you want other adventures to take them away?" Said the point nose man sporting 2 hook swords.

Greed flashed through his eyes, how could he allow other adventurers to form raiding parties to take all the great loot? This would be even worse when several factions appeared here, everyone knew how they like to control everything for themselves.

"Y-you guys can go, I'll stay here and guard the exit of the Dungeon, hehe." The tall shield man strained a smile and said heroically.

"You coward, you just don't want to go in because you're scared!" One of the women scowled seeing the shield man shrink back in fear.

The Shield man had more sense than most, some big event must have happened for this Dungeon to breakthrough to Grey grade. The difference in threat levels was huge once a dungeon took on these dangerous levels, something big clearly had happened in this place, and he wasn't trying to find out.

"Cough cough, don't talk nonsense, I'm a shield man who has swore to protect my comrades... so I have to guard the cave to stop intruders." The shield man held his head up high in a righteous manner with his eyes close, as he basked in the sunlight to enhance his heroic-like appearance.

"Shameless bastard!" The woman felt like kicking this guy in face, how could he act so heroic with a straight face like that?

"Let him stay, we'll only explore a little bit and turn back. Later, we'll secretly find some allies to help dive deeper into this place. It isn't so bad to scout the place for now, as long as we don't go too far."

The woman in blue's arrogant attitude settled down a bit after seeing the Dungeon's Danger level. The Adventurer's Guild had a few Code Green Dungeons on record, it was clear that this Dungeon could become a Green grade at any point in time!

"Hmph!" The woman from before snorted looking at the shield man, but he still held his righteous appearance as if he didn't notice.

What a thick faced guy!

Vitiate who had been watching shook his head. These types of characters were the funniest when things went south. They agreed with the woman in blue and decided to scout, but hey sent the black garment man ahead of them since he was good a movement skills.

The man quickly made his way through the floor, evading all the traps set by Vitiate. "This guy really does have skills!" Vitiate's face soured a bit seeing his traps being evaded so easily, he couldn't help but think of putting more dangerous traps on this floor.

Despite unexpectedly finding this dungeon, they had a communication device among them. So, communicating with the garment man was fairly easy. The group had several devices on them, that Vitiate couldn't identify at first sight. They all carried storage bags to hold all of their valuables.

The man found the stairs to the second level, he also told them that he discovered a strange lake near the entrance to the second level. With the help of the black garment man, they were able to get through the dungeon without suffering from any traps or deadly snares.

"This damn floor has way too many friggin traps!" One of the men complained. He was nearly shot to death by arrows before coming over here but was quickly warned by the black garment wearing man.

Everyone ignored his complaints as someone spoke up. "This floor doesn't seem to have any monsters besides those crows hanging around here." They had seen many crows watching them, but found that these weren't even monsters, but regular crows.

"Yeah, this floor is probably something like a warm-up floor, with only traps present. But I can almost guarantee that monsters will likely be on the next floor, so be ready." The Black garment man wearing man warned.

"Okay, let's carefully head to the second floor. If things get bad, we can turn back and leave." Everyone couldn't agree more, they were only here to scout for now. The group of 7 cautiously descended the stairs.

After 3 minutes, they arrived on the 2nd level of the dungeon.

"It's a jungle!" Everyone looked at the huge jungle with surprise, the dungeon generated such a giant terrain so early?

The 2nd floor was the 2nd biggest floor in Vitiate's Dungeon, while the biggest dungeon floor was the 3rd level. Using common sense, it wasn't hard to guess that monsters were surely on this floor, after all, it was a jungle.

"Keep your guard up, we don't know what type of monsters are on this floor." The Spearman looked around cautiously and said.

Everyone nodded silently and walked ahead together. Suddenly, a bush shook, grabbing everyone's attention. Everyone who had weapons raised them while the woman in blue held her hand in from of her, a water ball hovered over her palm.

At that moment, a rabbit jumped out and ran over the pathway into another part of the jungle.

"Phew, it was just a rabbit. No need to get overly cautious for nothing." Everyone relaxed a bit.


"Ahhh!" One of the adventures howled in pain. An arrow flung out of the jungle and hit him in the legs.

Everyone's face turned grave and almost instantly, the woman in blue summoned a giant water shield over everyone in the group. Just as she did that, a hail of arrows rained down on them like a storm.

Everyone was shocked seeing this!

"We're under attack!"

"No shit!"

The arrows were all caught by the giant water shield, seeing a possible battle unfolding, water began to leak from the blue-robed woman's body. The water didn't sink into the ground like regular water would because this water was filled with Ki.

This was her way of controlling the battlefield. As this was going on, several goblins holding swords, spears, bows, and several other weapons emerged from the forest.

Everyone relaxed a bit seeing that this was a Goblin's doing. But soon, they frowned because the number of these goblins were quite large.

"Damn, they have decent weapons and there are so many of them, I really can't stand creatures that grow so fast like this." One woman spoke with concern seeing so many goblins emerge from the jungle.

"No worries, I can kill many of them, no problem." The woman in blue wasn't worried about mere goblins. They wanted to go out and attack, but there were still some goblins hiding in the jungle with bows scoping them out.

"Water Ridge!"

The woman called out in a low voice and the water in the surroundings started to heighten up, creating giant thick water walls, blocking off the jungle, and only leaving leeway on the path. This was a shield against any bowmen hiding trying to snipe them.

At this point, however, several goblins were already on the pathway ready to confront them. With the water Ridge wall up, she lowered the water shield for her group to rush out and fight.

"Kill them!"


The adventurer team rushed over and immediately confronted the goblins warriors and bowmen. The woman in blue sat back, she had to maintain the water Ridge to shield them from snipers.

Vitiate nodded seeing this skill, it was like a towering wall. He knew that this skill was stronger than the regular Water Wall most Water Enhancer learned for defense.

The goblins fought as best as they could, but they couldn't stand up against these human adventurers.

There were 4 major areas on the 2nd floor. This area wasn't overseered by high goblins like Warren or Stella. They were far off in another direction while this Goblin group lived in a village on this floor closeby.

The job of these goblins was to watch the Dungeon door, so they were stationed here. They used the jungle to their advantage when sneak attacking invaders, their skin color helped them further their camouflage in the jungle so they weren't that easy to spot.

Suddenly, several more Goblins warriors appeared from the jungle and broke through the water Ridge to join the fight. The water ridge's main goal was to stop projectile weapons and skills from entering.

"Damn, do these bastards have an end to them!?" The adventurers were starting to get a bit worried now, they seemed to have underestimated the number of goblins present here.

"Dang it! Just keep killing them, we can take the monster cores and bodies away later." Goblin warrior bodies had some worth, but regular goblins were only good for their ears, they hadn't formed a mana core yet.

"Gigigi!" At that moment, a loud voice emerged from the jungle. It was filled with provocation, then a tall Goblin emerged around 5'11 in height. His skin was gray, his eyes red while sporting a bald head. He wore Light Gray armor, with a long spear in his hand, his eyes glinted with intelligence as he walked through the Water Ridge.

"A Hobgoblin!"

Everyone called out in alarmed. Now they knew who was calling the shots here. The difference in strength between and warrior and Hobgoblin warrior was massive.

The Hobgoblin looked at the Spearman on the adventurer team with provocation.

This was clearly a challenge!

"What? Is that goblin actually challenging me?" The spearman couldn't believe it. When did a goblin have such honor to fight someone 1 on 1?

Vitiate was also surprised, he knew all the hobgoblins in his Dungeon, he had never seen this one before. It didn't take a genius to figure out that this goblin must have evolved when he was out.

Vitiate rubbed his chin with a nonexistent beard and smiled. Thinking of something, he sent a message to the Hobgoblin who was challenging the spearman.

The Hobgoblin was first surprised, then nodded.

"Gigugigi!" The Goblin pointed its spear at the Spearman and said a few words in the Goblin language.

"I don't know what you're saying, but I accept your challenge!" The spearman sneered seeing a mere goblin challenge him, what a joke!

"He said if you beat him you can advance to the next floor untouched." Another voice came from the jungle, as another Hobgoblin emerged. This Goblin was also male, but he wore dark green robes with a hood covering his head, so his facial features were unknown.

"What the.... a goblin that can speak our language?" Everyone was now shocked due to ignorance, but this wasn't the same for the black garment man and blue-robed woman. They certainly knew that when it came to the enhancer type goblins who grew intelligent over time, speaking in different tongues wasn't a big deal.

The spearman, coming out from his surprise, looked at the Warrior Hobgoblin and readied his weapon. He didn't really believe this cunning robed goblin, they were all liars in his book.

"Oh my god! It's a Wood Enhancer Hobgoblin, how!?" Vitiate was now shocked.

Enhancer Hobgoblins could be bought off the system for around 800 to 1,500 Dungeon Points. Sadly, there was a con to buying them off the system flatly, they wouldn't be as strong as the ones raised by the Dungeon from a lowly goblin.

This was the main reason Vitiate refrained from buying any from the Dungeon. Warren was his first Hobgoblin, but he was exempted from the system rules since it was his first buy of a Hobgoblin at that time. Buying anymore wouldn't have such high potential as Warren or any of the Hobs brought up from Goblin Hood.

This was sadly the reason the fire enhancer struggled to level up and stayed the same. Stella even caught up to him and evolved to what he was shortly after.

Vitiate shook his head helplessly, but he was still happy to see a naturally born and raised Hobgoblin. The battle between the Spearman and the Hobgoblin Warrior had already begun. The other Goblins cleared the way for the Hobgoblin to fight the intruder, thus they didn't attack anyone anymore.