By Mere Goblins!

Naturally, most of the group couldn't tell that the Wood Hobgoblin was an actual Hobgoblin due to his size. They assumed that he was a regular goblin that somehow learned their language, but the blue-robed woman and black garment man wasn't ignorant to this.

The adventurer group believed the Goblin running the show was the Warrior Hobgoblin, and that he was the leader. Sadly, he wasn't running this show, it was the Wood Hobgoblins who was the leader here. The Warrior had asked him if it was okay to spar with the human spearman, and he gave his confirmation to it.

What the Wood Hobgoblins couldn't understand was, why would the Warrior Hobgoblin let them pass if he was defeated? They were stationed here to not allow anyone to pass, so how could he have the audacity to allow something like that?

The Wood Enhancer Hobgoblin grinned under his hood, they weren't allowed to pass here, so they won't pass; he thought.

Both the Human and Goblin's clear Ki collided and so did 2 spears, battle Ki was used by all fighter types. The Hob Warrior stab rapidly at the Spearman, but both of their spear tips met each other every time. They seemed evenly matched, their height was even the same.

"Damn!" The Spearman cursed, he couldn't believe that a mere goblin could follow up on his swift strikes.

Sparks flew from their clash, as both parties maneuvered around each other stabbing their spears in rapid succession. The Hobgoblin was quite happy fighting another spear user, he had dueled a few times with Warren yesterday when he first evolved but lost every time.

After losing, he was stationed here to guard with the Wood Enhancer Goblin who evolved on the same day as him. During their fight, the man who was shot in the leg was receiving medical treatment from the woman in blue. With her medical help and with him circulating his battle ki to heal himself, he was fully recovered in no time.

He sighed in relief after realizing that the arrow wasn't laced with poison.

"Tsk! I think we should sneak attack that Hobgoblin and make a run for it, afterward." The Pointy nosed man with the two curved swords said as he gazed at the HobGoblin.

"Don't be stupid! They said they would let us go pass if the duel is won by our side." Another man with a sword and silver round shield said hastily.

"Let's watch, for now, don't do anything reckless." The woman in blue chimed in. She said this with reason, she knew the strange Hooded Hobgoblin was watching them closely.

"Tsk! Whatever!" The pointy nose man grumbled and complied.

The spearman managed to parry one the Hobgoblin's strike, seeing this, he quickly took advantage and stabbed the Hobgoblin Warrior in the shoulder.

The Hobgoblin grumbled in pain and backed off. Spears were barely good for blocking, as it was an all-in type weapon. The spear was mainly used for pure offense and lack the ability to block most of the time.

"Haha, you're still a little too inexperienced to handle a real warrior. Let's see if you can take this!" The spearman held his spear with two hands near his head and channeled energy through it.

Fluctuation appeared around the spear until it took form, and suddenly, the tip of the spear started spinning rapidly like a drill of some sort. The Water Ridge on both sides of the pathway started to show many ripples and waves from the high-speed spinning skill.

"Uh, oh, he really wants to end this fast. That's one of his special skills [Drill Thrust!]" One of the women exclaimed, she was wearing a Burgandy warrior outfit with only an armor chest plate for protection. This woman seemed to use a short sword as her primary weapon.

The HobGoblin could easily sense that his life was under threat, but he didn't panic. Before fighting the spearman, he made sure to observe the human's gear and weapons before calling him out for a challenge.

"Damned human, don't get full of yourself!" The Hobgoblin's spear showed a small tent of green light for a second, but it was only for a second, so no one noticed. He rushed forth to connect with the spearman's [Drill Thrust] Head on.

The Spearman only smiled, but he sneered in his heart, this Goblin was dead for sure!

Both their weapon's collided, along with the sound of an ear-piercing drill sounds. If anyone from Vitaite's former world were here, their collision would sound like work tools being used.


The Goblins, Human adventures, and the Wood Hobgoblin covered their ears from the screeching collision. The ground beneath the two had started to crack and give away, this caused several little pebbles to fly off in several directions.

Some goblins in the area were struck in the head with these high-speed pebbles and actually died!

Seeing all of this, the adventures wrapped their bodies in Ki to stave off these little rocks. They were also able to cope and block off the ear-piercing sound with this method.

"How can this be?" The spearman was shocked. The Hobgoblin was actually holding out against his attack with his spear. He was shocked because he could feel that his Ki Force was higher than the Hobgoblin, he was also confident in his weapon and skills to kill this Hobgoblin.


Both sides were pushed back by the force after a period of time, this caused a small dust cloud to form around the area. Slowly but surely the dust started to settle, at this point, all of the Goblins close by had run further away after seeing their comrades being killed by pebbles.

Normal Goblins couldn't use Ki to guard themselves until they reached the warrior status, so a pebble at highspeed could easily take them out.

Once the dust cleared, both parties glared at each other. The Spearman observed the Hobgoblin, though he didn't show it on his face, he was still surprised in his heart. This skill was able to even kill a few Ogres in the past.

But upon further inspection, he saw the hobgoblin's hand were bleeding. The pulsing from his arms also didn't escape his observation. 'Good, so he didn't get off scot-free, he did indeed take damage from the attack!' The spearman was somewhat relieved seeing this.

The Goblins held up his spear, still ready to continue the fight. Seeing this, another thought insinuated itself. The spear in the Hobgoblin's hands, was it a higher grade than his!?

The Spearman's face was turning dark thinking of the possibility of a mere Goblin having a better weapon than him. His weapon was a Rare grade weapon, but it was a low Rare grade weapon.

"Porter, what grade is this Hobgoblin's weapon?" The spearman didn't turn around to look at them, but asked one of his party members a question while still keeping an eye on the Hobgoblin.

"What? Asking such a strange question all of a sudden. Isn't it just goblin? Its weapon should be common, and if he's fortunate, uncommon." Porter didn't believe a Goblin could have such fortune, so he assumed so.

"You idiot! Didn't you see this thing block my attack with its spear, are you blind!?" The Spearman felt irritated right now, and couldn't help but curse his party member for being blind.

"This.... Okay, I'll check and see! [Scan!]" Porter used one of his skills to Inspect the weapon in the Hobgoblin's hands, but he couldn't see the rating of the item. So, he got a little closer because it could only scan gear and tools within a certain range.

Porter face suddenly changed after scanning the item, he was shocked silent. Everyone in his party noticed this and knew that the weapon in the Hobgoblin's hands was pretty high.

"What did you see? What is the Grade of it?" The spearman asked, curiosity.

"I-it's a Rare Grade spear, but i-its a high grade!" Porter stuttered and said.

"What!?" Everyone was shocked, including the black garment man and Blue robed woman. How can a Goblins get his hands on such a weapon, did it spawn with it?

"No wonder he could block my attack!" The Spearman stared at the spear in the Hobgoblin's hands with a tinge of greed.

"Little Goblin, hand over your spear, and I can spare your life. That spear is wasted in your dirty hands, just give it up." The spearman smiled, but his voice and tone was filled with demand.

"No! The short beard man gave this spear to me as a gift." The Goblin answered flatly.

"The short beard man?" The spearman was confused, he thought the Goblin was talking nonsense. "If you don't want to hand it over, then I'll take it from your dead body!" The spearman grinned coldly and made his move.

He wasn't worried; If he had to, he could easily escape from this Dungeon after killing this goblin. The Spearman glinted towards the Hobgoblin, waving his spear towards the Hobgoblin's throat.

He was a newly evolved Hobgoblin, so his strength wasn't that high yet. He hadn't had time to truly get used to his new strength, so killing him wouldn't be much of a problem for this spearman.

The Hobgoblin knew he couldn't block this sudden attack on time, so all he could do was fall back towards the ground. Flipping on his back to stand again, while this was happening, he sent a kick toward the spearman's face.

The spearman was sure he could kill this Hobgoblin with a quick stab in the throat but he had surprisingly failed. Seeing that the Goblin had dodged and was now counter-attacking against him, he was furious.

With a clanking sound, the Goblin's kick was blocked but the Goblin used the spearman's momentum from his spear to gain leverage, sending in another kick!

At that moment, the Spearman was kicked in the side.

"Ugh!" The Goblin sent flying away, while the spearman stumbled backward. He only felt a little pain, but nothing threatening. However, he was annoyed by this Goblin that refused to die or give in.

The Goblin quickly stood up and readied himself, he thought this human might go for another quick attack on him.

"Still refusing to give it up? Hahaha, what a funny creature!" The spearman laughed wildly seeing the Hobgoblin's cautious expression; he was clearly on guard because of the last attack.

"Let's see how you hold up?" The spearman smiled prepare to use another technique when suddenly, a voice came over.

"Humans, you win! You can go pass here, no one will bother you on your way." This was the Wood Enhancer's voice. The Minutes he said that; the Goblins from before disappeared into the jungle.

"What? I can still fight Wyren!" The Grey Hobgoblin was stunned hearing this.

"That's an order from him." Wyren the Wood Enhancer didn't say his name, but the Spear Hobgoblin understood.

"What? Just like that? This isn't over, we can still fight, I want that sp...."

"Shut it! It's over, we wish to go further and explore!" The Blue robed woman interrupted him and continued. "You're not lying to us are you Goblin, don't think your little tricks will work!" The Blue robed woman looked over at the Enhancer suspiciously.

"Human, do you think you guys are all that? If we wanted to catch you, why would we need to let our buddy here duel your knuckleheaded friend?" The Hobgoblin's voice was cold, but it was filled contempt for these people, especially the spearman.

"You... Fuck you! Who the hell are you calling a knucklehead!?" The spearman was instantly enraged and wanted to rush over to this Goblin to beat him before killing him. He had never been called a knucklehead by anyone, how could he take being called that by a goblin?

He was quickly stopped by the Black Garment man before he could make a move.

"This Goblin surprisingly has a foul mouth, I've truly seen it all." One of the adventurers in the group wearing light armor felt like he had lived in a cave all his life, could goblins talk like this?

The woman in blue stared at the Hobgoblin for a bit before nodding. She had thought about many things, but could sense that the Hobgoblin wasn't lying. She was quite skilled at sensing liars, so there was no way for this Hobgoblin to fool her.

"Okay, we'll move forward. Let's go!" After she said that, the [Water Ridge] skill was retracted and disappeared. The Warrior Hobgoblins had already arrived at the Wood Enhancer's side, as he watched the Human spearman with annoyance.

"What are you looking at?" The spearman sensed the Hobgoblin gaze and looked over at him with a sneer on his face.

"Nothing much!" The Hobgoblins said flatly, but he was smiling as he said this.

"Nothing much?" The spearman was confused for a second but he soon understood what the Hobgoblin meant.

"I'll fight you to death!" The Spearman's face turned red, he was nearly fooled by a mere goblin.

This Goblin was calling him nothing!

"Enough! Let's continue our exploration." The Robed woman hurriedly and stopped the spearman. Some of the adventurers were chuckling due to him being mocked by the Goblins constantly.

The Spearman gnashed his teeth looking the 2 Goblins, to be made a fool of by goblins. This was the biggest insult ever! The Group continued onward, but not before looking at the two goblins one last time before leaving further through the floor.