Danger Ahead!

The group of 7 continued through the 2nd floor. There was a path for them to walk on, so it wasn't a big deal for them. The Goblins didn't give them directions, they wouldn't have even if they asked, so they could only find the entrance to the 3rd floor themselves.

"Damn, I'm finding that I hate Goblins more and more the more I think about it." The spearman kept thinking of those 2 Goblins from before. He really felt like beat both of them into submission if he ever saw them again.

"Hey, you were the one who was fooled and made to be a fool by a bunch of Goblins, hahaha!" The burgundy wearing woman laughed heartily when recounting the events from before.

"Shut up! You better not tell anyone about this, none of you!" The Spearman glared coldly over the group.

"Oh, no, I'm so scared!" The Pointy nose man, who was playing with his sword said sarcastically.

"Don't make me shove that curved sword up you a**, do you believed I won't do it?" The Spearman could clearly hear the mockery in his voice.

"Oh, I'd like to see you try it." The curved sword didn't back down, he smiled and was completely unafraid.

"Guys, stop! We need to find the entrance to the 3rd floor. Hera is already mapping what she can out of this Jungle." The Blue Robed woman soon diffused the taunts before it could escalate.

Both of them looked at each other, but it was a look of "I'll deal with you later then."

At this time, the man with the round shield and sword had his weapons placed on his back. He was using a search tool to find the entrance to the next level. "Hmm, I think I found it, it's about 2 miles away from here!" The man suddenly frowned seeing these results, this floor was much bigger than he thought.

"Why is this damn floor so big?" The spearman immediately roared with complaint.

"Like I would know, it may not have just goblins inhabiting this place." Many people had complaints, but they still kept walking. They were used to walking through Dread Forest where monsters were nearly everywhere.

They all found that no monsters had ever popped out to stop them after walking for a while. "Look like those Goblins didn't lie, what a surprise!" The 3rd woman finally spoke, she was usually silent while observing everything.

"It isn't over yet, just keep walking and keep your guard up, they're still Goblins, after all." The spearman never let his guard down, he didn't trust Demons the most, which Goblins were classified as.

Of course, they didn't walk and instead began to move quickly through the road. Two miles wasn't a joking matter and they couldn't waste time merely walking. After 30 to 45 minutes, they came across several forks in the road that led to different paths.

"Which way do we take?" The curved sword man asked the Round shield man as he stared at the three different paths. Hearing this question, everyone looked towards the round shield man waiting for his answer.

"Hmm, this way, it's the path in the middle that should take us to the entrance of the 3rd floor." The round shield man nodded with confidence. This group of adventurers was really prepared when they went into Dread Forest, so they had several devices on them.

"Are you sure? You're not reading wrong are you, I'm not trying to get lost in this big jungle." The burgundy dressed woman wanted to be sure, the artificial sun in this Dungeon was hard to deal with. Dread Forest offered much better protection from the sun due to how thick it was, but they were on a path being exposed to it.

"Yes, do you want to navigate for us since you're not sure!" The round shield man's face scrunched, as he glared uglily at the woman.

The woman's mouth twitched, but she didn't say anything. The group quickly came to an agreement after double-checking.


1st Floor Dungeon Entrance.

"Damn, I hope these idiots come out alive. Why would anyone in their right mind go into a Code Gray Grade 3 Dungeon, they're clearly looking to die!" The armored man stood at the Dungeon Entrance and questioned.


Suddenly, as he was thinking, the sky rumbled. This startled him instantly, as he looked towards the sky with wide eyes. Then, it started to rain and thunderstorm heavily to the point where it was hard to see through, it seemed kinda foggy.

"Dang it! It's thunder storming? It's going to be hard getting back to Goa in this crap."

However, this was a strange phenomenon. This wasn't a regular thunderstorm, it was raining everywhere on Ashefall Island, even the Glacial Zone didn't escape this.

The heavily armored man looked into the cave, walking into it and sat on a rock. He was clearly bored, so he took out his sword to look at his face.

"Haha, damn I look good!" The armored man put his hands on his chin and smiled at the reflection on his sword.

"Oh, really?"

Suddenly the man was startled again by a strange voice that passed through his ear.

"Who goes there, come out!" The armored man grabbed his big shield and readied his sword. He looked around but saw no one.

"Was I just hearing things?" The armored man's eyebrows knitted, but he was sure he heard a voice.

"Nope, you weren't hearing things, you should surrender, hahaha!"

"What? Ahhhh~!"


2nd Floor.

The group finally arrived at the entrance to the 3rd floor with no trouble at all. No monsters tried to intercept on their way here as the Goblins had said. "This is it, this is the entrance to the 3rd floor. What did I tell you, my navigation skills are top class, but some people always hating and doubting on me."

The round shield man looked toward the burgundy dressed woman with a smirk on his face,

"Hmph!" The burgundy dressed woman snorted and looked away.

"Let's go!" The curved sword man seemed eager.

"Wait! We should let Autolycus Investigate first, he's good at scouting ahead for any dangers." The blue-robed woman was clearly talking about the black garment man.

Everyone instantly agreed. He was the one who made it easy for them to go through the first layer of the Dungeon with no casualties. Autolycus nodded and flew toward the entrance, everyone followed slowly, but he quickly left them behind.

Autolycus was extremely sensitive to traps, so the traps were rendered unless against him. He had not run into any traps on his way down, so he kept advancing until he reached the third floor.

A Forest!

A Forest looked far more healthy than Jungles and was much better suited to live in. The deep green forest and fresh air were appealing to him instantly. But without thinking too much about it, he went to scout in the Forest.

There was no pathway in this place like it was for the jungle on the 2nd floor. After scouting the forest for about 30 minutes, he found that there was nothing strange going on.

However, just when he was about to go back, his face showed a great change under his mask. A whip suddenly sprung out towards, tearing through the air with great force, it sounded like a whistle!

Autolycus quickly dodged the incoming threat by hitting several backflips. Just when he wanted to look at his attacker, the ground shook and several vines descended upon him.

"Damn it!" Autolycus used his dagger skills to rip through all of the vines trying to suppress him. His movements were quick and clean, he was doing this while running away. After reaching a certain distance, he turned back to see just who his attacker was.

His eyes dilated when he gazed on his attacker. Its face was sinister, its mouth was wide open with several vines swing around it.

A Man-Eating Tree!

Autolycus' heartbeat sped up, he had read up on these types of creatures before. Let's just say he wasn't feeling so good after looking at its bio in the Monster Encyclopedia.

Vitiate had smiled through the virtual screen, he had just placed this tree next to the man to see how he would fair. "So, he managed to get away; it looks like his senses are pretty good, but chopping at its vine won't kill it." The weakness of these tree monsters was the heart of the monster; if you couldn't destroy its heart then it would just regenerate continuously unless you burnt it to death.

The man didn't attempt the challenge the Man-Eating Tree. It was rooted in the ground, so it wouldn't just suddenly grow legs and start chasing him. Autolycus quickly went back to his group near the entrance between the 2nd and 3rd floor to tell them his report.

"Shit!" The Spearman swore. Man-Eating Tree!?

Everyone was now wary hearing this report; what if this forest was filled with those things? However, Vitiate quickly teleported the Man-Eating Tree back 5th floor after the man left from its sight.

"If there are any more of them, we can just kill them. I hear the wood of Man-Eating Trees were good material for wood Enhancers to increase their strength, so it could sell at a decent price." The curved sword man seemed to find motivation in going forward.

Author Note: The Curved Sword man= The pointy nose man if no one caught that.

Everyone was silent, they had only come here to scout. The round shield man wanted to turn back, he had already gotten shot in the leg early, so he wasn't looking forward to any possible sneak attacks.

"I won't be much use against a wood element creature like the Man-eating tree, it would only absorb my water attacks." The blue-robed woman already knew water couldn't defeat wood, and it would only fuel its strength.

"It's okay, you can sit back and do nothing. We're no amateurs, we can kill a few Man-Eating Trees, no problem. As long as they aren't Blood-Sucking Trees or Parasite Trees, we'll be okay." The Spear also seemed confident but he would have to act as back up. He had lost quite the amount of energy fighting that goblins from before.

"Hmm, I agree, I think we should kill the tree and take its wood." The burgundy wearing woman also agreed.

"Sigh, okay, let's go!" The blue-robed woman could only agree. "But after we kill it, we leave from here." Everyone nodded, they would come again at another time, but they'll bring trusted people with them who can keep this Dungeon a secret.

The round shield man was still worried, he had a bit of regret and thought that the armored man from before was so fortunate to stay at the exit of the cave. Nonetheless, he followed Autolycus who was leading the group towards the location he found the Man-Eating Tree.

They cautiously made their way through the forest thicket, as to not get attacked by any creatures that may be hiding in the general area.

"There.... wait, where is it?" Autolycus' face showed confusion, this was surely the place he was attacked by that Man-Eating Tree.

"Are you sure you were attacked by a Man-Eating Tree, I don't see anything." The pointy nose man's face fell; he was feeling fairly disappointed right now.

"It was here, I was attacked by it!"

"So, did it grow legs and walk away?" The Spearman mocked; he seemed to be disappointed as well.

"I can't be bothered to say anymore; If you don't believe me, then so be it!" Autolycus scorned these 2 in his heart, they always had something negative to say.

"Hey, I'm just saying, no need to be so mad." The pointy nose man smiled, but his voice and eyes were saying different things.

"....." Autolycus said no more.

"Okay, let's leave, it isn't a big deal." The blue-robed woman was also a bit disappointed but it was okay in her book because they had discovered this dungeon. She knew all the Dungeons in the area by heart, but most of them had been raided already and turned into mere cave systems.

Just when everyone was about to walk away, the ground shook beneath them.

"Huh? What's this?" Everyone looked a each other and knew something was rushing their way.

"Prepare yourselves, something big is coming!" The Blue Robed woman began to form water on her palms, while everyone else took out their weapons.

Suddenly, the footsteps stopped, and it grew silent. Everyone looked around waiting for a possible sneak attack. As waited, they weren't disappointed, as a huge silhouette jumped out of the forest, crushing towards the curved swordsman.

The Curved sword slashed out to meet this attacker. With a 'Ding' sound, the curved sword man's feet left the ground as he was sent flying like leaves on a windy day.

"AH~!" The pointy nose man screamed, his hand had gone numb for a moment before returning to normal. The Blue robed woman quickly used her water skills to catch the curved swordsman, he had been blown away unexpectedly.

Everyone quickly backed away to see their opponent.

Its fur was all black with white fur on its forehead in the shape of a crescent. Its mouth was dripping saliva as it roared ferociously.

Moon Bear!

At that moment, another Moon Bear came out of the forest.

Everyone's face turned cloudy, these creatures were known for their strength and defense. The hide on their bodies wasn't easy to pierce, but with a rare grade weapon, it shouldn't be too much of a problem.

"Everyone, prepare!" The Bluerobed woman yelled out her orders, she was confident in taking these 2 bears down with her team.

Vitiate had already decided to make an appearance if they won or lost this fight. They couldn't be allowed to leave here!