Trouble at the Docks!

The Slaves guided Vitiate to the restaurant quickly, they weren't used to these types of problems. Inside of the restaurant were tables filled with people looking and listening to the scene taking place.

"Do you see this everyone, this food has bugs in it! Is this the type of restaurant any of you want to each from, have you all gone insane?" The hairy man laughed coldly and he lifted his chicken sandwich up, which had many dead bugs in it.

Seeing his sandwich, everyone turned pale and spat out their food.

"Damnit! I want a refund, what is this!?" Someone hollered.

"How can you feed people bugs, are you guys even human!?" Another man stood up righteously and demanded an explanation from the mermaid Serenity.

"There has to be a mistake, we don't have bugs in our mall!" Serenity could only say as much, but her heart had been stricken with fear.

"You fish bitch, you think us humans will eat anything like you?" The hairy man who instigated the whole thing laughed sinisterly and walked over towards Serenity.

"What are you doing, don't come any closer!" Serenity took a few steps back, was he going to assault her, she thought.

"Hehe!" The hairy man reached out to grab Serenity, wearing a lustful smile across his face. Just as he was about to grab her, his arm was grabbed instead.

"Who?" The man turned to see Vitiate wearing his typical costume.

"Not who, it more of... who do you think you are?" Vitiate moved his hand and swung the man flying towards the entrance of the restaurant.

"Ahh! You bastard, what do you think you're doing!?" The man's nose was bleeding, his face had slammed onto the hard marble floors.

"Serenity, what's going on here?" Vitiate ignored the hairy man and turned to the mermaid woman. He could see the furious expressions on all of the customer's faces, this wasn't a good sign to him.

"It's like this..." Serenity quickly relayed what was going on and what had happened.

Vitiate's eyebrows knitted, this place was basically a Dungeon. Even as he was standing here, he was earning points steadily. But that was the thing, he could detect any and everything in this building and he hadn't detected any bugs roaming about.

"Hehe, you're the owner of this place, and you have bugs all around your mall and even in the kitchen! This place is bad for business, just you wait until the whole town hears about this, haha!" The hairy man laughed coldly, his expression chilly.

"Serenity, I need to head to the back room, in the back, you'll see a door. I need you to unlock it with this key and bring out the crystal ball from that room." Vitiate handed her a silver key and instructed.

Serenity had seen that room, it was a room that a sign on it that said 'keep out'. She grabbed the key and rushed to the back immediately. Everyone didn't know what was going on but they wanted to leave and get their money back.

"Rest assure everyone, this problem will be resolved soon." Vitiate could see and hear everyone's restlessness.

"Getting desperate! You may as well shut this good for nothing place down, no one wants to eat bugs!" A long nose man with a mole on his cheek chimed in, he seemed to be the buddy of the hairy man.

Vitiate sighed, this was clearly a conspiracy, he wasn't dense to that extent, but who was behind it? Only one person came to mind, which was that Meris character.

"Petty schemes." Vitiate mumbled.

"Look, he going senile, he's talking to himself, haha!" The mole cheek man laughed and pointed at Vitaite in a somewhat immature manner.

Vitiate pointed his finger at him and shot a small bolt of lightning at him.

"Ahhhh~!" The man screamed in pain, as the bolt of lightning surged through his body. He fell to the ground and started spasming out as if he was having a seizure. Everyone in the restaurant suddenly had a change in expression and grew silent, they didn't dare to complain anymore.

"Y-You...!" The hairy man pointed at Vitiate but the only word that came out was you.

"Ah, yes, there's nothing like peace and quiet. Don't you guys agree?" Vitiate looked at the tables filled with people and asked with a smile.

Everyone nodded instinctively in fear of taking a thunderbolt to the body. At that moment, Serenity came out with a clear crystal ball. Once Vitiate grabbed the crystal, he inserted some Ki into it and toss it in the air.

The ball floated and he commanded it to show him everything within the last hour. Everyone watched with surprise and interest, but the hairy man started to panic, could it show him everything that happened here within the last hour?

Sure enough, it did. It showed the hairy man taking dead bugs out of his pocket and putting them on his sandwich. He also had the audacity to bite the sandwich before starting his sabotage against Vitaite's restaurant.

Everyone was in awe, but they finally understood what was going on. The man was either trying to extort this business or ruin it for some unknown reason. They all went with the first option of him wanting to extort the place.

"This fucker, he planted those damn bugs!" The Merman was utterly pissed and so were the other slaves in the room. After all, it was lying and scheming humans like this that landed them in the department of slavery.

The Merman grabbed the hairy and slammed him on the ground.

"Ah, stop, don't you dare, you filthy slave!" The hairy man was scared to death, he knew it was all over.

"No, no, don't, Lumis, put him down." Vitiate said with a smile, then he turned to everyone in the restaurant. "Sorry everyone for ruining your meal, so everyone will receive a 40% discount, but this is only for you guys."

40% discount!

Everyone was suddenly joyous and didn't have any thought of complaining.

"B-boss, are you going to let him off?" The Merman Lumis was stunned. The rest of the slaves, including Seraphina, Dreydan, and Levi looked at him with questioning gazes.

"Let him go? No way, he's just a confused guy." Vitiate walked over to the mole man and the hairy man, and dragged them out of the restaurant.

"Confused?" Everyone looked at each other; if anything they were confused.

"Yeah, what we have at our restaurant is something he apparently doesn't like." Vitiate looked at the 2 happily and continued. "You 2 would rather eat bugs instead, so I'll have some people take you guys out back to enjoy an all you can eat buffet."

Suddenly, Vitiate's expression turned sinister. All of the slave's present eyes lit up from joy, then they turned to the 2 with cold grins.

"D-don't you go too far, you better recognize who we are!" Both of their expression turned pale from fear, they almost wanted to vomit just thinking about having to eat many different bugs.

"Sir, it's raining heavily outside, so we won't be able to help them with the 'special all you can eat buffet'." It was raining heavily outside, so there were no bugs flying around.

"Don't worry, there are plenty of worms slithering around in the mud, they can eat those! We'll give you as much as you can eat, we don't want you complaining later that it wasn't enough." The Merman smiled and eyed the men whose faces were getting paler by the second.

"Perfect! Let's take them away!" Adara grabbed the man with the mole and dragged him away, then the Merman did the same for the hairy man. They both pleaded for mercy, but their pleads fell on deaf ears.

"Find out why they're here making trouble, I want to know who they work for." Vitiate spoke to Seraphina, and she nodded seriously before walking off toward the place they took them.

Vitiate rubbed his chin with a smile, as he watched the 2 men being dragged away with expressions of horror.

"Sir, there's another emergency!" Right then, a slave ran over towards him and stated seriously.

"Sigh, what is it this time? Is there another idiot looking for trouble?" Vitiate's face scrunched, who was stupid enough to do something else?

"Well, there's trouble, but it's not directed towards us but it's still troublesome for us." The Slave corrected.

"Okay, out with it, what is it?" Vitiate asked plainly.

"There's trouble near the docks, strange monsters have come on land and many adventurers have been called to duty to stave them off!" The slave hurriedly and said.

"Monster? What type of monsters?" Vitiate was interested to know, it couldn't be sirens, right?

"I don't know the details, you may have to check it out yourself, sorry." The slave bowed slightly, it was completely out of his reach to know.

"Alrighty, then. You get back to what you were doing, I'll go check the situation out." Vitiate knew this was beyond the slave's knowledge.

"Yes, sir, but please be careful!" The slave bowed one last time before running off.

"Oh, I will." Vitiate whispered before leaving the Mall. Once he was outside, he saw many people running through the streets; they were racing home at this point. Shops had already closed their doors and locked them as well.

"Everyone, please get inside and lock your doors, if you want to help and risk fighting the creatures then come to the docks!" Some man in light brown armor with a hood instructed. The downpour was harsh, Vitiate was sure that no one even heard the guy speaking.

Vitiate had good hearing, so his words didn't go unheard by him. Without further ado, he rushed over towards the docks. Minutes later, he arrived at the dock but what he was saw surprised him.

There were many adventurers slaying the same type of Monster, it moved fast through the rain, as they attack anything that moved. Vitiate squinted his eyes to get a good look at the creatures, it wasn't easy seeing through this rain.

If Vitiate had to describe them, then they looked like the Monster from Black Lagoon, but their skin was blue instead. Their skin ranged from baby blue to dark blue in coloration, their faces looked fierce.

Several of them were made short work of by adventurers, but from Vitiate could see; the Dark Blue ones were stronger. An adventurer was sent flying away with a slap by one of these creatures, as he landed with a thud.

"Just how many of them are there?" Vitiate looked further in the distance and saw more coming onto land to join the fight.

Author Note: Still editing the previous chapters, so I won't upload anymore until then. I'm just sick of looking at the number 89, it needs to be even, so 90. :D