Upcoming Shipment!

The downpour wasn't showing any signs of stopping, it contiuned to come down consistently with no pause. This was the same for the battle before Vitiate, it was the adventurers against these strange creatures from the sea.

Vitiate had no choice but to appraise them to see what their names were at least.

|Name: Sea Dweller 🔴

|Title: Scavenger, Sea Cleaner, Peasant, Coward,

|Race: Abyssal

|Race Type: Sea Folk

|Age: 9


The creature was clearly hostile, but Vitiate didn't need his Appraisal skill to figure that much out. The rain was bad, but the Sea Dwellers were—by some means using the rain to their advantage to fight the Adventurers.

Most creatures that weren't human could utilize an element in some way; these creatures were no different. Vitiate monitored the situation, he wasn't really planning to get involved since it really wasn't his business.

But if things did spiral out of control to an extent, then it would have to be his business. He was currently dressed in his typical get-up, so he didn't identify as an adventurer. The creatures weren't practically hard to kill, but they were fairly fast and strong.

"Hey, you! Are you going to help or just stand there all damn day!?" One of the adventurers turned to Vitiate and hollered his way.

"Oh, yeah, I'm just gonna watch until you need my help, you guys look to be doing good against them." Vitiate didn't even look the man's way and contiuned to watch the fights going on all around.

"You're so full of shit! Once this is over, I'm gonna..." The man couldn't finish until he was interrupted.

"Okay, forget him, he probably just came here to show off or some shit. Just let him sit there, we'll take care of what idiots like this will never do." Some woman quickly diffused the escalating situation.

"Tsk" The man scoffed, then both of them ran into the battle to contiuned their crusade against the Sea Dwellers.

'Hmm, I wonder if I could catch one and take it to my Dungeon, oh how good would that be?' Vitiate wanted to catch one, he wanted to catch any monster he could, technically.

Of course, catching them and bringing them back would be a bit of a problem with so many people around. Just as he was thinking about such things, he was eyeballed by a group of Sea Dwellers that came running over.

"Good timing." Vitiate stuck his arm out and small bolts of lightning came out of each of his fingers. Three of the five were hit by the bolts of lightning; these were the dark blue colored Sea Dwellers.

They couldn't hold up to lightning-based attacks, you could almost call it a Pokemon weakness; they quickly dropped the ground right after. As for the other two, they were fast and quickly dodged the attack.

Just when they felt like they had Vitiate made, they were swooped up by a wind current and thrown to the ground. Right as they were thrown to the ground, they wanted to get up but they were stabbed by an invisible wind blade; killing them.

Vitiate was surprised because this wasn't him, this was some else's doing!

"Hoho, they really are some fast fella, aren't they?" A man descended from of the sky on a Hippogriff; this could be no else but the Mayor of Goa.

"Mayor? What are you doing here?" This was the last person he expected to see on the battlefield unless things got out of hand.

"What? I can't come and fight? Don't let my old age fool you, back in my day I use to slay demons, haha!"

This time around; the Mayor had a weapon on him, this weapon was a huge thick sword that looked like a slab of steel. The weapon reminded him of Gut's sword from Beserk, it gave off a small tint of blue light; Indicating its rarity.

"..." Vitaite didn't know what to say.

"These creatures are invading in large numbers; these light blue ones have high speed while the dark blue ones have high strength." The Mayor contiuned. "This is because of their Innate Ability under rainy conditions, the blue ones have an Innate Ability called Rain Rush and the dark blue ones have an Innate Ability called Rain Force."

Vitiate understood, it was no wonder these guys grew so gutsy to attack like this. Their titles told him that they were cowards, otherwise.

"Does attacks like this happen often on this Island?" Vitiate had to ask to be sure if this was something that regularly occurred.

"No way, this isn't natural at all. These Sea Dwellers are cowards to their core and only scavenge food from smaller creatures or eat dead ones." The Mayor looked at the sky seriously.

"This weather is also not natural, I don't know what's going on but there might be something dangerous to come."

"Well, let's hope that isn't the case, I wouldn't want my business going out of business, you know?" Vitiate nodded and said.

The Mayor's mouth twitched, it was just as he thought; this guy was only a profit seeker like those merchants and a few goofballs in this Town.

"I'm surprised you're not joining, lightning could really be helpful under these conditions." The Mayor only smiled when he asked this question.

"Nah, look at them, they can all handle these Sea Dwellers with little to no problem." Vitiate pointed toward the battlefield and saw many adventurers killing by the large numbers.

"Well, their fall is inevitable but it could be faster with your help. But a merchant is a merchant, after all, haha." The Mayor shook his head, "I'll see you later, I'm sure we'll meet a lot in the future. Come, Sam, let's kick it old school on these Sea Dwellers!"

The Hippogriff's eyes turned sharp and it took the sky immediately. In a flash, they were over the battlefield—Cade the Mayor jumped off Sam's back and into the battlefield, he quickly drew his Large sword while he was at it.

Sam started to summoned Winds from the sky, to be exact, they were tornadoes!

"Oh my god, it's the Mayor, get to cover!" Everyone seemed to know the danger of the Mayor's presence! Cade pushed both his arms out like he was utilizing the force, and sent an uncountable amount of Sea Dwellers flying.

Sam the Hippogriff caused tornadoes to touch down, its control was really amazing. The tornadoes were somehow only targeting Sea Dwellers, without any adventurers taking any harm!

"Now that's some serious Ki Control for you." Vitiate was impressed with their power, he didn't earn his title for nothing.

Vitiate didn't stick around and left-back to Town. Everyone had their doors shut, it wasn't mandatory for everyone to stay in their houses. You could still shop around if you wanted, but who would do that?

There was no one on the streets except a few knights running over to join the battle against the Sea Dwellers. Funnily, a horse slipped on mud, and the knight's face slamming in a small mound of it. However, no one paid any attention to this and he and the horse got back up to contiuned on.

With the Guild and Knights being busy handling Monsters, he decided to give the Slave Shop a visit. The guy's shop was still open but there were no customers to be found, obviously.

"Damn, what's up with these Monsters, they're making and breaking my business!" Vitiate opened the door to hear the middle-aged man lashing out.

"Oh, someone's angry!" VItiate smiled under his mask, this was the first time seeing this type of guy frustrated, as the guy always had an easygoing smile on his face.

"Oh, if isn't my favorite customer, ever! Sorry for my unprofessional behavior but this weather is a little hurtful, you know?" The middle-aged man smiled soon after while rubbing his hands together.

"Let me guess, it's holding up your slave trade, right?" Vitiate already had an idea about his networking to get slaves, they usually came from overseas.

"It is, I have some rare shippings coming over that could be sold for a good price. However, this weather is hampering that at the moment and it's no telling when it'll stop." The man sighed.

Vitiate had never viewed the man's status, so he decided to check it out.


|Name: Louis Redman 🔵

|Title: Salesman, Dealer, Spear Virtuoso, Troll, Low-Key Expert, Retired Adventurer,

|Race: Human

|Age: 38

Class: Elemental Warrior


Vitiate was speechless, this man was an expert—all the while being a shop owner!

"Aren't you going to ask me what I have shipping in?" Louis grinned.

"What do you have shipping in?" Vitiate asked lazily.

"Hehe, well, I'm glad you asked! What I have shipping over are some powerful beings that could be used for combat purposes, and even working purposes—hints, your mall down the way." The middle-aged chuckled as he spoke.

Vitiate wasn't surprised, he was bound to find out sooner or later.

"So, what are they, stop beating around the bush and tell me what this shipment is!" Vitiate sneered and put up his harsh personality.

"Hmm, nope, unless you sincerely say you'll buy some or all, I won't tell you." The middle-aged man pouted and turned away, in what was supposed to be cute! Vitiate almost vomited the food he ate recently seeing him act like this.

"Are you really not going to tell for something so small, I thought I was your number 1 customer, what happened to that?"

"Oh, you are, but that doesn't mean I have to put you in the circle all of the time, hehe!" Louis's smile was so wide that it nearly stretched to his ears!

"Ugh, don't smile like that, you'll run the customers away. I'll buy them sincerely if I know what they are, just tell me. I always buy from here, and if you don't tell me I'll find out later anyway." Vitiate's curiosity was peeked, he had to know.

"Oh, sure, I'll tell you." The man's demeanor changed and suddenly looked serious after.

'Fuck, you just said you wouldn't tell me unless I was sincere!' Black lines formed on Vitiate's forehead, but they wouldn't be seen.

"They're the warriors known as Centaurs, what do you think about these being, huh?" Louis winked and snapped his tongue in succession—as if he was hinting at something.

[AN: I've decided to release a little while editing since some people keep talking about it, but don't expect so many yet.]