Chapter 5

Ye Cheng, leaving his house, immediately headed in full steam to the clan's residence. He wanted to tell his father everything.

However, when he got to the hall, he found that there were many people. Ye Jean Tian, ​​Ye Jean Long, Ye Jean Seng and others were here. Even there were E Mo I, E Kon Yang and daughter E Jean Seng - E Xuan.

Looking around the hall, he saw E ar. Although E ar is not her own daughter, but everyone treated her as her own, no one neglected her.

All vividly discussed something. Many disagree with their faces. E ar, seeing Ye Cheng, waved his hand. Ye Cheng walked up to her and calmly began to listen.

"E Jean Seng, do you say where my son E Kon Yan does not fit your daughter?" - E Mo I said in a cold tone - "By all qualities he is better than many in the fortress of the E clan, why do you look at me so arrogantly, E Mo I ? "

Ye Cheng looked at, standing behind Ye Jean Seng, Ye Xuan. She was the daughter of Ye Jean Seng and the cousin of Ye Cheng. She was an elegant girl, besides, she was also gifted. She had already reached the peak of the 5th stage, she had a little to the 6th stage.

And standing behind E Mo I, E Kon Yang. He stood with a strained expression.

"Children have their own heads, let them decide how they should be. If they have mutual feelings, then if not, then no one will marry forcibly. "Xuan ar, do you want to marry Kon Yan?" Asked E Jean Seng from his daughter, "If you do not wish, speak boldly not."

"What feelings may appear before the wedding. By tradition, the matchmaker introduces, then they play a wedding and only then they have feelings. E Jean Seng, you're just looking for an excuse. "- answered E Mo Ya displeased.

Xuan ar is very affectionate and gentle, and Kon Yang is cruel and treacherous. Xuan ar, if he marries Kon Yan, then he certainly will not see happiness. What E Mo I counted on when he wanted E Jean Seng to give Xuan for his son.

Ye Xuan raised her head, looked at everyone, then at Kon Yang and said: "Uncles, seniors, Xuan ar just broke through to the 6th step."

6th step?

Everyone in the hall was dumbfounded. Ye Jean Seng looked at his daughter and joyfully asked: "Xuan ar, is this true?"

"Yeah." Ye Xuan nodded her head.

E Jean Seng grabbed E Xuan by the hand, using Xuan Qi, began to check, and then nodded his head in satisfaction: "6th step!"

"Congratulations to the third brother!" Ye Jean Tian and the others began to approach and congratulate. Many sighed to themselves, the clan had an heir.

If until the age of 18, the cultivator can reach the 6th degree, then he will have a great future. So she, quite possibly, will reach the 8th stage or the 9th. If it reaches the 9th stage, it means that it can become the protector of the clan. However, if up to 18 years, it does not reach the 6th stage, then after 18 years the channels will begin to solidify and it will already be difficult to cultivate. The maximum that cultivators can reach is up to 6-7 steps. Unless they will use special pills, such as Sisui pills.

E Mo I, having heard this news, has changed in the person. So now the elders will not touch Ye Xuan, after the 6th stage, her status rises.

"Xuan ar is not disgusted with Kon Yan. But Xuan ar registered three days ago and passed the test at Chin Yong School. Xuan ar will cultivate two years at this school. As soon as two years have passed, Xuan ar will return and then you can talk about the wedding. "- Ye Xuan answered, indirectly rejecting Kon Yan.

Ye Kon Yang changed his face and looked hatefully at Ye Xuan. She did not respect him.

"Xuan ar has entered Chin Yun School - that's great. Elder, can you talk about this matter in two years? "- Ye Jean Tian spoke, looking at Ye Mo Ya.

E Mo I was silent for a while. If Ye Xuan goes to school, then the trace will go cold. He said in displeasure: "If so, then in two years we'll see. No need to see off. I bow out! "

E Mo I turned around and started to leave, E Kon Yang also followed him.

The others watched them go.

"E Mo I suddenly began to woo E Eon Yang, what did they conceive?" Asked E Jean Long with a frowning eyebrow. "E E Mo I am an old fox, what plan does he have?"

"In 7 days there will be a sacrifice ceremony. Chen Ar, as the clan's heir, has let him through for the third year, "said Jean Tian with a sigh.

"Look what the old fox wants. He wants to make his son an heir to the clan. Among the younger generation, many cultivators have died or been injured. And now the clan is making ends meet. Of the young generation, only three can become heirs. Ye Kon Yang, Ye Row and Ye Xuan. Ye Row does not have a special birth right. And if Ye Xuan marries Ye Kon Yan, then she naturally will not fight for this right. Therefore, Ye Kon Yang needs to marry her. "- Ye Jean Long, after thinking, spoke. The thought made him unwell. Ye Jean Tian also added: "It is not known how long this old bastard planned everything."

Before Ye Chen, Ye Rowe and Ye Xuan, Ye Jean Long openly despised Ye Mo Ya.

"Xuan ar is going to go to Chin Yong school, so she will not fight Yeon Yang. So this old fox agreed so easily and left. Otherwise, he would insist on the wedding "- Ye Jean Seng said in a cold tone.

"What good is E Kon Yan to become the clan's heir?" Said E Jean Long with a cold grin.

E Jean Tian sighed in frustration and said: "The young generation, E Meng and E Ming are still small, they are very weak in cultivation. This time, it seems, I have to give up E Mo Y. In the end, for three years this place was empty. This time, E Mo I will not be silent. "

Ye Cheng a little did not understand why father and uncles allow E Mo Y to behave this way. They could not let Ye Xuan go to school, but go to fight with Ye Kon Yang. However, the elders somehow decided that way.

However, it is because of him that his father is in that position. Ye Cheng was in pain because of this.

"Chen ar, why did you come?" - Ye Jean Tian looked at Ye Chen. There was tender love in his eyes.

"Father." Ye Cheng walked up to him and fell to his knees- "The son is guilty for your suffering .."

"Ye Cheng seems to know that I went to Don Ling for the Duansu pill." Ye Jean Tian walked slowly at Yang Cheng, who was still sitting on his lap. He held out his hand and said encouragingly:

"There was nothing wrong with my father. Cheng ar, get up faster. "

"Father, son is disrespectful. Made father worry. "- Ye Cheng raised his head, tears in his eyes. His soul as if turned over.

"It's cold on the floor, your body is not yet strong." - Ye Jean Tian took the hand of Ye Cheng, wanted to support him. And suddenly, like an electric shock, he immediately looked in amazement at Ye Cheng: "Chen ar, your channels." The last word as if he did not speak. At that moment, he was shocked at heart. Something came to life in his head.

"All disperse, I need to talk to Cheng arom." - Ye Jean Tian, ​​although he was amazed, he was able to control himself. Although, when he spoke, his voice was still trembling a little.

Ye Jean Tian and his son went to a remote part of the hall.

Looking at how the two departed, E Jean Seng doubtfully asked E Jean Long: "Elder brother, what happened?" He noticed that Ye Jean Tian had changed. Has something happened to Ye Chan?

Ye Jean Long himself looked doubtfully at the two. He shook his head, saying: "I myself do not know."

Among all the brothers, E Jean Long was closest to E Jean Tian, ​​and he knew his mood like the back of his hand. And according to the current mood of his brother, he realized that he was not grieving now. And even excited.

"All disperse." - Ye Jean Long waved his hand. He wanted to go see, but after thinking, he decided to let his older brother talk to his son.

"Second uncle, is everything ok with Brother Ye Chen?" - E Rowe walked over to E Jean Long, and worried, asked.

E Xuan stood nearby, she was also worried about E Chen. And prayed for him. Good person - heaven helps ...

"Rowar, don't worry. Your brother Ye Chan is fine. " - answered E Jean Long, smiling and stroking the head of Ye Row.