Chapter 6

The Chamber of Secrets of Clan E.

"Chen ar, your channels have healed and"? asked E Jean Tian carefully. He doubted whether this was bothering him.

"Yes. Father, the son's canals have already healed "- Ye Cheng spoke with tears in his eyes. His voice trembled: "The son is disrespectful. These years made my father suffer. "

"Never mind, never mind. Heaven will help clan E "- said E Jean Tian. His face was also covered with senile tears. He quite said: "The main thing is that your channels have healed. And the rest doesn't matter! "He was already pleased.

"By the way, how did your channels heal?"

"I myself don't know for sure. I just woke up yesterday and felt that the canals had healed. " - Ye Cheng thought and did not talk about that knife. If he says, then maybe they won't believe it. Therefore, I decided to remain silent about this. You just need to quickly tell your father about the first three levels of the emperor's thunder skill. And the sooner the better. Now the clan is in difficult times. There may be troubles that they have to face. Therefore, the sooner the father becomes stronger, the stronger the clan will become.

"When I was sleeping, I dreamed of a gray-haired old man. He taught me some things. "

"The gray-haired old man"? - Ye Jean Tian was silent for a while, he did not think that such strange things happen in the universe. At least Ye Chen's channels have healed, already well.

"What did he teach you?"

"One skill" - Ye Cheng took the paper from a nearby table and began to write on it. One of the 9 stellar secret methods is the thunder of the emperor. This is the closest skill to clan E. When they know him thoroughly, it will be possible to move on to other skills. Ye Cheng himself wanted to know them first.

"This" - Ye Jean Tian, ​​seeing this, was amazed. He carefully looked at everything that Ye Cheng had painted.

"The name of this skill?"

"Skill the thunder of the emperor!"

"This is a powerful skill! Our skill is the internal forces of thunder, very weak compared to it. It is said that several thousand years ago, there was a powerful clan that possessed a very powerful skill from the thunder method system. However, the clan gradually became weaker, and its skill also became weaker. And two hundred years ago, clan E gathered all the information about this skill and from the collected one created the skill of the internal power of thunder. This skill is only 3rd rank. When the emperor's thunder skill is similar to a completed skill and it is 9th rank. One has only to teach him the first three levels, then you can overcome the 10th step! Ancestral Spirits! "The heart of E Jean Tyan pounded with delight.

Ye Cheng did not know about this story. And did not know what thing he came across. Maybe this is no coincidence?

"In your dream, this old man, perhaps the ancestor of clan E. He saw the condition of our clan and decided to help us, and restored your channels. Once upon a time in clan E there were powerful cultivators who punched space. And now this old man wants to tell you the thunder skill of the emperor, "said E Jean Tian excitedly.

Ye Cheng's cheeks lit up. This old man is nothing more than his figment of imagination. And his father took him so seriously.

"I can teach the first part of this skill to your uncles, Chen ar, do you mind?" Asked E Jean Tian from Ye Chen.

"The uncles have been kind to Chen aar all this time, and at the most difficult time they did not abandon Chen ara. Cheng ar is not opposed, only Da Jean Lao. " - Ye Cheng paused a little. (n. Yes, Jean Lao - he is E Mo I, for some reason they still call him that. Translated by the old elder)

"Father has wandered around the world for so many years and of course understands and understands people. Over the past few years, how can I ignore the actions of E Mo Ya? He, for the sake of promoting his E Kon Yan, told our enemy about your campaign. Did I leave it just like that. These three years had to endure a lot of his antics. Now the time has come to put it in its place "- Ye Jean Tian spoke about Ye Mo Y. His tone was cold. If not for E Mo I, then Ye Chen would not have had to endure three years of torment. And the fortress of clan E, would not have come to such a position.

Ye Cheng had long doubted E Mo Ya's account. And judging by his father's words, he confidently said: "Father knows who suddenly struck us?" - 5 of his brothers died at that moment. Ye Cheng barely survived. He definitely must take revenge on that man!

Ye Jean Tian looked at his son, and after some thought, said: "You have suffered a lot over the years, however, you have also grown. Therefore, I think, if you will know, this will not be bad. The man who struck you from behind, he is from the fortress of the Yun clan! "

"Yun Clan Fortress?" - Ye Cheng was astounded. Yun Clan Fortress is the most powerful clan of 18 clans. All leadership positions are held by people from the Yun clan.

"When clan E was in its prime, it represented a threat to the leadership of the Yun clan. They have long been plotting something against us. And when your channels were damaged, the clan E fell into decay. The news that your channels have recovered should not be distributed. We have not yet gained strength and are not yet able to confront the Yun clan. E Mo I must also stay. If something happens to him, the Yun clan will begin to attack us "- Ye Jean Tian said. "This is a matter of life and death for clan E."

"The son understands." Ye Cheng nodded his head. He has already become much older than before. Clan Yoon did a lot to Ye Cheng and he will have to pay them tenfold. But first he must know patience.

Father and son talked for a long time. Ye Cheng left his father late at night. Ye Cheng has already noticed that his father was younger for decades. From this he himself was amused, which is impossible to describe.

Deep night.

Ye Cheng walked under the faint moonlight to his courtyard. At the entrance to the courtyard he saw a charming girl in a white skirt. She was sadly waiting for someone. Her black hair fell over her shoulders, tender eyes drove her beauty crazy, white skin shimmered under the rays of the moon. She seemed to be a brilliant, revealing lotus in the darkness of the night. (pp in the light of day, evil cannot hide from me ...). This girl of course was Ye Rowe.

"Brother Ye Cheng, you are back" - Ye Row, having seen Ye Cheng, calmed down.

"Girl, what are you doing here?" - Ye Cheng, smiling, asked. He felt the care of Ye Row. In a past life, he was an orphan and he greatly appreciated the care shown by other people in this life. He bowed his head and saw how beautiful E Rowe was. Her silhouette under the rays of the moon seemed even more elegant. She especially emphasized her figure, the belt that encircled her white skirt.

It is not known at what time this girl turned into a young girl who began to affect the heart of Ye Chen.

From an early age he treated her like a sister. However, with age, feelings between the two began to change.

"After lunch in the hall, Uncle E seemed excited. I thought, what could happen to Brother Ye Chen? " - Ye Rowe asked tensely.

"Girl, everything is fine with me, can't you see," said Ye Cheng, smiling. His heart was filled with tender love.

"Come back faster, it's too late, if people see, then they will think not that."

"I'm not afraid," Ye Rowe answered seriously.

"Girl. My channels have already recovered. Now you can not worry. From now on, you should not waste xuan qi on me, "said Ye Cheng. Each month, when the moon was full, Ye Row gave him Xuan Qi. And now Ye Chen is not going to need this. If she had not handed him Xuan Qi for these three years, then most likely she would have made her way to the 6th step long ago.

"Brother Ye Cheng, telling the truth? Have the channels healed? "- Ye Rowe asked doubtfully.

"Am I going to cheat on you?" Ye Cheng said, smiling. And he released Xuan Qi into space.

"Really restored" - Ye Roe whispered softly. She froze, her tears involuntarily flowed.

"You just don't need to tell anyone about this," said Ye Cheng, smiling.

"Rowar, why are you crying? I restored the channels, on the contrary, have to rejoice! "

"Brother Ye Cheng, finally your channels have recovered. Very well! I am very happy! "- Ye Rowe answered. And threw herself into the arms of Ye Cheng.

Ye Cheng was a little dumbfounded. He smiled slightly and hugged her with his right hand.

Ye Rowe was crying, tears flowed in her stream, she sobbedly said: "Don't worry, brother Ye Cheng, I won't tell anyone."

It took a long time for both to calm down. Hugging Ye Row, feeling the softness on his chest, as well as the delicate feminine scent, Ye Chen got a strange sensation. He gently patted Ye Rowe's pope and smiled, said: "Girl, she wiped away all tears from me!" Then, laying her hand on the girl's soft ass, she seemed to be shocked. He was dumbfounded.

He had never experienced such a sensation. E Rowe from the good news forgot about the difference between a man and a woman. And from the fact that Ye Cheng's hands fell on her ass, she felt that something was going wrong. Ye Rowe jumped back. Her head was lowered, and her cheeks were red.

"Brother Ye Cheng, your canals have healed, then you need to rest. I will go!"

"I'm seeing you off," Ye Cheng said awkwardly. He just did not behave very culturally.

"Not worth it," replied Ye Rowe, and instantly ran away.

Looking at Ye Row's receding silhouette, Ye Cheng laughed softly. He looked at the palm of his hand. And suddenly images began to flash in his head. Yet the butt of this girl is good.

Far behind the thick grass stood Ye Rowe. She watched Ye Cheng return to her courtyard. Her cheeks were still burning. She was a little displeased and whispered softly: "Brother Ye Cheng is also rude. Can you put your hands where you shouldn't? "Then she immediately smiled. Dimples appeared on her cheeks like a flower. Just thinking about something, she became sad again: "How long can I stay in the fortress of clan E?"

The mood of the girl immediately changed.