Chapter 19

Deep night, the time of the third night watch. Suddenly the beast roared. Outside the fortress, there was a roar.

"What happened?"

In clan E, lights came on.

"Werewolves attack!"

"Werewolves attack!"

The guard screamed. From their screams, all the clan people began to wake up.

Very quickly, many people began to gather.

Ye Tsang Xuan, Ye Jean Tian, ​​Ye Cheng and others instantly ran up. They looked into the distance and saw a huge silhouette of the beast. He looked like a huge lizard.

"This is Ducciai. Be careful, it is very poisonous! "Shouted Ye Tsang Xuan.

"He is on the 9th degree. Be careful! "- E Jean Tian hit him on the head, causing Duciaosi's head to bend over and E Jean Tian's hand became numb from his hard scales.

Ducciai usually lives in the depths of a mountain forest. It is not known why he came to clan E.

Ducciai began to get angry because of the blow.

With powerful paws, he began to attack the people of the clan. E Tsan Xuan, E Jean Tian and the rest of the cultivators stayed and attacked him, but the weaker cultivators moved away. They rushed for the bows.

When animals attack the clan E - this is a serious matter. Several times a year, animals attack Clan E. Therefore, in the clan special devices from animals were invented. However, the strongest animals that attacked the clan were 7th degree. Rarely, in general you will meet a beast of the 9th degree.

"Lead him to the pit for the beasts!" - shouted E Jean Tian.

Pit for animals - a very effective tool for catching animals. First, the beast falls into this hole, then the clan's people from above cover it with a stone. Paraffin oil is set on fire inside the pit, so that even a beast of the 9th degree will be doomed to death.

"The head, the mechanism for catching the beast is broken, and paraffin oil is already burning!" The clan man shouted.

Ye Jean Tian frowned. He had a bad feeling.

"Jean Long, where E Mo Y. You must not let him escape! Grab E Mo I! "Ye Jean Tian shouted angrily. The mechanism could break only his man. And that is definitely E Mo Y.

Ye Jean Long headed for that hollow. Paraffin oil was already burning. Ducciai was just the most afraid of the fire. So, this fire will drive him away from this hollow.

Usually, the beast is much stronger than a person of the same level, and much stronger is E Jean Tian, ​​E Tsang Xuan. They are definitely not rivals to this beast.

"Sue, Sue ..." There was rain from the arrows. These arrows were huge and flew out of large guns. They attacked Ducciai. Only the damage from them was not strong. Duciaoshi was 3-4 Zhang tall. And these arrows made him angry. He hit the guns. Thus, he immediately broke three guns.

These defense tools cost a lot of money. Therefore, from the loss of three guns, Ye Jean Tian became even more angry.

"Vile offspring!" - Ye Jean Tian shouted and hit Ducciaosi in the side. However, Ducciaoshi also hit Ye Jean Tian. And Ye Jean Tian flew back a few Zhang from the blow. He was bleeding. The blow was strong.

Although there are a lot of people in the clan, however, Ducciaoshi has strong scales and shell. Cultivators below the 8th degree cannot damage him at all.

At that moment, Ye Cheng flew close to Dučiaosi. He was 3 zhang away from him.

"Chen ar, why have you come closer, go away!" -E Jean Seng shouted to him. He told him to move away.

Many cultivators of the 8th degree cannot inflict damage on Ducciaoshi, where Ye Cheng crawls with his strength. His strength will certainly not be enough.

"Third uncle, everything will be fine," Ye Cheng hastily answered.

"What is in your hands?" - Ye Jean Seng just now noticed that Ye Cheng was holding some kind of knot.

Ye Cheng pulled out black powder. Initially, he wanted to develop it better, but now there is no time. Therefore, he used everything that was with him.

When E Jean Seng looked at E Cheng, E Cheng picked up and lit the rope and immediately rushed off to Dučiaosi.

"Cheng ar, come back!" Ye Cheng speed was very fast, that even Ye Jean Seng did not have time to grab him.

The distance between Ye Cheng and Dujiaoshi was shrinking. Ye Cheng took that knot and threw it under Duchyaosi's belly.

At that moment, Duchiaoshi noticed Ye Cheng. And immediately sent his claws to him. He brushed his head slightly. With the power of E Cheng of the 6th degree, falling under the blow of Duchyaosi, if you do not die, you will be seriously injured.

"All back!" - Ye Cheng shouted loudly to everyone.

Hearing the words of Ye Cheng, everyone first doubted, then still began to retreat.

Seeing E Cheng fall to the ground, E Rowe immediately flew up to him.

Gunpowder began to explode. E Cheng saw that E Row was running up to him, was frightened in his heart and also rushed to her. He hid her from the explosion with his body.

One could hear the very loud sound of the explosion. The eardrums of the clan's people began to crack at such a powerful sound. Those who were closer to the explosion flew away from the blow. Some people in the clan saw an amazing scene. Ducciai, from an explosion flew up in space, rolled over and fell heavily to the ground. From his belly, intestines began to extend.

It was as if Ducciaoshi did not want to put up with this fate and with all his last strength went out.

Ye Tsang Xuan was shocked by this sight. He did not know where the pitchfork came from at hand. He immediately jumped to the top and stuck a pitchfork in the neck of Dučiaosi. A huge beast was nailed to the ground!

At that moment, at least many were amazed at all of this. But there were many wounded who urgently needed help. The wounded were gathered together and the surrounding people began to treat them.

Ye Cheng felt that his whole body ached. Just at the moment of danger, without thinking much, he immediately covered the body of Ye Row. And now they were very close. They lay on the ground. Their faces were separated by the distance of the palm, their breasts were touching. Their bodies were blocked only by clothes. Ye Cheng felt the delicate and delicate aroma of Ye Row.

"Brother Ye Cheng, can we get up?" - Ye Rowe asked a little embarrassed. Then she felt between her legs, as if some thing had begun to rest against her. She trembled from this.

"I just acted on the circumstances. I hope Rowar won't blame me. "- Ye Cheng stood up a little embarrassed. However, he felt some tenderness.

"It doesn't matter that Brother Ye Cheng doesn't do it, Rowar will not blame Brother Ye Cheng," Ye Roe said affectionately, shaking the dust from Ye Cheng.

Hearing the words of E Rowe, the heart of E Cheng was filled with love, which took possession of his entire consciousness.