Chapter 20

Many people of the clan began to be treated. Among the dead, there were 3 people. 36 people were seriously injured and 106 were slightly injured.

Many people grieved.

"E Mo I, where is he !?" -E Jean Tian shouted angrily.

"I report to the chapter. E Mo I disappeared, and E Kon Yang also disappeared from custody. "

"Damn rebel!" - Ye Jean Tian cursed angrily. "From now on, E Mo I and E Kon Yang are driven out of clan E. If henceforth, whoever sees him, then immediately kill him for clan E!"

All people uttered a cheer.

This Ducciai is definitely attracted to E Mo Y. It is not known what method he used. And when Duchyaossi burst into the fortress on the 9th degree. E Mo I, taking advantage of the confusion, removed E Kon Yan from custody and disappeared with him. If it weren't for E Cheng's gunpowder, the clan's losses would be huge.

Although clan E suffered heavy losses, it also received huge benefits. When clan E hunts animals, they rarely meet animals of the 7-8th degree. Not to mention the 9th degree. The remains of Ducciai, this is a treasure. Several dozens of armor can be made from its skin and scales. And from the inside - to prepare medicine. From animals from the 8th degree, you can already make good pills. For these internals and 9th grade Duchyaosi pills, you can get two hundred jutsi pills.

Therefore, all the people of the clan began to deal with the remains of Dučiaosi.

Meeting room.

"Chen ar, after all, what thing did you use to kill Dučiaosi?" - Ye Tsang Xuan asked Ye Chen. He saw that Ye Cheng threw that knot, after which there was a powerful explosion, was struck by such a spectacle. Even a cultivator at the peak of the 9th degree will not be able to withstand such a force.

"This thing is called black powder," Ye Cheng answered. (Historically, the first and most simple chemical propellant explosive, consisting mainly of three components: nitrate, charcoal and sulfur. Invented, apparently, in China in the Middle Ages. For about 500 years until the middle of the XIX century was practically the only explosive available to mankind, by the 1890s it was almost completely forced out of the military sphere by more advanced explosives; in particular, as a propellant gave way to various types of smokeless powder)

"Smoke powder?"

"My ancestor taught me this method. However, I cannot tell you how to do it. "- Ye Cheng could only blame on his ancestor so as not to tell secrets. He did not want to tell them this secret, because this weapon could lead to trouble for clan E. Who knows how people will use it. The less people know about him, the better and safer for everyone. Today Ye Cheng was forced to use gunpowder.

"If so, then we will not ask" - Ye Tsang Xuan nodded his head. They themselves understood that this was a serious force. Just because of this force they got goosebumps.

"Tell people not to talk about today's incident!" - Ye Jean Tian seriously said.

He thought. Even if someone blabs, few will believe it. Therefore, there should not be any special problems. But the secret still needs to be kept.

The remains of Duciaosi can bring danger to clan E. Therefore, the interiors of Duciaosi and pills were sold to one good friend, E Jean Tyan, in Don Lin. For this, they received more than 300 juci pills. And from the skin and scales of the clan master made armor for the people of the clan and distributed to the defenders of the clan. One of them went to Ye Cheng.

These light beast-skinned armor suit them perfectly - and this is the best defense. An ordinary knife will not pierce such armor. Masters of 7-8 degrees, too, will not be able to cause damage.

Moreover, the resulting armor is very thin. Putting on the body, you can put on top of clothes and then it will not be possible to notice that a person has put on armor.

Having received such things, now if the clan E has a battle, then they can already avoid many injuries. This is happiness for the clan.

Ye Cheng occasionally practiced smoky gunpowder. He prepared gunpowder to create blows like thunder. He also continued to cultivate. Although after the 6th degree, his cultivation slowed down, but Ye Cheng was still developing. He knew the 1st level of the spiritual wind method. And in his free time he helped E Main, E Min and other students in cultivation.

Although Xuan's iron mining ceased and several shops in Don Lina closed, however, thanks to the remains of Duciaosi, clan E can last for several months.

Upon learning that the clan's mountain mine was closed, many of the clan's people began to get angry. They suggested that Ye Jean Tian begin military action against the Yun clan. However, Ye Jean Tian forbade them. Now the clan needs to increase its cultivation. He and Ye Tsang Xuan carefully cultivated. Nothing should interfere with their cultivation.

The entire clan was outraged by the actions of the Yun clan. All people were seething with anger, so everyone began to cultivate diligently. Nevertheless, the common enemy strongly unites people. During this time, there have been many breakthroughs.

"The 2nd head of the Yun fortress, the head of the Chin fortress, and the head of the Yang clan fortress arrived," one person reported to the head of the clan.

"Let them enter the guest room. I will see what they suddenly thought of! "-E Jean Tian answered coldly. - "Also call the senior chapter and others in the guest room." Three cultivators of the 9th degree came. You can't be careless.

At the entrance to the fortress E. Shel Yun Yi Xuan, there were two people near him. These two people were 40-50 years old. They walked boldly and belligerently. One of them, the head of the Chin clan, Chin Yu and the other, the head of the Yang clan, Yang Ying. Behind them was a little over ten people. There were both old people and young people.

People of clan E, as soon as they saw them, so they immediately began to look hostilely at them. There is obvious hatred between the Yun and E clans. They understood that Yong Yi Xuan did not come with this group with good intentions.

Chin Yu, looking at the people of clan E, said: "Brother And Xuan, it looks like clan E, does not weakly love your clan Yun."

Yong Yi Xuan laughed and said, "And why should we clan Yun be afraid."

"And the truth. While Mr. Yong himself controls everything, in addition, the support of Jungwang Don Ling. With clan Yoon, everything will be all right. It will be like Taishan Mountain, calm and unshakable. And clan E, if it understands the current situation, it will more or less exist and everything will be fine. If not, then ... hehe. "Yang Ying laughed.

"Ye Jean Tian only broke through to the 9th degree. In addition, this old boy Ye Tsang Xuan, which is difficult to compete with. However, clan E now looks empty, and we do not particularly see danger in it. And that we have two cultivators of the 9th degree! "- Yong Yi Xuan spoke in a cold tone.

"Clan Yun will definitely attack Clan E," Yang Ying and Chin Yu thought to themselves. Only they did not know what methods Clan Yun would use. If clan Yun and clan E start to fight, then it will be difficult for them to remain alone. We'll have to give people to the Yun clan. In addition, giving all the people to the Yun clan is also impossible. Yet clan E has two cultivators on the 9th degree. And they do not really want to cause their anger.

"Ye Jean Tian recently made his way to the 9th degree, in order to consolidate this degree, it takes at least several months. Therefore, he is far from Brother Yong Yi Xuan. "

So during the conversation this group of people reached the main hall. Ye Tsang Xuan, Ye Jean Tian and others were already there. Ye Cheng also stood nearby.

"Brother E, have not seen each other for a long time. How old, how many winters? "Yang Ying and Chin Yu said laughing.

And Yong Yi Xuan did not wait until the owners said something, sat down freely in a chair and, smiling, said: "I did not think that Brother Jean Tian would be so hospitable that he would invite so many people to meet us."

Yong Yi Shun was now representing the Yun clan. What did Clan Yoon want this time? Ye Jean Tian and others were joyless.