Chapter 23

There was a noise in the main hall.

"Clan Yoon crosses the border!"

"The head of the Yun clan offends our distinguished people, why don't we go to death with them?"

The head of the clan looked at everyone as everyone immediately shut up. The E and Yun clans have many contradictions. However, the day that clan E can defeat clan Yoon has not yet arrived. Ye Tsang Xuan and Ye Jean Tian can hardly somehow resist Yun Yan and Yun Yi Xuan. And people below level are only one third of the people of the Yun clan. Still, they have their own vassals, and help can come from Don Ling from jungwang.

Ye Xuan tilted her head. She felt sad. She gritted her teeth from such a situation.

Ye Cheng looked at her and became even more angry.

"You come back and cultivate well. You can't fight for the life of the weak. Clan Yoon just won't leave it all. The future of the E clan is in your hands. "- E Jean Tian spoke with a sigh.

Hearing the words of E Jean Tyan, many were silent. They sighed to themselves and were unhappy. Now you need to become much stronger.

Ye Cheng was very homesick. The difference between clans E and Yun is huge. And he, with his power of the 6th stage, cannot play a special role. His strength in this battle will be limited. He now needs to use all his strength to become even stronger.

This incident about how Yun Yi Xuan insulted clan E dispersed throughout the fortress of E. Hatred of a common enemy united them. Especially the younger generation. They now clearly understood that the shame inflicted on them, they can only wash with their fists!

Seeing how people disperse, E Jean Tian shouted to E Cheng: "Cheng ar, if we encounter the Yun clan in a deadly battle. When I, you, Grandfather Tsang Xuan, uncles and others will fight. In one moment I'll cover you and you will need to run away. I get it. Run away without looking back. Run to Don Ling and the farther the better. You are the only hope of clan E. If you can reach the 10th level, then you will return and avenge the defeated clan E. And then the souls of the ancestors in heaven will be calm. If you cannot reach the 10th stage, then do not return. Find a calm place and take your wife. Live calmly "

Ye Cheng did not think that his father would think about such events. Hearing the words of E Jean Tian, ​​Ye Cheng's eyes turned red. Deep inside, grief appeared. He said in a firm tone: "Father, son takes an oath, clan E will flourish and will live for many generations."

"If so, then this is best."

E Jean Tian wanted to say something, as E Cheng interrupted him: "If clan E ceases to exist, then the child will fight to the last!"

Hearing the words of his son, Ye Jean Tyan's hands trembled. He thought to himself: "This child ..."

Returning to their room, the words of E Jean Tian constantly revolved in the ears of E Chen.

Ye Cheng clenched his fists. * Ye Cheng Ye Cheng, you already live a second life. And if you can't save the tiny fortress E, then you will be worse than garbage! *

"Another contest among 18 fortresses" - Ye Cheng narrowed his eyes. "And what, that he is at the peak of the 7th stage. When the time comes, I will see who will teach whom! "Ye Cheng certainly remembered the Yong Yi Fei provocation.

Sitting in his estate, Ye Cheng began to cultivate the method of spiritual wind. He has already completed the cultivation of the first level of spiritual wind. And when he cultivated, Xuan qi he only had the 6th stage. However, he felt that this xuan qi was much stronger.

9 star secret methods - a very mysterious method. His power cannot be measured xuan qi. Ye Cheng himself did not know how strong he is. And he didn't know if he could defeat this Yong Yi Fei. In a month there will be competitions. And by this time he believed that he could break through the level.

When he cultivated the spiritual wind method, the cold wind rotated the spiritual xuan qi, which spread from Ye Cheng in all directions. Ye Cheng in this state was forgotten, he was completely immersed in the mysterious method of 9 star secret methods.

All space merged together, Ye Cheng felt his spirit separate from his body.

Is the spirit separate from the body? In all skills and cultivation methods, it was not mentioned anywhere that it is possible to achieve such a level.

* Already more than 81 meters! *

"Today, meat is not enough. Take it faster! "

Ye Cheng's spirit has already reached the clan's kitchen. Then he heard a ringing and looked in the direction of the residence of the clan E. Father, uncles, they cultivate, but they do not know that Ye Cheng is watching them.

* I do not know, in addition to observing, what else can this method do? *

He headed into the distance, and had already split into one. However, the view had already become fuzzy, he could no longer discern what was outside.

It seems that the distance of the soul from the body is limited. However, this is enough. And when he was happy, Ye Cheng discovered that in the northern part of the clan, a red ray appeared. It was an incorporeal force that was directed at him. Ye Cheng's spirit immediately returned to his body.

Ye Cheng turned pale and began to cough up blood. He took deep breaths. It seems that the spirit far from the body cannot be separated. By negligence, you can die. Just don't know what kind of red beam it was. He was far away, Ye Cheng could not make out. This ray came from the north side of the fortress, it seems that it came from the mountain peaks. There is a restricted area. They say there are animals of the 9th stage or even the 10th stage. With the current strength of Ye Cheng, it's dangerous to enter. For more than an hour, Ye Cheng was recovering. It turns out that recovery of spirit is much harder than restoration of the body. Henceforth, you need to use this method more carefully.

After contacting his knife and receiving Xuan Qi from him, Ye Cheng continued to cultivate again. And so he cultivated until the evening. In the evening, having perfectly mastered the first level of the spiritual wind method, Ye Cheng reached the middle of the 6th step. And then Ye Cheng was going to cultivate the method of northern ice.

Ye Cheng got up, and headed to his room. He was going to drink water and go to the dining room to eat. However, he felt something suspicious. There was another qi there.

"Who?" - Ye Cheng asked in a cold tone. He turned Xuan Qi behind, preparing for a fight.

Some time passed, but no one answered.

Ye Cheng began to sense the location of the enemy and determined that he was in the direction of the bed. Ye Cheng immediately headed in that direction.

The enemy was able to hide his skills this way, it must be a high master!

Strange sounds began to come from the bed.

Ye Cheng stepped forward, was already preparing to attack, when he was suddenly dumbfounded. There was no man.

There were stains on the bed. Ye Cheng began to follow these spots, and so his gaze shifted to the edge of the bedding.

There he saw a single white creature move slowly. Seeing him, Ye Cheng almost laughed. It turns out it was a reed cat. He was with three tails, completely white. Some of the animals that are nice to people.

Only he did not know what kind of werewolf. However, this cat cannot harm people.

The reed cat was leaning back, stains of blood on his body. Looks like he was running away from someone and got a wound. Therefore, he hid in the fortress E.

He is still lucky. Today he will not die. Ye Cheng took him by the neck and carried it with him.