Chapter 24

Looking at a white reed cat, at it like black quartz eyes, a pointed nose, all white hair, and a look of a man frightened by man. Ye Cheng was involuntarily surprised. The face of this cat, how could it cause such a mood? A certain feeling was found on him. This cat was exceptionally beautiful. Ye Cheng himself did not understand why this expression was more suitable for describing this cat.

"Hey, lucky. What is your name? "- Ye Cheng asked the cat. And suddenly he laughed to himself. "Why am I talking to a cat?" Ye Cheng suddenly felt that the cat was also looking at him appraisingly. Like a cat possessed wisdom. Ye Cheng said again: I hope you are not a werewolf with three tails. Although, if you had nine tails, you would certainly be like a fox with nine tails. "

That reed cat did not answer. He just took two paws and put it under his face. He squinted at Ye Cheng. Like neglected him.

Seeing this, Ye Cheng became very curious about this cat. He asked to himself: "Could it really be a werewolf?"

Seeing a bleeding wound on a cat's paw. Ye Cheng laid him on the floor, took a bandage and medicine for wounds from the cabinet.

"I don't know who bit you like that" - Ye Cheng thought and said: "Now, I will call you Ali."

Ali's eyes flashed, as if he understood the words of Ye Cheng.

Ye Cheng took Ali's wound and smeared with medicines. Stopping the blood, Ye Cheng bandaged his wound.

When Ye Cheng bandaged Ali's wound, he did not move completely. It was very strange.

And it was also strange that a cat scented a human aroma. Thinking about this, Ye Cheng grinned: "It cannot be. Do you still have that scent? Still pure white coat. Perhaps you are a beauty among cats? "

Ye Cheng said this all, so a blush appeared on Ali's cheeks.

"Can not be. You are still shy. Are you definitely not a werewolf? True, I don't know whether you are male or female! "Ye Cheng said all this and carried Ali.

Ali seemed to feel what Ye Cheng wanted to do, began to fight for all his strength resisting Ye Cheng. He squealed, however, how could he resist Ye Chen?

"Do not move. Let me see if you are a female or a male? III, how can you see this? "Ye Cheng's left hand held Ali, and his right hand looked, felt over his body. Then he joyfully said: "Groped, this is a female."

An even more prominent glow appeared on Ali's cheeks. She began to scratch her forepaws with all her might and constantly squeal.

Ali still managed to break free, and she jumped from Ye Chen. Ali constantly growled, she began to wave her forepaws on Ye Chen. Her hair was ruffled, and her eyes looked angrily at Ye Chen.

"What? You are a beast, I am a man. Why are you mad at me? "Ye Cheng looked at the angry Ali. He smiled, reached out and grabbed Ali. "You should not resist. Otherwise, your wounds will open again. "And he thought to himself, what if it really is a beast-man? From this, his hair stood on end, and he immediately threw off this thought.

As soon as E Cheng reached out, Ali jumped onto the bed and still snarled angrily at Ye Chen.

"OK OK. I just wanted to check whether you are a female or a male. I apologize. I won't do this anymore. "- Ye Cheng said, smiling. He wondered how he could ask a cat for forgiveness.

Then he saw that Ali climbed inside the blankets. Ye Cheng laughed helplessly and said: "Time is late, I will go to the dining room to eat. You sleep well first. I'll sing back. "

Seeing that Ali was not moving, Ye Cheng stood up and headed for the exit.

As soon as Ye Cheng came out, after a while Ali got up and went to the door. She looked at the entrance. A deep shine reappeared in her black eyes. And a blush reappeared on her cheeks - it was an amazing sight.

Ye Cheng came to the dining room when many students approached him and greeted him. And many people, sitting down at the table, quickly ate and immediately got up and left the dining room. Ye Cheng doubtfully looked at all of this and asked next to sitting Ye Man: "Ye Man, what is the matter with them?"

"Brother Ye Cheng, this is after today's event in the main hall. Everyone is saddened by that event, and now they cultivate stubbornly. I have already finished. Now I'll go to the training site. "E Meng did not wait until E Cheng finished eating and immediately left in a hurry.

It turns out that's how it is. Ye Cheng was astounded. Victory is easily obtained after defeat. With this attitude of the students, how can they be afraid of the Yun clan?

Ye Cheng, after eating a few servings, still sat and ate. He thought about Ali. And where did this beast come from. How insightful and at what level is this beast.? Starting to think about it, Ye Cheng thought about whether Ali would leave?

Not. Ali has a wound in his leg. She will not go far. And if it goes beyond the boundaries of the fortress, it can fall into a mountainous area, where it is full of animals. And of course, it can be eaten by other animals.

Also, why does this Ali understand so much? Especially recent business. She was so upset. This is very strange for the beast.

Ye Cheng ate a few more servings, then got up and quickly headed back to his room.

Ye Cheng passed a training ground. And although it was already late, however, there were still a lot of people. All were carefully cultivated. This has never happened before.

Ye Cheng was not going to stay there, so he went back to his room. As soon as he entered, he immediately went to the bed, wanted to see Ali. However, she was not there. He himself did not know why. But Ye Cheng was a little upset. He scanned every corner of the room, but did not find Ali.

It is not known where she could have gone. Ye Cheng sighed heavily. And then Ye Cheng looked at one book lying on the table. She was wearing a white sheet. And something was written on the sheet of ink.

Ye Cheng, once looked at these letters laughed. Ali seems to have dipped her paws in ink and was trying to write something, but nothing was clear. Is that really the style of reed cats?

"Can reed cats know how to write?" Ye Cheng involuntarily imagined how this charming cat wrote on its sheet with its paws, this look made Ye Chen laugh. Only he did not know whether Ali would return or not?