Chapter 25

Although he was a little upset, but now it was a dangerous time for the E clan. Enemies could burst at any moment, so he began to cultivate diligently.

In addition to cultivation, Ye Cheng learned how to create a thunderbolt - a pilisa. He drew a diagram and was going to give it to the blacksmith of the clan E, E Mo Yuan, so that he created them. And when he makes them, then he puts them into smoke powder.

The impact power of the piliz is relatively huge. It is not known how long Uncle Yuan will make them. However, one piliza with its power can be compared with the strength of the cultivator of the 9th stage.

This thing - who knows someday yes come in handy.

After he drew a diagram of the piliza and then began to cultivate until midnight, when it was deep night, Ye Cheng felt tired and began to prepare for bed. As at this time the lamp went out, and a white silhouette appeared in the door. He had pure white coat. Under the rays of the moon, she seemed like a jewel.

This is Ali!

Ye Cheng was pleasantly surprised. He immediately quickly lit a lamp. And when the lamp became brighter to illuminate the room. Ye Cheng went cold. He saw on his chest and lower back Ali, deep wounds to the bones. Blood flowed, Ali seemed to be in her last breath. Ye Cheng, startled, immediately grabbed Ali, laid him on the bed and took out the medicine with bandages.

"You are a simple reed cat, dare to go into the gorge!" - Ye Cheng, hearing Ali's breathing, became weaker and weaker. Ye Cheng's heart ached. Although it was a simple reed cat, however, it caused love among people. Ye Cheng did not want her to die.

He covered Ali's wounds with the help of force, stopped the bleeding and began to bandage her.

When Ali bandaged, Ye Cheng heard her breathing less. Ali seemed to want to say something.

Ye Cheng stopped. His heart was filled with grief. He did not need to leave Ali alone in the room. And then she would not have gone into the gorge. Ye Cheng looked into her beautiful eyes, which seemed to leave life.

Ali stared at him with an absent look. And he felt the vitality leaving her. Her coat was turning gray.

You can't help anything.

Ye Cheng in desperation tapped the bed. And suddenly he was thinking about something. He has a knife that supplies him with xuan qi. Xuan qi which healed his damaged canals. Who knows, maybe he can cure Ali. Thinking about this, Ye Cheng sat down on the bed, pressed his legs under him.

It's a hurry, you can't be late!

Ye Cheng rotated his Xuan qi and contacted a throwing knife. The knife trembled and began to supply pure xuan qi. This xuan qi with astonishing speed began to rotate and accumulate in Ye Cheng's right hand. After that, Ye Cheng began to immerse Xuan Qi in Ali's body.

Ali's body trembled. Ye Cheng felt that Xuan qi began to spin slowly inside Ali's body. There was hope for life.

So one hour passed. However, Ali did not wake up. Although over time, Ali's wounds under the influence of xuan qi began to heal. Her hair also began to return to its former color.

Ali must have gotten a lot better. She began to absorb Xuan qi much more.

In order to convey a sufficient amount of xuan qi Ali, Ye Cheng again contacted his knife, and he issued even more xuan qi.

Ali moaned softly and opened her eyes. She stared at Ye Cheng. There was happiness in her eyes.

As if thanks to the warm climate, plants come to life, so Ali began to come to life. Her coat became even whiter. The wounds on the body healed rapidly. This was visible with the naked eye.

A little more time passed and Ye Cheng took a deep breath. He looked at Ali lying nearby, it seemed that danger had passed her.

She is very lucky. If it were not for the special Xuan Qi, then it would most likely have already been dead.

A lot of time passed, and during this time Ye Cheng was quite tired. Ye Cheng took Ali and put it in the farthest corner of the room. And he lay down in bed. However, he was worried, suddenly Ali would again run away to the highlands. Next time, maybe not so lucky. He took the tail of Ali in his right hand and fell asleep.

Dawn. On the street birds chirped.

Ye Cheng woke up and found that Ali had been awake for a long time. At that moment, because of all her strength, she pushed off, wanted to get out of Ye Cheng's grip.

Seeing Ali's charming state, Ye Cheng could not stand it and laughed. Then he strictly said: "You were extremely lucky yesterday. I saved you thanks to my xuan qi. However, if you leave again, who knows if you are lucky this time as you did yesterday. "

Ali seemed to hear Ye Cheng. She got up and she got a sad expression.

Such a reed cat, and the mood and facial expression as a person. Ye Cheng was surprised. He looked at the cat's ass.

"III, what is this?" Ye Cheng discovered that a cat had a glomerulus in the back. He took Ali by the three tails, picked them up and began to feel.

"Live, live!" Ali began to struggle again. She wanted to free herself from Ye Chen.

"Do not move. No need to get angry. I just want to see what happened. Oi. This is a hematoma. Her. This is not a hematoma. Ali, it looks like your tail is still growing. Yes tail. Only he is still short. "- Ye Cheng was surprised. Ali originally had three tails. However, now, it seems the 4th, 5th is growing? Is she really like a nine-tailed fox?

Ali, hearing the words of Ye Cheng, jumped away from him. She turned and saw that 4 tail was starting to grow. From this, she began to jump for joy.

"4th tail and you rejoice?" - Ye Cheng laughed. A thought flashed through his mind. The books told about the transformation from a fox to a man. And if Ali is reborn into a person. Then she will become the most beautiful girl on earth. From this thought, Ye Cheng began to laugh even harder.

"Ali, let's go eat." You haven't eaten all day. Most likely hungry "- Ye Cheng climbed out of bed. He got dressed and took Ali.

Ali was no longer afraid of Ye Cheng. She began to be friendly towards him. Ali jumped from his arms onto his shoulder.

Ye Cheng stroked Ali's back. He felt her soft coat. She was soft as the skin of a cute girl. Ali did not particularly resist Ye Chen. She lay calmly on his shoulder.