Chapter 27

Ali can suck Xuan qi? Ye Cheng suddenly said with doubt, "Ali, in the end do you have any opportunities? Can you really fight? "

Ye Cheng thought how such a small animal can fight? Even if Ali encounters a beast of 1-2 steps, then she will most likely fly away from one hit of that beast.

Ali began to hiss, as if she felt Ye Cheng despicable of her abilities and jumped in front of him.

Suddenly, a silhouette appeared in front of Ye Chan and he was constantly changing. Werewolves appeared around him. It was a flying dragon before him, it was a boa constrictor, they looked at it predatoryly.

Ye Cheng felt his spirit tremble a little. However, as soon as his spiritual power moved forward, these silhouettes disappeared. Ali stood in front and stared at Ye Cheng.

Ye Cheng admiringly said: "Can you conjure magic?"

Ali began to pretty lick her paw.

I did not think that Ali appears to cause such magic. This magic only with the help of spiritual power turned out to be unraveled. However, an ordinary cultivator without spiritual strength, only relying on his own willpower will be able to resist this strength. It is not known what magic power Ali has, and what effect it can have on the cultivator. If during the battle these illusions can take several seconds of the enemy, then this can decide the outcome of the battle.

Ali's abilities excited Ye Chen. He asked: "Ali, what other abilities do you have?"

Ali put a paw under her head, as if thinking. Then she got up and began to gradually disappear from view.

Can it become invisible? Ye Cheng turned over Xuan Qi and wanted to determine Ali using her location. However, this did not work out for him. He could not determine her location. Then he released spiritual power and only then could determine its position.

So, only spiritual power can recognize its magic!

Having removed spiritual strength, a moment after Ali reappeared.

"Illusions and invisibility. Ali, you are great. "Ye Cheng said excitedly. These two abilities complement each other.

Ali twisted her mouth, as if it weren't special forces for her. Then, as soon as she opened her mouth, the entire courtyard was covered with fog. Ye Cheng bowed his head and did not even see his hands. He felt that everything around became foggy, and only when he released spiritual power, only then, could he see everything clearly around him.

Some time later, Ali sucked all the fog back into his belly.

Ye Cheng walked up to her took her front two legs and wanted to hug.

"Ali, you are lucky. Even now I don't doubt your abilities "- Ye Cheng looked into her beautiful and wisdom-filled eyes.

"You seem to be wise as a person. It's a pity that you can't talk. "- Ye Cheng thought and remembered that that day when he began to use the spirit, that day, he saw a red beam flying from the side of the gorge, and then Ali appeared. Maybe Ali came looking for that ray.

Ye Cheng looked at her and said: "No matter what your story is. Now you will be with me. Whatever happens to you, I will protect you. "

Hearing the words of Ye Cheng, Ali's eyes flickered.

In addition to illusions, invisibility and the ejection of fog. Ye Cheng was sure that Ali had many other abilities. This reed cat, it is not known how many secrets it carries.

Having recognized Ali's three abilities, Ye Cheng's head began to think constantly. He laughed quite a bit. Sooner or later, these Yun clan students will find out how powerful Ali is.

Hearing the laugh of Ye Chen, Ali, as if she felt that he wants to taunt her. Because of this, she jumped down and ran into the inside of the room.

Now, every time Ye Cheng cultivated, Ali sat down next to him and sucked in his excess xuan qi. They did not know when her 4th tail would grow.

And so, after 10 days, Ye Cheng learned the 1st level of the northern ice method. Of the 9 stellar secret methods, he already knew three methods. It is a pity that, from the methods of spiritual wind and northern ice, it seems that many skills cannot be released.

Ye Cheng sat down with his legs crossed and began to fasten these three methods. He immediately began to use them together. He used the method of northern ice, then, immediately used the thunder of the emperor or spiritual wind. These three methods are mutually complementary.

There was a lot of xuan qi in space. In addition, the methods of xuan qi are different and can form different xuan qi. Like xuan qi systems: thunder, fire, ice and others ... There are some complex xuan qi, these are rare that can transform into others.

Just lying on Ali's bed, she woke up, got up, went up to Ye Chen and began to stare blankly at him. From Cheng came different xuan qi. That - it was cold Xuan qi, then - light as the wind xuan of thunder, then - powerful as thunder xuan qi. And she was constantly transformed.

Ye Cheng, after fixing three methods, began to learn the 4th method. Method of lightning spirit.

Metal, wood, water, fire and earth - they mutually complement each other and oppose each other. Ice, wind, thunder and lightning are auxiliary elements. It is not known if to know the methods with these elements, is it possible to obtain a specific specific effect.

They say that after learning these methods, your xuan qi will be reborn and become stronger. And your power will also become stronger. However, Ye Cheng was still at the 6th stage and did not break through.

These 9 star secret methods are mysterious. Although he was at the 6th stage, the quality and quantity of his xuan qi exceeded that of other xuan qi cultivators. Even Ye Cheng himself did not know how strong he was. And he did not know whether he could be an adversary of Yong Yi Fei.

Ye Cheng came to Ye Mo Yuan. He learned that Ye Mo Yuan had already made two iron cores. Ye Cheng took these two kernels and filled them with smoky gunpowder. Consider, already two pilizas are ready. He himself did not yet know how powerful these pilises would be. Ye Mo Yuan said that these cores are difficult to manufacture. However, he was going to produce two more cores.

This time in clan E, nothing special happened. All clan students diligently cultivated.

There were half a month before the competition of students of 18 fortresses. No one knew what could happen there. E Tsan Xuan, E Jean Tian and others spent every day at the residence of the head of the clan. They rarely went outside. Even the main gate was closed. Clan E was isolated.

Ye Cheng began to feel pressure inside the fortress. However, he constantly urged himself on. In competitions, you can not drop the face of the clan E!

Night fell in the fortress E. Everything became quiet. Even one could clearly hear the roar of animals in the gorge.

Ye Cheng, as always, sat on the bed and began to rotate xuan qi inside the body. Besides cultivation, he also excelled in spiritual strength. Now his intelligence limits have expanded from one to two. Ali at that moment also ran up to him and plunged into contemplation. She did not move completely.

Time passed minute by minute. In the distance, some beast growled in the gorge. It is not known what kind of beast it was. However, this is commonplace in fortress E.

At that moment, Ali, as if sensing something, opened her eyes and hissed. Then she instantly jumped to the door.

"Ali!" - Ye Cheng felt the movement of Ali and began to call her. However, Ali has already run away.

What finally happened? Why did Ali head back to that gorge?