Chapter 28

Ali, should nothing happen to her? Ye Cheng immediately followed her. The white silhouette has already disappeared from the dark. He was lost in a forest grove.

"It's already deep night. If the night watch learns that someone wanted to hide at night, then the entire clan will rise. Panic will begin. It is impossible for father and uncles to know about it. " Ye Cheng released his spirit and began to locate the night watch.

Getting rid of the gaze of the guard, Ye Cheng headed toward the city wall. And from there he rushed outside the fortress.

Thanks to the skill of the spirit, he recognized the direction of Ali.

What could happen that she immediately rushed into the gorge.

Ye Cheng did not think much, turned up his Xuan Qi and headed with all speed for Ali.

So he ran for two hours. Constantly venturing into the gorge. E Cheng got to the place where the fortress E forbids to enter.

In the depths of the gorge there are many forbidden places. The elders of the E clan forbade the younger ones to go to the same places, because in these places high-level animals may appear. Some students did not know about the ban, entered these places and did not return.

Thinking of this ban, Ye Cheng hesitated a bit. He began to think. Nevertheless, he can release the spirit to a distance of 2 li. And although it is deep night, however, he can still determine where the beast will be. If he behaves more carefully, he can avoid danger.

At that moment, Ali ran away. Ye Cheng chased after her again.

Ye Cheng already found out that there were animals of the 6-8th stage. He carefully avoided their attention. Indeed, there are so many animals in this restricted area. It's good that he can let out the spirit and determine their location. Otherwise, I would have stumbled upon them. It's still normal to meet one beast here. However, if more than 3 animals attack you, then it will be difficult.

So he still ran for more than an hour and stopped near a narrow passage. There were steep cliffs on both sides of this passage. The width of the passage reached 2-3 Zhang, and so the road rushed into the distance.

If you meet a beast there, it will be difficult to escape from him.

Ali has already run into this road. Ye Cheng hesitated a bit and then ran in too.

So they ran for about 10 minutes, and then a startling picture appeared in front of Ye Chen. He ran into a place surrounded by rocks. And the area of ​​this place was several dozen. Everywhere there was green grass, flowers grew, a stream flowed. The landscape was magical, not to be lovable.

"I didn't think that there could be a completely different world" - Ye Cheng sighed. He looked at the surrounding rocks and ascending into heaven. Their greatness was breathtaking.

Ye Cheng continued to walk and found that the remains of reed cats lay on the ground next to him. They were different from Ali. They all had only one tail. And their coat was yellow. There were cats with two tails, but there were very few of them.

"Looks like Ali's house here. What a misfortune her family met "- Ye Cheng began to think. Ali was no longer just an animal for him. Her giftedness and wisdom were similar to those of a person.

Here Xuan Qi became thicker. It is a good place to cultivate. From all sides there were rocks. Where does this Xuan Qi come from? However, Ye Cheng was of little interest. With his knife, he no longer needs Xuan qi land. Ye Cheng believed that xuan qi of the earth would always yield to xuan qi of his knife.

Continuing to walk, Ye Cheng finally discovered Ali's whereabouts.

Ali stood on the traces of blood, tears flowing from her eyes. It must be this blood of her relatives. He was heartbroken.

Ye Cheng sighed to himself, squatted and stroked Ali on the back.

"Ali, calm down" - Ye Cheng began to console her.

Ali must have tried to pull herself together. Looking at Ye Chen, she stopped crying, but was still heartbroken.

Suddenly she was wary. It was as if she had discovered something.

Ali felt the danger. She did not linger, growled something to Ye Cheng and headed inland.

Ye Cheng also followed her and stopped on the lawn.

Ali began to sniff something there, as if looking for something. Then she stopped and began to dig the ground with her front paws.

"Ali, what are you digging?" - Ye Cheng doubtfully asked and also sat down beside her, began to help her dig.

There the earth was loose, is there really something underground?

Digging a little, Ye Cheng was surprised, there really was something there. He began to dig even more and discovered a wooden box. It looks like it was made of spiritual strength. Therefore, the clay around was wet. However, the box itself showed no signs of decay.

"Is this the thing of your reed cat clan?" Can I open? "- Ye Cheng looked at Ali and asked.

Ali nodded her head.

Ye Cheng opened the box and immediately a fresh and pleasant qi got here. Looking inside, Ye Cheng discovered that there was an old nylon bag and three ancient books. Opening the bag, Ye Cheng was surprised. It had a space bag. (bag Qian and Kun). (p.p qian and kun (two opposite hexagrams of "Ijing"), heaven and earth, Yin and Yang, male and female, the source of all changes; Chinese medical term denoting internal "tribute"). And inside it was a huge space. You could put a lot of things into it. Typically, a qian and kun bag costs about 1,000 jiu pills, but this nylon qian and kun bag can contain a lot more space. And it is not known how much money it will cost.

Looking inside, he saw another 50-60 pills. There were 53 Ninzi pills and two more unusual pills. She was reddish brown and the size of a pigeon egg. They are most likely three times the Ninzi pills.

Ye Cheng sighed, the Ninzi pill costs hundreds of juci pills. And here there were 53. This is a huge state. It can be compared with the income of clan E for more than ten years. As for these two pills, he did not know what the pills were. But it is clear that these are upscale pills.

As for the three books. There was a book of higher alchemy, the cultivation of animals and the palm of Qian and Kun.

The books of higher alchemy said how to create pills. In the book of the cultivation of animals, it was described how different animals cultivate. And in the books of the palm of Qian and Kun, it was said about the art of combat. It contained one method and 6 combat techniques.

Although he only overlooked slightly, Ye Cheng knew that the contents of these books were very complicated. No matter which of these things, each has enormous potential, capable of endowing tremendous power.

"We're coming back!" - Ye Cheng immediately reacted and said Ali. He took all these things.

And as soon as Ye Cheng and Ali, prepared to leave the gorge, in the distance near the entrance a few cries of animals were heard.

Ali shivered. Ye Cheng looked at Ali and did not understand why Ali was so scared. What kind of creatures were these?

Ye Cheng released his spirit and found out that there were three huge wolves of 2 zhang height, a wolf.

"Hurry up on my shoulder," Ye Cheng said to Ali. He first meets the 7th-level wolves. He was worried. Will he be able to defeat them?

Ali, hearing the words of Ye Cheng, immediately jumped on his shoulder and they instantly rushed out of the gorge.

At that moment, the wolves smelled Ye Cheng. They immediately looked at the receding Ye Chen and saw Ali on his shoulder. Their eyes immediately darkened, became scary, terrified people.