Chapter 29

"Ali, we will overcome them" - Ye Cheng said gloomily. He extended his right hand, in which the pilizas appeared.

Chshichshi - Ali began to grab Ye Cheng's right hand with her forepaws.

They have been together for a long time and already worried about each other. He looked at Ali and asked: "You do not want me to use the piliz?"

Ali nodded her head. There was tension in her eyes. She did not want him to use the piliz. She already heard how they work and understood that there would be a strong explosion. Was she afraid that this explosion would attract the attention of more powerful animals. Is it not these three wolves that destroyed her clan?

Ye Cheng thought a little and immediately removed the piliz. However, these are the 7th-level wolves, and the beast on the same level with man is much stronger than him. Ye Cheng could already defeat the cultivators of the 7th stage, but the three wolves of the 7th stage are already more difficult.

"Ali, attack together" - Ye Cheng wanted to use Ali's abilities to defeat these wolves.

Ali opened her mouth and fog immediately appeared. It was thick that you could not see your hands. Ye Cheng immediately went to one of the three wolves.

The eyes of the wolves flickered. Fog was everywhere. They did not see anything. And even the sense of smell did not help. Since there was the smell of Ali everywhere.

Ye Cheng appeared in front of a wolf. That wolf, sensing that there is E Cheng nearby, howled and, opening its mouth, wanted to bite Ye Cheng.

Life shell of thunder!

Ye Cheng began using the thunder shell technique. He bounced off the wolf's attack and immediately sent a blow to the right side of the wolf's head.

That wolf wanted to dodge the blow of Ye Cheng, but at that moment, he noticed on the shoulder of Ye Cheng Ali. And her eyes flashed. From this the wolf was dumbfounded. His eyes dimmed. Apparently Ali used their illusions.

Bah! There was a dull sound. You could see how Ye Cheng struck the head of the wolf. And his brains scattered.

In a normal situation, Ye Cheng could not, so easily hit the wolf. However, this time Ali was with him. Their combination was very welcome!

Ye Cheng himself did not know what would turn out so effectively. Two more wolves left. He did not dare to be inattentive.

Without stopping for a second, they headed for the other two wolves.

Those two wolves had already felt the danger, they were next to shoulder to shoulder. Ye Cheng was about to attack one of them. Two wolves were about to pounce on Ye Cheng, when at that moment their eyes were suddenly dim. Again Ali used illusions. Ye Cheng, of course, took advantage of this moment. And again he struck one wolf to death.

The remaining wolf, as it departed from illusions, was about to run away. However, his body was suddenly covered with ice, which slowed his movements. Ye Cheng hit the wolf again and smashed his head.

"Just what was your technique?" - Ye Cheng looked at Ali and asked. Ali brought him joy. Ali, it turns out, has ice system methods.

If Ali has such methods, then nothing threatens them together. Even if they meet powerful cultivators, they may not be afraid of them!

Ali growled intensely. She was restless, as if urging him to run away from here faster.

These three wolves possess bestial pills. It's a pity not to take them. However, Ali looked at him so much that Ye Cheng did not linger. Taking Ali, he headed outside. Although these wolves did not kill them. However, Ali with such abilities was still previously injured. This means that there cannot be only these three wolves of the 7th stage. Perhaps there is a beast of the 9th stage or even more powerful.

Thinking about it, how could Ye Cheng stay here !?

Throughout the journey, Ali absorbed her qi and Ye Chen. It must be to leave no residue.

After three hours of running, fortress E has already appeared on the horizon.

And Ye Cheng at that moment in the distance heard a wolf howl. Ali, hearing him, was scared. Her hair stood on end.

"Ali, no need to worry. The animals will not dare to take over the possessions of people "- Ye Cheng felt Ali's fear and began to calm her. He wondered to himself what level that wolf was.

Beginning to dawn.

"Finally returned to clan E" - E Cheng thought and sighed to himself. Although this world is filled with difficulties. However, E Fortress always gave E Chen a sense of security.

At that time, when E Cheng was about to break into the fortress E, screams rang out from the forest and 5 silhouettes appeared.

Ye Cheng looked at the closest person and his gaze went cold immediately. Indeed, for enemies, any road will be narrow. This man was E Mo Y. However, the rest were not familiar to him. Ye Cheng suggested that they were people of the Yun clan.

Among them was one cultivator of the 8th stage, two of the 7th stage and two of the 6th stage. But what do they do outside clan E?

E Mo I, as E Chen saw, was surprised at first, then began to smile viciously.

"Yong Lao Liu, this boy is the son of Ye Jean Tian. I will seize him! "- E Mo I immediately went to E Chen. Saying this, the intention of the murder appeared in his eyes.

I didn't think that he would meet Ye Chen here. As they say, in search of the desired, you can wear the sturdy boots and eventually get without difficulty!

Regarding the Yun clan, capturing Ye Chen is a great opportunity to blackmail Ye Jean Tian and get huge benefits. Only E Mo. I now only want to kill E Chen. Of course, they cannot allow him to.

"Earlier, when you were there, they didn't try to kill you. However, now you are outside the clan. Last time, your son was only hurt by channels, but today you may not be so lucky! "- thinking about E Kon Yan's illness, E Mo I became colder in my soul.

Seeing that E Mo I was approaching. Ye Cheng pretended to be frightened and stepped back a few steps. However, Xuan Qi was already spinning furiously in his body. A lot of them. Therefore, E Cheng, thought first to get rid of E Mo I, and then think about others.

Yong Lao Liu stepped aside. Blocked the path to the fortress. And immediately shouted E Mo Z: "Elder E, he is needed alive. It will still be of use! "He had already heard that the son of E Jean Tyan had entered the 6th stage, and E Mo I was at the peak of the 7th level. Therefore, he did not worry about E Mo Ya. 4 cultivators of the Yun clan, just stood and looked at them. An interesting expression appeared on their faces. It was interesting how strong this Ye Cheng is.

"I know" - E Mo I answered. Although he himself had a cold smile: "Boy, die!"

Ye Mo I turned up xuan qi and his hand began to darken. When you start cultivating the yin claw technique, your whole arm darkens. However, when you already have excellent command of this technique, only your palm darkens.

Yong Lao Liu, having seen the frightened expression on Ye Cheng's face, became even more confident in the success of Ye Mo Y. And now, I thought how they would return home with such success. From this he had a smile on his face.