Chapter 32

Taking a book of Qian and Kun palm techniques from a space bag, one could determine that it was a very powerful technique of at least grade 6. It's even possible 7-8 classes, of course, this can not be compared with the method of 9 stellar secret methods.

Ye Cheng thought that he would no longer find methods much better than 9 stellar secret methods. This is no longer possible.

Although this is not useful to him, however, in the book there are 6 different types of techniques and they are 6-8 classes.

6 types of techniques Ye Cheng now will not be able to know. However, the palm of Qian and Kun is a certain powerful skill. Thinking, Ye Cheng decided, if he can learn all 9 methods, then who knows that this technique is still useful to him. Because, having known all 9 methods, he will already be able to know all the techniques on earth existing.

So Ye Cheng was in no hurry, he took the book of the palm of Qian and Kun and put it away.

At first he was going to know the first level of each method, after that it will be possible to return to this question!

Ye Cheng and Ali began to cultivate. Ye Cheng sitting in bed, turned four types of xuan qi, they flowed in his body: ice, wind, thunder and lightning. It is 4 perfect. If you add 5 elements, then the cultivator will not be equal. Ye Cheng felt that in his body, xuan qi rotated very quickly, like a whirlwind, and continuously sucked xuan qi from a knife.

Ali sat flipping through the book on the cultivation of animals, and sensing that Ye Cheng began to turn Xuan Qi, she immediately ran up to him and also began to absorb Xuan Qi.

Ordinary people harbor xuan qi from the earth and only E Cheng possessed another xuan qi, much denser. And he had a lot of it. From this, his whole room was filled with thick xuan qi, which was 10 times more than xuan qi around.

The residence of the head of the clan.

"Outside the fortress is again a busy traffic. Is Chen ar again experiencing these pilizas? "- Ye Jean Long heard a roar, burst out laughing and spoke. The last time, having heard such an explosion, they got scared. They thought that the cultivators of the 9th stage came to attack them. However, this time they reacted much more calmly to this.

"He created another item capable of causing such a force. Chen ar is constantly amazed by his giftedness. However, he needs to concentrate on increasing his cultivation, after dinner I will talk to him "- Ye Jean Tien said in a slightly strict tone.

"If it weren't for Chen ar, then we would not have recognized the thunder of the emperor. And recently, we would not have a breakthrough. Chen ar is now just at that age, if he wants to have fun, let him have fun "- Ye Tsang Xuan spoke, smiling. They have recently succeeded in cultivating. And if they can resist Yun Yan and other cultivators, they can provide the clan with peace for several decades and they now have the emperor's thunder method. This will help the younger generation of the clan become much stronger.

Only they still did not know what really happened outside the fortress.

"Chen ar, when using these saws, it releases tremendous power. We can say the same power of the cultivators of the 9th stage, even we should be afraid of this power. An older brother may need to worry less. "- E Jean Long spoke, laughing.

"The power of the piliza is not weak. However, it is not effective against the cultivator above the 9th stage, and Chen ar is gifted. I hope the rest of my life I can see how he reaches above the 9th step. Achieve what we didn't even dream about "- Ye Jean Tian spoke in a voice of full hope. In heaven, which father does not want his son not to become a dragon? (figuratively, any father wants his son to succeed in life.)

"Elder brother, Chen ar knows the measure. And he knows what he is doing "- E Jean Seng, comforted E Jean Tian.

"M." - Ye Jean Tian at least did not say anything and behaved stricter to his son. However, at heart he was proud of him.

Several hours passed, and Ye Cheng has already achieved great success in cultivating 4 methods - the lightning spirit method.

Having looked at 5 methods consisting of elements: metal, wood, water, fire and earth, Ye Cheng frowned. Which of these 5 methods to begin to cultivate first. After all, these five methods complement each other and at the same time oppose each other. And if you know one well, you may not be able to know the other. These five elements mutually overcome each other. (p.p. mutual overcoming of the five elements (metal overcomes wood, wood - earth, earth – water, water – fire, fire – metal))

And ice, wind, thunder and lightning - they complement each other and do not interfere with each other. 5 elements have very close ties.

"Combination and opposition? Do you really need to cultivate these five methods at the same time? "Ye Cheng eyes glittered. Immediately start cultivating 5 methods is very difficult.

This is the highest degree. However, after activating the throwing knife, E Chen's susceptibility seems to have increased. And he felt that it would not be especially difficult for him, so thinking, he plunged into cultivation.

Although Ye Cheng began to cultivate 5 methods simultaneously, the speed of cultivation was not inferior to the cultivation of other methods and, on the contrary, his strength increased many times.

After Ye Cheng learned 4 methods, his Xuan Qi again experienced a breakthrough. Now he had a peak of the 6th step. He was straight, he felt that he could soon break through this barrier.

* I wonder if I can get to the 7th step before the competition among 18 fortresses? *

In any case, he needs to increase his strength so that he can be an adversary to the cultivator of the 7th or even 8th stage, and he needs to rely only on himself!

Thinking about the contest, Ye Cheng made a decision. Competition among 18 fortresses will be difficult. And, most likely, clan E. will be attacking there. We need to prepare for it.

My father once said that if you cultivate hard, then in one month you can break through to the 6th step and in a year break through to the 7th step. However, if he finds out that Ye Cheng will soon break through to the 7th step, I wonder what his reaction will be.

Now, the speed of E Cheng went beyond the imagination of Ye Cheng. He was even afraid of such speed. Will he have because of this complication.?

However, now he needs to increase his cultivation and help clan E survive the difficult times.

After he cultivated the skill of a lightning spirit, he felt how his spirit became stronger. From this he was pleased.

Ye Cheng began to practice the skill of the spirit, he released it outside the fortress E. There Ye Cheng discovered a group of 30-40 people. They carried troupes. These were the bodies of Lao Liu and others. Ye Cheng saw that the people of the Yun clan have come!

He immediately regained consciousness and looked at Ali. Ali also opened her eyes.

"Ali, the people of the Yun clan have come. We need to go out and see "

Hearing the words of Ye Cheng, Ali growled and jumped on the shoulder of Ye Cheng.

Ye Cheng immediately rushed to the main hall.

"I report. The second head of the Yun Yi Xuan clan arrived, also the head of the Chin clan, the Yang clan, the Lin clan and the Wei clan. 4 chapters have arrived. "One person reported to the residence of the head of the clan.

Ye Jean Tian heard this, seriously looked at Ye Tsang Xuan.

"Yong Yi Xuan has just come. Why did they come this time? "Ye Jean Long frowning, said.

"Once we've arrived, we'll go out and see" - Ye Tsang Xuan said in a cold tone. 5 cultivators of the 9th stage have come. What are they up to !?

After Ye Zhan Tian broke through the rungs, Ye Tsang Xuan also broke through to the middle stage of the 9th rung. So the strength of clan E also increased. Now Ye Tsang Xuan and others are not so much afraid of the Yun clan. Clan Yoon brought 4 more chapters. Only they are unlikely to intervene and attack the clan E. Therefore, they went out and wanted to see what they want.