Chapter 33

Main Hall of Clan E.

When Cheng came to the main hall, more than a hundred people had already gathered there.

Yong Yi Xuan and other people stood in the center of the room. Next to them lay 4 corpses. Lao Liu and others.

However, they did not convey the corpse of E Mo I.

Ye Tsang Xuan looked at these four troupe, then said in a cold tone to Yong Yi Xuan: "Why did you bring 4 corpses of the Yun clan ?!" He looked as soon as he recognized Lao Liu. Lao Liu was an 8th stage cultivator. It is not known how he could die.

"Ye Tsang Xuan. No need to pretend. I won't believe that it was not you or E Ye Tian who killed Lao Liu. "Yong Yi Xuan angrily pointed at E Cang Xuan with his finger.

Ye Jean Tian and the others did not look at it all, uncomprehendingly. They doubted that the people of the Yun clan would throw people to the fortress E. Yet Lao Liu, one of the high masters of the Yun clan. And if such a master dies, then this will be a great loss for the Yun clan.

However, Lao Liu really died!

Nearby, only one clan E is hostile to the people of the Yun clan. And only they could raise a hand on them. However, over the past few days, they did not leave clan E, and E Tsang Xuan and others did not leave the residence of the head of the clan. Of course they did not think about Ye Chen.

"It was not we who killed them. Recently, we have not left the fortress E "- E Tsang Xuan answered.

"Nonsense! Then how did they die? "- Yong Yi Xuan cursed.

"Joke. I, Ye Tsang Xuan once say that I did not kill these people, that means I did not kill people. If he had killed, he would have admitted that he had killed! "- Ye Tsang Xuan spoke confidently, with the knowledge that he was right.

"Lao Liu and others were killed by a cultivator of the 9th stage. If not you, then it means Ye Jean Tian "- Yong Yi Xuan spoke in a cold tone and looked with a sharp look at Ye Jean Tian.

"I didn't kill them" - Ye Jean Tian answered. In clan E, only they are both cultivators of the 9th stage. The rest will not be easy to kill Lao Liu and the rest. He remembered that explosion, and one thought came to his mind at once. But he did not begin to say it, but on the contrary, began to interrogate: "People of the Yun clan, what did they do near our fortress E? Did those dead people want to kill our E clan people? However, the people of the Yun clan are also powerful. And now you want when you came here, and the people of clan E protect you? "

Ye Cheng began to worry. These people, he killed. However, he now has no way to say this to his father and uncles. However, the people of the Yun clan have come, and perhaps they are looking for a reason to start a war with clan E. Clan E can not at all be an adversary of the Yun clan.

"You are old and small depart from the topic. If you don't give the killer back, then this business will not end just like that! "- Yong Yi Xuan spoke angrily.

"Really, you clan Yong, want to draw other people here?" - Ye Tsang Xuan asked, looking at the other people.

"The leaders of the clans are Yang, Chin, Lin and Wei. You four why come today. Want to help Clan Yoon? "

The heads of the clans were silent and looked at each other. They did not want to commit misconduct in front of clan E. Only more did they not want to commit misconduct in front of clan Yoon. After all, the Yun clan now has the support of Jungwang Donlin. And if a battle begins between clan E and Yoon, then they cannot just stand by. And you definitely need to take sides.

Of the 18 fortresses, the first 9 obey the Yun clan. And they are one of them!

Seeing that the heads of the clans were silent, E Tsang Xuan said with a cold smile: "Since Yun clan wants to oppose clan E, it was not necessary to bring these corpses to look for an excuse. They just dishonored themselves. If clan Yun wants battles, clan E will respond. Gentlemen of the chapter, although I do not want to see you as my enemies, however, if you oppose the E clan, then do not blame my dislike! "

Ye Tsang Xuan as he said, then powerful qi began to come from him.

All 4 heads of clans froze. They were struck by the relics of Ye Tsang Xuan. His qi has already reached the middle stage of the 9th stage. We can say that he is not inferior to Yun Yan. They all changed in face. The cultivator of the initial stage of the 9th stage is much weaker than the cultivator of the middle stage of the 9th stage. Only three cultivators of the initial stage of the 9th stage can be able to defeat one cultivator of the middle stage of the 9th stage. But even that, for them it will be very difficult!

They did not think that Ye Tsang Xuan would already reach such heights. When did it happen?

"Ye Tsang Xuan, you are going to exert pressure on people with the power of two cultivators of the 9th stage. Junyang Donlin will then send the cultivator of the 9th peak peak to fortress E, and he will destroy fortress E! "- Yong Yi Xuan still exerted pressure on everyone.

The heads, hearing the words of Yong Yi Xuan, froze. They did not know whether Junwang would send the master here. However, be that as it may, they should not commit misconduct both before one and others!

"Yong Yi Xuan, do not bully us. If Junwan would send a master to us to help you, he would long ago send. I heard zun Xuan And Yao is going to recruit students in Donlin, so you decided to arrange competitions. And before the competition you will not attack us. After the competition, if you want, then we are at your service. Enough to throw threats. Now get out of the fortress E! "- E Tsang Xuan said in a cold tone.

Yong Yi Xuan changed his face, did not think that Ye Tsang Xuan is knowledgeable.

"The clan E mines are already under our control. This is compensation for the killing of Lao Liu and others. If this does not suit you, then come to the mines and try to take it away! "- Yong Yi Xuan spoke in a cold tone. Now they can't start fighting against clan E, but now they have found a reason to pick up their mines.

Hearing the words of Yong Yi Xuan, all the people of clan E were angry.

"Clan Yoon crosses the line!"

The people of clan E began to publish indignant glances. Clan Yoon takes the mine of clan E openly, isn't this a robbery?

The atmosphere in the hall was heating up. The people of clan E cast angry glances and were going to surround the enemies. The heads of the Chin, Lin, and other clans changed face. They felt pressure in the air.

Ye Jean Tian clenched his fists. His veins swelled. If this had happened before, then perhaps he would have gone to a mortal battle with the Yun clan, however, now he needs time. A few more months and Clan E will not be afraid of Clan Yoon. Therefore, he suffered because of all his strength.

"After the competition, I myself will go to the Yun clan and achieve justice!" - Ye Jean Tian spoke through gritted teeth.

Ye Cheng stood nearby and knew well how shameful his father was. However, he could bear it. Today's business was due to him.

Ye Cheng looked at Yong Yi Xuan and clenched his fists. He began to hate himself for the fact that he could not be so powerful. Because he is so weak.

The heads of the 4 clans felt a cold sweat run across their backs. They did not think so to upset the clan E. And they did not know that Yong Yi Xuan was going to take the mine of clan E. He did not tell them about it. If he said, they would not have come here. To themselves they were now unhappy. However, fortunately, Ye Jean Tian was patient.

"Ye Jean Tian, ​​are you being so much a coward? I see, the whole fortress E is just garbage. I, Yun And Xuan want to come, then come, want to leave, then leave! You dare not do anything to me! "- Yong Yi Xuan spoke, laughing. And so he left.

Yong Yi Xuan goes over the line! The people of clan E were ready to give their lives to kill this Yun Yi Xuan. It is a pity that the head of the clan does not give this order. They all turned pale with anger.

"Brother Jean Tian, ​​take our leave!" - Yang Ying and other clan leaders began to leave. Cold sweat continued to flow down their backs. They did not think that Yong Yi Xuan would dare to say such a thing before leaving.

Yong Yi Xuan and the others so calmly left.

"Head, let us go to the Yun clan and kill them. Wash off the shame! "Said one man of the clan, kneeling down.

"Senior chapter, chapter, let us catch up with Yong Yi Xuan and the rest to kill them!" We will not regret it, even if we die. Just to achieve justice! "

"Mountain mines are our property, which was transferred to us by our ancestors over the centuries. You must not allow strangers to take this from us. Let us bring it all back! "Said a lot of people.

Everyone was very unhappy about this, but they could not go to battle without the consent of Ye Tsang Xuan and Ye Jean Tian.

"I, E Jean Kuan, from the E clan take a blood oath that I will go to a mortal battle with the Yun clan. Even if I die, I won't regret it! "- Ye Jean Kuan stepped forward, took out a throwing knife and cut his hand with it and blood began to flow from the hand. Such a rite was often done in the Sioux Empire before going into battle with a mortal enemy.

"I Ye Jean Ying, take a blood vow, even if I die, I will not regret it!"


And so 60-70 people took blood oaths in the main hall.

"Head, we ask you!" A lot of people started bowing, tearfully asking to go fight the people of the Yun clan. Ye Jean Tian, ​​Ye Tsang Xuan and others stood, tears in their eyes appeared in their eyes. In their souls, they felt great grief. Going to a mortal battle is easy, but shame is harder to withstand. Is it possible that what has been transmitted to them from their ancestors for millennia will be interrupted by them? How will they then look at their ancestors?

Nearby standing Ye Cheng has long been all in tears. Although he appeared from another world, however, he already treated these people as relatives. What is a clan clan? What is a relationship? What is native blood? This is when the clan experiences everything together, both joy and sorrow!