Chapter 34

"Dear Sirs! Brothers, medium and small, sons and nephews. I Ye Jean Tian is not afraid of death. Our clan E has been around for thousands of years. However, everyone understands that always, where there was a blue sea, now there are mulberry groves. (ppt idiom. Time is changing). Initially, our clan E was glorified. And today, one Yun clan came and insulted me. Today, the Yun clan took our mines from us. They want to destroy our clan E. Abort our millennial clan. Do I agree with that? Not. Strongly disagree. But today we must endure. Believe me, Ye Jean Tyan. In 15 days. As soon as the competition of 18 fortresses passes, we will gather all the strength of the clan. And then, we will enter a mortal battle with the Yun clan! "- Ye Jean Tian spoke with tears in his eyes and a trembling voice.

"I also agree with this" - Ye Tsang Xuan confirmed.

"After the competition of 18 fortresses, we will go to a decisive battle with the Yun clan!"

Everyone heard the words of the senior chapter and chapter, nodding their heads. There was nothing left for them.

Ye Cheng immediately took out the medicinal herbs and began to give them to his fellow tribesmen so that their blood stopped.

In the hall, people kneeling for a long time did not want to leave the hall. And outside, many people have already gathered.

E Meng and others, as soon as they heard the words of E Jean Tian and E Cang Xuan about mountain mines, immediately began to grieve. Mountain mines are what they inherited from their ancestors. This is the main enterprise of the clan. How now the clan will exist!

Ye Chen was ashamed. If he had not killed Lao Liu, then Yong Yi Xuan and the rest would not have come here. And they would have no reason to pick up a mountain mine.

Without it, the clan will gradually dissipate!

"Chen ar, you come" - Ye Jean Tian waved his hand to Ye Chen. You could see how exhausted my father was.

Ye Tsang Xuan and others also saw Ye Chen.

Ye Cheng, bowing his head, went up here: "Father, the child did wrong."

"What is it?" - Ye Jean Tian lovingly, stroked his head and asked.

"Those people were killed by me," Ye Cheng truthfully said.

Ye Jean Tian, ​​Ye Tsang Xuan and others, although they assumed, did not believe that Lao Liu could be killed by Ye Chen. Ye Cheng only became the cultivator of the peak of the 5th stage. And Lao Liu is the 8th stage cultivator. There are three others: one cultivator of the 7th stage and two cultivators of the 6th stage. How was Ye Cheng able to defeat all of them in one?

"Lao Liu was an 8th stage cultivator. Chen ar, what method did you use to kill him? "- Ye Jean Tian asked his son.

"The child happily escaped, used the pilizas" - Ye Cheng depressedly added: "The child did not think that Yoon Yi Xuan would come later."

These piliza, although powerful, their power is equal to the power of the cultivator of the 9th stage. However, it is difficult to use them against cultivators of stages 8 and 9. They will not just stand there. Their speed is huge. They can easily hide in one leap.

"Chen ar, knows where he did the wrong thing?" - Ye Jean Tian asked Ye Chen, but was not going to scold him.

"The child did not need to kill Lao Liu," Ye Cheng said with his head down.

"Lao Liu is still a bastard. By killing him, you weakened the clan of Yoon. This is not a mistake, but a success. "- Ye Jean Tian shook his head.

"However, the mountain mines were selected by them," Ye Cheng looked at his father in shame.

"Do you think that if he had not killed Lao Liu, the Yun clan would not have come here for the mining mines? Clan Yoon has long been looking at these mines. Sooner or later, they would have taken him. "- Ye Jean Tian looked at his son and didn't even think of blaming him:" You did the wrong thing that you disappeared from the guards at night and left the fortress. Fortunately, no one caught you. And if the enemy will attack from an ambush? And if he will be even stronger? What then to do? Don't break the family rules anymore! "

"The child understood," Ye Cheng nodded. I did not think my father would say that. However, if he finds out that Ye Cheng went deep into the forest yesterday, then his father will most likely lose his temper. Of course, no need to talk about the Ali case.

Ye Jean Tian reflected. If Ye Cheng was able to defeat Lao Liu, then he can only fear the cultivators of the peak of the 8th stage and 9th stage, while others are not a threat to him already. From this father became much calmer.

"A child outside the fortress met not only Lao Liu, but also E Mo Ya" - E Cheng, having thought a little, wanted to tell about this.

"E Mo I?" - hearing about this, Ye Tsang Xuan and others became angry. "Where is he now?" - they could not stand it, they asked. "He's a traitor to the clan!"

"E Mo I have already been killed by a child" - Ye Cheng answered.

"Chen Ar did well, once he returned justice to the clan!" - Ye Jean Tian and others said in turn and sadly added: "Ye Mo I deserve to die!"

"The child also found this in the body of E Mo I" - Ye Cheng took out a book of yin claw and gave it to E Jean Tian.

"Claw of yin?" - Ye Jean Tian changed his face. His voice has become much stricter: "Have you trained this technique?"

"The child looked once" - Ye Cheng, seeing that his father's face frowned slightly, immediately lowered his head.

"Older brother. You wind up too much. Ye Cheng just got this book out yesterday. What could he learn. Only the hair from the hair of a cow "- Ye Jean Long spoke, smiling next to him.

Ye Jean Tian, ​​having heard his words, calmed down a little and said: "I excited my father. Cultivating this skill can be detrimental. Even bring to madness. Do not train him. Got it? "- Ye Jean Tian said anxiously to Ye Cheng. Yet he is the most gifted genius in the last hundred years, and even more so he is his own son.

Ye Cheng wanted to say that he already knew this technique and even changed a little, made it harmless, which will not lead to the evil side. Just didn't know, to speak, not to say this to father?

"This technique can be destroyed and okay from it!" - Ye Jean Tian thought, said, and already wanted to tear it.

"Father, wait," Ye Cheng hurriedly stopped his father. Nevertheless, this is a third-class technique. And destroying it will be a pity.

"What is it?" - Ye Jean Tian looked doubtfully at his son.

"The child looked at this technique a little and trained a little" - Ye Cheng worriedly looked at his father and continued: "The yin claw technique has errors, when you use it, the xuan qi rotates in the opposite direction, which leads to short temper and makes you crazy. The child has changed this skill, and now it is harmless. "

Ye Tsang Xuan, Ye Jean Tiang were shocked. If Ye Cheng is telling the truth, then the third-class yin claw technique can truly be preserved. However, is Ye Cheng right? You need to understand that in the history of clan E only cultivators of the 9th level and above could change the technique, but not lower than the level!

If another clan student said this, they would not have believed it, but it is said by Ye Cheng, who saw the ancestor in a dream.

Ye Jean Tian began to leaf through the book and discovered some changes. This is Ye Cheng change.

"Until your father and others test this technique, remember! Do not train this skill! Got it? "- Ye Jean Tian warned Ye Cheng in warning.

"The child understood" - Ye Cheng originally wanted to say that he had successfully trained this skill and had successfully mastered the thunderclaw skill, but thought that if you say this, it will greatly overwhelm them. Then he will say something.