Chapter 5 Hunger

Nick (Pov)

I woke up just in time to hear the mother of all growls it felt like the ground was shaking, as I looked for the source I felt all the blood drain from me. My eyes widened as I saw a giant panther holding Judy in its claws.


To my surprise and relief, it did as asked although now that I noticed Judy was fine and even seemed a bit reluctant to leave its paws. That's when I noticed some other things the most important being that the panther had wings.

"That...That's not possible your just a myth" I stuttered.

"So I've been told" she answered with a smile.

Not that I heard the rest of that sentence, because the first word from her mouth was enchanting so much so that I thought I was in heaven. She's beautiful was all I could think.

Alice (Pov)

"I was just about to ask more questions to your companion, would you like to join us?"


"Great, now as I said my name is Alice what are yours?"

"My name is Judy Hopps," said the bunny in front of me.

"and I'm Nick Wilde"

"Lovely, now Nick seeing as your a predator what do you eat around here, because I haven't eaten all day?" staring directly at Judy as she said this, causing the bunny to shake.

"Oh...Oh god no, we don't eat each other we have some fish and poultry back home if you're hungry" he hastily said.

"Great, sorry Judy I was unaware of how you did things here"

"No..No problem" she shakily said.

"Well, then can you take me? Because I am quite hungry"

"Sure," Nick said before stopping and looking at me

"Well, you won't exactly fit in the truck" looking at me.

He was right when I'm on all fours he still barely reaches the bottom of my chest.

"That's ok I can just fly or run next to you" flexing my wings as he seemed to have forgotten about them.

"Hahahahahaha yeah like you could outrun a truck Wings" he stated.

Recognizing the nickname all I could think was 'really.'

"Wings, seriously that's the best you could come up with Tuft" he frowned at that one.

Nick's (Pov)

I hadn't even realized that I was speaking with a myth like a normal animal because she was, well, so normal.

"Ok tell you what we will race you back to the burrow if we win you will let me feel your wings if you win I'll do any one thing you ask." Judy punched me almost immediately for suggesting something like that while Wings just grinned at me.

"Deal" she purred out.