Chapter 4 We Meet A Myth

Judy (Pov)

Nick and I had finally gotten a break from work and we were gonna spend it up at Bunny Burrow with my family. Its been a year since Nick graduated from the police academy and things have been perfect.

"Whatcha thinking about Carrots?"

I gave him a questioning glance as we exited the train and headed towards the huge family of rabbits waiting for us.

"Your nose was twitching, and that can only mean something is going on in that cute little head of yours."

He said smirking at me when I punched him for calling me cute.

"Just thinking about how far we've come since we met, you conning me, me hustling you, us fighting crime I never thought I could be this happy."

"Me neither Carrot's me neither."

Alice (Pov)

It has been 2 months now since I've been here and I still have not found any source of civilization or anyone, I'm the only sentient mammal that I've seen so far and I'm starting to lose hope of seeing or even talking to anyone else ever again. I left the mountain range a couple of days ago and have been flying over the grasslands with trees speckled in here and there. To pass the time I've been doing barrel rolls flying upside down and nosedives just to get my blood going.

"I think I might actually kill myself if I'm alone much longer, that last dive I only pulled up 10ft from the ground if I was too late I would have gone splat" I muttered to myself.

"Well let's scan the ground again."

I sighed as I pushed my head out of the clouds looking for something other than flatlands. I had been doing this since I left the mountains every eight hours.

"Oh look nothing to my left nothing in front a barn to my right... yep nothing."


"WAIT! Civilization, thank Christ!!"

The barn looked to be about 20 miles off, but for me, that's a slow 5-minute fly and I was going as fast as fucking possible I don't care who is there, cyborgs, humans, talking animals like myself, hell I'd take sentient mud as long as I could have a conversation.

Nick's (Pov)

Judy and I were heading to the greenhouse to pick some blueberries so Bonnie could make her heavenly blueberry panca...

"Nick! your drooling again. That's the 3rd time in the span of 10 minutes"

"Sorry, but her pancakes could start a war, they're heavenly." I grinned.

"You're hopeless."

I was about to retort when I noticed something speeding towards us at an alarming speed I only had enough time to push Judy out of the way before it crashed into us, then blackness.

Judy (Pov)

Nick and I were bantering like always when suddenly he shoved me to the side with all the force of Rihnowitz, I went flying, as soon as I landed I went to yell at him when I realized why he did so. In front of me stood something that shouldn't exist or at least something that I was told didn't. A S̄eụ̄xdả* (Su-Da-Mex) also known as the Flying Protector; It's said that these creatures are descendants of the Moon and have the blessing of Goddess Night to protect those they love and destroy those who would attack them.

Alice (Pov)

I was slicing through the sky to get to the barn when I noticed two figures walking towards it, I would have lept in joy had I not been flying. Strafing towards the two figures I saw that the slightly taller one noticed me and for some reason pushed the smaller one away from it. That's when it clicked I'm a giant predator heading towards them at breakneck speed and now that I can see them one is a bunny and the other is a fox, both of which are much smaller than I am. I came to stop almost instantly as I landed in front of them the fox seemed to have fainted and the rabbit was just staring at me with eyes that I could only describe as awe. It seemed as though she was unable to form any words so I decided to start a conversation hoping to god that they were able to understand or even speak my language.

"Hello, my name is Alice, I was wondering if you could tell me where I am?"

Judy (Pov)

As soon as she landed I was enchanted she was beautiful her eyes were like lanterns and here fur was like a river of ink that flowed freely, her feathers glinted with hints of purple that reflected the sun. I was just about to try and form a word when she spoke,

"Hello, my name is Alice, I was wondering if you could tell me where I am?"

My knees buckled, I knew at that instant that I was in love.

"Um... uhh... are in uh Bunny Burrow."

Alice (Pov)

As soon as I saw her starting to fall I immediately rushed to catch her, my front paw catching her entire body landing on my paw with her legs just barely hanging off the sides as she answered.

"Thanks," she said blushing furiously.

"Don't mention it. Now, do you think you could help me? I woke up a couple of months ago not knowing where I was, what I am, or who I am, only my name." Deciding not to comment on my reincarnation.

"Um... your, your a myth, and from where you flew from I'd say you came from the Old world, no one goes anymore because we have all evolved from that time when it was predator against prey," she said stuttering at first and then realizing she was lying on the claws of a very large predator.

Now that threw me through a loop not only am I apparently a myth but I'm in a world of civilized animals, I mean I realized it as soon as she said it but it still was odd to think about; what did the predators eat? Because as civilized and admittedly cute as this rabbit is she was looking awfully appetizing, causing my stomach to growl and the bunny to look slightly scared. Just as I was about to ask another question the fox seemed to wake up and spun his head around before looking right at me and then down at the rabbit that was in my clutches, I knew as soon as I saw his eyes widen that he was thinking the worst.