What The Heck Is Happening

I woke up and found myself in an old factory as I tried to move I found out that I was tied up to a chair. okay now I was confused or wait... I CAN'T REMEMBER ANYTHING 😱😱. I forgot my name as well I just know that I was kidnapped because no one would tie someone for fun and keep them tied in an old factory. A man entered the room and sat in front of me I definitely understood that this guy was my kidnapper as he did not help me breakthrough. he asked me "so are you feeling good now?" with a smirk on his face. Now because he mentioned I followed that my head was paining very much and also some places in my whole body. It was feeling like I had fought hard when he tried to kidnapp me. I answered " you..... why did you kidnapp me?" that man started laughing and asked " you really don't know what is happening." Now I had forgotten everything so no chance for me remember that thing.

Suddenly from behind three more man and a lady entered that were definitely not with the person sitting there because they just broke the door and came. Now out of the blue they all started fighting my brain was hurting and I remember that I fainted.

I woke up to see two men sitting beside me and I was in a hospital. I gave time to think about my past but I could remember nothing.

The lady from the factory entered and was very happy to see me awake and came running towards me asking " omg Tara you are awake. do you know how much you scared us." I was damn confused about everything happening near me. So I asked her "if I ask you now that who you are? how would you react?" she answered me in return "I will kill you". I got scared and advanced back. the man from behind came to my save "she is already scared why are you scaring her more?" to which she answered "I am not scaring her, I am her bestie she needs to remember me." But only I knew that I was not lying. the second man now opened his mouth "Tara did you actually forgot us?" to which the others started laughing but after listening to truth they all were shocked and stared at me shockingly that's when another guy entered singing specially for me "today is morning, yesterday was night. you are awake our best friendddddd. we were longing for today from tonight wohooooo wohiiiii." ( I am ofcourse not a song writer. so don't read the song so carefully 😅) I was quite confused to this song. He came forward and asked everyone "why are you guys staring her she is awake we should be happy for her." then the lady answered "dumbo she forgot everything." to which this guys also shocked "whattttt!!!!".

They asked me to wait for them while they went to the doctor. the doctor said "her condition can't be explained but I guess she has hurt her head or she had bad memories which she wanted to forget. any case is possible. nothing can be said until she remembers what happened." the doctor suggested to take rest in the known places.

All of the friends introduced themselves. the lady was lily, the man that came singing was Ronald, the guy who asked lily to not to scare me was James and the another one was Gabriel. they took me to a house near a lake they told that was the first house that I rented in my life and used to stay there with Lily. I went up to my room though I don't remember anything but by the books on the shelves I could make out that I used to like science quite a lot and then I also saw some files. I picked one of those and found out some kind of schedule written on it. I could easily make out that I was working as a secretary and that boss seemed to be be a busy man. We ate and then went to sleep now because I remember nothing about my past so I thought reading my favourite books might help so I asked Lily about my favorite book and went reading it. by chance while reading I slept.

I was dreaming. believe me that this dream was horrible I saw a blurry picture of a man who was kidnapping me and I was not able to shout as he hit me on my head before that I was very scared and woke up shouting. my friends rushed in my room and I kept shouting due to my headache and there were kind of slides moving in front of my eyes I felt I was dying and a sudden blackout. I can't believe I passed out.