Sudden Change in Life

After that black out I remember the sound of Ambulance and nothing else. My friends were really very tensed about me. they asked about my case to my attending doctor. James asked "what happened to her? Is she fine?" Doctor answered to him "I guess a sudden reminder of a scene which her brain hid is the cause of extreme trauma. right now she is in coma and there is no signs of fast recovery and we can just wait for her to wake up and might be she remembers her past after waking up or forget even the thing happened today or never wake up anything is possible." whereas what I remember was watching my past as dreams. I was taken almost 10 years back in time by my sub consciousness.

I was Tara Sharma and about 10 years ago I was 17 years old staying in Mumbai, India and was preparing for one of the most toughest exams JEE(joint entrance examination).

One morning when I woke up and as per my daily waking record it must be around 8AM. I went to the hall and saw one lady and one man talking to my parents. By there dressing I could figure out that they were quite rich people. Rich people in our house?🤨🤨 that was questionable. I went near them they saw me and started frowning but I was not fully awake so was yawning. I was not interested so went brushing. Those people were really creepy they were following me when I was brushing. I did not like that at all so went inside the washroom and banged and closed the door to let them know I did not like them looking at me like that. I was done brushing and bathing so I came out and changed my dress and was ready to leave for college. but those people were still looking and noting down something I was wondering what they were noting down but did not ask them.

I was about to step out of the house but my mother called me and asked me to go later to the college and introduced me with the King and the Queen of River valley. So yes I was right they were rich people. I of course greeted them and asked them if they'd like to have something and stuffs. They looked quite sweet though and just then I received a call from my friend Lily. so I went out and told her that I would be late to which she answered "you remember right? the first period is calculus and sir won't allow you in if you are late?" to which I answered her "Of course I know. but can't help but be late." but she reminded me "calculus is one of the most important and toughest braches of Maths you're sure you want to miss such an important chapter." though I did not want to miss but I had to. I went back to the room and said "sorry everyone my friend called me." I don't understand receiving a call is not my mistake but why should I say sorry.

They continued talking I was least interested in listening to what they were talking so I was yawning. I heard nothing but one word 'Marriage'. and I shouted "marriage!!!! what marriage? whose marriage?" to which my mum answered "your marriage of course at this age I won't get married again 😂." To which I asked "with whom" and they all answered the Prince of river valley.
