Challenge Accepted

Now I walked to the queen's office to talk to her and believe me it required quite a strength I mean look at her anger, even a ghost would be scared of her. but I don't think I have an option so why not talk it out as soon as possible. little did I know the big problem she will give me.

"ummmm queen can I come in."

"ofcourse you can dear....."

as soon as I stepped inside....

"but you may not."

wowowo what a sarcasm. I answered "you are not my english teacher queen."

"no no Tara I am just noting down your mistakes. and guess what I almost write a novel on it."

"wow queen you can write novels as well?"

"shut up, and tell me why are you here?"

You know the feeling of winning an argument with the strict teacher that felling of accomplishment, I felt the same way when I broke the chain of sarcasm 😬.

"Queen please stop the marriage between Lily and James."

"why must I? you also like Gabe and you indeed are getting married with him or do you.... want to affair with one while marry another?"

"why will I want that?"

"Gabe is handsome and rich and he also likes you so, what is the problem?"

"it is that Lily likes Ron and both of them wants to get married."

"Ron? haaaa He is not a prince. He just came to hide your black truth."

"queen you are destroying not one but three lives when the heck will you understand!!!!!"

"I am not the one who is supposed to understand but you do have to that you are talking to the queen."

"stop with that ego queen and just let them live there lives."

"you are ill mannered and not at all elegant. you shout like a villager with no etiquette and no brains. I don't understand how can you be a queen. Answer me why don't you leave James?"

"queen I will definitely leave him but Ron and Lily are my best friends I will not let you play with there lives."

"Leave them to what they want."

"same goes to you queen."

she gave me the most dangerous stare which I can say deathly. The next words that came through my mouth marked my or I could say everyone's end.

"queen you have a problem with me then torture me not my friends. I left the marriage, I ran away don't make them pay."

I was half successful in my plan of the stoppage of marriage but remember whenever you want a nice thing you have to pay for it. The more the thing the more the pay. in short nothing is free in this world.

"Tara you have got some nerves so, I give you a chance to stop this marriage if you manage to complete the task I give you, you can stop this marriage and also get married to James..."

before she could complete "I accept the challenge my queen."

"listen to the challenge first. You have to act and behave like a queen, perfect and elegant."


"and you have already done your first mistake because a queen never accepts a challenge before knowing its consequences."

"you know what, I am scared of nothing. Challenge accepted."

I didn't follow but my bravery did lit the necklace and this me vs queen was going to last long and will be a tough fight because I never give up and as for the queen she wants to attack me by any means. I left the room and walked back.

I saw everyone waiting for me and as they saw me, James came towards me and said "omg are you okay?"

"ummmm atleast I am alive though not from inside."

Everyone was confused except James because he what I meant. James said "you guys don't understand. To talk to my mother you literally need to numb yourself from inside or her signature deathly stare will kill you at once and you won't be able to talk." Gabe asked me "leave all that, Tara what happened."

I told them the whole story and everything about that challenge and how I accepted it. and they all started crying. Lily said "bye for always Ron." James said "Tara just believe me I have really loved you." Gabe said "I am happy for my marriage but sad for you Lily." Ron also said "Bye Bye lily."

Sometimes I don't understand that are they my real friends "do you guys think I can't complete the challenge?" Lily said "Tara I know you believe me, sun can forget to rise one day but you can never behave like a queen. for you sleeping like a hooligan only suits." Gabe said "I have seen you for 5 years Tara, you are clumsy as hell." Ron said "I have never seen any queen beating asses." James though said nothing but it was clear that everyone thinks I can't complete the challenge. So I stood up and said "Guys you know what I will prove everyone wrong and show everyone I can also be elegant. You guys know what? Challenge accepted."

what do you think will she be able to prove herself? and even so who will help her? sit tight and wait for the next chapter. comment about this chapter 😉😉