Trying to be graceful

Now I had only one person who can help me. I stormed out and went to the royal room of the princess. Yes!!!! princess Kiara was the one who could have helped me. I knocked at her door and she opened.

"can I do something for you Tara?....." before she could complete I went inside and I heard her say "come in, come in." in a sarcastic tone. She now sat in front of me and asked "wha...." I didn't listen to a single word and and started shouting "what is the problem ha!!!! she...she challenges me!! meeee!! do you understand me!! and all those useless people..."

"calm down Tara."

"howwiwowowoow" and she poured a whole glass of water on me and told "now take this towel and tell me everything."

I told her the full story of the queen challenging me and no one believing me and every single details. after listening to me Kiara smiled and said "you know what being graceful means?"

"ya everyone does. It means the way way of walking, speaking,eating and stuffs like that."

"being graceful does include those but the major part is the way of behaving." Then she stood up and gave me a cup of tea and continued "you might not know that you are really graceful because of your behaviour. even I am not that graceful."

"hahahahah you are also joking on me."

"no, I am not. you are brave and intelligent. whenever you want you use your brain and solve all the problems you are not scared to speak your heart and that is the exact behaviour a queen must have."

"but then what should I do?I mean okay fine whatever you tell might be right but the queen doesn't intend that does she?" She smiled.

Next day I was ready and went to the queen. she asked me to follow her down the stairs and I remembered what Kiara said.


"when you walk just remember you are brave and just show your bravery but while walking also remember that you are a kind hearted person so don't show your ego. Just Remember CONFIDENCE IS THE KEY."


I followed word by word what Kiara said and believe me I never felt so tall and beautiful. I could see that the queen was kind of satisfied with my entry. Then like always she sat on the queen's throne and met her people and their problems. Two people came and the guard explained their situation the guard said "my queen their are two people one is a foreigner and the other is from our state and they want justice on a horse because the foreigner says that the horse is his and the other person says it is his." I thought that the case is quite weird and solving this won't be a piece of cake. Both of them were sent in just by looking at them telling something was impossible.

The foreigner said that "your highness I came from far away to explore your lands but this guy wanted lift on my horse so I gave him lift and when we reached the markets this guy shouted and said that this horse was his. please grant justice."

That other guy said "no maam I thought he is a foreigner and might require help so I gave him lift and then he started telling that the horse was his." I could see the queen was quite tensed because there were no evidences and no witnesses and the only witness was the horse but asking the horse would be a little bit difficult won't it 😜.

Now again I remember what Kiara said.


"Always try to solve the problem with your brain because showing gracefulness also includes showing your intelligence and your kindness so remember whenever you can't solve the case show your kindness with brain. remember INTELLIGENCE WITH KINDNESS CAN GIVE JUSTICE."


So I said to the queen "my queen if you can assign this case to me I can solve it right now with justice. All my friends were also sitting there and thinking what happened to me. The queen assigned me to the case and I took both of them to let them choose their horse and after that I came back and said that the horse is of the foreigner. Everyone was shocked that I cracked the case and the queen asked "how can you say that. did the civilian not choose the correct horse." I was never confident in myself I was always shy and had a low self esteem and today as well infront of so many people my blood dried but I suddenly saw Kiara sitting and I remembered.


When you make justice don't get scared and always speak what is in your heart because when a justice is made by keeping in mind the wellness of people and also with the help of intelligence and kindness it can never go wrong remember THE JUSTICE MADE WITH THE HELP OF INTELLIGENCE AND KINDNESS NEVER GOES WRONG.


After remember that I did spoke out my observations and said "my queen I never went there to see if they know the horse but I went there to see which one of these two was most familiar to the horse." silence broke down in the hall everyone was shocked to hear that thing. I continued "just like a small innocent child always tells the truth the same way a loyal animal always returns back to familiar person. The horse was quite happy with the foreigner but didn't even look at the civilian."

After hearing this the queen punished the civilian and the foreigner was give back the horse and he was very happy and said "your highness the justice in this land is very strong." He thanked me and went back.

After everything was over the queen said that she was satisfied with me and said "now Lily you can marry Ron as I promised and Tara you can select any of these two boys but remember tomorrow is the ball that was supposed to be given because of the project success and tomorrow I will announce the marriage of Lily and Ron so, Tara your decision should be by tomorrow."

Tomorrow omg isn't the time too less for Tara to select? what will she select? which couple do you like comment below.