Serious Talks

"what help?" Alisha asked to which I answered "You don't have to know now. First let's go to the River Valley." I had a plan but right now we had to reach river valley and free Lucas. Gabe said "okay then, I will complete the discharge process." to which I nodded when suddenly James said "no!!! I will do it." and then they started fighting and I did nothing but kept blinking. then to stop the fight I said "wait!!!!!! better you both go." They both ran and fought to open the door. they even got stuck in the door but somehow managed. I was annoyed and looked at Alisha but Alisha was looking at those two boys. I thought "hmmmm I guess someone is in love with someone.🤭"

After the discharge we were taken to a place were the jets were called one was Gabe's privet jet and another was James's. At first the boys fought about going with me but then I decided "guys stop fighting. Girls on one jet and boys on another." now don't forget that we already had a couple on board The Dramatic Lily and The weird Ron. So how is it possible that a comment does not come from The dramatic Lily? So as expected Lily asked "how could you forget me?"

"Lily who forgot you?" I asked though knew I shouldn't have😬.

"I and Ron will be marrying and you are making us apart."

"S H U T U P😒😒"

I pushed her in one jet and the boys pushed Ron in another jet. while travelling I asked Alisha "you like him, don't you?" Alisha smiled and blushed. I knew there was another romantic story brewing. Then I thought "no one will be alone everyone will have a beautiful partner."

We reached the Palace and the first thing we did was release Lucas and say him sorry. To which he said "it is totally ok. what you did was for your kingdom." I always liked Lucas because I don't know why but I always felt like he was a good person. I now said "then now let's catch the one behind everything."

According to what magician said everyone had a phone which can be traced so, why not try this? I asked Alisha to do this "Alisha you were always expert in tracing so, please trace Sam's number." Everyone understood the method and Alisha started tracing. Then after sometime Alisha said "this guy is kind of really intelligent he has made his phone tough to trace. It is very tough and also will take time." I said "Alisha I believe you can do it. Continue and I will come after sometime. I have some business to be done." I left the palace and went to the forest where I met the magician First time.

"Magician!!!!! I want to have some serious talks."

Suddenly he appears from behind and says "Hmmmm serious talks and you?"

He was right, It is very tough for me to get into serious talks.

"I am tracking the call of Sam."

"oh so you understood what I said."

"your signature smirk is enough for me to understand what you want to say."

And his smile.

I continued "I have a question."

"go on ask."

"you were in the team of my enemies and now you are helping me. How can I believe you are not doing the same thing here."

"I was in Sam's team because I wanted the necklace to be situated in the borders of River valley and Ligo not just on the queens of River valley."

"and now you don't want it?"

"but the necklace selected you, which means you will rebuild River valley. So that clearly states that the necklace will lie with both the kingdoms."

He smirks everytime something goes on his head and right now as well he did the same and said "and wouldn't it be helpful if you have a spy with Sam always? and also I am not helping you. I am just telling a few things you might need to know."

"Magician that is known as helping."

"ohh does that?"

This guy sand his jokes he continued and said "dear whenever you need me I will be there even if you don't call me. and be careful because Sam has got a big team with him. All the best!!" and as usual he dissapeared.

Now what is going to happen? what do you think comment below😉.