We need a Plan

He disappeared as usual and I stood there smiling and then I shouted "Thank you magician!!!!!" He was always sweet and helpful. He used to smile at me and did what I needed it was like he knew me for years and knew just what I needed. If you think I love him then you are wrong I see him as my elder brother always protecting me with his cunning ideas. He used all kind of politics he could to make sure I was fine😃. No one knew about him saving me so many times and now he is saving the whole kingdom with us. At time he was with Sam and his team but now he is with us and now I believe Sam will be defeated and we will receive a happy ending. I don't know much about him but whatever his past is doesn't matter much now that he is helping us.

I reached the palace thinking about all these. As I reached I saw Alisha using her strength and all her brain to track Sam's phone. I asked Alisha "lish what's the status?" ohh I forgot to tell her nickname. we used used to call Alisha Lish. Alisha answered "and done!!!" now we could see a yellowish dot blinking in the forest I was in just now. I thought that I could have been in a danger but was just saved because he didn't knew I was there. I didn't tell anyone about that or else these two boys would have jumped on me to make sure I was ok.

Everyone had there own opinion here Lily said "let's bring all the soldiers to that place and arrest them." Ron as usual supporting his girlfriend "yes that is right." Gabe answered "so many people going all together might be dangerous." James first time agreed to Gabe and said "he is right, Sam might harm the necklace and us as well." Lucas said "we should enter alone in the forest and give him a surprise attack." Kaira said "we have done that a lots of time. we can try it bro." Alisha stopped them and said "that could also be done with a lots of soldiers and a lots of soldiers will be helpful."

"no it won't." said james and then everyone started talking at the same time and it felt like a fish market. After sometime I started to have a headache and I shouted "shut up!!!!!" they all stopped and looked at me and I continued "we need a plan. without planning nothing can be perfect."

"you are right." said a familiar voice from behind. wait!!! I know this voice. As I turned back I was not astonished to find it was the magician. I gave him a smile and he gave me a smile.

"hey aren't you that guy who came in the hospital to tell us some kind of truth?" said James. Everyone nodded. The magician said "oh you remember me?" Gabe said "why shouldn't we remember you?"

"no reason." he gave me a smile. Everyone was now annoyed except me. James said "how about you leave so that we can discuss something." I thought he might be offended but before I could say sorry he said with a smile "so that you guys can fight again and make this a fish market?" Gabe said "we make it a fish market or we make it a mall it doesn't concern you." Magician now with a serious tone said "like this you will never catch him. Because not only he has more brains than you but also more people than you."

James said "wait!! are you his men because you seem to know kind of everything?"

Magician said "no, I WAS his men."

The guys pulled out swords and Magician said "wohhwohhhwohhh chill out boys." I didn't even see these because I was busy thinking about some plan and I asked "do you have a plan, Magician?" and then his signature smirk which made my day. His signature smirk was a way to answer my questions as always. I said "come one then let's get in." Lily asked me "but how do you know he has a plan?"

"I have my ways. Let's go."

I knew that the boys got jealous but they must have believed me.

So what do you think is the Magicians plan? will that plan work or will it fail miserably? Who do you think Alisha likes? What will happen next? comment below 😉.