"First Date?"

Ann, who was lying down on her bed going through some documents from the office which Grace had asked her to study, took a break from work to stretch and then smiled when she realized what she was doing.

Who would have thought she would be doing something like this for such a big company? To think she had even helped them sign a contract with foreign investors?

She would never have imagined she was even capable of handling most tasks she was heading at the moment. It was all thanks to Grace that she could say she was a better version of herself now than she had been before the whole soul swap thing.

The soul swap had come with a lot of changes, and she was very certain her life would never remain the same even after she returned to her own body. 

The sound of a knock on her door had her raising her head. "Come in," She said and watched as Mrs. Jiang pushed open the door.

"We haven't had a chance to discuss lately. How have you been?" Mrs. Jiang asked as she sat on the bed. 

"You know I'm fine. Is there something you want?" Ann asked, looking at her closely. 

"Do I have to want something to check on my daughter? How is Zoe holding up at the office?" Mrs. Jiang asked. 

"She is doing a pretty good job," Ann said and suddenly remembered she had forgotten to check out the dance academy where Zoe had registered. 

"That's such a relief to hear. I'm glad she isn't pursuing that crazy hobby of hers. And that is thanks to you being a perfect older sister by talking sense into her and setting good examples for her to follow," Mrs. Jiang said with a proud smile. 

"What can I say?" Ann said, laughing awkwardly as she tucked her hair behind her ear.

She was very sure this lady was going to skin her alive if and when she eventually got to know that Zoe wasn't working at the office but was, instead, registered at a dance academy learning how to dance and that it was thanks to her perfect daughter's soul-swapped buddy. Hopefully, Chairman Jiang would rescue her when that time comes.

"How is Wang Tae-Joon?" Mrs. Jiang asked curiously. "I heard he was seen having lunch with that... lady," She added when Ann gave her a warning look. 

"Is something going on between them? Don't tell me you are trying to set them up into a relationship so you can avoid marrying him," Mrs. Jiang said suspiciously.

"I will marry Tae-Joon with all pleasure. He is mine," Ann said with an amused smile. She found it amusing that the actual person Mrs. Jiang was supposed to be worried about was the very person in front of her, the very person she was complaining to.

"You're sure you aren't just saying this?" Mrs. Jiang asked, still suspicious of her motive. 

"You worry so much over unnecessary things. I was working before you came in. I will like to get back to it," Ann said, returning her attention to the laptop.

"But you never bring work home," Mrs. Jiang said with a frown.

"There is always a first time. Now goodnight. I love you," Ann said and pecked her cheek before escorting her to the door. 

The moment she left, Ann quickly dropped onto the bed and took out her phone. She typed 'Everything Dance Academy' just as the image was loading; her phone started ringing. She picked up her call and smiled when she saw it was Wang Tae-Joon. 

"Hello, Damsel!" Tae-Joon greeted, surprising her. 

"Hello, Knight in shining armor!" She returned, making him chuckle. 

"You had a good day, right?" Tae-Joon asked. 

"Sure I did. What did you discuss over your lunch meeting with Ann? Why isn't she telling me anything?" Ann asked curiously. 

"Maybe because it is meant to remain just between us," Tae-Joon said, grateful that Ann was keeping their conversation to herself. He suddenly remembered his conversation with Brad.

"Oh! I see," Ann said, narrowing her eyes suspiciously. She was going to find out one way or the other. 

"Speaking about your personal assistant, how long have you been friends with her?" He asked and suddenly remembered the day they had both gone to Mrs. Shu's restaurant to eat for the first time. He remembered that had been the first time he saw Ann and how she had glared at him. He also remembered how she had been talking to Grace harshly that day. Why hadn't he thought about that when Brad asked him?

"Oh! Ann? I met her the same day we went there together to eat on our first date, remember?" Ann asked 

"First date?" Tae-Joon asked, making Ann suddenly realize her error.

"I meant our first date after the accident," Ann quickly corrected. 

"Oh! I see," He could only wonder how she had managed to have an intense conversation with someone she had just met for the first time. 

"What did you both talk about so seriously that day if it was your first time meeting her?" Tae-Joon asked again, making Ann squirm as though he could see through her even though he wasn't present with her. 

"It wasn't anything serious. Just girl talk," Ann said with a false giggle. She didn't like the idea of lying to him. But she couldn't tell him the truth either, could she?

She was hiding something from him, but he couldn't figure out what it was. "If you say so."

Ann called out his name hesitantly. She was feeling very nervous about it and had a feeling he knew she was lying. 

"Yeah?" Tae-Joon asked. 

"I'm sorry. I don't want to lie to you, but I can't tell you about it yet, either. So please be patient with me," Ann pleaded, making Tae-Joon pause. 

"As long as you don't lie to me, I will trust you to tell me the truth as time goes on," Tae-Joon said. 

"Thank you," Ann said with a sigh of relief.

"How about we go on a date tomorrow?" Tae-Joon asked with a smile. He was glad she had decided to be at least honest with him. 

"A date... What sort of date?" Ann asked with a smile as she quickly sat up on the bed. 

"You don't have to worry about that. Just wear something simple. I will pick you up in the morning, say 10 AM. Is that okay?" Tae-Joon asked. 

"C'mon, why are you being so tight-lipped about everything? At least give me a clue," Ann pleaded, making Tae-Joon chuckle. 

"Asking you to wear something simple is clue enough. Don't bother your fine head about the details, and just wait for me to show up. It's less than twenty-four hours from now, after all," Tae-Joon told her.

"That's such a long time from now," Ann complained, making him smile. 

"It won't seem so long if you go to bed after this phone call," Tae-Joon told her in amusement. 

"And Grace? Thanks for choosing not to lie. Now go to bed, Damsel. Tomorrow is going to be a really long day," Tae-Joon said with a teasing note back in his voice. 

"I don't think so. It's going to be short because I'm spending it with you. Goodnight," Ann said with a smile, making Tae-Joon wonder who was courting who between them. 

"Sleep well, Damsel. See you tomorrow. 10 am," Tae-Joon said before disconnecting the call.