Good In-law.

"I'm sorry I'm running late. My car broke down, and now I have to wait for my driver to deliver another car," Tae-Joon said apologetically to Ann over the phone. 

His battery had suddenly gone off as he was driving down to pick her up for their date. He was already thirty minutes behind schedule and was feeling really awful about it. 

"It's not a problem. I could send my driver over if you send me your current location," Ann suggested.

"That won't be necessary. My driver will be here soon, so just be patient with me. I'm very sorry," Tae-Joon apologized once more before hanging up. 

The morning sun was scorching hot so Tae-Joon decided to sit inside his car while waiting for the driver to bring the car over. He briefly contemplated going to get a cold drink from the grocery store across the road. It was in the middle of his contemplation that he saw a cab stop in front of the grocery store, and a well-dressed young lady stepped down.