"I'm Not A Gentleman..."

Something wasn't right, Grace thought sleepily. She sniffed the air sleepily when she perceived coffee and something that smelt like Bacon. Her stomach rumbled hungrily. She opened her eyes slowly and quickly sat up in surprise when she saw Brad watching her curiously while munching on his breakfast. 

"What are you doing here?" She asked and winced when she felt the beginning of a throbbing headache and a cramp in her lower abdomen.

"Watching my cousin sleep. Good morning beautiful cousin. Did you sleep well?" Brad asked cheerfully. 

"I guess I did. How did you get in here?" Grace asked, narrowing her eyes at him suspiciously.

"I'm sure everyone who works here knows you are my cousin, plus you slept off on me last night and crashed our little party. So I had to lock you in when I left. Hence I came early to open the door," Brad told her with a grin.