Professional Playboy.

"I'm very sorry I'm late. I got held up with something," Madam Zhang explained the moment she got to the table Chairman Jiang and his wife had reserved.

"It's not a problem. You actually gave us enough time to pretend like we were here on a date. I can't remember the last time he brought me out on a date unrelated to business," Mrs. Jiang complained good-naturedly, making her husband smile. 

"I guess you should be thanking me then," Madam Zhang teased as she sat down.

"Your son was here a while ago. He is all grown up already. We didn't actually recognize him, but he was well-mannered enough to greet us," Mrs. Jiang said with a small smile. 

"Oh! Really? He didn't mention that to me. Was he alone, or did you meet his friend?" She asked, making Mrs. Jiang frown in confusion. Were they supposed to?