"I Love Swimming."

Tae-Joon watched Ann in amusement as she ate and kept talking with a full mouth. Was this what the Jiang Grace he had thought he knew was truly like behind closed doors?

"This food is so so delicious! I'll like to get the recipe from whoever prepared it," Ann told him after she finished everything on her plate.

"Didn't know you were a food person. You can cook?" Tae-Joon asked in surprise. She didn't look like the type to be interested in things like that. Had he really totally misjudged her?

"Of course! I intend to cook for whoever I get married to," Ann said, yet again surprising Tae-Joon. He had never figured her for the homely type.

She seemed more like the type who would pay to get everything done for her and, if possible, pay someone to deliver her child.

"I hope I get to be the lucky guy," Tae-Joon said, making Ann smile.