3 Weeks later

For the past 3 weeks of rinse and repeat, I've been making lots and lots of progress. Well to starts things of my stats have improved since then.













Yeah, I trained really hard for the last 3 weeks by the way. Oh and apparently I found something quite interesting while I was testing out my powers, I learned a new skill called meditate.

Meditate(level 17)

Desc: Whenever you meditate, you gain more mana.46% Mana regeneration and learn how to use mana

So yeah apparently I now know how to use mana now, I don't know how that makes any sense but I'm not complaining, so I just use them to boost my body and mind temporarily when I'm in danger. I also have been grinding on my skills lately especially sneak and steal, it had gone up to level 45 now.

Mana boost( level 16)

Desc: Boost your attack and speed by 28% and it can also be used to defend your body from any fatal attack.

But not only that, I've been getting a lot of SP and I've been using some of them to buy clothes and some actual weapon and gear.I've only just bought a short sword and a leather gear

System points=21 Million

Short sword

Desc: a sword but shorter


Leather gear

Desc=A vest that is made out of leather


Well if you're wondering why and how do I have so many SP, well that's because I've not only been stealing from those rich bastards but I've also been stealing from stores too especially jewellery store. Apparently, just selling jewellery at the shop would get me somewhere around 100,000 SP. To top it all off, I've also got a new useful skill. Check it out.

Lock picking (level 30)

Desc: You can now open locked doors now. Increases the speed of unlocking doors by 45%.

I've also bought a Rokushiki manual and keep in mind that before I've bought this I had 41 Million SP and this manual alone cost me 20 million SP. But hey, in the end, it was all worth it because I love the Rokushiki technique in One Piece and I've only just learned Soru.


Desc: One of six technique of Rokushiki.Soru allows the user to move at extremely high speed in order to avoid attacks, as well as the attack at higher speed and with greater power.

Although I still don't move as fast as Lucci, I still move fast enough just to not be seen by the people eye. My daily quest also got updated, rather than doing 50 I have to do 150 push up, sit-ups, squats and run 10 km for a day. I also have to steal from 25 people now.

[Daily quest]

Do 150 push up, sit-ups, squats and run 10 km.

Rewards:1500 SP

[Daily quest]

Steal money from 25 people

Reward:1500 SP

So yeah, that's basically what happened for the last 3 weeks. Recently tho, I've been hearing some rumours about an auction house that is selling a devil fruit and look at what I got out of it.


Go to the auction house and steal the devil fruit in the vault

Reward:500,000 SP, one new skill and unlocked 'Master Thief' title

Yup... I got a new quest out of it, so I the greedy little 10-year-old that I am, going to steal not just the devil fruit but also the money that they have in the vault and I'm gonna leave them penniless. So right now I'm waiting till night time and getting prepared for this big heist that I'm going to do.

Nightime, near the auction house

Leo Pov

"Ok so if I'm right the auction house should be right around here somewhere," said Leo as he goes to the auction house

He was wearing an open up black hoodie with a black shirt and a white mask on his face. He is also wearing dark blue jeans with a short sword strapped to the belt and a pair of black boots.

"Hey system I got a question tho, what would happen if I bought a devil fruit that has already existed in this world?" questioned Leo

[Nothing will happen except that there will be two devil fruit with the same ability.]said the system

"Huh, that's good to know... Oh, I think I see the auction house right over there." said Leo as he rushes to there immediately.

"Wow I gotta hand it to them, this place looks really... unique." said Leo as he saw the auction house

The auction house has a big red and black striped building with a rectangular shape. It also seems to have a half-circle as it's rooftop. I also seem to notice that there is a big red flag with an ace of spade logo at the top of the building. At the entrance of the building, there is a sign saying 'Auction'. Overall it looks quite unique.

"Well then, I should probably stop looking at it and find a backdoor or somewhere to get in this place." said Leo as he was trying to search for a backdoor.

"Oh, I think I found I the backdoor, aaaanddd of course, they're gonna be some guards here." said Leo as he saw 2 guards guarding the door

"Observe." thought Leo

Auction guard#1









Auction guard#2









"Hmmm well they're not strong so I can just sneak kill them very easily." thought Leo as he was hiding behind a wall

"Oh well let get this over with," said Leo as he equipped himself with the short sword

"Soru." thought Leo as he suddenly vanished from the spot that he was standing

3rd Pov

In the middle of the night, there were two guards standing beside a door protecting it of course, until one of the guards tries to strikes up a conversation with the other guard

"So... how long have you've been working here Joe? question Auction guard#1

"2 months, why is it your first time working here." said Joe

"Yeah I just got this job yesterday and I'm kinda nervous, so how is it with you tho, doesn't it gets really boring and tired that we're just standing here and doing nothing?" question Auction guard#1

"It really does but you'll get used to it eventually for probably around...2 to 3 weeks," said Joe

"Oh...but wait, why is there even a backdoor in the first place considering that almost everyone doesn't even use it?" questioned Auction guard#1

"Oh, that because-"


Joe then holds his neck immediately as he falls to the ground with blood pouring down his neck while Auction guard#1 looks at him with a shocked and horror face

"JOE!JOE!ARE YOU OKAY THERE BUDDY." screamed Auction guard#1 as he immediately goes to Joe.

"gurgling noises"


Before the guard could even run to get help, he got decapitated by Leo

Leo Pov

"Well then that was easy, and just to make sure that this guy is also dead," said Leo as he goes to the other guard and kills him

[Ding! You have killed Auction guard#1. Acquired 300 Beli]

[Ding! You have killed Auction guard#2. Acquired 300 Beli]

Ugghhhh I'm still not used to this type of shit yet." thought Leo as he looted both of their bodies

Acquired 500 belix2

Acquired back door key

"Ah here's the key, now I can get into the auction house," said Leo as he unlocked the door and goes into the auction

The Auction House, Backstage

"Alright I'm in, now where the hell is the vault to this place." thought Leo as he started to search for the vault

"You know I'm kinda surprised that I didn't encounter any slaves here, I thought I'd find one here eventually." thought Leo as he still searching for the vault

A few minutes later...

"Goddamn just how big even is this place, it looks so small on the outside, but on the inside it's huge." thought Leo as he still tries to search for the vault.

Another few minutes later...

"You know at this point, I might as well just find some guard in this place and interrogate the-" said Leo only to get interrupted by another voice.

"Oi psst Oi brat, over here." said the voice

"Huh?!" whispered Leo as he turns to the voice

The voice then revealed to be a guy who is probably in his 40s with a bald head. He was wearing a torn-up blue shirt with long blue pants and flip flops. The guy also appears to be a slave considering the fact that he was behind a prison cell and is wearing a handcuff.

There's also appears to be more slave in there but I'm not gonna describe them because I'm too lazy to do that.

"Yeah, you there little brat, come over here for a sec and help us get out of here." whispered the guy to Leo

"Well, I guess the slaves were here all along huh...Wait I can use this chance to make them tell me where the vault is." thought Leo as he goes to the guy

"So old man you want to get out of here right, alright I'll do that but on one condition," said Leo to the guy

"Yes, yes anything you want, just as long as I can get out of this godforsaken place." pleaded the guy to Leo

"Alright then, can you tell me where do they keep the vault to this place and I'll let you guys out of here?" questioned Leo

"The vault!? Hmmm... if I remember correctly, I've overheard some guard saying something about a vault. All I remember is the direction of the vault and that the vault should be around here somewhere." said the guy

"Ok then, can you tell me the direction to the vault?" questioned Leo

"Sure, just go to your left and then go straight, after that go left again and you should find a stairway going down the vault." answered the guy

"There I told you everything I know, so can you please let us out of here now." said the guy

"Ok, ok calm down there, a deals a deal old man, now I'm gonna get you guys out of here." said Leo as he starts to lockpicking the prisoner cell

A few seconds later, the cell door opened and the slaves started to get out

"Ok there guys, just stand still for a minute while I get rid of your handcuffs." said Leo as he starts slashing the handcuffs with his sword


"There now you guys are free," said Leo as he strapped the short sword back to his belt

"YES! YES! OH THANK GOD, I'M FINALLY FREE HA HAA." celebrated the guy as he started touching his wrist

"Oh my God is this actually happening, are we actually free." said slave#1

"Hell yeah, we're finally free from this stupid cell." cheered slave#2

"If this is a dream, then I don't want to wake up." said slave#3

"Thank you little brat, if it weren't for you, we wouldn't have even escaped." said the guy

"Yeah, your welcome, now you guys should probably get out of here while you still can before the guards come here." said Leo

"Yeah, we should, alright boys you heard the little brat, we're busting ourselves out of this place." said the guy to the other slaves

"Thanks again little brat and good luck with your little heist here." said the guy as he and the other slaves started running to the exit

"Yeah, you too old man." said Leo as he starts running to the vault

As he was running he suddenly realized that he forgot to tell something important to the slaves

"Ah shit, I forgot to tell them where the exit is." thought Leo

"Oh well, it's not like it's my problem anymore." thought Leo as he started running again to the vault

A few minutes later

"Alright, the stairs should be right around the corner." thought Leo

"There it is" thought Leo as he finally found the stairs.

"Well, wish me luck I guess." said Leo as he started going down the stairs

Auction House, Underground

After for god's know-how long, I finally reached the vault.

The vault looks like a giant gear with gold plating and a giant money symbol on the middle.

"So this is the vault huh..." thought Leo as he gazes the giant golden vault in front of him