Auction House, Underground

Leo Pov

"So this is the vault huh." thought Leo as he gazes the giant golden vault.

"Jeez I know the vault door would be big, but I didn't think it would be this big." said Leo as he scratches his hair

"Well then...how do I open it though." thought Leo

"There has to be a lever or switch somewhere around here." whispered Leo as tries to search for a way to open the door

"Ah, here it is I found a lever." said Leo as immediately pull the lever

A few seconds later the ground started to shake and the vault started to open itself slowly.

"You know, they probably should have used something else rather than a lever because this is making my heist simple, but hey I'm not gonna complain." said Leo as the vault finally opened.

"Alright, the vault is open, let's see what does this vault has in store for me." said Leo as he entered the vault

Unbeknownst to Leo however, once he walked into the vault, he accidentally activated a trap that alerts all the guards in the auction house

Auction house, Office

Someone else's Pov

"Haha haha I still can't believe that I actually found a devil fruit, I thought it was nothing but just a lousy myth." thought the guy

The guy is wearing a red and white suit with long black pants. He is also wearing a red top hat and black sunglasses. He also has a cane right next to his table

"I can't wait for tomorrow, there's gonna be lots of people buying this devil fruit". said the guy as he is counting the money in his hand

"Hmm... I wonder how man-".said the guy only to get interrupted


"BOSS YOU GOTTA COME HERE QUICKLY." shouted the auction guard as kicks open the door very loudly

"What is it that you want now huh, can't you see I'm busy right now." said the guy with an angered expression

"I'm sorry b...b...boss but there's been a huge problem." said the auction guard with a frightened voice

"What's the problem then huh, come one spit it out I don't have all day." said the guy with an angered voice

"Boss the v...v..vault it's o..o..opened s..s..sir." said the auction guard





"WHAT?!" Shouted the guy as he slammed his hand onto the desk

"W...w...what s...s...should we do now b...b...boss." said the now frightened auction guard


"Y...y....yes b..b...boss we'll s...s...secure the whole area immediately." stuttered the frightened soldier as he immediately got out of the office

The guy then plops down back to his chair and starts ruffling his hair in frustration

"Damn it, when I get my hands on that person, I swear I will kill him." said the guy angrily

The auction house, inside the vault

Leo's Pov

Once I got into the vault, a sudden bright light then blinded my eyes.

"Ah shit, here we go again, why does this thing keep happening to me." said Leo as he covered his eyes with his hands

Once the light died down, I can now see clearly and let me tell you, it was the most beautiful thing I had ever saw. Inside the vault, they were lots of money, I'm talking tons of money that it would fit a mansion

"Holy shit...I think I've just hit the jackpot...I mean look at how many money even in this vault." said Leo as he was looking at the place with an awed face

"Hey, system...just how many Beli is in this vault by the way?" questioned Leo to the system

[Approximately 250 million beli is in this vault]answered the system

"Oh my God...I...I...I just don't know what to say anymore....like damn... I'm just speechless...I mean I know that there would be a lot of beli....but I didn't think it would be this much." thought Leo with a shocked face

"Okay there Leo calm yourself down, you already planned to take all the money anyway, so I just gotta go find the devil fruit now." thought Leo as he shakes his head

"O...o..okay there system, can you just tell me where the devil fruit is now?" said Leo as he still tries to overcome his shock

[The devil fruit should be straight up ahead.]said the system

"Ok then." said Leo as he starts making his way to the devil fruit

A few minutes later he finally arrived at the place.

"Huh, I think I see the devil fruit right over there." said Leo as he saw the devil fruit was on a pedestal

"Hmm....you know I always wonder, just how bad does the devil fruit taste if I ate it." said Leo as he picks up the devil fruit

"Before that, I should probably see what type of devil fruit it is." said Leo

"Observe." thought Leo

Devil fruit: Neko Neko No Mi, Model: White Tiger

Desc: It is a carnivorous Zoan-type Devil Fruit that allows it's the user to transform into a white tiger hybrid and a full white tiger.Gains more physical strength and agility when using the devil fruit

Weakness: Seawater

"A Zoan type huh, nice and a carnivorous one at that." said Leo

"Hmmm...If I remember correctly, in the anime Chopper did say that a Carnivorous Zoan type devil fruit is way more bloodthirsty and are suited for combat and it also makes the user more aggressive and powerful when it comes to physical combat." said Leo as he tries to remember what chopper said

"Well if that's the case, then I'm obviously not gonna eat it of course. I mean don't get me wrong, this devil fruit is very good but I'm trying to find some other devil fruit that is way more powerful than this. For now, though, I'm just gonna store it in my inventory and save it up for my future crew members when I became a pirate." said Leo as he stores the devil fruit in his inventory

"Alright, since that's done, now I'm gonna steal all the money in this vault." said Leo with a grinning smile

"Hey system, can you take all the money that is in this vault right now?" questioned Leo to the system

[Yes I can, wait just a moment there...]answered the system

Suddenly, all the money that was in the vault is now gone like it was never there, to begin with

Acquired 250 million Beli

[It is now done]said the system

"Sweet, now let's get the hell out of here before shit goes haywire, right system?" said Leo

[Yes....partner]said the system

"Huh!?" said Leo a bit shocked about the revelation

[Did I say something wrong there, partner]said the system

"No, you didn't say anything wrong system, it just that...why did you call me your partner?" questioned Leo

[Since we will be with each other for a long time, I might as well call you something, so I have decided to call you partner from now on.]answered the system

"Huh...that's actually not a bad idea there system, okay then from now on we're partners now." said Leo with a determined face

[Noted]said the system

"Alright then, let's stop talking and start running before I get caught by the guards." said Leo as he started running back upstairs

A few minutes later

3rd Pov

Once I was back upstairs, I started making a run to the entrance of the auction house. Strangely enough tho, there were no signs of guards anywhere. So I just thought nothing of it and kept running towards the exit. But when I got there though, let's just say that I finally lucked myself out

Leo's Pov

"Ok, I'm almost there, just a bit more and I'm scot-free." thought Leo as he is still running

"I see the exit over there." thought Leo as he approaches the exit

"Alright, let get the hell out of this place." whispered Leo as he opens the door

Auction House, Outside

Finally some fresh air." said Leo as he started going outside

"Huh...you know what, this migh-" said Leo only to get interrupted by a shout


Once I was able to see what is going on, I saw somewhere around 70 guards surrounding the entrance door with their spear and gun pointing at me.

Just then I can only think about three words that can describe the situation that I'm in right now.

"Well...Fuck me." thought Leo