The auction house, outside

Leo's Pov

"Well...Fuck me." thought Leo as he gazes at the guards who are surrounding him right now.

"Well then...I guess lady luck isn't on my side this time huh." thought Leo as he scratches his head

"DON'T YOU DARE MOVE FROM THAT SPOT OR WE WILL SHOOT YOU." shouted one of the guards as he points a spear at Leo

"YEAH, YOU BETTER NOT TRY ANYTHING FUNNY OR WE"LL KILL YOU." shouted another guard who is pointing a gun at me

"Heh... they actually thought they can kill me with those flimsy-looking spear and those toy guns they're holding...oh how pitiful." thought Leo as he shakes his head


"Okay boss." said all the guards as they make a way for what seems to be their boss

"Wow...he has a terrible sense of fashion." thought Leo as he saw the guy comes closer to Leo

"So, you're the guy who dares to try and rob my Auction house and your just a kid." said the guy

"I gotta say, I'm a bit impressed but playtime's over for you kid, so how about I make this short and easy, you give me back the devil fruit and I'll...let you go." said the guy trying to negotiate with Leo

"Pfft, him letting me go, HA yeah no I highly doubt that your just gonna 'let me go' after I stole everything from you and you're probably just gonna turn me into one of your slaves after I give you back the devil fruit anyway." thought Leo

"Haaa....alright then, there's really no point in staying here and talking with these morons anymore, so playtime's over." thought Leo as he preparing himself to attack

3rd Pov

"So how about it then kid, it's not that bad of a deal right, I get what I wanted and you can go back to your mommy and daddy." said the guy as he tries to negotiate with Leo again

After a few minutes of silence, a guard then suddenly shout at Leo

"OI YOU LITTLE BRAT ARE YOU DEAF OR SOMETHING, THE BOSS SAI-" shouted one of the guards only to be silenced


Before anyone could even blink, the guard suddenly got decapitated

To say everyone was shocked would be an understatement. Everyone was having mixed of emotion right now. The boss got out of his stupor and immediately commanded all of the guards


Everyone then let out a battle cry and started rushing towards Leo with spears aiming at him and started to blindly attack him while some of them started shooting him

Leo immediately dodges all the attacks very easily and started to retaliate them back by using his sword and speed

One by one all of the guards started to drop dead like a bunch of flies. Some tried to run away from him but they were already dead before they could even run. Some tried to shoot him but he deflected all of the bullets. Some even tried to sneak attack him but failed miserably.

A few minutes later, only half of the guards are still alive on the bloodied battlefield. Some are injured while others are still clinging onto their spears.

"WHAT'S TAKING ALL OF YOU SO LONG, HE'S JUST ONE KID!" shouted the boss obviously angered by this display

Things were looking good for Leo, he was still able to fight all the guards and suffered little to no injuries. Unfortunately for him though, he got a bit too careless and cocky to even realize that one of the guards was able to tackle him to the ground

"Oof." said Leo as one of the guards tackle him to the ground

-6 Damage


One by one everyone started running towards the guard and started to tackle Leo to the ground. Leo, on the other hand, tries to get out of this mess but failed due to being too many people holding him down

Leo's Pov

"Shit, I got too careless and cocky and now look what happens to me now." thought Leo as more guards started to tackle him to the ground

A few minutes later, there was now a mountain full of guards trying to hold Leo to the ground and surprisingly it's actually working

"Alright everyone, break it up, break it up will ya lots." said the boss

"Alright people, hold him down as hard as you can while I do the 'talking' again." said the boss as some of the guards are holding him down

"Goddamit, it's times like this is that I wish I've had focused more onto my strength rather than my agility." thought Leo as he was starting to regret to not train his strength more

"Well, well, well little brat, I tried to talks things out with you but since you chose the hard way, then I might as well just kill you right here right now." said the boss as he steps on Leo's head

"Grrrrr, you coward." mumbled Leo

"Oh! What's that you say, come on now boy speak up, I wanna hear your voice very clearly." said the boss as he cupped his ear

"I said fuck you too, you coward." said Leo

"Ha, who do you think you are to say such things to me, I mean look at you, your just a little kid who doesn't even know how the real world even work ." said the boss as he started stomping on Leo's head

"Alright then, I think that's enough talking, guards search the little brat for the devil fruit." commanded the boss as the guards started to search for the devil fruit

"But first, let see what you look like behind that little mask of yours." said the boss as he took off Leo's mask

After the boss took off his mask, he was suddenly shocked and surprised when saw Leo's face

"Wait a second, I remember you, you're that little brat from the mansion." said the boss with a surprised face

"Hold up...what!?" thought Leo

"Yeah I remember you, you were that brat who ran away from the mansion, we thought you would have actually died from how much blood you lost." said the boss

"Oooooh, now I get it, so this was the guy who robbed my house and killed my family." thought Leo as he remembered the little kid's memories

'HAHAHAHA, oh wow what a coincidence, I can't believe that you're still alive, I guess fate does want us to meet again huh little brat." said the boss as he started laughing like a madman

"Then... I got a question to ask, specifically for you" said Leo

"A question huh, sure brat you can ask any question you want before you die." said the boss as he ceased his laughing

"Why...why did you robbed my house and kill my family...we did nothing wrong to you?" questioned Leo with a bit of anger

"Oh, I knew you were gonna ask that question, well it's not because your family did anything to us or anything, no no it's because your family was actually hiding a secret treasure." said the boss with a gleeful smile

"Wait a secret treasure...are you telling me..." said Leo only to be finished by the boss

"Yes, the secret treasure that your family was hiding is actually the devil fruit that you tried to stole, crazy right." said the boss with a cruel smile on his face

"So you're telling me... that you killed my family, robbed my house and tried to kill me... just because of something STUPID LIKE A DEVIL FRUIT!" said Leo as he raised his voice a bit

"Oh no we didn't just steal the devil fruit, we also stole all of the money, jewellery and other stuff your family have in the mansion." said the boss

"Huh...that actually explain on how they have so many money in the vault...so I guess I just took back what's mine I guess?" thought Leo

"Hell your sister even tried to attack us and I gotta say, she was a bit feisty and was able to injure one of my guards but in the end, she died like the fool she was." said the boss

"It's a pity though, she would have made a good slave, I mean for a teen she has some nice racks and she's a maid, think about how many Beli's I would have made, oh well...I guess I can't cry over spilt milk now, can I." said the boss leisurely as he scratches his hair

After those words left his mouth, I suddenly felt the urge to murder... no, no that not what I wanna do to him...I felt the urge to torture him endlessly as I enjoy seeing his face full of despair and him begging me to stop until I feel satisfied...wait why did even I think about that in the first place...what the hell is wrong with me?

"Hey, what's taking you people so long, you should have found the devil fruit by now." said the boss

"Sorry boss, but it seems like we couldn't find any devil fruit with him." said one of the guards

Suddenly a mysterious deep voice started to speak to me

"Leeeooooooo...." spoke a mysterious distorted voice

"Huh, did you say anything system." thought Leo

[No partner, I didn't say anything] said the system

"Hmm....weird I thought I hear-" thought Leo only to get interrupted by the same distorted voice

"Leeeooooooo...." spoke the mysterious distorted voice again

"There it is again, that voice... it sounds...familiar...hey system can you check where is it coming from." thought Leo to the system

[Sure partner, I shall start analysing the voice] said the system


"EMBRACE MEEEE.....Leeeooooooo...EMBRACE MEEEE." said the mysterious distorted voice

"Seriously, who or what is saying that...I feel like I've heard it before... but I just can't seem to remember." thought Leo as he tries harder to remember the voice

"I AM YOUR SALVATION Leoooooooo..... " said the mysterious distorted voice again but a bit louder

[Analysation completed...It looks like the voice is coming from a strong dark force that has been sealed for centuries and is somehow connected to you ]said the system

"EMBRACE THE DARKNESS, LEO." said the mysterious distorted voice

[Ding! Would you like to 'Embrace the Darkness']

[Yes]. [No]

"Okay first of all, what kind of question is that? Embrace the darkness? And secondly, now I know for sure I've heard that voice before...but where is it....think Leo think where have you heard that voice before." thought Leo as he tries even harder to remember the voice

"Wait...hold on a second...Embrace the darkness...a deep distorted voice...and a strong dark force that has been sealed for centuries...now I remember...If I push yes...then I think I know what's coming next." thought Leo

"Alright then...yes...yes I will embrace the darkness." thought Leo

[Ding! You have now Embrace the Darkness] said the system

[Ding! You have gained a new skill] said the system

"HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAH, AT LAST, I FEEEEEEDDDDD." screamed the mysterious distorted voice very excitedly

3rd Pov

"What! are you sure that you've checked him everywhere!" said the boss

"Yeah boss, we checked him everywhere and there seems to be no devil fruit on him sir." said one of the guard

"Grrrrr, hey brat where did you put that devil fruit." said the boss only to be met by silence

"Hey are you still in there little brat, say something will ya." said the boss angrily only to be met by silence again

"Uhhhh.... boss." said one of the guard only to be ignored

"Oi, oi wake up will ya, I know you can hear me." said the boss frustrated by Leo's silence

"Uhhhh... boss?" said one of the guard only to get ignored again

"Come one, speak up you little brat or else I'll-" said the boss only to get interrupted by a shout

"BOSS." shouted one of the guards

"What, what is it that your blabbering about huh, can't you see I'm trying to get some answers here!" said the boss angrily

"Uh, boss...I feel like something bad gonna happen." said the guard

"Oh come now, there's no one here but just this little kid and even if someone sees us then I would have ordered you to kill them anyway, now stop spouting nonsense and help me out over here." said the boss

"I...I...your right boss, maybe I'm just tired about this whole fiasco, but I swear boss I really do fee-" said the guard only to get interrupted


Suddenly a large tentacle came out of Leo's hand and pierce the guard right through his chest

"gurgle noises," said the guard as the tendril instantly kills him and throws him away like a rag doll

Suddenly more black tendrils started coming from Leo's back and all the guards started to slowly back away from fear

"Holy shit." said guard#1

"WHAT THE FUCK IS THAT." said guard#2

"OH HELL NO, FUCK THIS SHIT I'M GETTING OUT OF HERE, I DID NOT SIGN UP FOR THIS." said one of the guards as he tried to run away keyword 'tried' only to be grabbed by tendrils with what appears to be a serpentine head

"AAAAHHHHH." screamed the guard as he tries to free himself but only to be silenced by another tendril with a serpentine head who bite of his heart

Leo then got up from the ground and started to float using his tendrils as support. Suddenly even more tendrils started to appear on Leo's back and he starts to swing them wildly

One by one all of the guards who try to escape or foolishly attack him either got pierced by one of the tendrils or be eaten by one of the serpentine head. Let's just say, everyone didn't survive except for 2 people

After a few minutes of blood and people screaming for help, everything went silent like nothing ever happen. The battlefield was littered with nothing but dead bodies, blood, bodies getting cut in half and etc. Our protagonist Leo who is now standing with his clothes fill to the brim with people's blood and with his eyes covered by his hair. He was standing there menacingly with the tendrils on his back and his two serpentine heads roaring to the skies as he stares at the battlefield with cold eyes

He then turns to his left to see the boss who was now on the ground cowering in fear for his life. Leo then started to walk slowly towards him and the boss tries to crawl back as fast as he can. Once the boss reached a dead end, he tries to plead with Leo who was still walking slowly towards him.

"H...h...hey there k...k...kid we can still t...t...talks things out r...r...right." pleaded the boss as Leo started to get closer to him

"H...h...how about t...t...this kid, y...y...you let me live and I won't t...t...tell a single soul about t...t...this ever, hell I'll even let you k...k...keep the devil to all to yourself." pleaded the boss again only to fall on deaf ears

Once Leo got close enough, he suddenly used one of his tendrils to grab his neck and lift him off the ground as he started to choke him

"So...what did you say about my sister being a good slave to sell huh?." said Leo coldly as he chokes him even tighter

"I...I....I'm s....s...sorry, p...p...please let me g...g...go, I swear I...I...I won't t...t...tell anyone." said the boss as he struggles to breaths

"Ohhh...I didn't hear what you said, can you speak up a bit." said Leo coldly

"I...I...I s...s...sorry c...c...can't b...b...breath." said the boss as his face starts turning blue

"Oh, cat got your tongue or something...where was that little bravado of yours go huh." said Leo

"Auggghhh." said the boss as his face starts turning purple

"Oh well, I guess it's time for me to put you out of your misery now huh, but I gotta say though, it was fun seeing your face suffering like that." said Leo as one of the serpentine head opened up its jaw and eats his head killing him instantly.

Leo's Pov

"Well, there's really no point in staying here anymore now do I." said Leo as he tosses away the dead body like a rag doll and retracts back his tendrils. He then started running back to the forest

Unbeknownst to Leo though, there is what appears to be a mechanical owl who is perched on a tree. The mechanical owl has red paint all over its body with a symbol on its chest and has a robotic eye that has a camera in it. It also has a mechanical wing with jet boosters. It has been there since the beginning of the battle and has recorded it using its eyes until the end. After a few seconds, it opens up its wing and started to fly away as the moon shines brighter.

A few hours later

Leo's Pov

I've been walking through this forest for God knows how long, right now I'm too tired and exhausted that at this point I don't even care where I'm going anymore. Then suddenly, without me even realizing about it, I was out of the forest and in what appears to be a village.

"Holy shit did I just travel from an auction house to this village?!" said Leo as he was a bit shocked

"Whatever, I'm just too tired to even care anymore, I should probably find someplace where I can rest." said Leo

Not even a second later, Leo then suddenly collapse to the ground and was unconscious due to exhaustion.

3rd Pov

After a few minutes later, an outline of a person suddenly emerges and saw Leo unconscious

The mysterious person suddenly rushes to Leo side and started to inspect Leo for any injuries

"Oh you poor little kid, look at how many blood and injuries you have on you." said what appears to be a woman's voice as she tries to inspect him for any more injuries

"Don't worry your gonna be safe, once I go back to my house, I'm gonna see if I can try and find some medicine that can treat you back." said the mysterious figure as she started to pick Leo up carefully and goes back to her house