Foosha Village, Party's Bar

Leo's Pov

"Well, this just got too lively." thought Leo as he is cleaning the bar table

If you guys are wondering, well let's just say a certain red-haired pirate has now finally made himself known. Right now, I am watching Shanks and his crew partying themselves for God knows how long, probably till nighttime.

(* BTW just imagine Leo wearing Ken Kaneki's Anteiku outfit*)

"Cheers guys!" shouted one of the pirates

"To Luffy's guts and our great journey." said another pirate

"Jeez Lucky Roo, calm yourself down there, don't choke on that barrel." thought Leo as he saw Lucky Roo drinking from a whole barrel

"Oh, it didn't hurt at all." said Luffy as he looks ready to cry

"That a lie. Don't do such a stupid thing." said Shanks

"It's not a lie! I'm not scared of getting hurt!" said Luffy

"Hmph, yeah tell that to yourself Luffy, I was able to see you hesitate when you start to cut your cheeks while I was doing the groceries." thought Leo as he starts to remember the part where Luffy cut his cheek


Foosha Village, Port

At the port, a pirate ship has been anchored there. A wind is blowing from the east over this peaceful village.

"Luffy...what do you think you're doing...and how the hell did you even get up there in the first place." whispered Leo as he saw Luffy at Shanks ship.

"Hey, Luffy! What are you trying to do?!" said one of the pirates from the ship

"I'm really serious! I'm so pissed! I'm gonna prove it to you!" said Luffy as he was holding a dagger

"Hahaha, yeah, do it! I don't know what you're gonna do though!" said Shanks

"Really Shanks, I mean really, he's holding a dagger what do you think he's gonna do." thought Leo with a deadpan look

After Shanks said those word, Luffy then proceeds to use the dagger to cut his cheek.

"AAAAAAHHHHHH!" screamed Luffy

"You idiot! What are you doing?!" screamed Shanks

"Haaaah, you know I would have saved him by now, but Luffy deserves this." thought Leo as he shakes his head in disappointment

Flashback end

"Seriously Luffy, you should be careful about what you're doing, I literally had to stitch you up after that little incident of yours." said Leo to Luffy

"Don't worry green eye, I'm all okay now, see." said Luffy

"Whatever you say Luffy, just please don't do dumb stuff like this again and even if you can't, at least try thinking what you're doing first." said Leo as he started to refill all the pirate's drinks

"What am I even saying. This is Luffy we're talking about, he's bound to do something stupid." thought Leo

"Hey Shanks, take me on your next voyage! I wanna be a pirate too!" said Luffy with a cheerful smile

"Hahaha, as if you could ever be a pirate! It's a fatal flaw for a pirate to be an anchor!" said Shanks

"I'll be okay as long as I don't fall out of the ship! And I'm good at fighting too! I'm well-trained so my punches are like pistols!" said Luffy as he punches the air

"Pistols? Oh, really?" said Shanks with a somewhat disappointed look

"What's that mean?!" shouted Luffy

"Oi Luffy, you're in such a bad mood!" said one of the pirate

"Have fun at whatever you're doing!" said Yasopp

"Well then Yasopp, what about your son huh, do you think he's having fun at home." thought Leo

"Yes! Being a pirate is fun!" said Lucky Roo

"The sea is broad and vast!" said one of the pirates

"We're travelling to various islands!" said another pirate

"Above all, we're free!" said another pirate

Luffy, the child that he is, was memorized by the pirate's word

"Guys, don't teach him such silly stuff like this." said Shanks

"But it's true! right?!" said Lucky Roo

"Boss, why not take him on just one voyage? I mean it's not like anything gonna happen right." said one of the pirate

"I think so too." said another pirate

"Then, somebody, trade places with him." said Shanks

"Okay, we're done talking! Let's get back to drinking and partying." said the pirates as they started partying again.

"Didn't you all side with me!" shouted Luffy

"In short, you're too much of a kid. I'll consider it when you're 10 years older! " said Shanks

"Stupid Shanks! I'm not a kid!" said Luffy

"Hey Luffy, calm yourself down there, at this rate, your veins are gonna start popping. So here Luffy, don't get mad and have some of this orange juice." said Leo as he served Luffy some oranges juice

"Wow! Thank you green eyes!" said Luffy as he starts drinking the orange juice

"Hahaha! Oh wow! That was a good one green eyes, see Luffy, you're still a kid!" said Shanks as he started laughing

"Ah, you tricked me, that wasn't fair green eyes and shut up shanks!" shouted Luffy

"I'm tired now!" said Luffy as got off the barstool

"Luffy, you gotta try to understand how Boss feels." said Benn Beckman as he lights up his cigarette

"First mate, what are you talking about?" questioned Luffy

"There's no denying that he's the head of a pirate group. He knows how tough and dangerous being pirates more than anybody." said Benn Beckman

"What do you mean?" questioned Luffy

"Don't you see? It's not like he wants to break your spirit." said Benn Beckman

"No, I don't! Shanks is just making fun of me." said Luffy

"Anchor!" said Shanks

"See?!" said Luffy

"I guess you're having fun as usual." said Makino

"Yeah, I like teasing him. It's just so funny to see him like this." said Shanks

"Luffy, do you wanna eat something too?" said Makino

"Uh-huh! Put it on my treasure tab!" said Luffy

"Yeah, yeah, Luffy, I get it, you're gonna put it all in your treasure tab one day, but right now eat your food." said Leo as he handed Luffy some cooked meat

"Thank you again, green eyes." said Luffy as he starts eating his food

"Wow! That was fast! How did you do it, little brother?" said Makino as she was fascinated by Leo's work

"Well, that's what happens when you work here for 2 years straight and I already know that he's gonna say yes to food anyway." said Leo as he goes back to cleaning the table

"Woah there Anchor, slow down the foods not going anywhere, and that treasure tab of yours again? That's a fraud, you know?" said Shanks

"Nwo, ith's nwot! *Gulp* Once I become a pirate and find a treasure, I'll pay for it!" said Luffy

"I'm counting on it." said Makino with a closed eye smile

"Again Luffy, I don't really care about your little treasure tab." said Leo dismissively

"Hey, Shanks." said Luffy

"What's is it, anchor?" said Shanks

"How much longer are you gonna stay in this village?" said Luffy as he tries to eat the meat

"Let see...we're going on a couple of voyages then leave this village to head North." said Shanks

"A couple of voyages, huh?" said Luffy with a bit sad

Makino then looks at Luffy as she tries to cheer him up with a smile.

"I'll practice swimming while you're here!" said Luffy

"That's good anchor. Knock yourself out." said Shanks as he eats his food

Suddenly the door to the bar got kicked away and a man was standing there.

He is a tall, dark-skinned man with black hair, a black hair goatee, and an X-shaped scar above his right eye. He wore a long red coat with a white shirt, black trousers and a golden necklace.

"Pardon us." said the man

"Oh goddammit, I just fixed that goddamn door." thought Leo a bit annoyed

"So these are "pirates". Look pretty damn dumb to me." said the man mockingly

The man then walks into the bar with a few more people behind him while everyone in the bars looks at him except for Shanks as he was still eating.

"We're mountain bandits. But we ain't here to tear up the place. Sell us some booze" said the man

"I'm sorry, I just ran out of alcohol." said Makino who's somewhat calm about this

"I swear if they do something to my big sister..." thought Leo as he started having dark thoughts

"These pirates seem to be drinking something...What is it water?" said the man

"No, what they're drinking is the last of it." said Makino

Leo then notices that the chest is open and looks to see that Luffy is eating a Devil Fruit. Leo chooses to ignore it because he knows that's gonna be Luffy Devil Fruit in the future.

"Seriously though, why didn't they just put a lock or something, if it was someone else they would have just steal and sold it to some rich bastard." thought Leo

"My apologies. Looks like we drank the whole place dry. Sorry about that!" said Shanks

"Hmm..." said the bandit

"You can have this if you'd like. It hasn't even been opened yet." said Shanks as he tries to hands over a bottle of alcohol

Then without any warning, the man then breaks the bottle with his hand. Everyone was a bit startled by this action.

"Hey, you bastard! Who do you think I am? One bottle ain't even enough for a bedtime drink!" said the man

"Oh man, the floors all wet now!" said Shanks

"Look at this. There's an 8 million Beli bounty on my head. I've killed 56 people. They were all impudent like you. So be careful hereafter. But, since we're in the mountains and you're on the sea, I don't think we'll see each other again." said the man who now names Higuma as he shows his poster bounty to everyone.

"Okay, first of all, 8 million bounties? Pfft, bitch please I've seen something way bigger than that, you're nothing but just an ant compared to everyone else in the Grand Line. And secondly, why would you announce your bounty to everyone else, you do realize that if there is someone who is stronger than you, they will hunt you down right, god what an idiot." thought Leo as he shakes his head in disappointment.

"Sorry about that, Makino-san. Do you have a rag?" said Shanks as he picks up a broken piece of bottle

"Oh, don't worry, I'll do that!" said Makino

"Oi Shanks, just leave all the broken pieces there, don't worry I'll clean it up later." said Leo

Higuma then unsheaths his sword and started to slash the glass and plates that are on the table, breaking many of them.

"Goddamnit, not again you asshole, I literally just clean that table." thought Leo a he is a bit mad and annoyed.

"Seems you like to clean. Then maybe you'll find this more fulfilling." said Higuma

The bandits then started to laugh at Shanks. After a few seconds later, Higuma sheathed his sword and started to get out of the bar. The bandit then followed him until he got stopped by a certain green-haired kid.

"Hold up there for a minute, you guys owe us something." said Leo as he goes in front of Higuma

"Huh! Who do you think you are you little brat! Didn't you hear how many people that I've killed!" threatened Higuma

"Oh, I know, but I just don't give a damn much. However, what I do want is for guys to pay for all the damages that you did in this bar." said Leo

"Oh? And what if I don't huh?! What are you gonna do about it little brat, attack me?" said Higuma as he and the bandits started laughing at Leo

Suddenly, Leo then started to unleash his killing intent inside the bar while his eyes are covered by his hair. Everyone then started to feel something dangerous coming from Leo especially the bandits. The bandits then suddenly felt the urge to run away.

"W...w...what is this." said Higuma scared by Leo's killing intent.

"Well then, if you're not gonna pay for the damages, then I suggest for you bandits to leave immediately and never come back to this place. If I ever catch or see you bandits coming here again..." said Leo as he looks at Higuma with cold eyes.

"Then I can guarantee that you're all are gonna be wishing that you haven't been born." said Leo as he fully unleashes his killing intent to Higuma and the bandits

Everyone was startled by Leo's killing intent. The bandits are now scared shitless while the pirates started to have sweat down their necks.

The bandit then without any questions, started to immediately leave the Party's bar with their tail between their legs. After the bandit leaves, the killing intent suddenly vanished and everything went back to normal as if nothing ever happens.

"God damn bandits, now I'm gonna have to repair the doors and clean all the shits that they did." whispered Leo to himself

"What was that killing intent just now." thought all the pirates as they stare at Leo with a bit of fear.

"Ahh, Captain-san, are you all right?" said Makino worried about Shanks

"Oh, no problem at all. I'm all right." said Shanks

After a few seconds later, the pirates started to laughed it all off as if anything didn't happen at all. (Even after Leo unleashes his killing intent)

"Hahaha, talk about lame, Boss!" laughed Lucky Roo

"He got you good!" said Yasopp

"Yahahahaha, I know right guys." laughed Shanks

"Why are you all laughing?!" shouted Luffy angrily

"That was so uncool! Why didn't you fight them?! You're not men or pirates if you laugh after something like that!" shouted Luffy

"Oh, Luffy, you really are one naive little brat." thought Leo as he shakes his head

"I can understand how you feel, but he only spilt some booze on me. It's not worth getting mad over. That and the green-eyed kid did say he will clean this place up later." said Shanks

"Oh, thank you very much for your kindness there, Shanks. I can't wait to clean this place up even though I've already done it 3 times." thought Leo sarcastically

"Hey, wait up, Luffy." said Shanks as he grabs Luffy arm

"I've had it! I don't wanna be a coward like you!" said Luffy as he started going out of the bar

A few seconds later, Luffy suddenly felt his arm was stretching and looks behind him. Everyone then started to spit out their drinks due to shock.

"His arm stretches! Don't tell me you...!" said Shanks as he was shocked by Luffy's arm stretching.

"What's going on?! Why are my arms stretching?!" said Luffy as he is also shocked by this development

"It's gone! The Devil Fruit, it's gone!" said Lucky Roo as he picks up the empty chest.

"WHAT?!" shouted every pirate at the bar

"The Gum-Gum Fruit that we robbed from our enemy!" said Lucky Roo

"Again as I said, you guys should have at least locked the chest with a lock or better yet, just leave it at your ship, why would you even bring it with you in the first place? Just lock it up in a safe or something if it's that important." thought Leo

"Luffy, don't tell me you ate this fruit!" said Lucky Roo as he shows the drawing of the Devil Fruit

"Lucky Roo, where the fuck did you get that drawing from?" thought Leo

"I-I did...It tasted so bad though." said Luffy

"The Gum-Gum fruit is a hidden treasure of the sea known as Devil Fruit! Eating it turns your body to rubber, and makes you lose the ability to swim for the rest of your life!" said Shanks a bit angry

"I mean, if we're talking about at the Grand Line, then Devil Fruits aren't that rare especially in The New World, but I guess since this is East Blue, Devil Fruits are treated nothing but just myths so... yeah guess technically it is a hidden treasure for East Blue standards." thought Leo

"Speaking about Devil Fruits, I've always wondered where did they even come from, till this day Oda still hasn't revealed or explained anything about the history of Devil Fruits. I mean yeah, Vegapunk and Caeser did try to recreate a Devil Fruit, but one of them ended up being a failure while the other just grants the ability of a Zoan- type and even then it's only a one out of every ten that they actually received the power. I've always wondered where they came from...guess one day I'll have to find it out for myself." thought Leo

[Ding! You have gained a new quest!]


Learn the origins of Devil Fruits

Reward: 5 Billion SP, gain a new skill, gain a Mythical Devil Fruit.

"Huh...well then, guess that just confirms that I'm gonna have to find that one out when I start to set out to sea." thought Leo

"Eh?! No way!" shouted Luffy with his jaw dropped

"You dumbass!!" shouted Shanks

A few days later...

At the Party's Bar

3rd Pov

"It's been a while since Captain-san and his crew went on a voyage. I bet you miss them." said Makino as she starts cleaning glasses

"Not at all! I haven't forgiven them yet! I thought Shanks and the others were cooler pirates!" said Luffy

"Yeah? I think it's cooler to pay no mind and laugh after someone humiliates you like that." said Makino

"Makino, you don't understand. There are times that men have to stand up and fight." said Luffy

"Well, I guess you're right Luffy, I don't understand these things." said Makino dismissively

"Hey Makino, where is green eyes? Is he still doing his training?" questioned Luffy

"Yep! He's still doing his training again." said Makino

"Again? He always does this every day, I wonder where and why he does this." said Luffy

"I don't know Luffy, maybe you can ask him when he comes back from his training." said Makino

"Yeah, I guess so Makino." said Luffy

"Make way for us!" said a familiar voice

"Hmm?" said Makino and Luffy as they saw Higuma at the door

"Those damn pirates aren't here today, huh? We were walking by again so we dropped in." said Higuma as he and the bandits started walking into the bar.

"Why are you just standing there?! Bring us booze!" said Higuma

Leo's Pov

"Hoooo, damn that was a good workout, can't wait to go home and take a shower." thought Leo as he was walking back to the bar

Leo is wearing a blue shirt and black plants. He is also wearing a pair of black shoes and gloves.

"Man I don't know why, but I feel like that there is something important is supposed to happen today. What was it?" thought Leo as he tries to remember

"Let go! Let go! Damn!" shouted Luffy

"What an interesting body..." said Higuma as he stretches Luffy's cheek.

"Say you're sorry for that! You bastard!" shouted Luffy

"What kind of animal is he?" said Higuma as he throws Luffy to the ground

"...Oh right now I remember, this is the day where Shanks is supposed to save Luffy from that giant Sea monster isn't it." said Leo as he hears Luffy shouting

"Well, you know what...this time I might as well just save Luffy from those bandits, not because I want to, but it's because I want to finally get my revenge on those bastards." thought Leo as he started using his Observation Haki to find them.

"Damn! I'm gonna make you pay!" shouted Luffy

"You know you are one weird kid aren't you. Maybe we can sell him for good money." said Higuma

Luffy then gets ups from the ground and picks up a random stick that is somehow there and started to rush towards Higuma.

"AHHHHH" shouted Luffy as he tries to strike Higuma with the stick

"You're so persistent. Brat!" said Higuma as he kicks Luffy to the ground

"Did I say something that might of offend you?" said Higuma as he holds Luffy down with his legs

"You did! Now apologize! Apologise for what you did to Shanks! Get your foot off of me!" shouted Luffy

"You're a lost cause, kid...you can regret all this in your next life!" said Higuma as he unsheathes his sword

"So, no wonder I started hearing shoutings." said Leo as he finally finds the Higuma

"Huh, oh it's you again little brat, what do you want huh, you want to save this little brat." said Higuma

"Well, I'll be honest not really, but I did say that if I ever see you again near this bar then I guess that means you haven't learned your lesson from last time huh." said Leo as he started going near Higuma

"Ha, do you think I'm afraid of some little brat, don't you see how many people I've got here, it's you against us." said Higuma

"Yeah well, as I said before, I don't give a flying fuck of how many people you have. They're probably just cannon fodder to me anyway." said Leo

"You know little brat, it's best for you to leave now before you get hurt. Any closer and we'll shoot your head off." said Higuma only to get ignored by Leo

"Oi little brat, he said no closer! Don't make me blow your head off!" said one of the bandit as he aims a gun at Leo

"So...now that you've drawn your gun out, would you put your life on the line." said Leo

"Sorry there Shanks, but I'm gonna have to steal your line here." thought Leo

"Huh, what the hell are you talking about?" said the bandit

"All I'm saying is that those things aren't just for threatening people you know." said Leo

"Haa, are you trying to scare me little brat, of course, I know that this thing ain't for threatening." said the bandit

"All right, if you know, then why don't you try and shoot me with that flimsy looking gun of yours." challenged Leo

"You asking for a death wish kid? Fine, then I'll show you how serious I am." said the bandit as he tries to pull the trigger

"Huh? Why isn't my finger moving?" questioned the bandit as repeatedly tries to move his fingers.

"Oi! Just shoot him already! It's not that hard, just pull the trigger and he's dead." said Higuma

"I-I can't boss! I can't even move my fingers! Actually, I don't think I can even move my body anymore! Oi, little brat, what's going on here, what did you do to me!" said the bandit in a panicked voice

"Oh, what's this, you still haven't pulled the trigger yet? I thought you said that you know how to pull the trigger. Are you perhaps feeling a bit scared." said Leo sarcastically

"Bullshit! I know for a fact that you did this to me! Change me back" said the bandit

"Hahaha, oh man this is pretty funny seeing you like this, begging for me to let you go huh? Yeah, not a chance buddy. Well then, I guess every fun has to end somewhere, so I'll just finish you off and move on to the next one." said Leo as he twitched his fingers

Suddenly, the bandit then started to point the gun to his head as if he is controlled like a puppet.

"W-w-what is this? Why can't I control my hands! Oi, stop this! Please st-" said the bandit only to get silenced by a shot


Before the bandit could even finish his sentence, he shot himself in the head, killing him obviously

[Ding! You have killed a bandit! Gain 500 SP]

"Well then, onto the next one." thought Leo

"O-o-oi what the hell was that!" said bandit 1

"What the fuck just happened! Why did he shoot himself!" said bandit 2

"That little bastard! Now he's done it!" said bandit 3

"Oi, little brat! What the hell was that! What did you do to him?" said Higuma

"Hmph, why would I answer that? I'm not an idiot like you who would just publicly say my bounty out loud. Now enough talking, let start the show." said Leo as he starts using his wires

"Say Higuma was it? Have you ever seen a magic trick before?" said Leo

"Huh? What kind of stupid question is that? And why are you all just standing there! Kill that lousy brat!" said Higuma as he commanded his men to attack Leo

After a few seconds, the bandits still didn't move, they're all just standing there like a bunch of mannequins.

"Oi! Why are you all still standing here! Didn't you hear what I say! I said, go kill that brat!" commanded Higuma again

"W-w-we can't boss." said a bandit

"Huh! And why's that!" said Higuma

"I-i-it's because we can't move our body. It's like something is controlling us." said another bandit as he tries to control his body

"What! But how! Oi brat what did you do!" shouted Higuma

"Hahahahaha, as I've said again, you guys shouldn't have come here. But since you didn't listen, then I guess I'm gonna have to put on a magic show for you guys. Don't worry, it'll be quick and painless." said Leo as he started moving his hands forward and control his wires

Every bandit then suddenly started to draw their guns and pointed it at their own heads

"Oi! What's happening?" said bandit 1

"I don't know bro." said bandit 2

"Why is my body moving on its own?! I can't stop my hands from moving!" said bandit 3

"What's happening to me! I can't control myself anymore! Someone, please save me!" said bandit 4

The bandits started to plead for their lives. Some tried to control back their body but failed miserably. Some even tried begging for help. While this was happening, Leo was having this creepy smile while watching all of them suffering.

"Oi Luffy, you can shut your eyes if you don't wanna see this. It's about to get real messy here." said Leo as he warns Luffy

"O-okay green eyes." said Luffy as he closes his eyes

"Well then...let get this shit started." said Leo as he started to control his wires again

Suddenly, without any warning, several gunshots started to fire and all of the bandits except Higuma started to drop dead with gun holes in their head

[Ding! You have killed a bandit! Gain 500 SP]

[Ding! You have killed a bandit! Gain 500 SP]

[Ding! You have killed a bandit! Gain 500 SP]

[Ding! You have killed a bandit! Gain 500 SP]

[Ding! You have killed a...

After a few seconds, every bandit in the vicinity died. Only 3 people remained. Leo then pulls back his wire and started to speak again.

"Well then, I hope all of you enjoyed this amazing trick that I made, I did say that it will be both quick and painless so I'm sorry to disappoint you all for not making it longer." said Leo sarcastically as he did a mocking bow

"W-w-what the hell was that." stammered Higuma as he looks at Leo with fear

"What was that noise just now, what happened." said Mayor Wood Slap as he and Makino arrives at the scene

"W-w-what happened here? Why are all these people dead?" said Mayor Wood Slap

"There you are mayor, what took you guys so long if you guys been late then Luffy would have probably died by now, but don't worry I've already taken care of this trash." said Leo casually.

"Leo! Did you do all of this mess." said Mayor Wood Slap

"Well yeah, I mean who do you think did all of this? Him?" said Leo as he points at Higuma

"Well actua-" said Mayor Wood Slap only to get interrupted by a familiar red hair

"No one came to greet us at the port.." said Shanks

"Huh!" said Makino and Wood Slap

"So I wondered why...they're the mountain bandit from before," said Shanks as he and his crew finally got here

"Captain-san!" said Makino

"I thought I was gonna teach him a lesson about messing with my friend, but I guess someone beat me to it huh." said Shanks

"Well, I'm sorry to say but you guys were a bit late, so I just did your job for you, so you're welcome." said Leo

"Well then, since that's out of the way, now it's your turn." said Shanks as he started to get near Higuma

"Oi! Hold on for a second there! The kid attacked us first!" pleaded Higuma

"Well then Higuma, I've heard that you said you had a bounty on you. What was it again? Somewhere around 8 million right, so that means if I kill you right now then..." said Leo as he also started to get near Higuma

"Ahh, dammit you leave me no choice." said Higuma as he throws a smoking bomb

"A smokescreen," said Lucky Roo

"Come with me, brat!" shouted Higuma as he immediately grabs Luffy and starts to run away

"Let go! Let go!" shouted Luffy as he tries to get out.

A few seconds later, both Higuma and Luffy are now gone.

"Oh crap! Guys, I let my guard down! Now Luffy's gone! What do we do now, guys?!" said Shanks in a panicked voice

"Quit freakin' the hell out, Boss! It won't take us long to find him!" said Lucky Roo

"I can't believe this guy..." said Benn Beckman

"Yeah, you said it there Benn, oh well not my problem anymore, you guys can go and find Luffy, he's somewhere at sea so you guys better be fast before he drowns to death." said Leo as started going in the bar

"Wait, how did you know that he would be at sea?" said Shanks

"I mean, it's kinda obvious if you think about it, where do you think that bastard gonna be. He can't be at the mountain cause that's the opposite way and he hasn't run that far so the most plausible explanation would be at the sea." said Leo

"Oi! Where are you going, green-eye kid?" said Shanks

"Me! I'm gonna take a damn shower, I'm sweating like hell here...so are you guys gonna stand there or are you gonna save Luffy?" said Leo

"Oh crap, you're right! Guys, let's go before it's too late." said Shanks as he and the crew started running towards the sea

"...You know, I sometimes forget that in the future this guy is supposed to be one of the Yonko." whispered Leo

"Oh well, guess I should start taking my shower now, oh Makino did anything in the bar broke while I was out training." said Leo to Makino

"N-no little brother, but there were some scratches though..." said Makino

"Oh, then nothing much happened. Come on Makino are you gonna stand there or are you gonna come inside." said Leo

"Well, I guess I'll come inside, I got nothing to do anyway. I'm just more worried about Luffy." said Makino

"Oh don't worry about him, I know that he's gonna be fine. Come on Makino let's go inside." said Leo

"Okay then. Goodbye Mayor Wood Slap." said Makino as she and Leo goes back inside the bar

Y-y-yeah, goodbye to you too Makino. This has been one hectic day isn't it." said Wood Slap

A few hours later, Docks

"Shanks, aren't you gonna come back?" questioned Luffy

"No. It was a long stay, but now we part ways." said Shanks

"Finally! At least now I don't have to clean up your messes anymore! I still haven't forgotten about that you know!" said Leo

"Yeah, I won't ask you to take me anymore. I've decided to become a pirate on my own now!" said Luffy

"I wasn't gonna take you anyway! You'll never be a pirate!" teased Shanks

"I will too! Someday, I'm gonna gather a crew every bit as good as yours, and I'm gonna find the greatest treasure in the world, and I'm gonna be the King of the Pirates!" shouted Luffy as he is filled with determination

"Hooo, you're gonna surpass us, huh? In that case...I'll leave this hat with you...It's dear to me." said Shanks as he handed his straw hat to Luffy

"Well, I just witness one of the most iconic scenes in One Piece." thought Leo

"Come bring it back to me someday! Once you've become a great pirate!" said Shanks

"Oi Shanks, you sure you can still fight with just one arm." joked Leo

"Hah, it's only an arm. My fighting skill still hasn't rusted yet. So it's no big deal." said Shanks

"He's got a future." said Benn Beckman

"Yeah, he's so much like the kid I used to be." said Shanks

"But what about that green-eyed kid captain? What do you think about him?" said Benn Beckman

"Him? To be honest, he reminds me of a certain person. It kind of terrifies me that he has the same aura just like him, but I feel like his aura is much calmer." said Shanks as he touches the big scar at his left eye

"Set sail!" said one of the pirates

The ship then sailed away going probably back to the Grand Line

"Oi Luffy! Stop crying there, I thought you said that men don't cry." said Leo

"Sniff...shut up green-eyes...sniff...I'm not crying...sniff...there's just...sniff...sweat in my eyes." said Luffy as he cries even more

"Sweat in your eyes huh? Whatever you say Luffy." said Leo as he stares at the ship

"Little brother, I know you also missed Shanks too, you don't have to hide it for me it's pretty obvious." said Makino

"Yeah, I'll admit, I'm gonna miss that red-haired Shanks, but I still don't get why he still calls me green-eyes, my name is Leo is it really that hard to say my name." said Leo

"Well, it's probably because of your eyes, it's pretty rare to see someone having green eyes I guess." said Makino

"Yeah...I guess so." said Leo

"I can't wait till I finally set sail to sea, maybe one day I can become a Yonko just like Shanks...or maybe I can become something bigger...maybe I can become a God, I mean it's not impossible considering that I have the power of the System, The Darkness and Cthulhu." thought Leo

[Ding! You have gained a new Quest]


Become a Yonko

Reward: 2.5 billion SP, gain 3 new skill and know-how to read Poneglyphs

"Well, guess I can settle on becoming a Yonko first." thought Leo