3 Weeks later...

Leo's Pov, Inside a forest

In a forest, we see our protagonist is doing his daily training again. He is wearing a black tank top and white pants. He is also still wearing black gloves and white shoes. Right now, he is doing some push-ups

"1996, 1997, 1998, 1999 and 2000." said Leo as he finishes his push-ups


[Daily quest]

Do 2000 push up, sit-ups, squats and run 20 km.

Rewards:4500 SP

"Hot damn, I'm finally done with my daily quest today." thought Leo as he gets up from the ground

"Stats" thought Leo


Name=Leo The 'Thief Master'











"Hmm, nothing really changes except for my Strength and Endurance." thought Leo

"Oh well, since that's done, guess I should probably start going I home, I wonder what Makino cooking today." thought Leo as he started going back to the bar

As he was walking, his Observation Haki suddenly activates and he can feel several people in the forest.

"Oh! What this, there's someone here in the forest with me. I think I might know who it is, but I better check out just to make sure." thought Leo as he goes to the place

A few minutes later...

After a few minutes, I finally got there. Right now, I was hiding in a bush and I saw 3 people there. I saw Luffy tied up to a tree with 2 other kids.

The first kid was wearing a red tank top with black knee-length shorts. He has a bandage on his forehead and a black elbow guard on his left arm. He also seems to be wearing a pair of slippers and has a long pipe in his arm.

The second kid, on the other hand, was wearing a blue jacket with the sleeves rolled up, a cravat and a pair of light blue cyan shorts held up by a belt with an elaborate flower-design buckle. He also wears a large top hat with a part of blue goggles wrapped around it. Just like the first kid, he also has a long pipe in his arm.

"Huh, well I'll be, isn't that Sabo and Ace. I guess today's the day where they save Luffy from one of Bluejam pirates. What was his name again? Porchemy right? Yeah, it's Porchemy alright. Well, guess I'll just stay here and wait." thought Leo

"Ace! I didn't know that you travel this far every day!" said Luffy

"Shut up!" said Ace

"So this is the Luffy guy you've been talking about?" said Sabo

"Oh, you told him about me?!" said Luffy

"I told him how annoying you are." said Ace

"He also told me that you're empty-headed." said Sabo

"I mean, he's not wrong about that one though." thought Leo

"Hahahahaha, oh yeah?" laughed Luffy

"You don't realize that we're dissing you, do you?" said Sabo

"At this point, do you think he even knows what he's even doing anymore?" thought Leo

"He finally got me here although I didn't take any walkable routes." said Ace

"Are you a friend of Ace's? Be my friend, too, buddy!" said Luffy

"Shut up! You can't call me 'buddy'!" said Sabo

"Then what's your name?" questioned Luffy

"Oh, my name is Sa-...I'm not telling you!" said Sabo as he almost said his name

"This is why I told you to live here with me! The daily round trip-training on the mountain road turned out to be bad! What should we do now?" said Sabo

"He found our secret. He's gonna tell somebody if nothing is done...we gotta kill him" said Ace

"Alright, let's do it." said Sabo

"Huh?! Whaaaaaattttt?!" shouted Luffy

"Don't kill me!! Help me!! I don't wanna die!!" shouted Luffy

"Holy Fuck Luffy, that's so fucking loud. No wonder those pirates can hear you from that far." thought Leo as he covers his ears.

"Shut up, you fool! Someone's gonna hear us!" said Sabo as he tries to shut Luffy up

"Sabo, kill him already!" said Ace

"What?! You do it!" said Sabo

"I've never killed anybody before!" shouted Ace

"Me, neither! And I don't know how to kill anybody!" shouted Sabo

"Really? They never kill anyone before. Well, I guess they're still kids so I can understand." thought Leo

"Don't throw me into the water!!" cried Luffy

"Okay, let's head to the nearest river!" said Ace

"Why did he tell us that?" said Sabo

"He's stupid!" said Ace

"Help me!!" shouted Luffy

"SHUT UP!" shouted both Ace and Sabo

After that Luffy stops his shouting...but then he continues again

"I don't wanna die!" shouted Luffy again

"I hear a voice from the forest! A kid's voice!" said, someone

"Oh no! Somebody's coming!" whispered Sabo

"Set him free for now! We gotta move from here or they're gonna find our treasure!" whispered Ace

After that, Ace and Sabo free Luffy from the tied rope and goes to hide in another bush

After a few minutes later, they can see a group of 4 people in the forest. One of the people from the group is a giant. The giant has long whitish-blue hair, narrow eyebrow-less eyes and a broad chest with open red, ruffle-edged vest. He wore regular long pants and boots. He also had tattoos on his left bicep and wore earrings on each ear.

"Dammit! I didn't know that those thugs were working for Bluejam!" whispered Ace

"You mean that you stole money from them?" whispered Sabo

"I shouldn't have taken that money..." said Ace

"He has a real sword. That's Porchemy who works under Bluejam. He's crazy. Did you know that? He strips off your scalp alive after you lose a fight with him!" said Sabo

"That's it? That's all he ever did? So, you're telling me that you're scared of him just because he has a big looking sword and some rumours. Meh, I've seen and heard something worse than that before plus he's not even that much of a challenge anyway so I can kill him easily." thought Leo

"Let's just let him pass for now..." said Ace

"Oh, wait? Where is he?" said Sabo

Both Ace and Sabo look in front again and see Luffy getting captured by Porchemy

"Let me go! What do you want from me?" said Luffy as he struggles to get out of Porchemy's grip

"How could you get caught?" thought Ace and Sabo

"Luffy, I'm gonna say what's on people mind right now...you're a dumbass." thought Leo as he facepalms

"Let me go! You bastard!" shouted Luffy as he tries again to get out of Porchemy's grip

"Who is this little shit?" said Porchemy

"Help me! Ace!!" shouted Luffy out loud

"That fool! He's calling my name!" whispered Ace

"Help me! Ace!! Help me! Ace!!" shouted Luffy

"Did you just call for Ace?" questioned Porchemy

"So what?!" said Luffy

"Do you know Ace by any chance?" questioned Porchemy again

"Of course, I am his friend after all. Oh, but he did just tried to kill me." said Luffy

"That fool! He's such a big mouth!" whispered Acr as he clenched his hands

"I don't know if you know about this but I heard that Ace stole some money from us and ran today. You don't know where is it now, do you?" questioned Porchemy

"Oh no! They're gonna take all our treasure away! I hope that fool doesn't tell them!" whispered Ace

"So? What do you say?" said Porchemy

"Oh shit, I remembered this part. Can't wait to see their reaction again when Luffy tries to 'lie'." thought Leo as he tries to hold his laughter

After a few seconds later, Luffy then speaks up and does the "I'm not lying face".

"Whaaaaat?!" said Porchemy's group

"Huh?!" said Porchemy as he looks at Luffy with his eyes bulging

"I-I don't know..." said Luffy as he tries lying to Porchemy

"He's a terrible liar!" thought Porchemy

"Hahaha, Alright, alright! It can't be helped that you don't know." said Porchemy as he now sports a creepy grin

"Don't worry, I'll help you bring back the memory!" said Porchemy

"Wait! What are you doing?! Let me go! Where are you taking me?! Dammit! Stupid! Let me go!" said Luffy as he tries to get out of Porchemy's grip

"All right, guess it's time for me to make myself known." said Leo as he gets out of his hiding

"You bastard! Let me go! What are you doing, bastard?!" shouted Luffy

"So, it's no wonder I hear shouting again, I gotta say Luffy you can really shout." said Leo out loud

"Huh?!" said Porchemy as he and his groups turn around to see Leo standing there with a smug-looking grin

"Gr-green eyes! What are you doing here?!" said Luffy

"Well...I was doing my daily training again and when I was going back to the bar, I hear shouting, so I got curious and when I got here I see this." said Leo as he gestures to Porchemy and his groups

"Luffy, I told you, again and again, you should think first before doing something extremely dangerous, stupid or even both." said Leo as he shakes his head in disappointment

"I'm not doing anything stupid green-eyes! And I got everything under control!" shouted Luffy

"Haa, what am I ever going to do with you Luffy. Look we'll talk later, first I'll take care of this trash," said Leo

"Oi Ace, who is that?" whispered Sabo

"I don't know. I've never seen him before but from the looks of it, it seems like he knows that kid." whispered back Ace

"Oi! You Little shit, who do you think you're talking to! We're pirates, not some trash!" said Porchemy

"Oh really? I didn't know you guys are pirate. In my eyes, you're nothing but just a sack of shit." said Leo

"Oi! Are you insulting us!" said one of the people from Porchemy's group

"Oh dear no, I'm not insulting you guys, I'm just describing what you are right now." said Leo

"Why you little!" said another one of the people from the group

Porchemy then drops Luffy down and started to approach Leo

"So, we have a smartass over here, fine then if you know this kid then you must know where Ace is? Then tell me, where did Ace hide his treasure?" said Leo

"Ah shit, here we go again. This isn't going anyway at all. Might as well just kill him right now and move on with our life. Actually, this could be a good time to test out how powerful Casull is. But first..." thought Leo

" I don't know who this 'Ace' is, but even if I know him, why would I even tell you anything at all?" said Leo

"Hehehe, guess you still don't know who you're dealing with yet. I'll say it again, where did Ace put our money and you better answer that correctly or else..." said Porchemy as he tries to threaten Leo with his sword

"You think a big ass sword and some threatening words are gonna make me spit out something that I don't even know. Well if you think that's gonna happen, then you're wrong buddy. If you want me to spit out everything I know, then you're gonna have to kill me first." said Leo

"Alright, then you little shit! You've asked for this." said Porchemy as he started to fight Leo

"Crap! The kid gonna die now! What should we do?" whispered Sabo to Ace

"We"ll stay here and wait." whispered back Ace

"Are you kidding me Ace! That kid gonna die if we don't do something?!" whispered Sabo

"Well, do you have any better idea that we can do! If we go out there we're gonna die." whispered Ace

"Take this you little shit!" shouted Porchemy as he swings his sword towards Leo

Leo then closes his eyes and Porchemy thought that he is gonna die. But to everyone shock, he was able to dodge the attack.

"What the?! How did you-" said Porchemy as he is shocked by Leo

"Ahhhhh, take this again!" shouted Porchemy as he swings his sword to the left

But Leo dodged it again with his eyes still closed. Porchemy tries to slash him again with a faster rate but Leo dodged it very easily. This goes on and on until Porchemy looks very tired while Leo is still standing as if nothing has ever happened.

"Can you...huff...stand...huff...still for a...huff...minute." said Porchemy in between his breaths

Both Ace and Sabo was shocked to see Leo still standing there like nothing even happen to him. Porchemy's group, on the other hand, is also in disbelief to see Porchemy is losing to some kid

"Ha! That was it? Man, you pirates really are weak and lame. Here I thought you guys would've actually given me a bit of a challenge, but I guess I was wrong." mocked Leo

"Grrrrrr, you little shit! I'll make you pay! Now hold still so I can kill you." shouted Porchemy as he rushed Leo

"Hah, with pleasure." grins Leo as he immediately activates Tekkai

Porchemy then slashes Leo in the face and grins thinking that he killed him. But to everyone shocked and disbelief again, rather than Leo getting split in half, the sword was shattered into millions of pieces.

"Alright then, you've had your chances before, guess it's my turn now." said Leo.

Before Porchemy could even react, Leo then jumps and roundhouse kicks him in the face sending him flying. He then crashed into the nearest tree making him spitting out some blood.

"Well, that was easy." said Leo as he started going toward Porchemy and equips himself with Casull

"Holy shit, guys did you see that?! He beat Porchemy like he was nothing." said guy#1

"What do we do now? If we don't get out we're all gonna die." said guy#2

"Yeah guys, let's get the hell out of here while we still can." said guy#3 as they get ready to run

Before they could even run, one of them got shot in the leg. The guy that got shot in the leg screams while holding his legs in pain. They turn toward Leo to see him looking at them like a monster looking at its prey.

"Oh, I wouldn't do that if I were you, try running away again and I'll make sure that I won't miss my shot." said Leo as he resumes his walk towards Porchemy

Ace and Sabo, on the other hand, is again shocked and had their jaw dropped by Leo beating Porchemy very easily.

"So, what did you say again? You said that I don't know who I'm dealing with yet? Well, look at how the tables have turned now." said Leo as he plants his feet to his chest and aims Casull to his face

"Please, have mercy on me! I won't mess with you and that little kid again!" pleaded Porchemy

"Mercy huh? Did you show any mercy to the people you killed? Did you not hear them plead for their lives while you torture them to death? So now here you are right now, squealing like a pig and begging for me to let you go. It honestly disgusts me, you're not a pirate at all! You're just a goddamn mongrel!" said Leo

"Wait, wait I swear I'll-" pleaded Porchemy again only to get silenced


Without any warning, Leo then shot Porchemy in the head with Casull, killing him instantly.

[Ding! You have killed Porchemy! Gained 7000 SP]

Everyone got startled by the gunshot. Porchemy's group then looks at Leo with fear in their eyes thinking that they'll die. They feel like they want to run, but they can't cause they remembered Leo's word

"Sorry, but I don't want to hear you squealing like a pig again. It's very irritating." said Leo as he reloads his gun

"Now then, since that's done, now it your turn." said Leo as he turns to Porchemy's group

The group got so scared that they started to run away again only to trip and fall. Leo then immediately uses Soru to catch up to them and starts to shoot them precisely in the head.


[Ding! You have killed a pirate! Gained 600 SP]

[Ding! You have killed a pirate! Gained 600 SP]

"I did say, if you tried running away again then I won't miss my shot." said Leo as he steps on the last person of the group who was still alive

"W-why are you letting me live?" said the last person of the group.

"Oh, don't get me wrong. I'm not gonna let you live, not after all of this fiasco. However, I will let you go, if you give me some information about your captain."

"Are you sure? You promise that you won't kill me?!" said the guy

"Yeah, I promise I'll let you go after this." said Leo with a closed eye smile

"All right then, what do you want to know about our captain." said the guy

"Well, all I want to know is how much is his bounty and how many money does he have in his ship?" said Leo

"Oh that's all, that's actually easy. Our captain Bluejam has a bounty of 14 million and 300 thousand Beli and if I remember correctly, he has somewhere around 50 million Beli in his ship right now." said the guy.

"50 million huh, not much but I'll take it." thought Leo

"Do you know where you dock your ship at?" said Leo

"Of course, I know where it's at. In fact, I have a map right here." said the guy as he handed Leo the map

"There should be an X mark on the map. That's where our ship is docked." said the guy

"Alright, I told you everything I know. Can I go now?" said the guy

"Yep! You can go now." said Leo as he gets his foot chest

The guy then started to immediately get up from the ground and runs away as fast as he could.

"Oh thank God! I think I might hav-"


[Ding! You have killed a pirate! Gained 600 SP]

The guy then drops dead after Leo shot him in the head

"Hah! What an idiot. He actually thought he's gonna live after all of this. How pathetic that is" whispered Leo

"Y-you killed him green-eyes, I thought you said that you'll let him go." said Luffy

"Oh right, I forgot about Luffy being here." thought Leo

"Well Luffy, I did say that I'll let him go...to hell of course. I didn't specifically say where it is." said Leo

"Well then, since now that's done, you boys can come out now! There's really no point in hiding anymore." said Leo

"Crap! Ace he knows where we are! What do we do?" said Sabo

"Well, guess there's really no point in hiding anymore, so let's get out of here." said Ace as he gets out of the bush

"O-okay then Ace, I trust you." said Sabo

A few seconds later, both Sabo and Ace finally got out of their hiding and was able to meet Leo face to face.

"So, did you guys enjoy that little show that I've just made." said Leo sarcastically

"How did you know that we were hiding in the bushes." said Ace

"Well, let's just say it was instinct and I just know you were there. Let's leave it at that." said Leo

"So what is it do you want?" said Ace

"Oh, straight to the point I see. Well, it's not of what I really want, it's just that you guys must be wondering why haven't Luffy told them about that secret stash of yours." said Leo

"Well, I guess so. But what does this have to do with anything at all?" said Sabo

"Well, I'll let Luffy do the talking here. Come here Luffy, tell them exactly why you haven't said anything about the secret stash," said Leo as he gestures Luffy to come closer

"Well, that's because if I didn't say anything then...I thought that you wouldn't be my friends." said Luffy as he starts to cry a bit.

"Huh?!" said both Ace and Sabo

"Why do you wanna become my friend that much? Why didn't you just cough it up in the first place? If it weren't for him you would have died you know that! They're the kind of people who'd kill women and kids without any hesitation!" said Ace

"Because..." said Luffy

"Didn't I give you a hard time until now? How could you follow me this far even after everything I've done to you? said Ace

"Because...because...its because I don't have anyone else to trust! I can't go back to Windmill Village and I don't like the mountain bandits! The only person I can still trust is green-eyes here and even then I know he's busy doing something else. If I didn't follow you, I'd be all alone! Being lonely is more painful than getting hurt!" shouted Luffy as he cries harder

"Where are your parents then?" questioned Ace

"Grandpa is all I have." said Luffy

"Is it easy for you when I'm around?" said Ace

"Uh-huh." said Luffy

"It's hard without me around?" said Ace

"Uh-huh." said Luffy

"Then...do you want me to live?" questioned Ace

"What kind of question is that! Of course, I do!" said Luffy

" I see...But I don't like spoiled kids like you." said Ace as he turns around

"Hey, I'm not spoiled! I'm strong!" said Luffy

"Strong?! You're not strong at all! You cry like a little girl!" said Ace

"Have you ever gotten hit by a spiky thing? I'm only 7. When I become your age, I'll stop crying and become stronger!" shouted Luffy

"I wouldn't cry even if I were 7, stupid! I'm not like you!" shouted back Ace

"I'm gonna become stronger than anyone. I promised Shanks that I'd become a great pirate!" shouted Luffy

"You? Become a pirate?" said Ace

"Yes!" said Luffy

"No way!" said Ace

"Yes way!" said Luffy

"Okay, okay, break it up you two, that's enough." said Leo as he separates both Ace and Luffy

"Hey, by the way, I have a little problem." said Sabo

"What? A problem?" said Luffy

"Uh-huh. Bluejam and the others will try to kill the three of us after this for sure, especially him, right." said Sabo as he points at Leo

"Well, I think so." said Ace

"This forest that I've been living is close where they are. So what if they kill me when I fall asleep or exhausted?" said Sabo

"You're gonna die." said Ace

"Yeah, you're gonna die." said Luffy

"Well not me, I can kill their asses if I wanted to and yes kid, you're definitely gonna die." said Leo

"Right? So that's why I need your help. Guys, huddle up." replied Sabo as they huddle up.

"Well, guess it's your guy's problem now. I'm gonna go back home since I'm tired as fuck, so see you guys again." said Leo as he started going back to the bar

"Well now, that was worth it. Not only did I got a map of the whole island but I also know where Bluejam docked his ship. Hey system what would happen if I killed someone who has a bounty on their head." said Leo

[If you kill someone who has a bounty on their head, then you will earn the amount of bounty that they have in SP, partner] said The System

"Huh, good to know. So if I kill Bluejam, then not only will I have 50 million but I will have somewhere around 64 million Beli. Oh, things just got very interesting." thought Leo