3 weeks later...

Leo's Pov

It has been 3 weeks since me and the three...I mean my 'little brothers' exchange sake. God, I still haven't gotten used to saying that. Anyway, just like last time, nothing really interesting happened except for my training. I still used those weights for my training and I've already gotten used to how heavy it is.

I've also gotten used on how to use my wires. Truth to be told, I haven't really used it that much is probably because that all the people and animals are weak or I'm just too strong for them. Hell, the only time that I've ever used it was on those bandits. So I took the time to buy an invincible training dummy...yes I'm not joking, I swear there was one in the shop and it cost like 100 million SP. So yeah, I had the time to set up a training dummy and used it to try and perfect my Wire manipulation. But that's not the only thing that I do, I would also use both my Casull and Jackal to shoot the dummy. It actually helps me gain more Perception and Luck so that's a plus.

I gotta say though, the first time that I tried carrying and shooting Casull was a bit hard considering how heavy it is. Hell, trying to double wield it seems even harder and I'm not even talking about shooting the weapon itself. Seriously, just how strong was Alucard to carry and shoot this thing so casually. A normal human would obviously die trying to even shoot it and I'm no normal human. But thanks to the System and my training I was able to get used to carrying and double wielding both the weapon. Jeez, I can just imagine the people's reaction when they see a kid carrying two terrifying guns.

I've remembered back in Hellsing, the Jackal has much greater power and was faster than the Casull and it was made to repel against Alexander Anderson regenerative powers. So I took the time to modify and upgrade the Jackal so that it can now repel against Devil Fruit eaters by reloading it with sea stone bullets. I've also upgraded Casull to make it faster, more destructive and easier to shoot it. Now it's as powerful as Jackal.

While I was doing my usual routines such as stealing money from the rich bastards, I overheard a conversation between two noble about the Gray Terminal going to burn tomorrow.


"Hello there, it is a beautiful morning today, is it not?" said noble 1

"Oh hello to you too, why indeed it is, quite beautiful ain't it." said noble 2

"Seriously, do they really have to talk like that. It sounds really weird. Then again, I'm not like any other nobles." thought Leo as he was sitting on a bench

"Say do you remember what's today night gonna be." said noble 1

"Why of course I do, tonight there's gonna be a fire tonight at Gray Terminal. Who doesn't know about that?" said noble 2

"Huh?! Did they say there's gonna be a fire in Gray Terminal? Then that means tomorrow gonna be the day where 'that' happen." thought Leo

"Oh right! Now I remember, it's a shame that the people in Gray Terminal have to die. I almost feel sorry for them." said noble 1

"Well it's their fault, they should blame themselves for not being born as a noble, am I right?" said noble 2

Both the noble then laugh as if it was all a joke. Leo looks at both of the noble in disgust and started to run back to the forest.

"So if Gray Terminal gonna burns down, then tomorrow's tomorrow gonna be the day where the celestial dragon would come to this godforsaken place. Oh, there's gonna be a lot of preparation I'm gonna have to do. But first, let's think about tomorrow cause I don't want my little brothers to die." thought Leo

Flashback end

As usual, I'm getting ready to save my little brothers from those pirates. This time I bought myself some fireproof armour and a gas mask. Since they're gonna be a big fire tonight, I obviously can't use The Darkness and I still haven't really trained my Devil Fruit that much so I'm gonna have to rely on my skills and the System. That said I still haven't gotten any fire resistance so I might get one tonight. Right now I'm waiting for the fire to happen near Gray Terminal so, wish me luck.


Leo is wearing a dark blue shirt with fireproof armour. He is also wearing blue pants with black boots and is wearing a gas mask. He also wears a dark coat and black gloves. He is sitting on a big rock while reloading both Casull and Jackal.

"Hmm, the fire should happen in about a few minutes by now." thought Leo as he was inspecting Casull

"You know I could have saved those three from Bluejam and Sabo's father and this shit wouldn't happen. I don't want to sound like a dick but I did say that it's their problem and not mine. I can't save them all the time, I have lots of things to do and I'm too lazy to train them either." thought Leo

A few minutes later, explosions started to go off in Gray Terminal. Leo got up from the big rock and sheathed both Jackal and Casull at his belt.

"Alright, let get this party started." said Leo as he immediately uses Soru to get there immediately

Gray Terminal

3rd Pov

Things started to heat up in Gray Terminal. The fire was spreading at a very fast rate and everyone was trapped. Some of those people tried to find a way out but it didn't work cause ther was so many fires, some tried to put out the fire which was stupid considering there was so many. Everyone in Gray Terminal suddenly felt hopeless and accepted that there was no way out and they were gonna die.

"We're completely surrounded by flames!" said a random guy

"If we stay here any longer then we have no chance." said another guy

"Oi! It's helpless, just leave it! Abandon your house and just run!" said another random guy

Two guys tried running to the shore but it was blocked by a wall of fire.

"There's no way to the coast!" said random guy 1

"The path to the forest is consumed by fire as well!" said random guy 2

"Damn it, where should we go?! There's no escape!" shouted random guy 3

At the gate, Bluejam and his goon are laughing at the destruction and chaos that they cause.

"Burn it all to ashes, men!" Once we finished this job, my lifelong dream will finally come true!" said Bluejam

"The King will give all of us titles and turn us into blessed nobles. We will live in High Town!" shouted Bluejam as he laughs maniacally

"This place is falling apart. We can't stay here any longer. We'll escape through the Great Gate. The soldiers are waiting for us." said Bluejam

"Captain, what about the kids we left back at the base?" said one of Bluejam goons

"Forget 'em. If only they'd told me where they hid the loot, I'd have them as my underlings by now. Fools like them won't survive long regardless." said Bluejam

"But the gate is shut, Captain!" panicked one of Bluejam's pirate

Don't panic, I'm sure it's just to prevent anyone else from escaping. They'll let us in once they know it's me. That was the deal. Oi Bluejam here. Open the gate!" said Bluejam

A few seconds later, the gate still hasn't opened and Bluejam began to panic a bit.

"Hey! Can't you hear me?! I said I'm here" said Bluejam

"Does that mean...Captain...Could it be..." said one of Bluejam's goon

"Hey, you bastards! What's the meaning of this?! Open the gate, soldiers! I was promised that we alone would get refuge! This wasn't the deal you bastards! What happened to the promise you made, King?! That once we'd finished the job, you'd let us become nobles... " said Bluejam as he knocks the gate and then he had a look of realization

"So you tricked us, King?! Shit!" shouted Bluejam

Back to Leo's Pov

Leo is running as fast as he could trying to find Ace and Luffy by using his Observation Haki. The fire was really bad that you couldn't see anything but thankfully due to Leo wearing a fireproof armour and a gas mask he was able to navigate through the fire very easily. While he was running he did find some survivors in the fire but he didn't care that much about them and ignored them. But he did feel pity towards them so he uses Mazan which was one of his spells and made a path towards the forest. The survivors saw this and immediately runs to the path while thanking Leo.

"I gotta get there as fast as I can. Come on, come on, just where the hell are you guys." thought Leo as he uses Observation Haki to find them

Unfortunately for him, he can't really concentrate on using his Observation due to being a lot of fire. Just then a burst of strong aura suddenly exploded in the vicinity. Leo felt somewhat intimidated by that sudden burst and immediately thought about one thing.

"Was that...did I just felt a sudden burst of Conqueror's Haki. Then that means Ace and Luffy is there." thought Leo as he immediately uses Soru and goes to the location where he felt the power

Ace's Pov

"I don't know what just happen but when I saw someone was about to stab Luffy I suddenly felt the urge to burst something out and when I shouted, everyone started to fall down unconscious. But I don't care I gotta check up on Luffy to see if he's okay. " thought Ace as he runs to Luffy's side

"Oi Luffy! You okay there?! Talk to me if you can hear me?!" shouted Ace

"Oi brat! What the hell did you do to my men!" said Bluejam as he picks up Ace and throws him to the ground

"Damn it all!" said Ace as he tries to get up only to get held down by a leg

"You disgusting little brat! Are you trying to make a fool out of me, too?!" shouted Blujam as he points his gun toward Ace

"Shut up, you piece of trash! Your the monster here!" said Ace as he tries to get out

"Damn you little brat! Once I kill you both, I'm gonna find that treasure of yours and I'm gonna take my revenge on those damn nobles." said Bluejam as he gets ready to shoot Ace

"Ace! Stop it!" shouted Luffy as he tries to get off the ground

"This is it. I'm gonna die now and there's nothing I can do. God damn it, why does this always happen to me?!" thought Ace

Just before Bluejam can pull the trigger, a person then kicks the gun away and pushes him back making him fall to the ground.

"So, guess I'm not late for the party, huh? Then that's good to know." said the person who is now revealed as Leo

Leo's Pov

"Big Brother...your here...but how did you know." said Luffy

"Well, let's just that I have some tricks up on my sleeve that I still haven't revealed it to you guys yet." said Leo so casually

Just then Dadan and the other Mountain bandits started to appear.

"What are you guys doing here?" said Luffy

"Oh thank goodness, we finally found them!" said the guy who has a chicken hair? ( I forgot their names so let's just call them chicken head and shorty)

"Oh! That's a terrible wound you got there, Luffy! Are you alright?" said Shorty as he inspects Luffy for any wounds

"I'm fine..." said Luffy

"I don't see that Sabo kid anywhere at all," said Shorty

"Sabo is safe...He's not here..." said Luffy

"You're the leader of the monkeys on Mt.Corvo, right? And who are you, little brat?" said Bluejam

"I'm Dadan the mountain bandit! As fate would have it, I'm a foster parent for these kids. And no parent, even if they're just a foster parent, could stand by and watch someone try to kill their kids." said Dadan

"And I'm just a nobody who has three brothers to take care of and you just hurt two of them." said Leo

"If you give up now, I'll let you go. And if you don't give up, we'll take you down by force!" said Dadan

"Oh Dadan, I think you're a bit mistaken here. It's not you who is going to beat them, it's going to be me." said Leo as he steps forward

"What! Are you crazy! Then what do you suppose we should do then!" said Dadan

"I suggest for you guys to grab both of them and get the hell out of here while you still can. Don't worry about me though, I can handle him just fine." said Leo

"Oi green eyes! Don't fight this guy alone, let me fight with you." said Ace

"No Ace, you and Luffy should go back to the forest. This is dangerous and you look hurt from all the fighting that you made. Again don't worry about me, this guy probably too weak to fight me anyway" said Leo

"But still, you're going to-" said Ace only to fall down unconscious due to Leo chopping his pressure point on his neck

"Here Dadan, take Ace and Luffy and get out of this place. Here I'll help you guys out." said Leo

"Zan," thought Leo as he uses one of his magic and makes a path for them

"Now Go! While you still have time!" shouted Leo

"Okay! You heard him, boys, run away!" shouted Dadan as she and the rest of the bandits started running away

"Alright, boss!" shouted the other bandits as they follow suit and ran away

"Wait! What are you guys doing! Are guys just gonna abandon him like that? Oi let me out, I want to help him!" shouted Luffy as he tries getting out of the bandit's grip

"Oi brat! You better make sure you come back or else I'll bring you back to life and kill you myself, you got it?!" shouted Dadan

Once everyone was gone, there was now only two people that still remain. Bluejam looks at Leo and smiles very creepily

"So, just a foolish child now...Once you start overestimating your strength and skill, you're gonna get hurt. The only survivors on a battlefield are the strong, and the cowardly. The brave all die. That's a fact." said Bluejam

"Is that so? Well then, why don't we test that out and see who's gonna survive this. There can only be one survivor and it's not gonna be you. So let's get this party started!" said Leo as he equips Casull in his left hand and uses his wires on his right.

"Heh, you got that right, you little brat." said Bluejam as he rushes Leo with his sword

Leo immediately blocks the attack by using his wire and shoots him in the leg. Bluejam then falls down but gets back up and immediately tries to slash Leo again. He again blocks it casually and uses his wire to cut both of Bluejam"s hands. Bluejam screams in pain and falls down to the ground and saw that both his hand had been cut off. He tries to get up but he got shot in the leg again. He falls down tot he ground and screams in pain. He looks up to see Leo looking at him with his green eyes shining. He suddenly felt like he saw the devil himself standing there waiting for his debt to be collected.

"Wow! All I gotta say is that was the easiest and quickest fight I've ever had. I wasn't even trying and you lost just like that. Pity, here I thought you'd be a bigtime pirate, but all I see is nothing but some cowardly mongrel who wants to escape the pirate's life. I'm ashamed to even call you a pirate anymore. Well if you want to get out so badly, then I'll grant that wish for you. One ticket straight to Hell." said Leo as he points Casull to his head

"I-I, all I ever wanted to do was to become a noble. Is it so hard to become one." said Bluejam

"Hmph, here some word of advice for you. Once you become a pirate you can never escape. People will hunt you down, the marines want justice and the noble only sees you as nothing but mongrels. Face it, in the end, you either die trying or you live. This is reality and you can't escape it no matter what. But don't worry, I'm gonna put you out of your misery right here right now. So just close your eyes and it will all be quick." said Leo

"Oh and by the way, say hello to Satan for me." said Leo as he pulls the trigger


[Ding! You have killed Bluejam! Gain 14 Million 300 thousand SP.]

"Well, since that's done, I suppose its time to get out of here before it gets worse than before. No point in staying here anymore." said Leo as he uses Geppo and Soru to get back to the forest.


Dadan and the bandits were able to escape from Gray Terminal with Luffy and Ace. They look back at the place to see the fire is still there and hasn't calmed down yet.

"Huff...we made it back safely...huff...is everyone okay? Did we lose anyone at all?" said Dadan

"No boss, everyone is here and we haven't left anyone to die." said chicken head

"Good. What about Ace and Luffy, are they okay?" said Dadan

"Well boss, it seems like Luffy's eye has been cut and he has some scratches around his body. Ace on the other hand also has the same condition as Luffy only both his eyes are fine. We just need to put some bandages on them." said Shorty

"Oi Dadan! Is green eyes okay?! Did you see him escape?! Please Dadan, tell me what happened to him!" shouted Luffy

"I...I don't know Luffy. But all we can do is hope that he escapes from that fire. But I highly doubt he had enough time to escape even if he did beat Bluejam By the time he beat him, the fire must have spread and he might be trapped in the fire." said Dadan solemnly

"So then...that would mean..." said Luffy as he is crying

"GREEN EYES." shouted Luffy as he now cries like a waterfall

"Ugggh, Luffy can you shut up already." said Ace as he wakes up

"Oi, where the heck are we. Last I remember was that we were escaping from Gray Terminal and..." said Ace as he finally remembers what happened

"Oi, where the hell is Leo. Tell me he survived." said Ace

Everyone was silent and looks at Gray Terminal, not wanting to answer Ace's question.

"No... you're joking right...he's not dead...come on guys just tell me what happen did he escape or not." said Ace desperately wanting to know the answer

"Ace...we don't know what happened to him. The last time we saw him was when he was fighting against Bluejam. We don't know if he escaped or not. But the boss said that...the probability of him escaping is almost slim to none." said chicken head

"No...your lying...All of you are lying. He can't die, not that easily. If you guys are gonna stand here and watch then I'm going back in there to save him myself." shouted Ace as he tries to go back

Dadan immediately stops Ace by planting his head to the ground.

"Oi brat! Are you stupid or crazy! Your gonna kill yourself if you go back in there!" shouted Dadan

"Shut up! Let me go already! I don't care if I die or not, I'm gonna save Leo!" shouted Ace as he tries to get back up

"Ace! Are you just gonna let his sacrifice be in vain! If it wasn't for him, we couldn't have escaped from that fire! Don't be an idiot and think for a second." shouted Dadan

Ace is still struggling to get out of Dadan's grip. While all this was happening Luffy was still crying from the 'loss' of Leo

Unbeknownst to everyone, Leo already escaped from Gray Terminal and is now hiding behind a tree. He already took off the mask and he sees the whole bandits crying their eyes out especially Luffy. Leo decided to troll them by just going up to them and just talk like nothing ever happen.

"It's sad, isn't it. We just lost someone important tonight, so I can't really blame you guys. Here Luffy, take this handkerchief and wipe your goddamn tears." said Leo casually as he hands Luffy his handkerchief

"Thank you...sniff...very much green eyes." said Luffy as he takes the handkerchief

"Yep, as I said again I'm gonna miss that little bastard. I'd wonder what he would do and say if he was alive right now." said Leo as he looks at Gray Terminal

"Yeah...sniff...if he wasn't for him...sniff...we wouldn't have died by now." said Shorty

"Yeah, I might not know him at all but I'm gonna miss him so much." said chicken head

"Wait?!" thought all the bandits as they slowly turn their head and look at Leo

"You know, I always wonder if you guys are just oblivious to your surroundings or you guys are just idiots." said Leo

"EEEEEEHHHHHHHHHHHH" shouted all the bandits

"What is it, guys? Is there something in my face." said Leo

"YOUR ALIVE." shouted the bandit's again

"Of course, I'm alive. You make it sound like it's a bad thing." said Leo

"But how, we thought you were dead from the fire? How are you alive?" said one of the bandit

"Well, let's just say a magician never reveals his secrets." said Leo with a smug-looking grin

"Green eyes, you're alive! I thought you were dead." said Luffy as he started crying again

"Goddamit Luffy, I told you, again and again, my name is Leo, not green eyes. Can't you get it right, it's not even that hard to say my name." said Leo a bit frustrated by Luffy calling his nickname

"Ah geez, you know it's whatever at this point. I'm just gonna go back home and go to bed, tired as fuck right now. My job here is done anyway so you guys can also go home now, no point in standing here any longer." said Leo as he goes back home

"Oh and by the way, Ace and Luffy please don't ever do this stunt again, it's really annoying and tiring you know that." said Leo

"Man tonight wasn't really that bad honestly, I was able to save some survivors in the fire and to top it all of I got some SP from killing that dude so good for me." thought Leo

"Now I just gotta wait for tomorrow, cause there's gonna be a new heist and this time it's gonna be the World Government's ship. I know that sounds crazy but hey I'm a thief, it's what I'd do. Oh man, I just can't stop thinking about how many Beli does a world noble have, probably somewhere around a billion. Guess I'm gonna have to wait for tomorrow huh." thought Leo as he sports a smug grin on his face