The next day, High Town

3rd Pov

Today is the day where a World Noble would come to the Goa Kingdom. People in High Town is excited and can't wait to see a World Noble. A grand ceremony has been prepared to welcome the ship. All of the people are waiting there with a World Government flag on their hand.

On top of a building, a certain familiar green-haired kid is standing there looking at the sea. This was the day where Leo will steal a lot of money from the Celestial Dragon's ship. He is wearing the same clothes from the last heist except for this times he wears a gas mask on his face. Right now, he is waiting for the ship to come and he can initiate his plan

Leo's Pov

"Well ain't this a bit lively today." thought Leo as he looks at the people in the docks

"Honestly, why are they so excited about meeting a Celestial Dragon? Seriously, don't they know just how cruel a Celestial Dragon would be?" thought Leo

"Well, either way, I don't really care much about this place. All I gotta do is be patient and wait for the ship to come. That's when I'm gonna start my plan." thought Leo

"Since I have some time left, let's review back my plan. Once the ship can be seen, I'm gonna use this invisibility potion that I've just bought in the Shop. I still can't believe that there's a potion section in the Shop, the more I know. Anyway, I only got 5 minutes before it wears off so once I drink it, I'm gonna immediately use Mana boost and Geppo to get to the ship. Once I safely made into the ship, I'm gonna steal everything they have. If any guard saw me inside the ship then I'm just gonna have to kill them. Once I steal everything I'm gonna get out of there and find a place where I can hide." thought Leo as he thinks back his plan

"It might sound like a simple get in and out of heist, but it's actually a bit hard considering just how big is this ship. No matter, this just sounds like a simple heist for me." thought Leo

"The ship should be here any second now." whispered Leo

After a few seconds later, a ship can be seen on the horizon of the sea. People then started cheering while waving their flag in excitement. Leo then waited for the ship to come a bit closer and once it did Leo brings out the invisibility potion from his inventory.

"Alright, it's showtime!" said Leo as he opens up the potion immediately drinks it.

He threw the glass bottle away and runs as fast as he can. He makes a big jump and activities Mana boost while using Geppo. While he was using Geppo to get to the ship, he saw another boat but this time it was smaller.

"Oh, that must be Sabo! I know that he's supposed to survive this encounter but still, I feel very worried about his well being." thought Leo as he continues to get to the ship

3rd Pov

"Hey, hey! Someone sailing out there!" said a guy

"What?!" said a guard

"Is that a fishing boat! What's it doing there?" said another guy

"Hey, you! Get back here! You're interfering with the ceremony!" shouted the guard

"Hold on for a second, it's just a child...there's a child sailing that ship!" said another guy with a binocular

"A kid! Whose kid is it?" said another guy

"A child..." said Sabo's father

Darling, what if it's..." said Sabo's mother

"No, that's not possible! We've got him under a guard back at home!" said Sabo's father

Back to Leo's Pov

After a few minutes of using Geppo, I finally got to the ship. I landed on the main deck of the ship and started to observe my surroundings. As expected, there was a lot of guards on the ship. He also saw two more people, one was just another guard while the other one was a Celestial Dragon. Leo for some reason felt the urge to punch the Celestial Dragon very very hard. He just shrugged it off and looks for a way to get inside. He founds a door that leads to what appears to be an office. When he tried to open the door it's surprisingly open.

"Wow, what kind of idiot would leave the door unlocked. I mean honestly, why would you leave the door unlocked if it's important, only an idiot would do that. Then again, this is a Celestial Dragon that we're talking about, they're not really that smart. Either way makes my job a bit easier." thought Leo as he goes inside the office

Once he got in, he immediately started stealing and looting every money and valuable stuff that he can find. Let's just say that there was a lot of money in the office and there was practically nothing valuable in there anymore. Of course, he found another safe behind a painting and used one of The Darkness head to rip the door of the safe. He grabs all the money in the safe and puts it in his inventory.

"Seriously, they should stop putting safes behind a painting or any obvious places." thought Leo

After he looted everything in the office, he gets out of the office. Once he got out, he tries to sneakily find a way to go below the ship. By now the invisibility potion has already worn off. While he was trying to search for a way in, he found the same Celestial Dragon but this time he has a big ass gun aiming at the boat.

"Oh shit! I remember this part! He's about to shoot Sabo!" thought Leo

"You know, I would usually just ignore it cause I want to follow the canon, but you know what fuck it I'm gonna use my strings to mess with the Celestial Dragon." thought Leo as he uses his strings

Just as the Celestial Dragon was about to shoot, Leo immediately uses his string to move the Celestial Dragon arm, making him miss his shot.


"W-what is this! How did I miss! No matter, I won't miss the next one." shouted the Celestial Dragon as he tries to make another shot


The Celestial Dragon shoots the boat again but he misses

"What! That's impossible, I'm sure that I aim at him this time!" shouted The Celestial Dragon as he reloads his gun and tries shooting the boat again


He shoots the boat again but he misses yet again. By now the Celestial Dragon is now furious

"Arrrgggghhhh! Is this thing broken or what!?" screamed the Celestial Dragon as he throws the gun to the ground

"Hahahahaha! Oh man, he is so pissed off right now. Yeah, that's right you little bitch, that's what you Celestial Dragons get when you mess with one of my little brothers." laughed Leo silently

"You there! I want you to inform the captain of this ship to aim the cannon at that little boat right now." demanded the Celestial Dragon to one of the guards

"R-right away sir!" said the guard as he immediately runs away




"Well...that wasn't supposed to happen. Shit I think I might have just killed Sabo...I...don't know what to feel right now." thought Leo

"Hey System, do you think Sabo can survive this." said Leo

[The chances of him surviving this encounter are 70%.] said the System

"Huh, that much?! I thought it would be lower than that. How come it's that high?" questioned Leo

[That's because of plot armour. Before this, he has a chance of 90% of survival, but since you change the canon history a bit the chances of his survival is lowered.] said the System

"Huh, that's good to know. So he's still gonna be alive right?" said Leo

[Well...it depends. He still has a 30% chance of dying.] said the System

"Well, it's just 30% I'm sure he's gonna survive...probably. Anyway I should use this chance to go find the below deck of this ship" said Leo as he continues his search.

A few minutes later, he found a trap door that leads to the below deck. He opens up the trap door and looks inside to see if there is anyone. There's also seems to be a ladder that leads below the deck.

"Well, there's seems to be no one here so I can just climb down the ladder. Although I should still be careful cause there still might be guards in there and it's very dark." thought Leo

"Oh well, guess its time to go down there now." said Leo as he climbs down the ladder.

Below deck of the ship

Leo's Pov

Once I go down the stairs, I observe my whole surroundings just to make sure there's no one here. Obviously, it's a bit dark and there are no guards here. After that, I immediately run to find a way to down the ship. After a few minutes, I found a stairway that leads downstairs, so I immediately go down the stairs.

Once I got down there, I saw something that was a bit disturbing. I saw lots of people behind a big cell bar, some of them look injured, some also look exhausted and some also are bleeding and looks ready to die. Obviously, all of those people are slaves who got unlucky meeting a Celestial Dragon. There were also two guards standing there guarding the cell.

The guards are wearing a full set of iron armour with a long spear on their hands. They also seem to be wearing a red cape with the World Noble symbol on it.

"Goddamn, I know that I already met and saved slaves before but damn, all of those people look like they wanted to die or be saved from this nightmare. Well, I can't really blame them I would also want to die if I ever get captured and turned into a slave." thought Leo

"Observe." thought Leo

World Noble guard#1









World Noble guard#2








"Damn for a World Noble guard they really are weak huh? Then again, they don't really do that much, they won't expect someone who is crazy enough to actually attack a Celestial Dragon except if you're a Yonko. Honestly, they're all nothing but just cannon fodders anyway." thought Leo as he hides behind a crate.

"So today's the day huh?" said guard#1

"Yup, today we're going to visit the Goa Kingdom. Man can't believe that we're actually going there." said guard#2

"Why are so excited all of a sudden? It's just some Island in East Blue, there's nothing really special about it." said guard#1

"Well, you're right about that one, it might not look so special but to me, it honestly just feels so peaceful. Back in the Grand Line, there were so many things that we have to be careful of such as Devil Fruit eaters, sea monsters and pirates. But here, it feels so peaceful." said guard#2

"Woah there dude, don't get your hopes up. There may still be bandits and pirates here. Plus, it's not going to be long until we return back to the Grand Line." said guard#1

"I know, so that's why I'm gonna take this chance to be here and relax for a bit." said guard#1

"Pfft, whatever floats your boat dude." said guard#2

"You know, I kinda feel bad for all those people in the cell. I mean they practically did nothing wrong here." said guard#1

"Yeah, I hear ya man. Poor bastards probably somehow piss off a Celestial Dragon and look at where they are right now." said guard#2

"But still, this just felt so wrong. I mean the only reason that I took this job was so that I can take care of my family." said guard#1

"Well, what are we going to do about it? It's their fault that they got in this mess. Plus we're just guards, what can we do?" said guard#2

"I know, but I just only wish that I can do something about it." said guard#1

"Hey man, don't think about it too much. How about this, after our work shift is done why don't we go to a bar and get some drinks. I heard that there was one in a village called Foosha Village." said guard#2 as he pats the other guard's soldier.

"Okay man, I guess we can do that. I do need some drinks to relieve my mind for a bit." said guard#1

"Now that's the spirit dude." said guard#2

"Wow...for a World Noble guard, I didn't think that they would feel guilty for doing this type of shit. I'm kinda surprised about that." thought Leo

"You know what, I'm in a good mood today so just this once I'm gonna spare both of them. I'm just gonna interrogate them to where the Celestial Dragon put their treasure at." thought Leo as he gets ready to use The Darkness to teleport beside one of them.

A few seconds later, faster than the guards can react, Leo punch guard#2 using his Armament Haki. The guard got sent flying that he crashes into a nearby crate. The other guard got startled and tries to attack Leo using his spear. Leo dodges the attack and kicks him in the stomach without Armament Haki this time. The guards fall down to the ground while grabbing his stomach in pain.

Before the guard could even get up, Leo puts his leg on his chest and points Casull to the guard's face. The guard got scared and looks up to see Leo looking at him with cold eyes. A few second of awkward silence was broken by Leo as he starts to talk to the guard.

"Well if you're wondering, your little friend there is still alive and is unconscious right now." said Leo

"P-p-please let me go, I have two kids and a wife at home." said the guard

"Hmph, don't worry about that, I won't kill you. All I wanted is for you to tell me where they put all the World Noble treasure at. You do that and I'll let you go." said Leo

Y-you sure about that? You won't backstab me after I tell you where the treasure at." said the guard

"Oh, I promise alright." said Leo

"Okay then. But rather than telling you, here's a map of the ship. This will show you where the treasure is." said the guard as he handed the map to Leo

"Wait, hold up a second?! Why do you have a map of the ship? I thought only your Captain or a World Noble would have it." said Leo

"Well, it's not just me, every guard in this ship has one. You see since this ship is very big, all of the guards would forget where they're going and would sometimes get lost. So they handed every guard a map of the ship so they wouldn't get lost." said the guard

"...Okay then. You know what, I'm not even going to question it anymore, so just give me the map." said Leo as he takes the map out of the guard hand.

"So are you gonna let me go now?" questioned the guard.

Before the guard could even react, Leo punches the guard in the face with Armament Haki making the guard pass out.

"Yeah, I did say I'm not gonna kill you, but I didn't say that I'm not gonna punch you in the face." said Leo

"Either way, I should probably get going. Wouldn't want the guards to capture me now." thought Leo

But before he could go, he looks at the people in the cell.

"...You know, as much as I hate to do this. I'm gonna have to leave those people here. I mean, I can free them from their cells but judging from how they look, I highly doubt they can get out of here without getting captured again. I can't take them with me cause they're just too much and some of them look ready to die by now. So I'm sorry but I'm gonna have to leave you guys behind." thought Leo as he runs away to go find the treasure.

A few minutes later

After running and going down the stairs, I finally managed to get to the treasure. I did found some guards patrolling around the area but I managed to kill all of them. Some even actually tried to run away but before they could even run I already killed them.

Anyway, back to what I was saying, so I got to the treasure and there was this huge vault. Of course, there are guards protecting the vault four of them to be exact.

"Observe." thought Leo

World Noble guard#1









World Noble guard#2









World Noble guard#3









World Noble guard#4









"Of course, they're not that powerful. But the only problem is how am I gonna get in the vault without killing any of them. Don't get me wrong, the only reason that I don't want to kill them is that I'm pretty lazy to even kill them and again they're nothing but just cannon fodder. I don't want to shoot them cause my guns are very loud and it would attract a lot of attention." thought Leo

"Hmmm, you know I could probably try to distract them, but how am I gonna do it though?" thought Leo

Leo looks around the area to find something that can distract the guards. He found an uneven stack of crates that looks like it's about to fall off any second.

"Hmm, that could work. I just need to throw a rock and all of those crates will fall off. Seriously though, how has it not fallen off yet." thought Leo

Leo picks up a rock( that is somehow on the ground) and throws it at the crates. All of the crates immediately fall down making a loud noise.


The guards got startled and look around to find the noise.

"Hey, did you guys hear that?!" said guard#2

"Of course, we did, do you know how loud that was." said guard#3

"Guys, why don't we go and see where that noise come from. It's probably just some crates that fall down." said guard#1

"Yeah, come on guys let go." said guard#4

All 4 of the guards immediately ran off to find the noise. While this was happening, Leo already made it to the vault. He rips open the vault door by using both heads of The Darkness.

"Well then, that was easier than I thought it would be. I honestly thought that the security of this ship would be very high but turns out it was very easy." thought Leo as he goes into the vault.

Inside of the World Noble's vault

Once I got inside, I immediately saw lots of gold, money, jewellery and any other valuable stuff. It was filled to the brim with nothing but gold.

"Oh man, this is the second time that I managed to infiltrate a vault. Like, damn dude, I know that a Celestial Dragon would be very rich and all but look at how many golds there is in here." thought Leo as he looks inside the vault.

"Hey System, how many money is even in this vault." said Leo

[There are approximately 2 Billion Beli in this vault, partner] said the System

"...Wait, can you say that again System," said Leo as he had a look of disbelief

[You heard me, partner. In this vault, there is somewhere around 2 Billion Beli.] said the System





[Uh...partner? Are you okay, there? Did I say something wrong?] said the System





[Partner! Partner! Wake up already!] said the System

"Huh?! What did you say there System?" said Leo as he woke up from his stupor

[I said are you okay there, partner?] said the System

"Yeah, I'm okay System. I was just shocked at how many Beli there is in this vault. 2 Billion Beli? Fuck yeah, now I hit the jackpot." said Leo

"Okay System. Do your work and take all of this money in the vault." said Leo

[ Okay there, partner. Wait for just a moment...] said the System

Just like last time, all of the money in the vault suddenly vanished out of thin air. The vault is now penniless

"Well, mission accomplished. Now I just gotta get the hell out of here before anyone could notice anything." said Leo

"Hey! Why is the vault open? Did any of you guys open it?" said guard#1

"I don't know? Let's check it out, it's probably just some petty little thief trying to steal some money." said guard#4

"Shit?! They're already done?! That was fast. Well, I can't hide anywhere cause this place is already empty. Guess I'm just gonna have to kill all of them, there's really no point in holding back anymore cause even if I escape without them noticing me, they're gonna notice that the vault is empty." thought Leo as the guards started to come into the vault.

"Hey! What the fuck is this shit?! All of the money in the vault is gone!?" said guard#3

"Hey, look! There's someone in here too. It must be the thief." said guard#2

Hey, you there! Where did you put all of the money? You better answer correctly or else." said guard#1 as he and the others point their spear at Leo

"Sheesh, they're really loud, aren't they? Well, guess I'm just gonna have to use my strings then." thought Leo as he starts manipulating his strings

Hey! Didn't you hear what he just said? He told you to-" said guard#1 only to get interrupted by Leo

"Oh, don't worry about that, I heard what he said. It's just that there's no real point in talking to someone who's already dead." said Leo

"What do you mean? Do you think that some brat gonna scare me by just mere words?! Well, then you're wrong, come on guys let's capture him." said guard#4 as he gets ready to attack the only problem is that he can't move his muscle.

"Huh, what the hell?! Why can't I move my arm? What's going on?" said guard#1 as he and the others try to move their bodies.

"As I said before, there's no real point in talking to someone who is already dead." said Leo as he moves his arms and finger.

After a few seconds, the guard's body begins to split apart and blood started leaking out. Before they could even scream, all of their bodies got cut in half and blood started to burst out like a waterfall.

[Ding! You have killed a World Noble guard! Gained 750 SP]

[Ding! You have killed a World Noble guard! Gained 750 SP]

[Ding! You have killed a World Noble guard! Gained 750 SP]

[Ding! You have killed a World Noble guard! Gained 750 SP]

"Well then, I should probably get going now. The ship is probably docked by now, so I can now make my escape." said Leo as he gets out of the vault and started running back to the main deck of the ship.

"Oops, I almost forgot to do one thing before I leave." said Leo as he turns around

"Bufu!" chanted Leo as he uses one of his magic to freeze the dead bodies and breaking them into millions of pieces.

"I don't want to leave any evidence, so I gotta be safe about that." said Leo as he resumes back his way to the main deck

A few minutes later, Main Deck

Leo's Pov

After for about a few minutes, I was able to get back to the main deck. It also seems like that the Celestial Dragons and his guards are not here anymore, so that's good.

"Since there's no one here, I can now make my escape. But I still gotta be careful though, people might saw me jump off the ship." thought Leo

"Now where should I go though, there's a lot of people down there. Maybe I can wait it out till there's almost no one. But that's gonna take a long ass time and at that point, the guards are already back by then." thought Leo

"...Or I could just go to the Shop and buy another invisibility potion...yeah now that I think about it, that's way easier than just waiting out here. Plus it's not even that expensive, it only cost somewhere around 10 million SP." thought Leo as he opens up the Shop and buys another invisibility potion.

"Man I feel like a dumbass now. Oh well, just like last time five minutes is way more than enough for me to get out of here. So bottoms up again." thought Leo as he drinks the option again

After he drank the potion, he activates Mana boost again and uses Geppo to get off the ship. Just like that, our protagonist has successfully done another heist.

"You know I always do wonder about one thing though? Why would a Celestial Dragon come to East Blue in the first place? This place isn't as special like Sabaody Archipelago." thought Leo

"Whatever their reason is, just hope that they don't come here ever again. Although, on the plus side I now have somewhere 2 Billion SP now." thought Leo