Makino's Bar

Leo's Pov

After a few hours of running through the forest, I finally made it back to Makino's Bar. Right now, I'm standing at the front of the bar.

"Guess this is the last time I'm gonna see this place. Not gonna lie, I'm gonna miss this place. " thought Leo

"Okay, guess it's time to go inside. I'm...not gonna be ready for what's coming to me after this. So, wish me luck I guess." thought Leo as he took a deep breath and goes inside the bar.

"Hey Makino, I'm back." said Leo

"Hmm, oh you're already back." said Makino

"Yeah, I'm back. Why do you make it sound like it's something bad?" said Leo

"Oh! No, it's not like that, it's just that I'm a bit shocked that you came back so early. Usually, you would always come back at night." said Makino

"Right, my bad I guess. Hey Makino, I got something to tell you" said Leo

"What is it?" said Makino

Well, it's something abo-" said Leo only for him to finally realizes that there were 2 people in the bar stool.

"Guess we still have some customer left, huh. You know what, I'll tell you later. For now, let me help you clean up this place." said Leo

"Okay then, the broom is right where you put it last time." said Makino

"Yeah, I already know, but thanks for the reminder." said Leo

While he was helping Makino, he overhears a conversation from those 2 men.

"Damn, this beer tastes so good. Guess you were right, this place does have some good drinks." said guy#1

"See, I told you this place is great. Don't try to underestimate me and my searching skills," said guy#2 with a cheeky grin

"Goddamn dude, that sounds so cringy." thought Leo as he was sweeping the floor

"Whatever you say, dude. Anyway, what do you think we should do after this? Since our shift is done and all, we can pretty much do anything." said guy#1

"Hmm, I don't know. I guess we could just walk around this place and if I see or hear anything interesting happens then I guess I'll just go there. What about you?" said guy#2

"Me. Guess I'll just buy some souvenirs for me and my family." said guy#1

"That's it? You're not gonna do anything else?" said guy#2

"Well, I guess I could probably buy something that catches my eye. Other than that, yeah I guess there's nothing I wanted to do." said guy#1

"Man, that's too boring. But oh well, since it's your decision then I'm not gonna complain. Either way, our jobs suck, all we gotta do is to protect the World Noble from any danger. I mean, come on now, why would a Celestial Dragon need some weak people to guard him when he can call an Admiral." said guy#2

"Huh?!" thought Leo as he stops sweeping and started to hear their conversation

"Yeah, you're right about that. Our job not only sucks, but it's also both boring and irritating. I mean those stuck up World Noble's think that they own everything in this world and thought themselves as nothing but gods. Seriously, are you sure that we're even guards at this point cause every time we ran into a Celestial Dragon, they would demand us to piggyback them back to their home. Like, what the hell, you have legs why don't you just walk back home like a normal person." said guy#1

"Woah there, dude. Calm down, you were never this angry before. Don't get me wrong I can also feel your pain but don't let your emotions get the better of you. I know that it's both irritating and boring but you just gotta endure it, man. But hey, at least that pay us well, am I right?" said guy#2

"Yeah, I guess so." said guy#1

"Wait, hold up a second. Observe." thought Leo

World Noble guard#1









World Noble guard#2









"No wonder they sound so familiar, they're those 2 guards that I knocked out back at the ship. Damn, today I met that slave named William from the auction house and now I meet these 2 guards back at the ship. What a coincidence." thought Leo

"Speaking about them, I heard that someone broke into the Celestial Dragon's vault and stole their money. So, can you tell me what happened when I was knocked out yesterday?" said guy#2

"Oh right, I forgot that you got knocked out yesterday. Okay so, here's what really happened. So after he knocked you out, he immediately attacks me and I tried to defend myself. Well, let's just say that it didn't end well for me and he kicked me in the chest. I can still feel the pain from yesterday. Anyway, he demanded me to tell him where the vault is and so I just gave him a map of the ship. Just as I was about to get he punched in the face and damn that still hurts. To top it all off, he's still a kid." said guy#1

Wait! Do you mean that all this time that the thief was a goddamn kid?! Are you sure that you didn't get any brain damages when he punched you?" said guy#2

"As far as I know, no I didn't get any brain damages...I think. But yeah, it was a kid this whole time." said guy#1

"...Wow...I don't know what to say anymore. But damn, just what kind of training did that kid do to get this strong." said guy#2

"Heh, you have no idea how crazy my training routine is, dude." thought Leo

"Anyway, what happened after that? I mean I know that you also got knocked out but did you hear or tell anyone what happened?" said guy#2

"Well, I did hear that all of the money inside the vault is gone." said guy#1

"What!? How?! That vault is gigantic and you're telling me everything is gone?!" said guy#2

"Yep, I'm not joking alright. The vault was spotless, it was as clean as a whistle." said guy#1

"...Okay, now I'm convinced that the kid ate a Devil Fruit. There is no way that any normal person would just waltz into the vault and just stole everything in there. But wasn't there 4 guards that were defending the vault? What happened to them?" said guy#2

"I don't know. Hell, no one even knows what happened to them. They thought that they died when fighting the thief and would found their corpse but when they got there, they were none. The corpse just disappeared." said guy#1

"Damn, so I guess the Celestial is still mad?" said guy#2

"Mad? That would be an understatement, the Celestial Dragon got so furious that he demanded every guard to search the whole kingdom for the thief and if someone founds him then he will publicly hold an execution for the thief in front of everyone in the kingdom." said guy#1

"Geez, talk about a temper tantrum. So, do you want to catch the thief or...?" said guy#2

"You know what, no. I honestly feel like the Celestial Dragon got what's coming to him." said guy#1

"Well, not every Celestial Dragon acts all high and mighty. Remember the Donquixote family? Out of all of the Celestial Dragon, they're pretty much the nicest." said guy#2

"Well, I guess you're right. They are very nice and humble, especially the parents." said guy#1

"Alright, I guess we should probably get going now. We have already been sitting here for too long." said guy#1 as he finished his drink

"Yeah, let's just go. I'm getting a bit tired here. Thanks for the drinks." said guy#2 as he puts some money on the counter

They both got up from their seat and started to get out of the bar.

"Well now, that was honestly an interesting conversation. I sometimes wonder about how they got the job as a guard of a Celestial Dragon. Either way, better get back to cleaning." thought Leo as he started cleaning the place again

A few hours later

"Finally, I'm finished." said Leo as he finished cleaning the bar.

"I know I've already said this before but I really am gonna miss this bar." thought Leo

"Hey Leo, have you seen any soap. I can't seem to find it? Wow! Look at this place!" said Makino

"It looks so clean and spotless. Did you do all of this?" said Makino

"Of course, I've gotten used to cleaning this place before that at this point it's just a breeze. Don't try to underestimate me and my ways of cleaning...okay that's somehow come out wrong." said Leo

"Anyway, all that aside. I got something to tell you, Makino." said Leo

"Hmm, what is it?" said Makino

Well, let's just say I've been doing lots of thinking and..." said Leo

"And what? Did something happen to you yesterday? Did you get hurt or anything?" said Makino

"No, nothing happened to me. It's just that I won't be staying here for too long." said Leo

"What do you mean by that?" said Makino

"I'm gonna set sail tomorrow on a little boat that I bought today and I'm gonna start my journey as a pirate. Long story short I'm gonna be a pirate." said Leo

"What?!" shouted Makino

"Yeah, I know right? So I guess you could say that this is goodbye. I won't be coming back here for a long time." said Leo

"There I finally said it. Now it's time for the hardest part." thought Leo as he closes his eyes and waits for incoming pain

After a few seconds later, nothing happens. Leo thought that she is thinking about what to feel right now. Rather than getting a slap or any pleading from her, she hugged Leo very tightly.

"Wait, why is she hugging me. Doesn't she feel mad or sad that I'm going somewhere else." thought Leo as he is shocked by this development

"I know that you're shocked and thought that I would be mad at you for saying something like that. But I'm not, I already knew that you were gonna go someday, it's just that I was shocked on how early it is you're going." said Makino

"Wow, for a reaction you really took this too well. Here I thought you were sad that I am going to go away." said Leo

"Well, don't get me wrong, I'm sad that your going but can you promise one thing." said Makino

"What is it?" questioned Leo

"Promise me, that you're going to stay alive." said Makino

"...Honestly, I can't say that I'm going to survive. Anything can happen in the sea. But I'll try to live not just for you but for me as well." said Leo

"Then that's good enough for me." said Makino as she somehow hugs Leo even tighter.

"Uhh, Makino. Can you let go of me? I think that is enough hugging." said Leo

"Nope. Since you said you're going tomorrow then I'm going to make this a bit longer." said Makino

"No seriously, can you let go of me already. I'm actually starting to choke here." said Leo as he tries to get out of Makino's grip

"Hey Makino, are you even listening! I said let go." said Leo as he tries again only to fail

"Okay, seriously! How the hell is she this strong?! I can't even get out of here?!" thought Leo

After a few minutes later, Makino finally stops hugging Leo and let's go of him.

"Goddamn Makino, just how strong are you to even hug me that hard? I swear if you haven't stopped, then I think I would have suffocated by now." said Leo

"Anyway, I'm gonna go to sleep. I'm very tired and all I wanted to do right now is going to sleep. So, goodnight Makino." said Leo as he goes back to his bedroom

"Goodnight to you too, Leo." said Makino

The next day, Makino's Bar

Leo's Pov

"Alright, that's all of them, I guess." said Leo as he looks in his inventory.

Right now, Leo is wearing a green hoodie with a black shirt. He's also wearing black jeans and a pair of black boots. He's also wearing a pair of black gloves.

"Just gotta make sure that everything is in here, I don't want to forget any of my things cause if I did, then that would be embarrassing." thought Leo

"Yep, everything is right here. Guess I'm off then, can't say that I'm gonna miss this place. This room may not be memorable but hey, I'm still gonna miss it." said Leo as he looks in his room one last before getting out.

"Hey Makino, I'm done packing my things. Guess I'll get going now, so goodbye Makino." said Leo

"Wait! There's one thing that you forgot to do." said Makino

"Hmm, what is it?" questioned Leo

"Well, you forgot to eat breakfast." said Makino as she started putting food on the counter

"Well, I guess it wouldn't hurt to eat. I still have more time anyway and this is the last time I'm going to eat your cooking." said Leo as he sits on a chair and started eating his food

"So, how does it taste?" said Makino

"Taste as delicious as usual." said Leo

"You know this is kinda nice in a somewhat weird way." said Leo

"What do you mean by that?" questioned Makino

"I mean, we rarely ever talk or even eat with each other. For once, we get to do all of this even though it's my last day here, so I'm kinda ashamed that I never get to talk to you before." said Leo

"Oh yeah, now that I think about it you're right, we never really did get the chance to know more about each other. It's kinda funny, you know." said Makino as she laughed a bit

"Yeah, it really is," said Leo as he finishes his food

A few minutes later, Dock

3rd Pov

At the dock, a crowd of people are standing there and waiting for Leo's departure. Some of the people are sad about Leo's departure while others are supportive.

"Are you sure about this kid, you're really gonna leave this island." said William

"Yeah, I've already made my decision. There's no real point of turning back now, you know." said Leo

"Whatever you say, kid. Be safe out there though, there's a lot of sea monsters and people out there that's gonna kill you." said William

"Heh, you're talking to a 12-year-old kid who successfully infiltrated an auction house and was able to steal every money they have, I'm not gonna die to some nobody or a no-name pirate. Plus, what's with this weird feeling all of a sudden, are you perhaps worried that I'm gonna die out there." said Leo

"Oh, you cheeky little brat. Hell no, I'm not worried about you, I'm just making sure that you don't die out there." said William

"Hmph, whatever floats your boat dude." said Leo

"Oh, by the way, I forgot to give you this." said William as he hands Leo a map

"What's this?!" questioned Leo as he grabs the map

"That my friend, would be a map of East Blue. With it, you'll be able to know where or which island that you're going to travel." said William

"Huh, thanks a lot. Now I won't get lost to where I'm going." said Leo as he puts the map inside his jacket

"Either way, thanks again for everything that you've done and I hope we meet again in the near future." said Leo as he hopped on his boat

"Hey kid, are you sure that you're going out to sea with that small boat of yours? It looks like it will sink right away." said guy#1

"Don't worry dude, this boat ain't gonna sink. I'm sure that William already fixed this boat. Plus, I'm not gonna use this boat that long, one day I'm gonna have a bigger boat." said Leo

"Hey green eyes, once I turn 17, I'm gonna be stronger than you and I'm gonna have a bigger and stronger crew than you. Just you wait, I'm gonna catch up to you soon and I'll be The King of Pirates!" said Luffy

"Oh, is that a challenge I see. Well then Luffy, let's see who gets to become the King of Pirates first and then we can determine who is the strongest." said Leo

"Yeah, it's a promise!" said Luffy

"Alright, It's time to get going now. So see you, everyone!" said Leo as he started rowing the boat

After that, everyone in the village started waving and saying goodbye to Leo.

"Well, there he goes, mayor. I'm gonna miss him so much," said Makino

"Hmph, he's a disgrace to the village! Becoming a pirate and all! Why are you so calm about this, Makino? Aren't at least a bit mad that your little brother going to become a pirate?" said the Mayor

"Well, I can't really do anything to him, mayor. He already made his decision and all I can do is just support him. Plus, I believe that he can survive on his own." said Makino

"Man, today sure is bright today, isn't it. I can't believe that I'm gonna start my journey today. Although for some reason, why do I get the feeling that I forgot something important again." thought Leo

A few seconds later, a giant eel-like sea monster came out of the sea. It looked at Leo with predatory eyes and is ready to eat him whole.

"That's..." said Makino

"...Oh right, it's this giant ass sea monster. Man, why does this shit always keeps happening to me? Oh well, guess I'll just take him out then." thought Leo as he stands up and looks at the sea monster

"So, I heard that you tried to attack and eat my little brother before. Well then, you better be prepared cause this is the last time that you're going to live." said Leo with a crazed smile on his face

The monster tried to lunge toward him but it wasn't able to move. It struggled again to try to lunge at Leo but its body wouldn't budge at all.

"Now do me a favour to stay there and die like the little fish that you are." said Leo

"Alright, let's try using one of my Physical Attacks. I wasn't able to use any of it before so I guess this will be a good time to use it. The question is which one...oh I got it, let try this one out." thought Leo as he equips his old short sword

"Giant Slice!" shouted Leo as he swings his short sword towards the sea monster

Before the sea monster could even react, its head suddenly got decapitated. The sea monster then falls back down to the sea.

" Well now, that was easy. Alright, let's get back to rowing the boat." thought Leo as he goes back rowing

The villager, on the other hand, is shocked that Leo was able to kill the sea monster. They started cheering again seeing that Leo was able to kill the sea monster.

"Wow, that is so cool!" shouted Luffy

"Heh, goddamn kid. Guess you really did put on a little show there," said William as he shakes his head

"I gotta say, Makino, your little brother there is quite a monster, isn't he?" said the Mayor

"Yes, I can tell that he's gonna go far. I have high hopes that he's going to get stronger." said Makino as she sees Leo sailing away.