Somewhere in the New World

3rd Pov

In the same office as last time, the masked guy is sitting there in the same office table.

"Hmm, I wonder..." said the masked guy as he looks out the window

Suddenly, a den den mushi( if you don't know what that is, then it's a phone but replace it with a snail. If you still don't know then search it up on google.) started to ring.

Pele, Pele, Pele, Pele

Pele, Pele, Pele, Pele

Pel- Gotcha

( I think that is what the ringtone sounds like.)

"Yes, who is it?" said the masked guy

"Hey boss, it's me. I'm here to give you a report about the kid." said a deep male voice

"Oh? Did something happen to him?" said the masked guy

"Yup, the kid finally sailed off to another island." said the guy

"Oh, he finally left, huh? I'm not surprised about that. Did you by any chance know or hear which island he would sail off to?" said the masked guy

"Unfortunately, we don't know, boss. If we were to send another scout bird then the kid would definitely notice. The kid seems to have learned Observation Haki so he would definitely sense the bird and add to the fact that he's at the sea, there's no way for the scout bird to hide." said the guy

"Hmm, it is unfortunate. But did you said that he knows how to use Observation Haki?" said the masked guy

"Oh right! I forgot to tell you about that. Yeah apparently the kid not only knows how to use Observation Haki but he also knows how to use Armament Haki. Thankfully, it doesn't seem like he used it that much." said the guy

"Does he by any chance show any signs of having Conquerors Haki?' said the masked guy

"No, he does not which thank God cause we don't want any more people having that power. It's bad enough that the people in the New World started having Conquerors Haki." said the guy

"Hehehe, I hear you. But back to the matters at hand, is there anything that you need to report?" said the masked guy

"Well, there is one more but I'll report about it back at HQ. It looks like there are some dirty rats that somehow followed me here and it needs to be exterminated. Oh, and what should we do about the kid now, boss?"

"As of right now, we do nothing. Until he lands on another island, we will do absolutely nothing." said the masked guy

"Okay, then I guess I'll talk to you later then. Goodbye." said the guy as he hangs up the den den mushi

"Well now, it seems like the kid finally left. You know, the kid kinda reminds me of myself when I was a child. That said, I think I finally know what you really are, kid." said the masked guy

Somewhere on the sea

Leo's Pov

"Hmm, today is a beautiful day to set out to sea." thought Leo as he lies down on the boat and looks at the sky

"You know, now that I think about it, do the villager in Foosha Village are not weirded out or at least be a bit suspicious about a 12-year-old kid sailing out to sea this early? I mean I know that the people saw me killed a sea monster but don't they ever question on how a kid get that strong?" thought Leo

"Either way, I guess it's best if the villager never questions about my powers. Too lazy to explain to them anyway." thought Leo

[Ding! You have completed a hidden quest!]

"Huh?! A hidden quest?! Hey System, what's this all of a sudden?" thought Leo

[Well partner, it's best if you read the content of the quest first.] said the system

"Okay then, let see what we have here." said Leo

[ Hidden Quest Completed ]

Complete the Romance Dawn Arc

Rewards: 50 Million SP, a random item, system 2.0

[Ding! The System is requesting the host for an update. Would you like to update the System?]

[ Yes ] [ No ]

"An update, huh? Obviously, I'm gonna accept it." said Leo as he pushed Yes

[ Thank you for your cooperation. Wait for a moment as the System starts updating] said the System








[ Ding! The system has been updated to The System 2.0! Check your stats for some new features.] said the System

"Alright then, let's check it out." thought Leo as he opens up Stats


Name=Leo The 'Thief Master'


Alignment=Neutral Chaotic

Level=1( 500 Exp for next level)










Stat points=0

"Huh, this is new. Now I started having levels, always wondered why I didn't have one in the first place. Either way, why am I starting at level 1?" said Leo

[ Since the System had been updated and the Level System had only been implemented now, you're going to have to start at level 1 just like the time when you got transmigrated. Fortunately, your stats still remains the same.] said the System

"And let me guess every time that I levelled up, I would get more Stat points." said Leo

[ That's correct. For every time that you level up, you would gain 5 Stat points. You can also get Stat points if you finished a quest or kill a boss.] said The System

"Yep, it's just the basics of every game that you started. Anything else that has been updated?" said Leo

[ Ding! You have gained The Gacha System.]

"...Excuse me, did I hear that right? There's a Gacha System now!" said Leo

[ Yes, partner. The Gacha System is like any other Gacha games you have played, you can roll to gain new items, skills and some characters.] said the System

"...Okay then, do the characters only come in an anime?" questioned Leo

[ Well, it can also be from video games, movies and etc. You can roll it for 3 Gacha Points and the only way you can gain Gacha Points is if you finish a quest or wait for one free spin.] said the System

"...You know, I feel like I'm playing FGO all over again. I remember my first time playing that game and let me tell you, I got lucky on my first roll. But wait, how long for a free spin?" questioned

[ 8 months, partner.] said the system

"8 months?! What the fuck, that shit gonna take a long as time?!" said Leo

[ Don't worry about that, partner. Luckily for you, you have 1 free spin so use it wisely.] said the system

"...Okay then, that's...good I guess. But before that, didn't I get a new item from the quest? Hmm, let me check." said Leo as he opens up his inventory

Speedster Boots

+75 Agility


"Huh, nice reference there System. Either way, this is some good boots." said Leo as he equips the boots

"So System, I got a question to ask." said Leo

[ What is it, partner?] said the System

"After I roll for a new character, what would happen to the said person. Would he/she get transported to this world?" questioned Leo

[ Well, not really, partner. Rather than getting transported, the System would copy the person's physical appearance and power. To top it all off, the said person would not remember their own past except for their names, age and powers cause they are only a copy of their original self.] said the system

"That's good to know. At least the person won't just straight-up attack me when I summoned them. Okay then, without further ado, let's go for a roll." said Leo

[ You are using your free spin to roll for a new character. Are you sure about this?]

[ Yes ] [ No ]

"Yes, I'm very sure." thought Leo

[ Ding! You have used your free spin. Standby for your new character.]

"Heh, imagine if I accidentally summon Gilgamesh or Dio. Oh God, that's gonna be a nightmare for me." thought Leo

[ Rolling...]







[ Ding! You got Captain Hans Günsche from Hellsing Ultimate.]

Suddenly a bright light envelopes the boat and a body dropped onto the boat. The boat was about to topple over but before that could happen, Leo was able to balance the boat.

"Holy hell, I was about to fall off from this boat. Thank God that I didn't, cause if I did then I would have died from drowning due to me having a Devil Fruit...you know I should probably start training my Devil Fruit. On the offside, I should have probably done this when I landed on an island." said Leo

"Either way did the System said that I got The Captain from Hellsing?! I mean don't get me wrong, in the anime I like him as a character but the only thing that I know about this guy is that he can turn into a werewolf and a ghost somehow, immortal, regeneration and he's a mute...actually, why am I even complaining? This is actually very good cause he's loyal and strong. Hell, his powers could be mistaken as a Mythical Zoan type of Devil Fruit." thought Leo as he looks at the unconscious Captain

"Then again, he's also a Nazi...a formerly experienced werewolf ghost Nazi by the way. Unfortunately, other than his powers I almost know nothing about him. To top it all off, he won't even know anything about his past cause as the system said before, he's nothing but a clone." thought Leo as he saw The Captain is about to wake up

"Oh, it looks like he's waking up. Guess I better greet him before he starts thinking that I kidnapped him, which wouldn't make any sense at all." thought Leo

After a few seconds later, The Captain( I'm just gonna call him that from now on) finally wakes up. The Captain is a tall man and has snow-white hair, bloody red eyes, and somewhat tanned skin. He wears a green overcoat similar to the green DAK( Deutsches Afrika Korps), a greatcoat with its neck guard turned up and an M43 officer's cap. His trousers are a darker shade of green and he wears boots. He also seems to have 2 modified Mauser C96s with incredibly long barrels strapped on his hips.

The Captain holds his hat and looks around the area to only find water everywhere. His eyes widened a bit and look at himself to see if any of his equipment is gone.

"Well, well, well, it looks like the big bad wolf finally wakes up from his eternal slumber." said Leo

The Captain looks at Leo in shock and immediately grabs one of his guns and aims it at Leo. Leo got startled and is amazed at how fast The Captain is.

"Holy crap, he's very fast. I didn't even see him grabbed the gun. Hold on, let me see just how strong he is. Observe." thought Leo

The Captain Hans Günsche

Alignment=Neutral Chaotic







Charisma=0( cause he can't talk)




"Huh, he's that strong huh? He outclasses me on everything except for Charisma, Intelligence and Luck. But System, why is he level 1?" thought Leo

[ Since he isn't the original and is only just a clone, he's going to have to start at level 1 just like you, partner. Again, don't worry about his powers, he still has it with him.] said the system

"Well, at least both of us can now relate to each other. On the bright side, he can still get even stronger than his original self." thought Leo

"Woah there dude, you don't have to point that long-ass gun of yours on my face. Just put away the gun and I can explain everything. We don't want anyone dying now, do we?" said Leo

A few minutes later, The Captain put away his guns and started to relax a bit and listen to Leo

"See, now that wasn't so hard now, was it? Either way, I guess I owe you an explanation now." said Leo

Leo then started explaining to The Captain on how he got here. Of course, Leo didn't actually tell him about his gamer powers and made up a lie on how he has the power to summon another character in another dimension. Fortunately, The Captain believed his lie.

"...and so that's how we got here. I know that you have a lot of questions to ask and I know that you're a mute so if you have any..." said Leo only to get interrupted by The Captain

Out of nowhere, The Captain somehow brought out a pen and a notebook. He then started writing questions on his notebook

"Wait! Where did you get that pen and notebook from?! I didn't see you bring it out." said Leo

The Captain looks at Leo and shrugs while shaking his head. He proceeds to continue back to his writings. After a few minutes, he gives the notebook to Leo

"How did you know about my name and my powers." wrote The Captain

"Well, here's the thing, buddy. I have this other power where I can scan you. Once I scanned you, I now know your powers and name. Don't worry, it doesn't inform me of anything that's private to you. So any other questions?" said Leo as he handed the notebook back to The Captain

The Captain wrote another question and gives the notebook to Leo again

"How old are you and just how many powers do you have?" wrote The Captain

"Hehehe, my good friend, I'm only 12 years old and let's just say that I have a lot of powers in my arsenal." said Leo as he handed the notebook back

The Captain writes another question and gives the notebook to Leo

"Why are you out here at sea?" wrote The Captain

"To put it more bluntly, I want to become a pirate. Let me guess you want to know why." said Leo as The Captain nods his head.

"Alright, I guess it's better if I explain to you about how this world works. So buckle up dude, this is gonna be a long explanation." said Leo as he handed the notebook back

Leo begins to explain to The Captain about the history of the One Piece and how this world works. He explained important things like The World Government, Marine, Pirates, Yonko and etc. He also explained about The New World, The Grand Line and The 4 Blues. Throughout the whole explanation, The Captain was listening intently and wrote down some notes on his notebook.

"...and that's pretty much everything you need to know about this world. Man, I'm tired. So any more questions." said Leo

The Captain then writes another question and gives it to Leo

The Captain's Question

1) Why did you summon me?

2) Why don't I remember my past? Is it because of your powers?

3) Is there a way to go back?

"Well, for your first question, I wanted a crew. Since I'm gonna start my life as a pirate then I'm gonna need a strong crew. Unfortunately for me, my powers to summon people are random so I guess you could say that you won the gamble." said Leo as he looks at The Captain and saw him nodding slowly

"For your second question, well...how do I put this. Okay, hear me out on this and don't get mad. What I'm about to say next may disturb you. So, are ready to hear it." said Leo as he saw The Captain nods his head slowly

"Okay, you ask for this. You're not yourself." said Leo as he saw The Captain gave him a confused look

"Remember when I said about having the power to summon people from another dimension? Well, I haven't told you the full truth and to put it more bluntly, you are just a clone of your regular self. The reason that you can't remember your past is not because of amnesia, it's because you're just a clone. If you're wondering what happened to your real self then I don't know." said Leo as he lied about the last part

The Captain widened his eyes and has a face full of shock. He puts his hands on his chin and looks down to calm himself down. After a few minutes later, he took a deep breath and finally calm downs.

"Hey Hans, are you good now?" said Leo

The Captain nods his head and made a gesture with his hands to continue.

"Alright then, for your third question, as of right now no. I have no idea how to send you back to your world. But then again, what's the point of going back if you're just a clone, am I right...sorry that sound kinda dickish there. So, any more questions?" said Leo as he handed the notebook back

After a few seconds, he proceeded to write another question on his notebook. He gives his notebook to Leo

"So what do we do, now? Since you already told me that I'm a clone and there's no point for me to go back, then what should we do now?" wrote The Captain

"Now, well that's actually pretty easy. I want you to join my crew. Since you already convinced that you're not going back and there's really nothing you can do in this world, then why not join my crew. Just think of this as a new beginning of our life as a pirate. So, how about it? Do you want to live your life with nothing but boredom or do you want to be free and have a life full of adventures." said Leo as he handed the notebook back

After a few seconds of thinking, he finally wrote his answers and give it to Leo

"Yes. From now on, I shall join your crew and together we will grow stronger. However, I will only acknowledge people who are stronger than me and I still haven't fully trusted you, yet. I know for a fact that you're still hiding something from me and I will only acknowledge you as my captain for now. So, how about it, captain? Do you agree to my terms?" wrote The Captain

" Huh, well that was easy. Actually thought he was gonna refuse my invitation." thought Leo as he saw The Captain gave him a thumbs up.

"Heh, alright then. Guess that's fair enough. From now on you will be my right-hand man. There will be strong enemies and new allies that we will make in the future. You sure you up for that challenge Hans?" said Leo

The Captain nods his head and gave him another thumbs up.

"Okay then, welcome aboard Hans." said Leo as he reaches out his hand for a handshake and The Captain shakes his hand

"So, any other things that you wanted to ask or write?" said Leo

The Captain then wrote another question and gives it to Leo

"Where to now, captain?" wrote Hans

"Well, I heard there's a place called Shimotsuki Village. So, our next island should be right here." said Leo as he brought out the map and points at the island.

"So, any other questions?" said Leo as he puts back the map

After a few more seconds, The Captain shuts his notebook and puts it inside his coat. He looks up at Leo and shakes his head.

"Since there's none then all we need to do right now is to wait. This is a good time for us to rest, sleep or check on your equipment." said Leo

The Captain nods his head and started to fully inspect his equipment.

"Alright while you do that, I'm just gonna take a nap for a bit. Wake me up if we arrive at the island." said Leo as he started to lie down and take a nap.

The Captain nods his head as he finished inspecting his equipment. After that, he crosses his arm and looks at the sea.