A few hours later

3rd Pov

Somewhere on the sea, a small boat can be seen drifting to a certain island. On it, there were 2 people. One of them is sleeping while the other one is still watching his surroundings.

It was all quiet and peaceful. Nothing was out of the ordinary until a giant ship with a pirate flag came.

"Hey, captain! There's a small boat up ahead! What should we do about it?" said a guy who is holding a spyglass

"How many people are on it?" said the captain of the ship

"Well, there's seems to be 2 people." said the guy

"Hah, then we will just do what every pirate would do. Plunder them, of course." said the captain

"Are you sure, captain? It's just 2 people they probably got nothing on them." said the guy

"Bah, who cares about that, we're pirates. It what we always do. Alright men, sail towards that small dinghy and prepare for plunder." said the captain

"Aye, captain!" shouted the whole crew

Leo's Pov

While I was trying to take a nice nap, I was rudely awakened by someone.

"Augggh, what is it, dude? Are we finally there, yet?" said Leo as he yawns and scratches one of his eyes

The Captain then points his finger at a pirate ship that's heading towards us.

"Oh, it's just a pirate ship. Usually, I would just ignore but let me guess, it's heading straight towards us, am I right?" said Leo as he saw the Captain nods his head

"*Sigh*, alright then, if its a fight they want, then it's a fight they'll get. Here I thought I can finally get some sleep." said Leo as he stands up and equips his Casull and short sword

"Hey Hans, I suppose you can jump on that ship too, right?" said Leo as he saw the Captain nods his head

"Alright, so here's the plan. Once the ship gets close, we immediately jump onto the ship and start killing everyone in it. Don't leave a single person alive on that ship. Are we clear?" said Leo, as he saw the Captain, nods his head

The Captain gets up and equips both his guns. A few seconds later, the ship finally got close enough for them to jump.

"Alright, on the count of 3, we jump." said Leo

"1...2...3, JUMP!" shouted Leo as he uses Geppo while the Captain jumps very high

"Hey! Look over there! There's something coming towards us." said one of the guy

"Hmm, what is it? Can you check?" said another guy

"Hmm, yeah let m-" said the guy only to get shot in the head


[ Ding! You have killed a Pirate! Gained 500 SP and 10 EXP.]

"Heck yeah! That was awesome! Now that's what I call headshot!" said Leo as he and the Captain landed on the ship

After they successfully landed on the ship, Leo started to use Observe on everyone.










"Hmph, just as I suspected, they're not that strong. This is gonna nothing but a slaughter fest." thought Leo

"Alright Hans, you know what to do. I'll take right, you take left." said Leo as he saw the Captain nods his head

"Hey! What are you all doing standing there for! Kill those 2 already!" shouted the captain

The pirates grab their swords and immediately run towards them while letting out their own war cry. One guy tried to slash Leo but he dodges and shoots him in the chest multiple times, killing him.




[ Ding! You have killed a Pirate! Gained 500 SP and 10 EXP.]

Another guy tries to slash Leo again but he dodges and retaliates by slashing his neck. The guy holds his neck and falls down to the ground, killing him.

[ Ding! You have killed a Pirate! Gained 500 SP and 10 EXP.]

Then 2 guys started rushing towards Leo and try to slash Leo at the same time. Leo blocks both of the swords with his short sword and shoots both of them multiple times





[ Ding! You have killed a Pirate! Gained 500 SP and 10 EXP.]

[ Ding! You have killed a Pirate! Gained 500 SP and 10 EXP.]

[ Ding! You have levelled up!]

"Nice! It looks like I finally levelled up. Didn't take that long so I guess it's good for me." thought Leo

"Hey, Hans! You doing good over there?" shouted Leo as he dodges another attack

The Captain, on the other hand, is killing and shooting all of the enemies away like they were nothing. One of the guys tries to sneak attack him only for The Captain to dodge and shoots him in the face, killing him instantly.

"I'll just take that as a yes." said Leo as he shoots another guy in the head.


[ Ding! You have killed a Pirate! Gained 500 SP and 10 EXP.]

After a few minutes later, only a few people left remains standing. The pirates except for the captain looks worse for wear. One of them looks ready to drop any seconds by now. Leo and The Captain, on the other hand, are just standing there like nothing ever happened to them.

"Hah, that's it? That's everything you guys got? Man, you guys are really weak. Hell, you guys are pretty lucky to even be sailing out here to the sea. Although, East Blue is known to be the most peaceful sea out of the 4 Blues so I'm not that surprised." said Leo as he casually wipes the blood of his short sword with his jacket

"W-who are these people. What kind of monsters did we just run into." said one of the guys

"Damn you! Do you know who you're messing with here!" said the captain of the ship

"Hmmm, nope! All I see is some dude who is holding a toy sword and is trying to make a name for himself." said Leo

"Hey, little brat! I'll have you know that I have a bounty on my head. You probably he-" said the captain only to get interrupted

Leo immediately uses Soru and slashes the captain head with his short sword, decapitating him.

[ Ding! You have killed a Pirate captain! Gained 3 Million SP and 40 EXP.]

"Good to know that you have a bounty on your head, you idiot. Can't believe he actually told me that he has a bounty. By the way, thanks for the extra 3 Million SP." thought Leo

"What the! What was that! That kid was right there just now!" said one of the guys

"Alright Hans, let's wrap this up already. You can take all of the leftovers. Make it quick though." said Leo

Before the pirates could even react, Hans immediately rushes towards them and punch them all in the chest breaking their ribs and lungs and killing them instantly. A few seconds later, only 2 people remain standing on the now bloodied ship.

"Since that's done, I'm gonna go check and see if they have any treasure or jewellery. Don't want all of those treasure to be wasted. You can help if you want but If not then just stay here and wait for me. Don't worry, It won't take long." said Leo, as he started to search the whole ship

A few minutes later, Leo was able to find somewhere around 2 Million Beli. He was also able to found a compass and a spyglass. Other than that, there's pretty much nothing useful.

"Hey Hans, I'm already done with my search. Hope it didn't take too long for you." said Leo as he saw The Captain sitting on a crate

"Let's go back to our small ship and continue our journey. It's unfortunate that we can't take this ship. It's too big for us to handle and it needs more people to sail the ship. Too bad that we killed all of them. Oh well, can't cry over spilt milk now. It's their fault for trying to challenge us in the first place." said Leo as he scratches his head

The Captain nods his head and gets up from the crate. Moments later, Leo uses Geppo while The Captain jumps very high to get back to the ship.

"Alright then, next stop Shimotsuki Village." said Leo he started rowing the boat

"You know Hans, we make a pretty good team. I gotta say those were some pretty sick speed and strength you got there." said Leo

"Anyway, once we reach the island, I'm gonna show you a new technique. It's called Rokushiki. I'll spare you the details when we reach the island but long story short it just makes you stronger than you should be right now." said Leo as he stops rowing and let the boat drift itself

"Don't get me wrong, the only reason that I'm teaching you on how to use Rokushiki is that you're apart of my crew now especially since you're my right-hand man. Be grateful cause I don't usually do this type of crap to someone else. I would either be lazy or just don't care." said Leo

"Alright enough of my blabbering, I'm just gonna go back to sleep. You just do whatever the hell you want and inform me when we reach the island. Oh and here's a spyglass that I found back at the ship. Just don't break it." said Leo as he handed the spyglass to The Captain

After that Leo lies back down and started to go back to sleep. The Captain on the other hand just sits there while crossing his hands. Yup, today is just your average normal day.

Somewhere in the dark void

Leo's Pov

"Huh, where am I?" thought Leo as he looks around to see the same dark void

"I'm back here again? Seriously? Just what is up with this place?!" thought Leo

"Hopefully this time I won't meet with Cthulhu again. I... don't want to experience that shit again, thank you very much." thought Leo

"Hey! Over here!" said a mysterious childlike voice

"Huh?! Who said that! Where are you!" thought Leo as he looks around the area frantically

"Just follow my voice!" said the childlike voice again

"...You know, I don't trust that at all. I've seen too many horror movies and I learn one thing from watching it. Don't trust any mysterious creepy voices especially if it's a child. But since there's really nothing to do here, I'm gonna be an idiot and just follow it." thought Leo as he started flying??? towards the voice.

After for God knows how long, the voice started to get louder. It kept saying 'Over here' and 'it's this way' over and over again. After that, a mysterious door suddenly appears out of nowhere.

"A door, huh? Let me guess, I need to open it." thought Leo as he opens the door

Once he opens the door, a bright light suddenly flashes through the door.

"Well then, guess I better go inside, then. I have a feeling that it's going to be something important" thought Leo as he goes through the door

Once I got inside, another bright light flashes my eyes and I immediately cover my eyes. Once the light dies down, I open my eyes again only to see myself in some sort of living room

"Am I in a goddamn mansion?! Cause everything here looks fancy and expensive." thought Leo as he looks around the room

"If this wasn't a dream, I would have stolen everything in this place. For some reason, I feel like I've...seen this place before." thought Leo

"Come on, big sis! I want to play!" said a familiar childish voice

"Alright, alright, just wait for a bit longer. I'm almost done with my work." said a calm gentle female voice

"...I can hear a voice right behind me. If I turn around right now, I better see someone there or else I'm gonna get the fuck out of here. Again, I've seen too much horror movies to know about this type of crap." thought Leo

"Actually, that voice sounded so familiar. It's like I've heard it from somewhere before, but where? God why does this keeps happening to me." thought Leo as he turns around to see two people

One of them is a child while the other one is a young woman. The woman is a tall thin young woman with pale, sandy blonde hair with a green tint and long bangs that cover her left eye. Her skin is fairly pale and her eyes are of warm green colour. She wears a maid uniform that consists of a long black apron dress in a pinafore style with a spider web motif. A white dress is donned underneath her apron dress with a black collar. She also wears a black headdress with black lace and frills attached to it, with 4 white pins. She wears black gloves and wears black shoes. The kid on the other hand look...

"Like me!" thought Leo, a bit shocked

"Wait for a second, this is one of the kid's memory, isn't it?! It's no wonder that everything in here looks familiar." thought Leo

"But...why now? Why is it showing me this memory? Out of all the times that could have happened, why show it to me now? I mean, this doesn't make any sense at all! Then again, dreams aren't supposed to make sense in the first place." thought Leo

"Either way, now that I think about it, I've never did remembered any of the kids past. The only thing that I remembered about him is his family and death. Other than that, yeah, I don't know any of his past." thought Leo

"So, I guess I'll just stand here and just see what happens." thought Leo as he got closer

"Well can you do it fast. I want to play some game." said child Leo

"Well, while I'm doing my work, why don't you go outside and play with your friend. Surely, you have some friends who are waiting for you." said the woman




"...Leo, why are you so quiet all of a sudden? Do you...not have any friends? said the woman as she was worried about Leo

"...Well...I tried to make some friends but...all of them are just the same." said Leo as he looks down on the ground

"What do you mean by that?" said the woman

"Well... every time I tried to talk to them, they would always brag about their status and say something about their families being rich. They would also insult other people by calling them commoners or the lower being. Worst of all, whenever I tried to play with them, they would always ignore me and say 'playing is for children and commoners We're not commoners, we're royalty so act like one'." said child Leo

"After that, everyone started ignoring me and started talking behind my back. They started calling me a weirdo and other things. One time, I heard one of them talking about our mom and dad. I don't remember much but I did remember them talking about our family being weird and how they would always help other people." said child Leo

The woman stopped her work and looks at child Leo. After a few seconds of silence, child Leo started speaking again

"Hey, big sis. Can I ask you a question?" said child Leo

"...Of course, Leo. What is it?" said the woman

"Why...why do the nobles insult our family? Did I do anything wrong to make them say that? Did I somehow offend them? Did our parents do anything bad to make them say that?" said child Leo as he started crying

The woman without a second, crouch down and hugs child Leo very tightly.

"Leo, look at me for a second." said the woman with a gentle voice

Child Leo looks up at the woman and saw her gently smiling at him.

"Leo, this is not your fault. You didn't do anything wrong, nor did our family did anything bad. It's just that the nobles hate us because we're special." said the woman

"Special?" said child Leo

"Yes, unlike the other nobles, our family is special. Our parents help people because they care for them. They care for other people well beings especially ours." said the woman

"Don't think of this as a bad thing. Be happy that your special and don't blame yourself for what you did. If people insult us then just ignore them. It just means that their parents don't know how to teach their child properly. Our parents, on the other hand, would always remind us to stay positive and focus more on the bright side." said the woman

"But, didn't our dad said to stand up for ourselves and speak what on our mind boldly and respectfully?" said child Leo

"Well, that too is important, but that's not the point. The point is that you should always think positively and never lose hope." said the woman as she caresses child Leo hair

"Okay, then. I promise that I will never lose hope again." said child Leo a bit confidently

"...Don't want to be an asshole but where the fuck are the parents at? I thought that their parents would have known by now that this kid ain't gonna have any friends due to his lineage. Then again, the parent's kid must have been busy at work. Seriously though, that place is really fucked up by the way. Guess all nobles really do act the same. Well except for this family and some other few that I can think of.

"Alright then. Since I'm almost done with my work anyway, why don't we go outside and have a picnic? I can always do my work anytime." said the woman as she stands up and wipes her clothes

"Really?! You want to play?!" said child Leo a bit excited

"Yup. I'll play with you after I change my clothes. Don't want to get these clothes dirty now, would we." said the woman

"Yeah! I'm gonna go outside and grab my stuff so that we can play!" said child Leo fully excited

"Alright, don't get too excited now. Just wait outside and don't do anything reckless." said the woman as she started going

After a few seconds, the room started to get distorted. Without any second, he was back floating in the dark void

"Guess that's the end of the memory, then. Never thought that I'd get to see the kids memory. Kind of...weird if you ask me considering the fact that right now I'm 'borrowing' his body. I'm still a bit disturbed by it, though." thought Leo

"Anyhow, what am I supposed to do now? This still hasn't answered my question about why I'm starting to remember all these memories." thought Leo

"Danger is coming." said the same mysterious childlike voice

Huh?! Again?! What is it now, dude?!" said Leo

"In the future, there will be an upcoming danger. Take heed as this will decide the fate of this world." said the mysterious childlike voice

"So wait, you're telling me that the fate of this world is in my hands?" said Leo

"Yes and no. The fate of this world is still in your hand's however there is another person who shares the same fate as you." said the mysterious childlike voice

"Wait?! You're telling me that there is another person. Then can you tell me who the other person is? If so then does he have the same powers as mine?" said Leo

"Unfortunately, I cannot tell you." said the mysterious childlike voice

"What?! Why?! Why do you have to be so secretive about this shit. If the fate of this world is really in our hands then why are you keeping this as a secret." said Leo

"That I cannot tell you. Either way, it looks like you're about to wake up from your sleep. New time, we shall meet again." said the mysterious childlike voice

"Hey, wait?! I'm not done with you?! There are still some questions that I...he's gone, isn't he? *Sigh* well ain't that fantastic." said Leo

"Well, guess it's time for me to wake up from this dream now. No real point of staying here anymore." said Leo as he closes his eyes

Just like last time, I started to fall down

Somewhere on the sea

Leo's Pov

"Alright, alright, I'm awake already. You don't have to shake me." said Leo as he wakes up

Leo gets up from his seat and stretches out his arm. He looks around the area only to find an island straight ahead

"Let me guess, we're here already." said Leo as he saw The Captain nods his head

"Alright, then. Guess we're going to have to dock this boat somewhere. The problem is where, though." said Leo

"Hey Hans, can you give me back the spyglass." said Leo

The Captain pulls out the spyglass inside his coat and gives it to Leo

"Thank you, now I just gotta do some quick scouting." said Leo as he uses the spyglass

"Hmm, no not there...not there either...man this island has a lot of cliffs and grass...oh, found it. There's a dock right there." said Leo as he points towards the dock

"Alright, just gotta redirect this boat and we're clear to go." said Leo

"So, there are two things we can do right now, we wait or you could help me row the boat. Which will it be? " said Leo

"On the other hand though, we could ditch this boat and just jump towards the island. It's way easier and faster. Plus, we won't be using this boat anymore, we're going to find a new one later." said Leo as he saw The Captain thinking

"If you're done with your decision, then I want you to hold out your hand and open your finger. 1 finger means option 1, 2 finger means option 2 and lastly, 3 fingers mean option 3. I'm leaning onto option 3." said Leo

After a few seconds, The Captain looks up and holds out 3 fingers

"Option number 3, it is. So, remember when I said that I'll teach you the Rokushiki technique." said Leo, as he saw The Captain, nods his head

"Well, I'm gonna teach you one of the technique right now. Question is are you up for it." said Leo as he saw The Captain nods his head

"Okay, so to start things off this technique requires your leg. It's called Geppo if your wondering. So long story short, it lets you fly with your legs." said Leo

"You might be wondering 'how can you fly with your leg?' Well, it better for me to show you rather than explaining it to you. Just watch." said Leo as he uses Geppo

"As you can see, rather than literally flying I'm actually kicking the air with my legs. This technique requires you to have strong legs," said Leo as he landed back on the boat

"Now that I've shown it to you, how about you try it. I mean you're strong right? So this should be very easy for you to do it. Come on, give it a try." said Leo

The Captain nods his head and gets up from his seat. He jumps and started using Geppo. Just like Leo, he was able to use the technique albeit very easily.

"See, I told you it was easy. Now come back here before you accidentally drop into the ocean." said Leo

The Captain nods his head and landed back on the boat.

"You know, I'm kinda surprised that this small boat hasn't broken down, yet. Guess I gotta give props to William, he really knows how to build a boat. Either way, let's get going now." said Leo as he uses Geppo

The Captain follows suit and uses Geppo to catch up to Leo. After a few minutes later, they landed on the dock without any injuries or difficulties

"See, told you it was easy." said Leo as he wipes away the dust in his jacket

"Now that we're here, there is a place that I always wanted to go. If you want to follow me then you can but if you got something else to do then we split up. You go do whatever the hell you want, as long as it's not dangerous while I go somewhere else. How does that sound to you, Hans?" said Leo, as he saw The Captain, nods his head

"Okay, I know that you can't talk but can you at least try smiling a bit? I don't want you to look so gloomy all the time. I'm not ordering you to do it but if you can, at least try smiling for once or show some emotions." said Leo

"Anyway, I'll meet you back at the docks. So see you later, for now." said Leo as he started walking towards somewhere else

The Captain looks at Leo one last time and looks at the sky, remembering Leo's word. After that, he too started going somewhere else.