Shimotsuki Village

Leo's Pov

"This village feels nice." thought Leo as he looks around the village

"You know, for a small village, this feels quite peaceful and nice. Almost reminds me of Foosha Village except that it has more hills and doesn't have any noble living here." thought Leo

"Anyway, if I remember correctly there should be a dojo somewhere around this village. Problem is where the hell is it?" thought Leo

"Hmm, maybe I should find someone and ask for directions. Like that farmer right over there." thought Leo as he saw a guy

"Hey, excuse me. Do you know where the dojo is? I tried searching for it but I can't seem to find it." said Leo as he approaches the farmer

"Oh! Just a second there, kiddo. Let this old man stretch his back for a bit." said the guy as he stretches his back and makes a crack noise

"Alright there kiddo, what was it you said again? I'm not as young or strong as I should be back in my prime." said the guy

"As I said again, do you know where the dojo is located?" said Leo

"Ah I see, let me guess, you must be new around here aren't you, kiddo." said the guy

"Yup just got here with my small boat. Heard there was an island here and I decided to visit." said Leo

"Say now, aren't you a bit too young to be sailing out there in the ocean? You do know that there are bad things out there that can kill you." said the guy

"Yeah, I know but I just don't give a damn that much. I don't care if some pirate, sea monster or bandits trying to kill me out there. They can try but in the end, they're going to meet their demise just like the rest of them." said Leo

"Hehehe, hey kiddo. You kinda remind me of myself when I was a young lad. I remembered those times just like it was yesterday. Anyway enough of my ramblings, why do you want to go to the dojo in the first place?" said the guy

"Well, I heard that there was a dojo on this island so I the curious little kid that I am, wanted to see the dojo for myself. Plus I heard that there was a kid in the dojo that is strong enough to beat an adult." said Leo

"Hmm, okay then. Well then, the dojo is right over there." said the guy as he pointed at the direction of the dojo

"Thank you. Now if you don't mind, I'm gonna go now." said Leo

"Hey kiddo, hold on a second, I got something to say to you." said the guy

"If it's something about me challenging one of the adults in the dojo then don't worry about it. As I've said before, I'm not going to lose to some trained adults that easily." said Leo

"Well, it's not about that, kiddo. It's just that there's actually someone in the dojo that is stronger than the adults. Apparently, she has never once lost a sword fight against someone else." said the guy

"This guy is obviously talking about Kuina. Can't really blame him, she really is strong. Hell, even Zoro wasn't able to beat her, not even once. Mind you Zoro was able to lift a giant ass boulder when he was a child. Seriously, just how powerful is that dude or in this timeline kid." thought Leo

"Well now, isn't that interesting. That just makes me want to go there even more. Either way, thanks for the heads up, old dude." said Leo as he walks towards the direction of the dojo

"*Sigh* Kids these days. Just what's with them and their damn adventures, can't they just stay at home and play with their friends. Oh well, I was also like him too when I was a child. Heh, my friends did say that I was always the adventurous type. *Sigh* those were some good times, I wonder what they're doing right now. Anyway, let's get back to work." said the guy

A few minutes later, Isshin Dojo

Leo's Pov

"It should be around here somewhere." thought Leo

"Ah, there it is! Now that didn't take long now, did it? Either way, I'm already here." though Leo as he looks at the dojo.

"Well now, seeing there's no one outside, guess I'll go in then." said Leo as he goes inside the dojo

Once he got inside the dojo, he looks around the area to find if there is anyone inside. He immediately uses Observation Haki and started to sense a lot of presence in another room. He goes inside the room only to see a lot of people in it. In the middle of the room, they are 2 people sparring with each other while using a wooden sword. One of them is a little boy with cropped green hair while the other one is a girl with dark blue hair. The boy is wielding 2 wooden swords while the girl is wielding just one wooden sword.

"Huh, what do you know, it's Zoro and Kuina. Guess they're having another duel again." thought Leo as he looks around the room

"It seems like these people still haven't noticed me yet. This duel must be intense then. Even though I already know who's going to win, I'm just gonna stand here and watch." thought Leo as he hides behind a wall and looks at the duel

"Huff...huff...I'm not going to lose...huff...this time I'm gonna win." said Zoro as he gets up from the ground

"Hmph, I want to see you try." said Kuina

"AAAAAHHHHHHHHH" shouted Zoro as he rushes towards Kuina

Kuina still standing immediately swing her wooden sword and hit Zoro in the face very hard.


"AAGGHHH" shouted Zoro as he falls down to the ground.

"Single blow! Stop! Winner, Kuina!" said a guy who announces Kuina as the victor

"Damn it, not again. I lost again." said Zoro as he gets up from the ground

"You're still weak, Zoro. Even though it's been a long time, you still can't beat me. Better luck next time, I guess." said Kuina

"Hey, Zoro isn't weak, right?" said a trainee

"No, not by a longshot that is. He's stronger among the male students here." said another trainee

"Hey, didn't you see. He even wins against an adult. There's no way he's weak." said another trainee

"Alright, alright quiet down everyone. This match has already been concluded. That said, why don't you come out of your hiding now." said Koushirou

"Shit he knows?! But how? I was hiding behind this wall the whole time. Either way, guess I have no choice, huh." thought Leo as got out of his hiding

"Well old man, I gotta say that's some impressive perception you got there. How did you know I was here?" said Leo

"Well, let's just call it intuition. Now, what is your purpose coming here? I never saw you in the village. Are you perhaps a traveller." said Koushirou

"You could say that. Just got here today with my small boat. But that's not important right now, I heard there was someone in this dojo that can beat an adult. Got curious and I wanted to see it for myself. Judging from the fight, let me guess it's that girl right there, isn't it." said Leo

"Then your guess is correct, this girl right is my daughter. Her name is Kuina and yes, she's the strongest person in this dojo as of now. Do you want to fight her." said Koushirou

"Heh, you bet I am. I just wanted to see how powerful is the person. So Kuina, right? Are you up for the challenge?" said Leo




"So Kuina, do you accept the challenge?" questioned Koushirou

"...If it's a fight you want, then it's a fight you'll get." said Kuina

"Alright, another challenge has been accepted! Prepare for the next round!" said Koushirou

"Now, what's your name child." said Koushirou as he approaches Leo

"Names Leo, nice to meet you, I guess. What's your name, old man" said Leo

"My name is Koushirou and the pleasure is all mine. Now then, pick your sword. You can have as many of them as you want." said Koushirou

"I don't need to. I can win using my bare fist instead." said Leo

"Oh? Are you sure about that?" said Koushirou

"Yep, I'm very much sure. Why? Do I need to have one?" said Leo

"Well, no-" said Koushirou only to get interrupted

"Then I'm good. Again, I just want to test just how powerful she is." said Leo as he goes in the middle of the room

"Hey, it looks like there's another person who's challenging Kuina. How long do you think he's gonna last." said a trainee

"I'll give him 1 minute at best. If he's lucky then I'd say 2 minutes." said another trainee

"Man, he's gonna be in a world full of pain. Just watch." said another trainee

Zoro, on the other hand, has already gotten up from the ground and sits on the side of the room. He watches Leo intently and trying to see if he can beat Kuina.

"Hey Zoro, I just noticed now but is that guy somehow related to you?" said a trainee

"Huh?! What kind of question is that?! Of course, we're not related?! What made you think we're somehow related!" said Zoro

"Hey now, don't get mad. I mean if you look at him closely, he clearly has green hair as you do." said the trainee as he holds his hands up

"Tch, yeah right. As far as I know, we're not related." said Zoro

"Again, I'm just saying." said the trainee

"Bow to the gods." said Koushirou as he and Kuina and Leo bows

"Bow to the opponent." said Koushirou as Kuina and Leo bows

"Begin!" said Koushirou

"Well now, you go first." said Leo

Kuina didn't say anything and just swings her wooden sword towards Leo. Leo who already gotten used to it dodges the attack easily. Kuina swings her sword again only for Leo to dodge again. This keeps on happening for a few minutes until Kuina got exhausted.

"That's it? Come on now, I expected something good to happen and all I got is this? Man, here I thought I get a challenge for once but it still the same." said Leo a bit disappointed

"Grrrhhh, don't count me out just yet! I still haven't lost yet." said Kuina

"Alright then, I'll give you another 30 seconds to hit me. Come on now, it's just 30 seconds, right? Surely, you can hit me at least once. If not then you really are weak." said Leo as he taunted Kuina

"Don't mock me!" said Kuina as she rushes towards Leo

For 30 seconds, Leo has been doing nothing but dodging and blocking Kuina's attack. Her swinging kept getting more faster and aggressive as time goes by. The trainees especially Zoro, on the other hand, are shocked by Leo's dodging skill. They couldn't believe that someone is able to keep with Kuina's attack.

"Well now, looks like time is up. Guess it's my turn to attack now. Hope you're ready for this" said Leo

Before anyone could react, Leo rushes towards Kuina( he didn't use Soru) and kicks Kuina in the stomach as lightly as he can. Kuina drops her sword and grabs her stomach in pain.

"Alright, it's time to finish you off." said Leo as he goes behind Kuina and chops her neck

Kuina immediately goes unconscious and was about to drop onto the ground. Before that could happen, Leo holds her stomach and gently rest her down on the ground.

"Looks like it's my win. I gotta say, even though you're weak your still persistent on trying to win. Not bad but in the end, you're still pretty weak to challenge me." said Leo

"D-d-did you guys saw that?! He beat Kuina like she was nothing?!" said a trainee

"J-just what kind of training did he do to get this strong?!" said another trainee

"Jeez and here I thought Kuina was the strongest, turns out there's an even bigger monster." said another trainee

To say Zoro is surprised would be an understatement. He is shocked by how easy it is for Leo to beat Kuina that easily. Not only that, but he also did this without even throwing a punch. Just a simple kick in the chest and she's out. There was still one thing that he wants to know.

"Just how did he get that strong in the first place. I've been doing none stop training for a long time and I still wasn't able to beat Kuina. But he beat her like she was nothing." thought Zoro as he is bit mad but at the same time curious about Leo

"Oh, I'm sorry Koushirou. I guess I went a little overboard with your daughter, didn't I? Hehehe." said Leo as he scratches his hair

"W-well then, that was quite...an intriguing match. Then without further ado, I conclude this match winner is Leo." said Koushirou

"I guess I'll be going now. Thanks for the match by the way. I'm gonna be honest with you, that match didn't felt as hard as I thought it would be. Don't worry though, this isn't the worst match that I have ever had but at the same time, it wasn't good. Oh, and when she wakes up, tell her that if she wants a rematch then you can find me in a nearby forest tomorrow. Until then, goodbye everyone." said Leo as he goes out of the room.

A few seconds later, he got out of the dojo.

"Well, I'm not really surprised about that. I already knew that I was gonna win. The only reason that I challenge her was for the fun of it and it was all part of a plan. I can definitely say now that things are about to change." thought Leo

"You know, I wonder what Hans is doing right now?" thought Leo

The Captain's Pov

On the other side of the island, The Captain is leisurely walking on a stone pathway while looking around the village. The village is peaceful and everyone in the village is doing their own things. But for some reason, when he entered the village The Captain has been having this bad feeling, like something bad is about to happen.

Not long after a group of what appears to be a bandits came into the village with their weapon ready. One of the bandits who's presumably the leader came upfront and announces themselves.


Everyone in the village started to panic and is frightened by the bandit's sudden arrival and weapons. They started giving them their money and any valuable items that they have on them. The Captain, on the other hand, just looks at the group of bandits in boredom( even though he still has the same stoic expression) and started walking away thinking this as nothing but a bothersome. Unfortunately for him, one of the bandits saw him walking away.

"Hey! You with the green coat! Don't try and think you can run away from us! Now stay there before I start shooting you" said one of the bandits

The Captain ignores him and just walks away.

"Hey! You deaf or something! I told you to stay!" said the bandit again

The Captain ignores him again and still walks away like nothing ever happened. Albeit, he is a bit annoyed about the bandit interrupting his nice walk. The bandit annoyed by this brings out his gun and aims it at The Captain.

"Alright! You ask for this!" said the bandit

"Hey! Watch out!" said one of the villagers as he tried to warn The Captain


The bandit shoots his gun and thought that he killed him. However, The Captain dodges the bullet.

"What! But how?! I'm sure I hit him!" said the bandit

The Captain turns around and looks at the bandit who shot at him. Without anyone knowing, The Captain rushes towards the bandit and punches him in the face. The bandit got sent flying and crashes towards a nearby building, killing him instantly. The rest of the bandits looks at the building and then towards The Captain. All of the people are shocked at how powerful The Captain is.

"Holy fucking shit! He killed Bob!" said one of the bandits

"Y-you goddamn bastard!" said another bandit

The Captain now fully aware look towards the group of bandits with both his eyes shining red. Everyone including the bandits flinches back in fright as they saw The Captain looks at the bandit. They felt as if they woke up a sleeping wolf trying to get some good sleep. The Captain cracks both his hand and started slowly walking towards the bandit.

"C-come on guys, it's just one guy, r-right. If we all rush him then we can kill him and take his stuff. I bet he has lots of money on him." said the bandit leader as he tries to cheer the other bandits

One by one, the bandit started regaining back their confidence and started rushing towards him. Needless to say, things got a bit too...bloody.

Back to Leo

"I'm sure he's doing alright. I mean there's no one in this island that can kill us. Hell he's probably having a good time right now." thought Leo

The Captain Pov

"AAAAAAHHHHHH!" shouted a bandit as The Captain slams his head on a building

"WHO THE FUCK IS THIS GUY!" shouted another bandit as he tries to crawl away only for The Captain to grab his legs and use him as a weapon to hit another bandit

"OH HELL NO! I'M GETTING OUT OF HERE!" said another bandit trying to escape

The Captain immediately goes behind the bandit and pierce his chest using his hand.

" H-h-help...m-m-m-e-e-e." said the bandit as he reaches out his hand for help only for him to die afterwards

The Captain retracted back his hand and let the corpse of the bandit fall down to the ground.

Safe to say, the people in the village especially the kids are now traumatized for life.

Leo's Pov

"Yeah, he's probably doing okay. Probably taking a nice walk. Just hope that they don't provoke him." thought Leo

"Anyhow, I should go back to the dock by now. It's getting late anyway. He's probably there waiting for me right now." thought Leo as he started walking back to the dock

"Alright, now that I've done fighting her, she should try to challenge me again tomorrow. If my plan goes smooth and well, then I'll be getting a new crew very soon. I just gotta be patient and wait for a great opportunity to snatch it. It's only a matter of time." thought Leo

"Heh, just a bit of word and some manipulation should do the trick. This should be easy," said Leo as he smirks at himself