Nighttime, Docks

Leo's Pov

In the middle of the night, a certain green-haired kid is leisurely taking his time walking towards the docks. While he is walking he is thinking about the dream that he had back at the boat.

Mini flashback...

"The fate of this world is still in your hand's however there is another person who shares the same fate as you." said the mysterious childlike voice

Mini flashback end

"The fate of this world is in my hands, huh? So essentially, it's your typical 'saving the world from destruction' type of cliche. Not only that but it seems like there's another person who shares the same fate as me. *Sigh* why does this keep happening to me." thought Leo

"But there's something that still quite bothers me. Who is that said person? I mean it could pretty much be anyone in this world." thought Leo

"However, I do have some idea of who it might be. The first one would obviously be Luffy since he's the protagonist of this show. I highly doubt it though considering that the mysterious voice didn't say anything related about Luffy, it just mentioned about some person. Which leads to my second theory, the said person must be a reincarnated or transmigrated person just like me. If you think about it, it would make so much sense and logical. If I remember correctly, The System did say that there is 1 in a billion chance of a person getting reincarnated in this world. So maybe that person might have won the lottery and got reincarnated in this world." thought Leo

"However, if that's not the case then that leads to my third and final theory. I think that all of this happened is because of the butterfly effect. If you think about it, I clearly should not have existed in this world and this body of a kid clearly should have rotted in the alleyway. What I'm trying to say here is that maybe just maybe someone might have found something that shouldn't have existed in this world but somehow he/she did. However, if that's also not the case then at this point, I don't know. Maybe it's just some random normal person that just have shit for luck." thought Leo

"Man all this thinking is gonna give me a headache. The only thing I can do right now is to be careful and just see what happens." thought Leo as he scratches his hair

Without Leo realizing he finally arrives at the dock. He looks around the area to see if The Captain is here. He saw no one.

"That's weird, I thought he would be here by now. Oh well, guess I'll just sit here for a while and wait for him. He's probably doing something else." thought Leo as he sits down

"Now what should I do right now? I don't want to sit here and do nothing, that would be too boring. Hmmm, maybe I should start training on using my Devil Fruit Powers. Let's see here..." said Leo as he opens up The System

Sakana-Sakana No Mi, Model: Cthulhu( Level 5)

Desc: It is a Mythical Zoan type that allows the user to transform into Cthulhu, which is a green giant with an octopus head, dragon-like wings and sharp claws.

-R'lyehian Language/ Cthulhu Language

Desc: By eating this Devil Fruit, the user can now write, read, speak and understand the language of Cthulu itself.

-Flight/ Wing manifestation

Desc: By using the power of this Devil Fruit, the user is able to manifest dragon-like wings that grow on the back of the body allowing the user to fly.

-Locked( Reached Level 15)

-Locked( Reached Level 25)

-Locked( Reached Level 40)

-Locked( Reached Level 55)

-Locked( Reached Level 70)

-Locked( Reached Level 85)

-Locked( Reached Level 100)

"Huh, I didn't even realize that my Devil Fruit is now Level 5. Well, that's good to know, man I should really stop neglecting my Devil Fruit and start training it. I guess the reason that I didn't pay attention to my Devil Fruit anymore is probably that I'm still scared about 'that' dream." thought Leo as he remembers the dream again

"Nope! Nope! Nope! Nope! I'm not gonna remember that one again. That shit scared me so bad that I literally can't sleep for 3 days straight. I tried to sleep but I'm just too scared and traumatized to do it. I mean can you just imagine meeting with Cthulhu in the flesh and face to face. I don't care if it's a dream or not but that shit still scared me." thought Leo as he immediately tries not to remember it again

"Anyway, let's try and grow some wings on my back. I always do wonder on how dragons would feel when they flap their wings and fly." thought Leo as he closes his eyes and concentrates on growing his wings

After a few minutes later, nothing really strange or weird happens. He opens his eye and checks his back to see if there are any wings. Sadly though, there is none.

"Hmm, maybe I should try to concentrate even harder. Perhaps that would work?" whispered Leo as he concentrates again

After a few minutes again, he started to feel something weird growing on his back. After another few minutes, he immediately felt something attached and moving on his back. He opens his eyes again and checks to see if anything change. He looks back and to his delight, he sees two large dragon-like wings sprouted behind his back.

"Woah! This is so cool and awesome!" said Leo as he starts touching the wings

"Man, this feels so weird though. I mean don't get me wrong, I've already done this with The Darkness before but still, it just feels so weird. It's like trying to play a video game with 2 controllers." said Leo as he tries to move his wing

As he tries practising on moving his wings, he hears a footstep coming towards the docks. He looks towards the sound only for him to see The Captain standing there with his clothes covered in blood

"Oh! There you are, Hans! What took you so long? Plus, why is your coat covered in dried blood? Did someone try to rob you or something?" said Leo

The Captain looks at Leo and just nods his head. Leo then notices that there is something in his hands.

"Hey Hans, what's that on your right hand. By any chance, is it money?" questioned Leo

The Captain looks at his right hand and looks at Leo while nodding his head

"Let me guess after you kill the robbers, you stole their money," said Leo

The Captain silently started to remember the aftermath of the whole 'fight' that he had with the group of bandits


3rd Pov

The whole villagers silently look at the carnage in front of them with a pale face. Bodies of the bandits were scattered around the area, some of the bodies literally got torn apart. The whole village was painted in nothing but blood and testicles. The Captain stood in the middle of the battlefield with his clothes drenched in blood. He looks at the dead bodies with cold eyes as if they were nothing but a nuisance to him.

"M-m-mom...i-i-i'm scared." cried one of the children

"It's o-o-okay now, he's n-n-not gonna hurt us." said the child's mother as she hugs her son

He picks up a small sack full of money from one of the dead bodies and walks towards the villager. The villager flinches back in fright and is scared to move. The Captain ignores the villagers frightened looks and goes toward the child. The mother seeing him walking towards them hugs her son even tighter and protectively. She looks at The Captain fearing that he might kill them if she said something wrong

"P-please don't k-k-kill my son. H-he didn't do anything wrong. If anything k-k-kill me if your still not satisfied." said the mother

The Captain crouches down to her level and grabs something from the sack. To everyone surprise, he gives her some coins. The mother confused by this looks at The Captain in shock.

"W-why? Why did you give us some money? Aren't you still unsatisfied?" questioned the mother

The Captain without saying anything gets up from his crouching position and started walking away.

"T-thank you! We won't forget your kindness." shouted the mother

The Captain didn't even turn around and just started walking away like nothing ever happened. I guess you could say that he's continuing his nice walk.

Flashback end

Leo's Pov

The Captain looks at Leo and nods his head. He then looks at his wing and gave him a questioning look

"Oh! You must be wondering why I have wings." said Leo as he saw The Captain nods his head

"Well, let's just say that I ate a Devil Fruit and that's how I got my wings." said Leo

The Captain still confused about it gave Leo another questioning look again

"Did I ever explain anything to you about Devil Fruits?" question Leo as he saw The Captain shakes his head

"Okay, long story short, Devil Fruit is just fruits that gave you powers. There are 3 types of Devil Fruits which consist of Paramecia, Zoan and Logia. Paramecia just gives you a 'superhuman" power like your body turning into rubber, Logia just gives you the power to create, control and transform your body into any natural elements like fire and Zoan just turns your body into any animals like a mongrel...if that's offensive to you then I'm sorry.

"Zoan also consists of 3 subclasses. We have your regular Zoan type that as I said before can turn you into any common animals like a mongrel, again I'm sorry if that's offensive. Then we have Ancient Zoan this one, unlike any other normal Zoan, gives you the ability to turn into an animal that has already been extinct like dinosaurs. Finally, we have Mythical Zoan, this subtype gives you the ability to transform into creatures that can be considered as a myth or legends. For example, since your a werewolf your powers could be mistaken as a Mythical Zoan." said Leo

"Although I don't know if this is considered a subclass or not, there's actually another type of Zoan subclass. It called an Artificial Zoan type. Unlike any other Zoan Devil Fruits, this one is man-made by humans. To be honest, I don't know much about this type of Devil Fruit but I did hear that it can transform any certain part of your body into an animal. Let say, like turning your hands into bull horns. Unfortunately for them though, once you ate the fruit there's only a 1 out of 10 chance that you're actually gonna get the Devil Fruit abilities." said Leo

"Oh, and once you ate a Devil Fruit, you pretty much have this curse where you can't swim in seawater anymore. So not only will they not receive the power, they can never swim again. Before you ask no, you can't eat 2 Devil Fruit. If you do then you die. Now did you get all that." said Leo as he saw The Captain nods his head

"If you're wondering what kind of Devil Fruit I ate, it's a Mythical Zoan. If you're also wondering what it is then...I will give you a hint, let's just say once I awaken this power, the whole world will bow down and beg for mercy. However, this power can also kill me if I don't use and train it properly. It's very dangerous." said Leo very seriously

"So, now that I explain everything to you about Devil Fruit, why don't we go find an inn. There has to be one somewhere around this island." said Leo as he returns back to his cheerful self

"Before that, I should probably retract back this wing. Don't want people to think that I'm the devil or something, am I right." said Leo as he retracts back his wings

"Now since that's done, let's go find an inn. Hey Hans, since you've already explored some of this island, do you perhaps know where it is?" said Leo as he gets up

The Captain nods his head and points at the direction of the inn.

"Great, let's get going now. It's already nighttime and I'm already tired... actually no that was a lie and I'm still energized. But let's just go find an inn." said Leo as he and The Captain started walking

Isshin Dojo

3rd Pov

In the dojo, there are 2 people in a room doing their things. One of them is sitting and watching to the still unconscious girl while the other one is looking at the sky.

"How is Kuina's doing? I take it she hasn't woken up yet?" said Koushirou

"She hasn't wake up since the fight ended. I gotta say though, that kid is tough. From the looks of it, he didn't even take that fight very seriously. If that kid trained here then he's gonna become one hell of a monster one day." said the guy

"Yes. Yes he would." said Koushirou

"So what's your opinion on him? You've been looking at him in interest since the start of the fight. Did he catch your eye or something?" said the guy

"I'd be lying if I say I wouldn't. To the other people's eye, he would just look like your average child. But to me, he would be something else." said Koushirou

"What do you mean by that?" said the guy

"How do I put this. He's more or less would be like a snake." said Koushirou

"A snake? Why would you compare a kid with a snake?" said the guy

"Well, snakes do prefer to avoid people at all cost and will always attack if they are provoked. When I saw that kid come in the dojo, I saw him getting a bit defensive when I announced his arrival." said Koushirou

"I mean you can't really blame him, of course, he would get a bit defensive after knowing someone saw you." said the guy

"True but he did enter my dojo without my consent or knowledge. It's a good thing he didn't steal anything. Although, there's really nothing valuable to even steal in the first place, to begin with." said Koushirou

"Anyway like I said before, the way he acts is just like a snake. Although for whatever reason, he wants to challenge Kuina to a fight even though he already knew he would win." said Koushirou

"So what's the problem with that? Maybe the kid is just curious? I mean Zoro was like that when he tried to challenge her but the difference is that he lost." said the guy

"That's what I would have thought until I saw him looking at Kuina. When I saw those eyes, I could tell that he looked so sad and nostalgic. It's as if he knows something bad is about to happen to Kuina." said Koushirou

"How could you tell if someone looks so sad? I mean to me, he looks pretty bored and disappointed about the whole fight." said the guy

"Well, let's just say that after years of experience, I can tell what people feel just by looking at their eyes." said Koushirou

After a few minutes of silence, they suddenly heard a groan coming from the girl.

"Oh, it looks like someone finally woke up from their sleep." said the guy

"Auuggghhhh, what happened?" said Kuina as she gets up and holds her neck

"Well, you lost that's what happened. Long story short, after you got kicked in the stomach he chopped your neck and you fall unconscious. Thankfully, you didn't suffer any serious damage, it's only just a bruise." said the guy

"I...lost." whispered Kuina

"Alright, why don't we give here some time to think. This is technically her first loss and it takes a lot of time for someone to recover( not really I'm just making that up)." said Koushirou as he and the other guy walks out of the room

"Oh, and by the way Kuina, he told me that if you wanted a rematch then you can find him in a nearby forest tomorrow." said Koushirou as he walks out of the room.

The room was deathly silent and the only thing that can be heard right now is the wind blowing away. Kuina a bit mad and very upset about herself, grinds her teeth in anger and cups her fist very tightly.

"I...lost. This is my first time losing to someone. All those years I trained so hard and yet I lost to someone whom I don't even know. To top it all of, he didn't even take me seriously. He looked so bored and disappointed." thought Kuina

"I'm so angry right now but at the same time, I feel so...relieved? But why though...I lost to someone, I should be very disappointed with myself." thought Kuina

"Maybe father was right, girls can't grow stronger. As time goes by they become weaker than man...No! I won't accept that! I'll show father that I can become stronger. To prove that, I'm gonna train even harder and beat that boy. But the problem is, where am I gonna find him? He could be anywhere on this island." thought Kuina.

"Wait! Father did say that if I wanted a rematch then he's gonna wait in the forest tomorrow. So that means I can still fight him again. This time around, I'm gonna focus on his moves and when he's going to retaliate back." said Kuina as she looks at her hand with a determined look on her face

Morning, Somewhere in the forest

Leo's Pov

2 people can be spotted going into the forest. One of them is a kid and the other one is a guy( you guys already know who it is). If the other people ever saw this they could mistake it to be a kidnapping or murder.

"Here we are! We finally found the forest! Now that didn't take that long." said Leo

"Oh! Sorry if I wake you up this early but you must be wondering why I drag you here." said Leo as he saw The Captain nods his head

"Remember when I said I'll teach you on how to use The 6 Rokushiki. Yeah, I'm gonna start teaching it to you today." said Leo

"So before we start, do you have anything you need to do? Cause this shit is gonna take a long ass time. I mean this took me 2 years and even then I still haven't mastered it yet. Now I'll say it again, do you have anything important you need to do before we start?" said Leo as he saw The Captain shakes his head

"Good, now let's get started. You might want to write this in your notebook." said Leo as he saw The Captain immediately brought out his notebook and pen

( You people can skip this if you want to. It's pretty much just Leo explaining what Rokushiki is to The Captain. I'll put in another text when the explanation ended )

"So, let's start explaining what Rokushiki is. To put it short, it pretty much superhuman martial arts. Once you mastered on how to use Rokushiki, you're pretty much gonna have the strength of 100 people." said Leo

"As I said before, there are six Rokushiki techniques. You've already learned one of them which is Geppo, so there's no need for me to explain that to you. Now we move onto the next one which is called Tekkai. Tekkai just essentially hardens your body and muscle to the level of iron. As an example, I want you to punch me as in the chest hard as you can." said Leo

"Tekkai!" thought Leo

The Captain after hearing what Leo said, immediately punches him in the chest. Leo skidded back a bit and looks at The Captain.

-13 Damage

"Did you feel anything hard when you punch my chest?" said Leo as he saw The Captain nods his head

"As you can see, it increases my body and muscle to the level of iron so that I can take strong forces and attack. Unfortunately, it only just reduces the damage of the attack and you can't really move when you used Tekkai. Although, if you train and utilize on how to use Tekkai you can pretty much use another technique called Tekkai Kenpo." said Leo

"Now the next one is called Shigan. You see this tree right here." said Leo as he touches the tree

"Shigan!" thought Leo as he pushes his finger into the tree.

"As you can see, Shigan is a technique where the user pushes his finger so fast that it leaves a bullet wound inside someone or something. Unfortunately, it can only be used in close-quarter combat and it can't counter or deflect another person's attack. If you did that though, then you're going to break your finger." said Leo

"Up next we have Rankyaku. Now, do you see those trees right there." said Leo as he pointed at the tree

"Rankyaku!" thought Leo as he kicks very fast and sends out a sharp air blade

The tree suddenly got cut clean in half. Multiple trees also got cut in half. ( God the poor trees that have to endure getting abused left and right.)

"As you can see, Rankyaku is a technique where you start kicking so fast to the point where it sends out a compressed air blade that can slice through a human body like butter. Like Geppo you're going to need a strong leg if you want to use this technique." said Leo

" Now onto the next one, this one is called Soru. Now watch this." said Leo

"Soru!" thought Leo as he immediately vanishes out of thin air

"As you can see, this technique allows you to move so fast that normal people would mistakenly think that you vanish out of thin air." said Leo as he saw The Captain turns around and saw Leo standing there with a grin

"Soru!" thought Leo

"As you can also see if you train and utilize how to use Soru, you can essentially attack, use Geppo or Tekkai while using Soru." said Leo as he saw The Captain turn left and saw Leo sitting cross-legged on a tree with a grin

"Honestly, this technique is so fun to use and easy to understand. It's literally just you running like a madman only for this one you need to kick the ground at least 10 times for it to work." said Leo

"Soru!" thought Leo as he vanishes again and this time is in front of The Captain.

"Finally this is the last technique of Rokushiki,

It's called Kami-e. Now I want you to punch me again but this time I want you to punch me as many times as you can." said Leo

"On my count in 3!" said Leo as he saw The Captain get ready to punch him

"2!" said Leo

"1!" said Leo as he saw The Captain immediately started punching him

"Kami-e," thought Leo as he started dodging the attack by moving his body

"Now as you can see, this technique makes your body so flexible so that you can avoid any attack like a piece of paper. This technique is also based more onto your reflexes. Alright you can stop now." said Leo as The Captain stops his attack

"That's pretty much all of the Rokushiki technique...is what I would have said. There's actually a seventh secret technique in Rokushiki. Now listen up! This one far surpasses any of the 6 Rokushiki technique that I've mentioned before." said Leo as he saw The Captain paying close attention

"Alright then, so this technique is called The Rokougan. Now hear me out on this one, this technique can only be used if you mastered all 6 of the Rokushiki technique. Unfortunately for me, I can't really show it to you since well I still haven't mastered all 6 of them yet. However, I can explain it to you on how it works. So essentially you put both your fist right in front of your target and focus your physical strength." said Leo as he imitates what he said

"Now once you focus your strength, it immediately launches a devastating shockwave in a forward direction. Let's just say that it's so powerful to the point where it can bypass any defence even if you're immune to blunt damage. However, this technique can also be pretty hard and tiring after you use it, so be careful." said Leo

(Alright this is the end of the explanation.)

"Now, that's pretty much all of the 6 techniques in Rokushiki. Did you get all that." said Leo, as he saw The Captain, nods his head and closes the notebook.

"Good, so now let's start training. But first, why don't I introduce you to our guest today. It seems like someone followed us in this forest." said Leo

"Alright, little girlie! You can stop playing hide and seek and come out now! Don't try to ignore me I know you're there!" shouted Leo

A few seconds later, a girl who is now revealed Kuina comes out of her hiding.

"So, let me guess. I presume that you wanted another rematch, am I right." said Leo

"Yes, as you know I've come for a rematch. But before that, how did you know I was hiding?" said Kuina as she held out a wooden sword

"Hmph, let's just say a magician never reveals his secret. Although, I already knew you were there since the beginning. Question is, how long did you see?" said Leo

"Long enough for you to finish your explanation, I gotta say those techniques that you've just shown are very deadly and strong." said Kuina

"So, now that you know how strong I am, what are you gonna do now? Are you gonna run away or are you going to fight me?" said Leo

"Truthfully, I'm a bit scared seeing as how you can beat me on a whim. However, that still won't change anything. I don't care how long it's going to take me but one day, I'm gonna beat you!" said Kuina with determination in her voice

"Stubborn but if its a challenge you want then it's a challenge you'll get. Alright then, let's get started." said Leo as he takes his stance

"Okay!" said Kuina as she also took her stance

After a few seconds, both of them started rushing at each other.

A few minutes later...

"Well now, that was easy." said Leo as he looks at the now unconscious Kuina

"Wasn't really that surprising. But hey, at least you beat your record by just 3 whole seconds so that's better than nothing, am I right?" said Leo jokingly

"Alright, let's put you somewhere you can rest. Don't want you feeling uncomfortable when you sleep. Maybe that tree over there would be good." said Leo as he picks up Kuina bridal style

and puts her body under a tree

"Since that's done, now we can start your training. Sorry if I ignored you the whole time though, no hard feelings right?" said Leo as he saw The Captain shakes his head

"Good, now let's get started." said Leo as he started training him on using the Rokushiki technique.